/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2007,Radon Labs GmbH Copyright (c) 2011-2013,WebJet Business Division,CYOU http://www.genesis-3d.com.cn Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "stdneb.h" #include "appframework/feature.h" namespace App { __ImplementClass(App::Feature, 'GAFE' , Core::RefCounted); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** */ Feature::Feature() : mActive(false), mRenderDebug(false) { // empty } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** */ Feature::~Feature() { // empty } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method is called by Game::GameServer::ActivateComponents(). Use this method for one-time initializations of the Feature. */ void Feature::OnActivate() { n_assert(!this->IsActive()); this->mActive = true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method is called by Game::GameServer::DeactivateComponents(). Use this method to cleanup stuff which has been initialized in OnActivate(). */ void Feature::OnDeactivate() { n_assert(this->IsActive()); // remove all managers while (this->mManagers.Size() > 0) { this->mManagers[0]->OnDeactivate(); this->mManagers.EraseIndex(0); } this->mActive = false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method is called from within Game::GameServer::Load() on load of a savegame. */ void Feature::OnLoad() { // now call the OnLoad() method on all managers int managerIndex; int numManagers = this->mManagers.Size(); for (managerIndex = 0; managerIndex < numManagers; ++managerIndex) { // invoke OnLoad() on manager this->mManagers[managerIndex]->OnLoad(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method is called from within Game::GameServer::Save(). It's called on save of a game. */ void Feature::OnSave() { int managerIndex; int numManagers = this->mManagers.Size(); for (managerIndex = 0; managerIndex < numManagers; ++managerIndex) { this->mManagers[managerIndex]->OnSave(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method is called from within Game::GameServer::OnStart(). Its called after all game features are activated and have initialized their subsystems. Use this */ void Feature::OnStart() { // call the OnStart method on all managers int managerIndex; int numManagers = this->mManagers.Size(); for (managerIndex = 0; managerIndex < numManagers; ++managerIndex) { this->mManagers[managerIndex]->OnStart(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method is called from within Game::GameServer::Stop(). */ void Feature::OnStop() { int managerIndex; int numManagers = this->mManagers.Size(); for (managerIndex = 0; managerIndex < numManagers; ++managerIndex) { this->mManagers[managerIndex]->OnStop(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method is called from Game::GameServer::OnBeginFrame() on all game features attached to an GameServer in the order of attachment. Override this method if your Feature has to do any work at the beginning of the frame. */ void Feature::OnBeginFrame() { // call OnBeginFrame() on managers int managerIndex; int numManagers = this->mManagers.Size(); for (managerIndex = 0; managerIndex < numManagers; ++managerIndex) { this->mManagers[managerIndex]->OnBeginFrame(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method is called from Game::GameServer::OnMoveBefore() on all game features attached to an GameServer in the order of attachment. Override this method if your Feature has any work to do before the physics subsystem is triggered. */ void Feature::OnFrame() { // call OnFrame() on managers int managerIndex; int numManagers = this->mManagers.Size(); for (managerIndex = 0; managerIndex < numManagers; ++managerIndex) { this->mManagers[managerIndex]->OnFrame(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method is called from Game::GameServer::OnRender() on all game features attached to an GameServer in the order of attachment. Override this method if your Feature has any work to do before rendering happens. */ void Feature::OnEndFrame() { // call OnEndFrame() on managers int managerIndex; int numManagers = this->mManagers.Size(); for (managerIndex = 0; managerIndex < numManagers; ++managerIndex) { this->mManagers[managerIndex]->OnEndFrame(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method is called from Game::GameServer::OnRenderDebug() on all game features attached to an GameServer in the order of attachment. It's meant for debug issues. It will be called when debug mode is enabled. */ void Feature::OnRenderDebug() { // call OnEndFrame() on managers int managerIndex; int numManagers = this->mManagers.Size(); for (managerIndex = 0; managerIndex < numManagers; ++managerIndex) { this->mManagers[managerIndex]->OnRenderDebug(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Attach a manager object to the game world. The manager's OnActivate() method will be called once right away, and then its OnFrame() method once per frame. */ void Feature::AttachManager(const GPtr& manager) { n_assert(manager); IndexT index = this->mManagers.FindIndex(manager); n_assert(InvalidIndex == index); manager->OnActivate(); this->mManagers.Append(manager); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Remove a manager object from the game world. The manager's OnDeactivate() method will be called. */ void Feature::RemoveManager(const GPtr& manager) { n_assert(manager); IndexT index = this->mManagers.FindIndex(manager); if (InvalidIndex != index) { this->mManagers[index]->OnDeactivate(); this->mManagers.EraseIndex(index); } } }; // namespace Game