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All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved. #ifndef PX_FOUNDATION_PX_SIMPLE_TYPES_H #define PX_FOUNDATION_PX_SIMPLE_TYPES_H /** \addtogroup foundation @{ */ // Platform specific types: //Design note: Its OK to use int for general loop variables and temps. #include "foundation/PxPreprocessor.h" #include "foundation/Px.h" #ifndef PX_DOXYGEN namespace physx { #endif #if defined(PX_WINDOWS) || defined(PX_WINMODERN) || defined(DOXYGEN) typedef signed __int64 PxI64; typedef signed int PxI32; typedef signed short PxI16; typedef signed char PxI8; typedef unsigned __int64 PxU64; typedef unsigned int PxU32; typedef unsigned short PxU16; typedef unsigned char PxU8; typedef float PxF32; typedef double PxF64; #elif defined(PX_LINUX) || defined(PX_ANDROID) typedef signed long long PxI64; typedef signed int PxI32; typedef signed short PxI16; typedef signed char PxI8; typedef unsigned long long PxU64; typedef unsigned int PxU32; typedef unsigned short PxU16; typedef unsigned char PxU8; typedef float PxF32; typedef double PxF64; #elif defined(PX_APPLE) typedef signed long long PxI64; typedef signed int PxI32; typedef signed short PxI16; typedef signed char PxI8; typedef unsigned long long PxU64; typedef unsigned int PxU32; typedef unsigned short PxU16; typedef unsigned char PxU8; typedef float PxF32; typedef double PxF64; #elif defined(PX_PS3) typedef signed long long PxI64; typedef signed int PxI32; typedef signed short PxI16; typedef signed char PxI8; typedef unsigned long long PxU64; typedef unsigned int PxU32; typedef unsigned short PxU16; typedef unsigned char PxU8; typedef float PxF32; typedef double PxF64; #elif defined(PX_PSP2) typedef signed long long PxI64; typedef signed int PxI32; typedef signed short PxI16; typedef signed char PxI8; typedef unsigned long long PxU64; typedef unsigned int PxU32; typedef unsigned short PxU16; typedef unsigned char PxU8; typedef float PxF32; typedef double PxF64; #elif defined(PX_X360) typedef signed __int64 PxI64; typedef signed int PxI32; typedef signed short PxI16; typedef signed char PxI8; typedef unsigned __int64 PxU64; typedef unsigned int PxU32; typedef unsigned short PxU16; typedef unsigned char PxU8; typedef float PxF32; typedef double PxF64; #elif defined(PX_WII) typedef signed long long PxI64; typedef signed int PxI32; typedef signed short PxI16; typedef signed char PxI8; typedef unsigned long long PxU64; typedef unsigned int PxU32; typedef unsigned short PxU16; typedef unsigned char PxU8; typedef float PxF32; typedef double PxF64; #else #error Unknown platform! #endif PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(PxI8)==1); PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(PxU8)==1); PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(PxI16)==2); PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(PxU16)==2); PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(PxI32)==4); PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(PxU32)==4); PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(PxI64)==8); PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(PxU64)==8); // Type ranges #define PX_MAX_I8 127 //maximum possible sbyte value, 0x7f #define PX_MIN_I8 (-128) //minimum possible sbyte value, 0x80 #define PX_MAX_U8 255U //maximum possible ubyte value, 0xff #define PX_MIN_U8 0 //minimum possible ubyte value, 0x00 #define PX_MAX_I16 32767 //maximum possible sword value, 0x7fff #define PX_MIN_I16 (-32768) //minimum possible sword value, 0x8000 #define PX_MAX_U16 65535U //maximum possible uword value, 0xffff #define PX_MIN_U16 0 //minimum possible uword value, 0x0000 #define PX_MAX_I32 2147483647 //maximum possible sdword value, 0x7fffffff #define PX_MIN_I32 (-2147483647 - 1) //minimum possible sdword value, 0x80000000 #define PX_MAX_U32 4294967295U //maximum possible udword value, 0xffffffff #define PX_MIN_U32 0 //minimum possible udword value, 0x00000000 #define PX_MAX_F32 3.4028234663852885981170418348452e+38F //maximum possible float value #define PX_MAX_F64 DBL_MAX //maximum possible double value #define PX_EPS_F32 FLT_EPSILON //maximum relative error of float rounding #define PX_EPS_F64 DBL_EPSILON //maximum relative error of double rounding #ifndef PX_FOUNDATION_USE_F64 typedef PxF32 PxReal; #define PX_MAX_REAL PX_MAX_F32 #define PX_EPS_REAL PX_EPS_F32 #define PX_NORMALIZATION_EPSILON PxReal(1e-20f) #else typedef PxF64 PxReal; #define PX_MAX_REAL PX_MAX_F64 #define PX_EPS_REAL PX_EPS_F64 #define PX_NORMALIZATION_EPSILON PxReal(1e-180) #endif #ifndef PX_DOXYGEN } // namespace physx #endif /** @} */ #endif // PX_FOUNDATION_PX_SIMPLE_TYPES_H