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/** \addtogroup vehicle
#include "PxFiltering.h"
#include "foundation/PxSimpleTypes.h"
#include "vehicle/PxVehicleShaders.h"
#include "vehicle/PxVehicleComponents.h"
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
namespace physx
class PxVehicleWheels4SimData;
class PxVehicleWheels4DynData;
class PxRigidDynamic;
class PxShape;
class PxPhysics;
class PxMaterial;
\brief Data structure describing configuration data of a vehicle with up to 20 wheels,
class PxVehicleWheelsSimData
friend class PxVehicleWheels;
friend class PxVehicleDrive4W;
friend class PxVehicleDriveTank;
friend class PxVehicleUpdate;
\brief Allocate a PxVehicleWheelsSimData instance for with numWheels.
@see free
static PxVehicleWheelsSimData* allocate(const PxU32 numWheels);
\brief Setup with mass information that can be applied to the default values of the suspensions, wheels, and tires
set in their respective constructors.
This function assumes that the suspensions equally share the load of the chassis mass. It also
assumes that the suspension will have a particular natural frequency and damping ratio that is typical
of a standard car. If either of these assumptions is broken then each suspension will need to
be individually configured with custom strength, damping rate, and sprung mass.
@see allocate
void setChassisMass(const PxF32 chassisMass);
\brief Free a PxVehicleWheelsSimData instance
@see allocate
void free();
\brief Copy wheel simulation data.
PxVehicleWheelsSimData& operator=(const PxVehicleWheelsSimData& src);
\brief Copy the data of a single wheel unit (wheel, suspension, tire) from srcWheel of src to trgWheel.
void copy(const PxVehicleWheelsSimData& src, const PxU32 srcWheel, const PxU32 trgWheel);
\brief Return the number of wheels
@see allocate
PxU32 getNumWheels() const {return mNumActiveWheels;}
\brief Return the suspension data of the idth wheel
const PxVehicleSuspensionData& getSuspensionData(const PxU32 id) const;
\brief Return the wheel data of the idth wheel
const PxVehicleWheelData& getWheelData(const PxU32 id) const;
\brief Return the tire data of the idth wheel
const PxVehicleTireData& getTireData(const PxU32 id) const;
\brief Return the direction of travel of the suspension of the idth wheel
const PxVec3& getSuspTravelDirection(const PxU32 id) const;
\brief Return the application point of the suspension force of the suspension of the idth wheel.
\brief Specified relative to the centre of mass of the rigid body
const PxVec3& getSuspForceAppPointOffset(const PxU32 id) const;
\brief Return the application point of the tire force of the tire of the idth wheel.
\brief Specified relative to the centre of mass of the rigid body
const PxVec3& getTireForceAppPointOffset(const PxU32 id) const;
\brief Return the offset from the rigid body centre of mass to the centre of the idth wheel.
const PxVec3& getWheelCentreOffset(const PxU32 id) const;
\brief Return the data that describes the filtering of the tire load to produce smoother handling at large timesteps.
PX_FORCE_INLINE const PxVehicleTireLoadFilterData& getTireLoadFilterData() const
return mNormalisedLoadFilter;
\brief Set the suspension data of the idth wheel
void setSuspensionData(const PxU32 id, const PxVehicleSuspensionData& susp);
\brief Set the wheel data of the idth wheel
void setWheelData(const PxU32 id, const PxVehicleWheelData& wheel);
\brief Set the tire data of the idth wheel
void setTireData(const PxU32 id, const PxVehicleTireData& tire);
\brief Set the direction of travel of the suspension of the idth wheel
void setSuspTravelDirection(const PxU32 id, const PxVec3& dir);
\brief Set the application point of the suspension force of the suspension of the idth wheel.
\brief Specified relative to the centre of mass of the rigid body
void setSuspForceAppPointOffset(const PxU32 id, const PxVec3& offset);
\brief Set the application point of the tire force of the tire of the idth wheel.
\brief Specified relative to the centre of mass of the rigid body
void setTireForceAppPointOffset(const PxU32 id, const PxVec3& offset);
\brief Set the offset from the rigid body centre of mass to the centre of the idth wheel.
void setWheelCentreOffset(const PxU32 id, const PxVec3& offset);
\brief Set the data that describes the filtering of the tire load to produce smoother handling at large timesteps.
void setTireLoadFilterData(const PxVehicleTireLoadFilterData& tireLoadFilter);
\brief Disable a wheel so that zero suspension forces and zero tire forces are applied to the rigid body from this wheel.
If the vehicle is of type PxVehicle4W then the differential (PxVehicleDifferential4WData)
needs to be configured so that no drive torque is delivered to the disabled wheel.
If the vehicle is of type PxVehicleNoDrive then zero drive torque must be applied to the disabled wheel.
For tanks (PxVehicleDriveTank) any drive torque that could be delivered to the wheel through the tank differential will be
re-directed to the remaining enabled wheels.
@see enableWheel
@see PxVehicleDifferential4WData::mFrontLeftRightSplit, PxVehicleDifferential4WData::mRearLeftRightSplit, PxVehicleDifferential4WData::mType
@see PxVehicleNoDrive::setDriveTorque
@see PxVehicle4WEnable3WTadpoleMode, PxVehicle4WEnable3WDeltaMode
If a PxShape is associated with the disabled wheel then the association must be broken by calling PxVehicleWheels::setWheelShapeMapping(wheelId, -1).
@see PxVehicleWheels::setWheelShapeMapping
\note Care must be taken with the sprung mass supported by the remaining enabled wheels. Depending on the desired effect, the mass of the rigid body
might need to be distributed among the remaining enabled wheels and suspensions.
void disableWheel(const PxU32 wheel);
\brief Enable a wheel so that suspension forces and tire forces are applied to the rigid body.
All wheels are enabled by default and remain enabled until they are disabled.
@see disableWheel
void enableWheel(const PxU32 wheel);
\brief Test if a wheel has been disabled.
bool getIsWheelDisabled(const PxU32 wheel) const;
\brief Set the number of vehicle sub-steps that will be performed when the vehicle's longitudinal
speed is below and above a threshold longitudinal speed.
More sub-steps provides better stability but with greater computational cost.
Typically, vehicle's require more sub-steps at very low forward speeds.
The threshold longitudinal speed has a default value of 5.
The sub-step count below the threshold longitudinal speed has a default of 3.
The sub-step count above the threshold longitudinal speed has a default of 1.
\note thresholdLongitudinalSpeed specified in metres per second (m s^-1)
void setSubStepCount(const PxReal thresholdLongitudinalSpeed, const PxU32 lowForwardSpeedSubStepCount, const PxU32 highForwardSpeedSubStepCount);
\brief Graph to filter normalised load
@see setTireLoadFilterData, getTireLoadFilterData
PxVehicleTireLoadFilterData mNormalisedLoadFilter;
\brief Wheels data organised in blocks of 4 wheels.
PxVehicleWheels4SimData* mWheels4SimData;
\brief Number of blocks of 4 wheels.
PxU32 mNumWheels4;
\brief Number of actual wheels (<=(mNumWheels4*4))
PxU32 mNumActiveWheels;
\brief Which of the mNumActiveWheels are active or disabled?
The default is that all mNbActiveWheels wheels are active.
PxU32 mActiveWheelsBitmapBuffer[((PX_MAX_NUM_WHEELS + 31) & ~31) >> 5];
\brief Threshold longitudinal speed used to decide whether to use
mLowForwardSpeedSubStepCount or mHighForwardSpeedSubStepCount as the
number of sub-steps that will be peformed.
PxF32 mThresholdLongitudinalSpeed;
\brief Number of sub-steps that will be performed if the longitudinal speed
of the vehicle is smaller than mThresholdLongitudinalSpeed.
PxU32 mLowForwardSpeedSubStepCount;
\brief Number of sub-steps that will be performed if the longitudinal speed
of the vehicle is greater than or equal to mThresholdLongitudinalSpeed.
PxU32 mHighForwardSpeedSubStepCount;
#ifndef PX_X64
PxU32 mPad[1];
\brief Test if wheel simulation data has been setup with legal values.
bool isValid() const;
PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(0==(sizeof(PxVehicleWheelsSimData) & 15));
\brief Data structure with instanced dynamics data for wheels
class PxVehicleWheelsDynData
friend class PxVehicleWheels;
friend class PxVehicleDrive4W;
friend class PxVehicleDriveTank;
friend class PxVehicleUpdate;
\brief Set all wheels to their rest state.
@see setup
void setToRestState();
\brief Set the tire force shader function
void setTireForceShaderFunction(PxVehicleComputeTireForce tireForceShaderFn);
\brief Set the tire force shader data for a specific tire
void setTireForceShaderData(const PxU32 tireId, const void* tireForceShaderData);
\brief Get the tire force shader data for a specific tire
const void* getTireForceShaderData(const PxU32 tireId) const;
\brief Set the wheel rotation speed (radians per second)
void setWheelRotationSpeed(const PxU32 wheelIdx, const PxReal speed);
\brief Return the rotation speed of a specified wheel.
PxReal getWheelRotationSpeed(const PxU32 wheelIdx) const;
\brief Return the steer angle of a specified wheel.
PxReal getSteer(const PxU32 wheelIdx) const;
\brief Set the wheel rotation angle (radians)
void setWheelRotationAngle(const PxU32 wheelIdx, const PxReal speed);
\brief Return the rotation angle of the specified wheel about the axis of rolling rotation.
PxReal getWheelRotationAngle(const PxU32 wheelIdx) const;
\brief Return the susp jounce of the specified suspension.
PxReal getSuspJounce(const PxU32 suspIdx) const;
\brief Return the longitudinal slip of the specified tire
PxReal getTireLongSlip(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the lateral slip of the specified tire
PxReal getTireLatSlip(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the friction applied to the specified tire
PxReal getTireFriction(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the drivable surface type underneath the specified tire
PxU32 getTireDrivableSurfaceType(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the PxMaterial instance pointer of the drivable surface experienced by the specified tire in
the most recent call to PxVehicleUpdates.
No guarantees are made that the PxMaterial referenced by the stored pointer has not been released in-between
recording the hit material in the most recent PxVehicleUpdates call and any subsequent getTireDrivableSurfaceMaterial query.
const PxMaterial* getTireDrivableSurfaceMaterial(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the contact point on the drivable surface experienced by the specified tire.
(0,0,0) is returned if the tire isn't touching a drivable surface.
PxVec3 getTireDrivableSurfaceContactPoint(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the contact normal on the drivable surface experienced by the specified tire.
(0,0,0) is returned if the tire isn't touching a drivable surface.
PxVec3 getTireDrivableSurfaceContactNormal(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the longitudinal direction of the tire as used in the calculation of the longitudinal slip.
(0,0,0) is returned if the tire isn't touching a drivable surface.
PxVec3 getTireLongitudinalDir(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the lateral direction of the specified tire as used in the calculation of the lateral slip.
(0,0,0) is returned if the tire isn't touching a drivable surface.
PxVec3 getTireLateralDir(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the suspension force applied by the specified suspension.
//The force is directed negatively along the suspension travel direction
0 is returned if the tire isn't touching a drivable surface.
@see getSuspLineDir
PxReal getSuspensionForce(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the PxShape instance pointer of the drivable surface experienced by the specified tire in
the last call to PxVehicleUpdates involving this vehicle.
No guarantees are made that the PxShape referenced by the pointer has not been released in-between recording the hit shape in the
most recent PxVehicleUpdates call and any subsequent getTireDrivableSurfaceShape query.
NULL is returned if the tire isn't touching a drivable surface.
const PxShape* getTireDrivableSurfaceShape(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the raycast start, direction, and length of the specified suspension line.
void getSuspRaycast(const PxU32 suspIdx, PxVec3& start, PxVec3& dir, PxReal& length) const;
\brief Return the suspension line start
PxVec3 getSuspLineStart(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Return the suspension line dir
PxVec3 getSuspLineDir(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Set the user data pointer for the specified wheel
It has a default value of NULL
void setUserData(const PxU32 tireIdx, void* userData);
\brief Get the user data pointer that was set for the specified wheel
void* getUserData(const PxU32 tireIdx) const;
\brief Test if wheel dynamics data have legal values.
bool isValid() const;
\brief Dynamics data arranged in blocks of 4 wheels.
PxVehicleWheels4DynData* mWheels4DynData;
\brief Shader data and function for tire force calculations.
PxVehicleTireForceCalculator* mTireForceCalculators;
\brief A userData pointer can be stored for each wheel.
@see setUserData, getUserData
void** mUserDatas;
\brief Number of blocks of 4 wheels.
PxU32 mNumWheels4;
\brief Number of wheels (mNumActiveWheels <= (mNumWheels4*4))
PxU32 mNumActiveWheels;
#ifdef PX_X64
PxU32 mPad[3];
PxU32 mPad[3];
PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(0==(sizeof(PxVehicleWheelsDynData) & 15));
\brief Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with just wheels
@see PxVehicleDrive, PxVehicleDrive4W, PxVehicleDriveTank
class PxVehicleWheels
friend class PxVehicleUpdate;
friend class PxVehicleConstraintShader;
\brief Return the type of vehicle
@see PxVehicleTypes
PX_FORCE_INLINE PxU32 getVehicleType() const {return mType;}
\brief Get non-const ptr to PxRigidDynamic instance that is the vehicle's physx representation
PX_FORCE_INLINE PxRigidDynamic* getRigidDynamicActor() {return mActor;}
\brief Get non-const ptr to PxRigidDynamic instance that is the vehicle's physx representation
PX_FORCE_INLINE const PxRigidDynamic* getRigidDynamicActor() const {return mActor;}
\brief Set mapping between wheel id and position of corresponding wheel shape in the list of actor shapes.
This mapping is used to pose the correct wheel shapes with the latest wheel rotation angle, steer angle, and suspension travel
while allowing arbitrary ordering of the wheel shapes in the actor's list of shapes.
Use setWheelShapeMapping(i,-1) to register that there is no wheel shape corresponding to the ith wheel
Set setWheelShapeMapping(i,k) to register that the ith wheel corresponds to the kth shape in the actor's list of shapes.
The default values correspond to setWheelShapeMapping(i,-1) for all wheels.
Calling this function will also pose the relevant PxShape at the rest position of the wheel.
@see PxVehicleUpdates, PxVehicleDrive4W::setup, PxVehicleDriveTank::setup, PxVehicleNoDrive::setup, setSceneQueryFilterData
void setWheelShapeMapping(const PxU32 wheelId, const PxI32 shapeId);
\brief Return the wheel mapping for the ith wheel. The return value is the element in the array of
shapes of the vehicle's PxRigidDynamic that corresponds to the ith wheel. A return value of -1 means
that the wheel is not mapped to a PxShape.
@see PxRigidActor.getShapes
PxI32 getWheelShapeMapping(const PxU32 wheelId) const;
\brief Set the scene query filter data that will be used for raycasts along the travel
direction of the specified suspension. The default value is PxFilterData(0,0,0,0)
@see setWheelShapeMapping
void setSceneQueryFilterData(const PxU32 suspId, const PxFilterData& sqFilterData);
\brief Return the scene query filter data used by the specified suspension line
PxFilterData getSceneQueryFilterData(const PxU32 suspId) const;
\brief Compute the rigid body velocity component along the forward vector.
PxReal computeForwardSpeed() const;
\brief Compute the rigid body velocity component along the right vector.
PxReal computeSidewaysSpeed() const;
\brief Test if all wheels are off the ground.
bool isInAir() const;
\brief Test if a specific wheel is off the ground.
bool isInAir(const PxU32 wheelId) const;
\brief Data describing the setup of all the wheels/suspensions/tires.
PxVehicleWheelsSimData mWheelsSimData;
\brief Data describing the dynamic state of all wheels/suspension/tires.
PxVehicleWheelsDynData mWheelsDynData;
\brief Set all wheels to their rest state
void setToRestState();
\brief Test that all configuration and instanced dynamics data is valid.
bool isValid() const;
@see PxVehicleDrive4W::allocate, PxVehicleDriveTank::allocate
static PxU32 computeByteSize(const PxU32 numWheels4);
@see PxVehicleDrive4W::allocate, PxVehicleDriveTank::allocate
static PxU8* patchupPointers(PxVehicleWheels* veh, PxU8* ptr, const PxU32 numWheels4, const PxU32 numWheels);
\brief Deallocate a PxVehicleWheels instance.
@see PxVehicleDrive4W::free, PxVehicleDriveTank::free
void free();
@see PxVehicleDrive4W::setup, PxVehicleDriveTank::setup
void setup
(PxPhysics* physics, PxRigidDynamic* vehActor,
const PxVehicleWheelsSimData& wheelsData,
const PxU32 numDrivenWheels, const PxU32 numNonDrivenWheels);
PxRigidDynamic* mActor;
\brief Scene query filter data used by each suspension line.
Anything relating to the actor belongs in PxVehicleWheels.
PxFilterData* mSqFilterData;
\brief Mapping between wheel id and shape id.
The PxShape that corresponds to the ith wheel can be found with
If mWheelShapeMap[i]<0 then the wheel has no corresponding shape.
Otherwise, the shape corresponds to:
PxShape* shapeBuffer[1];
Anything relating to the actor belongs in PxVehicleWheels.
PxU8 mWheelShapeMap[PX_MAX_NUM_WHEELS];
\brief Vehicle type (eVehicleDriveTypes)
PxU8 mType;
\brief Count the number of constraint connectors that have hit their callback when deleting a vehicle.
Can only delete the vehicle's memory when all constraint connectors have hit their callback.
PxU8 mOnConstraintReleaseCounter;
#ifndef PX_X64
PxU8 mPad[2];
PxU8 mPad[10];
PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(0==(sizeof(PxVehicleWheels) & 15));
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
} // namespace physx
/** @} */