
398 lines
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@author Albert Semenov
@date 04/2008
This file is part of MyGUI.
MyGUI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MyGUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with MyGUI. If not, see <>.
#include "MyGUI_Prerequest.h"
#include "MyGUI_Widget.h"
#include "MyGUI_ListBox.h"
#include "MyGUI_Any.h"
#include "MyGUI_BiIndexBase.h"
#include "MyGUI_EventPair.h"
#include "MyGUI_IItem.h"
#include "MyGUI_IItemContainer.h"
#include "MyGUI_ResizingPolicy.h"
namespace MyGUI
typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate5<Widget*, size_t, const UString&, const UString&, bool&> EventHandle_WidgetIntUTFStringUTFStringBool;
typedef delegates::CDelegate5<MultiListBox*, size_t, const UString&, const UString&, bool&> EventHandle_MultiListPtrSizeTCUTFStringRefCUTFStringRefBoolRef;
typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate2<MultiListBox*, size_t> EventHandle_MultiListPtrSizeT;
class MYGUI_EXPORT MultiListBox :
public Widget,
public BiIndexBase,
public IItemContainer,
public MemberObsolete<MultiListBox>
//! @copydoc Widget::setPosition(const IntPoint& _value)
virtual void setPosition(const IntPoint& _value);
//! @copydoc Widget::setSize(const IntSize& _value)
virtual void setSize(const IntSize& _value);
//! @copydoc Widget::setCoord(const IntCoord& _value)
virtual void setCoord(const IntCoord& _value);
/** @copydoc Widget::setPosition(int _left, int _top) */
void setPosition(int _left, int _top);
/** @copydoc Widget::setSize(int _width, int _height) */
void setSize(int _width, int _height);
/** @copydoc Widget::setCoord(int _left, int _top, int _width, int _height) */
void setCoord(int _left, int _top, int _width, int _height);
// Methods for work with columns (RU:методы для работы со столбцами)
// манипуляции айтемами
//! Get number of columns
size_t getColumnCount() const;
/** Insert new column
@param _column New column will be inserted before _column
@param _name Name of new column
@param _width Width of new column
@param _data Any data associated with new column
void insertColumnAt(size_t _column, const UString& _name, int _width = 0, Any _data = Any::Null);
/** Add new column at last position
@param _width Width of new column
@param _name Name of new column
@param _data Any data associated with new column
void addColumn(const UString& _name, int _width = 0, Any _data = Any::Null);
/** Delete column */
void removeColumnAt(size_t _column);
/** Delete all columns */
void removeAllColumns();
//! Swap columns at a specified positions
void swapColumnsAt(size_t _index1, size_t _index2);
// манипуляции отображением
/** Set column name
@param _column Index of column
@param _name New name of column
void setColumnNameAt(size_t _column, const UString& _name);
/** Set column name
@param _item column
@param _name New name of column
void setColumnName(MultiListItem* _item, const UString& _name);
/** Set column width
@param _column Index of column
@param _width New width of column
void setColumnWidthAt(size_t _column, int _width);
/** Set column width
@param _item column
@param _width New width of column
void setColumnWidth(MultiListItem* _item, int _width);
/** Get _column name */
const UString& getColumnNameAt(size_t _column);
/** Get _column name */
const UString& getColumnName(MultiListItem* _item);
/** Get _column width */
int getColumnWidthAt(size_t _column);
/** Sort multilist by column */
void sortByColumn(size_t _column, bool _backward = false);
//! Get column index
size_t getColumnIndex(MultiListItem* _item);
/** Set resizing policy of column. \sa ResizingPolicy
@param _item Pointer to column
@param _value New resizing policy for column
void setColumnResizingPolicy(MultiListItem* _item, ResizingPolicy _value);
/** Set resizing policy of column. \sa ResizingPolicy
@param _index Index of column
@param _value New resizing policy for column
void setColumnResizingPolicyAt(size_t _index, ResizingPolicy _value);
// манипуляции данными
//! Replace an item data at a specified position
void setColumnDataAt(size_t _index, Any _data);
//! Clear an item data at a specified position
void clearColumnDataAt(size_t _index);
//! Get item data from specified position
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType* getColumnDataAt(size_t _index, bool _throw = true)
MYGUI_ASSERT_RANGE(_index, mVectorColumnInfo.size(), "MultiListBox::getItemDataAt");
return mVectorColumnInfo[_index].data.castType<ValueType>(_throw);
// Methods for work with lines (RU:методы для работы со строками)
/** @note
All indexes used here is indexes of unsorted Multilist. Even if you sorted
it - all items indexes will be same as before sort.
// манипуляции айтемами
/** Get number of items (lines) */
size_t getItemCount() const;
/** Insert new item before _index line */
void insertItemAt(size_t _index, const UString& _name, Any _data = Any::Null);
/** Add new item at the end */
void addItem(const UString& _name, Any _data = Any::Null);
//! Remove item at a specified position
void removeItemAt(size_t _index);
/** Delete all items */
void removeAllItems();
//! Swap items at a specified positions
void swapItemsAt(size_t _index1, size_t _index2);
// манипуляции отображением
//! Replace an item name
void setItemNameAt(size_t _index, const UString& _name);
//! Get item name from specified position
const UString& getItemNameAt(size_t _index);
// манипуляции выделениями
/** Get index of selected item (ITEM_NONE if none selected) */
size_t getIndexSelected() const;
/** Select specified _index */
void setIndexSelected(size_t _index);
/** Clear item selection */
void clearIndexSelected();
// манипуляции данными
//! Replace an item data at a specified position
void setItemDataAt(size_t _index, Any _data);
//! Clear an item data at a specified position
void clearItemDataAt(size_t _index);
//! Get item data from specified position
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType* getItemDataAt(size_t _index, bool _throw = true)
return getSubItemDataAt<ValueType>(0, _index, _throw);
// Methods for work with sub lines (RU:методы для работы со саб строками)
// манипуляции данными
/** Set sub item
@param _column Index of column
@param _index Index of line
@param _name New sub item value
void setSubItemNameAt(size_t _column, size_t _index, const UString& _name);
/** Get sub item name*/
const UString& getSubItemNameAt(size_t _column, size_t _index);
/** Search item in specified _column, returns index of the first occurrence in column or ITEM_NONE if item not found */
size_t findSubItemWith(size_t _column, const UString& _name);
// манипуляции данными
//! Replace an item data at a specified position
void setSubItemDataAt(size_t _column, size_t _index, Any _data);
//! Clear an item data at a specified position
void clearSubItemDataAt(size_t _column, size_t _index);
//! Get item data from specified position
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType* getSubItemDataAt(size_t _column, size_t _index, bool _throw = true)
MYGUI_ASSERT_RANGE(_index, mVectorColumnInfo.begin()->list->getItemCount(), "MultiListBox::getSubItemDataAt");
size_t index = BiIndexBase::convertToBack(_index);
return getSubItemAt(_column)->getItemDataAt<ValueType>(index, _throw);
/** Event : Enter pressed or double click.\n
signature : void method(MyGUI::MultiListBox* _sender, size_t _index)\n
@param _sender widget that called this event
@param _index of selected item
EventPair<EventHandle_WidgetSizeT, EventHandle_MultiListPtrSizeT>
/** Event : Selected item position changed.\n
signature : void method(MyGUI::MultiListBox* _sender, size_t _index)\n
@param _sender widget that called this event
@param _index of new item
EventPair<EventHandle_WidgetSizeT, EventHandle_MultiListPtrSizeT>
/** Event : Less than operator for sort multilist by columns.\n
signature : void method(MyGUI::MultiListBox* _sender, size_t _column, const UString& _firstItem, const UString& _secondItem, bool& _less)\n
@param _sender widget that called this event
@param _column Index of column
@param _firstItem Strings for compare
@param _secondItem Strings for compare
@param _less Comparsion result (write your value here)
// IItemContainer impl
virtual size_t _getItemCount();
virtual void _addItem(const MyGUI::UString& _name);
virtual void _removeItemAt(size_t _index);
virtual Widget* _getItemAt(size_t _index);
virtual void _setItemNameAt(size_t _index, const UString& _name);
virtual const UString& _getItemNameAt(size_t _index);
virtual void initialiseOverride();
virtual void shutdownOverride();
virtual void onWidgetCreated(Widget* _widget);
virtual void onWidgetDestroy(Widget* _widget);
void notifyListChangePosition(ListBox* _sender, size_t _position);
void notifyListChangeFocus(ListBox* _sender, size_t _position);
void notifyListChangeScrollPosition(ListBox* _sender, size_t _position);
void notifyButtonClick(Widget* _sender);
void notifyListSelectAccept(ListBox* _sender, size_t _position);
void updateColumns();
void redrawButtons();
void updateOnlyEmpty();
bool compare(ListBox* _list, size_t _left, size_t _right);
void sortList();
void flipList();
Widget* getSeparator(size_t _index);
void updateBackSelected(size_t _index);
struct ColumnInfo
MultiListItem* item;
ListBox* list;
Button* button;
int width;
int realWidth;
UString name;
Any data;
ResizingPolicy sizeType;
typedef std::vector<ColumnInfo> VectorColumnInfo;
void frameEntered(float _frame);
void frameAdvise(bool _advise);
ListBox* getSubItemAt(size_t _column);
int getButtonHeight() const;
void _wrapItem(MultiListItem* _item);
void _unwrapItem(MultiListItem* _item);
void _swapColumnsAt(size_t _index1, size_t _index2);
int getColumnWidth(size_t _index, int _freeSpace, size_t _countStars, size_t _lastIndexStar, int _starWidth) const;
bool getUpdateByResize();
int updateWidthColumns(size_t& _countStars, size_t& _lastIndexStar);
int mHeightButton;
int mWidthBar;
std::string mSkinButton;
std::string mSkinList;
Widget* mWidgetEmpty;
VectorColumnInfo mVectorColumnInfo;
VectorWidgetPtr mSeparators;
size_t mLastMouseFocusIndex;
bool mSortUp;
size_t mSortColumnIndex;
int mWidthSeparator;
std::string mSkinSeparator;
int mOffsetButtonSeparator;
size_t mItemSelected;
bool mFrameAdvise;
Widget* mClient;
Widget* mHeaderPlace;
} // namespace MyGUI
#endif // __MYGUI_MULTI_LIST_BOX_H__