
199 lines
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Raw Normal View History

@author Albert Semenov
@date 11/2007
This file is part of MyGUI.
MyGUI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MyGUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with MyGUI. If not, see <>.
#include "MyGUI_Prerequest.h"
#include "MyGUI_Macros.h"
#include "MyGUI_Singleton.h"
#include "MyGUI_WidgetDefines.h"
#include "MyGUI_IUnlinkWidget.h"
#include "MyGUI_WidgetDefines.h"
#include "MyGUI_XmlDocument.h"
#include "MyGUI_MouseButton.h"
#include "MyGUI_KeyCode.h"
#include "MyGUI_Timer.h"
#include "MyGUI_ILayer.h"
#include "MyGUI_Delegate.h"
#include "MyGUI_BackwardCompatibility.h"
namespace MyGUI
class MYGUI_EXPORT InputManager :
public Singleton<InputManager>,
public IUnlinkWidget,
public MemberObsolete<InputManager>
void initialise();
void shutdown();
/** Inject MouseMove event
@return true if event has been processed by GUI
bool injectMouseMove(int _absx, int _absy, int _absz);
/** Inject MousePress event
@return true if event has been processed by GUI
bool injectMousePress(int _absx, int _absy, MouseButton _id);
/** Inject MouseRelease event
@return true if event has been processed by GUI
bool injectMouseRelease(int _absx, int _absy, MouseButton _id);
/** Inject KeyPress event
@return true if event has been processed by GUI
bool injectKeyPress(KeyCode _key, Char _text = 0);
/** Inject KeyRelease event
@return true if event has been processed by GUI
bool injectKeyRelease(KeyCode _key);
/** Is any widget have mouse focus */
bool isFocusMouse() const;
/** Is any widget have key focus (any widget might have it, not only EditBox or something similar) */
bool isFocusKey() const;
/** Is any widget captured mouse */
bool isCaptureMouse() const;
/** Set key focus for _widget */
void setKeyFocusWidget(Widget* _widget);
/** Drop key focus for _widget */
void resetKeyFocusWidget(Widget* _widget);
/** Drop any key focus */
void resetKeyFocusWidget();
/** Get mouse focused widget */
Widget* getMouseFocusWidget() const;
/** Get key focused widget */
Widget* getKeyFocusWidget() const;
/** Get position of last mouse button press.
Position calculated on specific layer where mouse was pressed.
const IntPoint& getLastPressedPosition(MouseButton _id) const;
/** Get current mouse position on screen */
const IntPoint& getMousePosition() const;
/** Get mouse position on current layer.
This position might different from getMousePosition() if mouse is over non-2d layer.
IntPoint getMousePositionByLayer();
// работа с модальными окнами
/** Add modal widget - all other widgets inaccessible while modal widget exist */
void addWidgetModal(Widget* _widget);
/** Remove modal widget */
void removeWidgetModal(Widget* _widget);
/** Return true if any modal widget exist */
bool isModalAny() const;
/** Is control button pressed */
bool isControlPressed() const;
/** Is shift button pressed */
bool isShiftPressed() const;
/** Reset mouse capture.
For example when we dragging and application
lost focus you should call this.
void resetMouseCaptureWidget();
/** Unlink widget from input manager. */
void unlinkWidget(Widget* _widget);
/** Event : MultiDelegate. Mouse focus was changed.\n
signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _widget)\n
@param _widget
/** Event : MultiDelegate. Key focus was changed.\n
signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _widget)\n
@param _widget
void _resetMouseFocusWidget();
// удаляем данный виджет из всех возможных мест
void _unlinkWidget(Widget* _widget);
void frameEntered(float _frame);
void firstEncoding(KeyCode _key, bool bIsKeyPressed);
// запоминает клавишу для поддержки повторения
void storeKey(KeyCode _key, Char _text);
// сбрасывает клавишу повторения
void resetKey();
// виджеты которым принадлежит фокус
Widget* mWidgetMouseFocus;
Widget* mWidgetKeyFocus;
ILayer* mLayerMouseFocus;
// таймер для двойного клика
Timer mTimer; //used for double click timing
// нажат ли шифт
bool mIsShiftPressed;
// нажат ли контрол
bool mIsControlPressed;
IntPoint mMousePosition;
// last mouse press position
IntPoint mLastPressed[MouseButton::MAX];
// is mouse button captured by active widget
bool mMouseCapture[MouseButton::MAX];
// клавиша для повтора
KeyCode mHoldKey;
Char mHoldChar;
bool mFirstPressKey;
float mTimerKey;
int mOldAbsZ;
// список виджетов с модальным режимом
VectorWidgetPtr mVectorModalRootWidget;
bool mIsInitialise;
} // namespace MyGUI