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/** \addtogroup particles
#include "PxPhysX.h"
#include "foundation/PxBounds3.h"
#include "PxFiltering.h"
#include "particles/PxParticleBaseFlag.h"
#include "PxActor.h"
#include "PxPhysics.h"
#include "particles/PxParticleCreationData.h"
#include "particles/PxParticleReadData.h"
#include "PxForceMode.h"
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
namespace physx
\brief The particle base class represents the shared module for particle based simulation. This class can't be instantiated.
The particle base class manages a set of particles. Particles can be created, released and updated directly through the API.
When a particle is created the user gets an index for it which can be used to address the particle until it is released again.
Particles collide with static and dynamic shapes. They are also affected by the scene gravity and a user force,
as well as global velocity damping. When a particle collides, a particle flag is raised corresponding to the type of
actor, static or dynamic, it collided with. Additionally a shape can be flagged as a drain (See PxShapeFlag), in order to get a corresponding
particle flag raised when a collision occurs. This information can be used to delete particles.
@see PxParticleCreationData, PxParticleReadData, PxShapeFlag, PxParticleSystem, PxParticleFluid
class PxParticleBase : public PxActor
/** @name Particle Access and Manipulation
\brief Locks the particle data and provides the data descriptor for accessing the particles.
After reading from the buffers the application needs to call PxParticleReadData::unlock() before any
SDK operation can access the buffers. Particularly the buffers need to be unlocked before calling
PxParticleBase::lockParticleReadData(), PxParticleBase::createParticles(), PxParticleBase::releaseParticles(),
@see PxParticleReadData
virtual PxParticleReadData* lockParticleReadData() = 0;
\brief Creates new particles.
The PxParticleCreationData descriptor is used to create new particles based on the provided PxParticleCreationData.
Providing particle indices and positions is mandatory. Indices need to be consistent with the available particle slots within
the range [0, maxParticles-1]. The new particles can be immediately read from the application readable
particle data, PxParticleReadData.
\param creationData specifies particle attributes for the particles to be created. (all buffers set have to be consistent with numParticles).
\return whether the operation was successful.
@see PxParticleCreationData, PxParticleReadData, PxParticlesExt.IndexPool
virtual bool createParticles(const PxParticleCreationData& creationData) = 0;
\brief Releases particles.
Particles corresponding to passed indices are released. Releasing a particle will immediately mark the particle in the
application readable particle data, PxParticleReadData, as being invalid, removing PxParticleFlag::eVALID.
Passing duplicate indices is not allowed.
\param numParticles Number of particles to be released.
\param indexBuffer Structure describing indices of particles that should be deleted. (Has to be consistent with numParticles).
@see PxParticleReadData
virtual void releaseParticles(PxU32 numParticles, const PxStrideIterator<const PxU32>& indexBuffer) = 0;
\brief Releases all particles.
Application readable particle data is updated accordingly.
virtual void releaseParticles() = 0;
\brief Sets particle positions.
Directly sets the positions of particles. The supplied positions are used to change particles in the order of
the indices listed in the index buffer. Duplicate indices are allowed. A position buffer of stride zero is allowed.
Application readable particle data is updated accordingly.
\param numParticles Number of particle updates.
\param indexBuffer Structure describing indices of particles that should be updated. (Has to be consistent with numParticles).
\param positionBuffer Structure describing positions for position updates. (Has to be consistent with numParticles).
virtual void setPositions(PxU32 numParticles, const PxStrideIterator<const PxU32>& indexBuffer,
const PxStrideIterator<const PxVec3>& positionBuffer) = 0;
\brief Sets particle velocities.
Directly sets the velocities of particles. The supplied velocities are used to change particles in the order of
the indices listed in the index buffer. Duplicate indices are allowed. A velocity buffer of stride zero is allowed.
Application readable particle data is updated accordingly.
\param numParticles Number of particle updates.
\param indexBuffer Structure describing indices of particles that should be updated. (Has to be consistent with numParticles).
\param velocityBuffer Structure describing velocities for velocity updates. (Has to be consistent with numParticles).
virtual void setVelocities(PxU32 numParticles, const PxStrideIterator<const PxU32>& indexBuffer,
const PxStrideIterator<const PxVec3>& velocityBuffer) = 0;
\brief Sets particle rest offsets.
Directly sets the rest offsets of particles. The supplied rest offsets are used to change particles in the order of
the indices listed in the index buffer. The provided offsets need to be in the range [0.0f, restOffset].
Duplicate indices are allowed. A rest offset buffer of stride zero is allowed.
Application readable particle data is updated accordingly.
\param numParticles Number of particle updates.
\param indexBuffer Structure describing indices of particles that should be updated. (Has to be consistent with numParticles).
\param restOffsetBuffer Structure describing rest offsets for rest offset updates. (Has to be consistent with numParticles).
virtual void setRestOffsets(PxU32 numParticles, const PxStrideIterator<const PxU32>& indexBuffer,
const PxStrideIterator<const PxF32>& restOffsetBuffer) = 0;
\brief Set forces to be applied to the particles when the simulation starts.
This call is ignored on particle system that aren't assigned to a scene.
\param numParticles Number of particle updates.
\param indexBuffer Structure describing indices of particles that should be updated. (Has to be consistent with numParticles).
\param forceBuffer Structure describing values for particle updates depending on forceMode. (Has to be consistent with numParticles).
\param forceMode Describes type of update.
virtual void addForces(PxU32 numParticles, const PxStrideIterator<const PxU32>& indexBuffer,
const PxStrideIterator<const PxVec3>& forceBuffer, PxForceMode::Enum forceMode) = 0;
/** @name ParticleBase Parameters
\brief Returns the particle system damping.
\return The particle system damping.
virtual PxReal getDamping() const = 0;
\brief Sets the particle system damping (must be nonnegative).
\param damp The new particle system damping.
virtual void setDamping(PxReal damp) = 0;
\brief Returns the external acceleration applied to each particle at each time step.
\return The external acceleration applied to particles.
virtual PxVec3 getExternalAcceleration() const = 0;
\brief Sets the external acceleration applied to each particle at each time step.
\param acceleration External acceleration to apply to particles.
@see getExternalAcceleration()
virtual void setExternalAcceleration(const PxVec3&acceleration) = 0;
\brief Returns the plane the particles are projected to.
\param[out] normal Particle projection plane normal
\param[out] distance Particle projection plane constant term
virtual void getProjectionPlane(PxVec3& normal, PxReal& distance) const = 0;
\brief Sets the plane the particles are projected to.
Points p on the plane have to fulfill the equation:
(normal.x * p.x) + (normal.y * p.y) + (normal.z * p.z) + d = 0
\param[in] normal Particle projection plane normal
\param[in] distance Particle projection plane constant term
virtual void setProjectionPlane(const PxVec3& normal, PxReal distance) = 0;
/** @name Collisions
\brief Returns the mass of a particle.
\return Particle mass.
virtual PxReal getParticleMass() const = 0;
\brief Sets the mass of a particle.
\param mass The particle mass.
virtual void setParticleMass(PxReal mass) = 0;
\brief Returns the restitution used for collision with shapes.
\return The restitution.
virtual PxReal getRestitution() const = 0;
\brief Sets the restitution used for collision with shapes.
Must be between 0 and 1.
\param rest The new restitution.
virtual void setRestitution(PxReal rest) = 0;
\brief Returns the dynamic friction used for collision with shapes.
\return The dynamic friction.
virtual PxReal getDynamicFriction() const = 0;
\brief Sets the dynamic friction used for collision with shapes.
Must be between 0 and 1.
\param friction The new dynamic friction
virtual void setDynamicFriction(PxReal friction) = 0;
\brief Returns the static friction used for collision with shapes.
\return The static friction.
virtual PxReal getStaticFriction() const = 0;
\brief Sets the static friction used for collision with shapes.
Must be non-negative.
\param friction The new static friction
virtual void setStaticFriction(PxReal friction) = 0;
/** @name Collision Filtering
\brief Sets the user definable collision filter data.
@see getSimulationFilterData()
virtual void setSimulationFilterData(const PxFilterData& data) = 0;
\brief Retrieves the object's collision filter data.
@see setSimulationFilterData()
virtual PxFilterData getSimulationFilterData() const = 0;
\brief Marks the object to reset interactions and re-run collision filters in the next simulation step.
See #PxShape::resetFiltering() for more details.
@see PxSimulationFilterShader PxSimulationFilterCallback
virtual void resetFiltering() = 0;
\brief Sets particle system flags.
\param flag Member of #PxParticleBaseFlag.
\param val New flag value.
virtual void setParticleBaseFlag(PxParticleBaseFlag::Enum flag, bool val) = 0;
\brief Returns particle system flags.
\return The current flag values.
virtual PxParticleBaseFlags getParticleBaseFlags() const = 0;
/** @name ParticleSystem Property Read Back
\brief Returns the maximum number of particles for this particle system.
\return Max number of particles for this particle system.
virtual PxU32 getMaxParticles() const = 0;
\brief Returns the maximal motion distance (the particle can move the maximal distance of
getMaxMotionDistance() during one timestep).
\return maximum motion distance.
virtual PxReal getMaxMotionDistance() const = 0;
\brief Sets the maximal motion distance (the particle can move the maximal distance
during one timestep). Immutable when the particle system is part of a scene.
\param distance New Max motionDistance value.
virtual void setMaxMotionDistance(PxReal distance) = 0;
\brief Returns the distance between particles and collision geometry, which is maintained during simulation.
\return rest offset.
virtual PxReal getRestOffset() const = 0;
\brief Sets the distance between particles and collision geometry, which is maintained during simulation.
If per particle restOffsets are used, they need to be in the range [0.0f, restOffset]. Immutable when the
particle system is part of a scene.
\param restOffset New restOffset value.
virtual void setRestOffset(PxReal restOffset) = 0;
\brief Returns the distance at which contacts are generated between particles and collision geometry.
\return contact offset.
virtual PxReal getContactOffset() const = 0;
\brief Sets the distance at which contacts are generated between particles and collision geometry.
Immutable when the particle system is part of a scene.
\param contactOffset New contactOffset value.
virtual void setContactOffset(PxReal contactOffset) = 0;
\brief Returns the particle grid size used for internal spatial data structures.
The actual grid size used might differ from the grid size set in the setGridSize().
\return The grid size.
virtual PxReal getGridSize() const = 0;
\brief Sets the particle grid size used for internal spatial data structures.
Immutable when the particle system is part of a scene.
The actual grid size used might differ from the grid size set in the setGridSize().
\param gridSize New gridSize value.
virtual void setGridSize(PxReal gridSize) = 0;
\brief Returns particle read data flags.
\return The particle read data flags.
@see PxParticleReadDataFlags
virtual PxParticleReadDataFlags getParticleReadDataFlags() const = 0;
\brief Sets particle read data flags.
\param flag Member of PxParticleReadDataFlag.
\param val New flag value.
@see PxParticleReadDataFlags
virtual void setParticleReadDataFlag(PxParticleReadDataFlag::Enum flag, bool val)= 0;
PxParticleBase(PxRefResolver& v) : PxActor(v) {}
PX_INLINE PxParticleBase() : PxActor() {}
virtual ~PxParticleBase() {}
virtual bool isKindOf(const char* name) const { return !strcmp("PxParticleBase", name) || PxActor::isKindOf(name); }
PX_INLINE PxParticleBase* PxActor::isParticleBase() { return is<PxParticleBase>(); }
PX_INLINE const PxParticleBase* PxActor::isParticleBase() const { return is<PxParticleBase>(); }
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
} // namespace physx
/** @} */