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/** \addtogroup physics
#include "PxRigidBody.h"
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
namespace physx
\brief Collection of flags describing the behavior of a dynamic rigid body.
@see PxRigidDynamic.setRigidDynamicFlag(), PxRigidDynamic.getRigidDynamicFlags()
struct PxRigidDynamicFlag
enum Enum
\brief Enables kinematic mode for the actor.
Kinematic actors are special dynamic actors that are not
influenced by forces (such as gravity), and have no momentum. They are considered to have infinite
mass and can be moved around the world using the setKinematicTarget() method. They will push
regular dynamic actors out of the way. Kinematics will not collide with static or other kinematic objects.
Kinematic actors are great for moving platforms or characters, where direct motion control is desired.
You can not connect Reduced joints to kinematic actors. Lagrange joints work ok if the platform
is moving with a relatively low, uniform velocity.
@see PxRigidDynamic.setKinematicTarget()
eKINEMATIC = (1<<0), //!< Enable kinematic mode for the body.
\brief Use the kinematic target transform for scene queries.
If this flag is raised, then scene queries will treat the kinematic target transform as the current pose
of the body (instead of using the actual pose). Without this flag, the kinematic target will only take
effect with respect to scene queries after a simulation step.
@see PxRigidDynamic.setKinematicTarget()
\brief collection of set bits defined in PxRigidDynamicFlag.
@see PxRigidDynamicFlag
typedef PxFlags<PxRigidDynamicFlag::Enum,PxU16> PxRigidDynamicFlags;
\brief PxRigidDynamic represents a dynamic rigid simulation object in the physics SDK.
Instances of this class are created by calling #PxPhysics::createRigidDynamic() and deleted with #release().
\li #PxVisualizationParameter::eACTOR_AXES
\li #PxVisualizationParameter::eBODY_AXES
\li #PxVisualizationParameter::eBODY_MASS_AXES
\li #PxVisualizationParameter::eBODY_LIN_VELOCITY
\li #PxVisualizationParameter::eBODY_ANG_VELOCITY
\li #PxVisualizationParameter::eBODY_JOINT_GROUPS
@see PxRigidBody PxPhysics.createRigidDynamic() release()
class PxRigidDynamic : public PxRigidBody
// Runtime modifications
/** @name Kinematic Actors
\brief Moves kinematically controlled dynamic actors through the game world.
You set a dynamic actor to be kinematic using the PxRigidDynamicFlag::eKINEMATIC flag
with setRigidDynamicFlag().
The move command will result in a velocity that will move the body into
the desired pose. After the move is carried out during a single time step,
the velocity is returned to zero. Thus, you must continuously call
this in every time step for kinematic actors so that they move along a path.
This function simply stores the move destination until the next simulation
step is processed, so consecutive calls will simply overwrite the stored target variable.
The motion is always fully carried out.
<b>Sleeping:</b> This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping.
\param[in] destination The desired pose for the kinematic actor, in the global frame. <b>Range:</b> rigid body transform.
@see getKinematicTarget() PxRigidDynamicFlag setRigidDynamicFlag()
virtual void setKinematicTarget(const PxTransform& destination) = 0;
\brief Get target pose of a kinematically controlled dynamic actor.
\param[out] target Transform to write the target pose to. Only valid if the method returns true.
\return True if the actor is a kinematically controlled dynamic and the target has been set, else False.
@see setKinematicTarget() PxRigidDynamicFlag setRigidDynamicFlag()
virtual bool getKinematicTarget(PxTransform& target) = 0;
/** @name Damping
\brief Sets the linear damping coefficient.
Zero represents no damping. The damping coefficient must be nonnegative.
<b>Default:</b> 0.0
\param[in] linDamp Linear damping coefficient. <b>Range:</b> [0,inf)
@see getLinearDamping() setAngularDamping()
virtual void setLinearDamping(PxReal linDamp) = 0;
\brief Retrieves the linear damping coefficient.
\return The linear damping coefficient associated with this actor.
@see setLinearDamping() getAngularDamping()
virtual PxReal getLinearDamping() const = 0;
\brief Sets the angular damping coefficient.
Zero represents no damping.
The angular damping coefficient must be nonnegative.
<b>Default:</b> 0.05
\param[in] angDamp Angular damping coefficient. <b>Range:</b> [0,inf)
@see getAngularDamping() setLinearDamping()
virtual void setAngularDamping(PxReal angDamp) = 0;
\brief Retrieves the angular damping coefficient.
\return The angular damping coefficient associated with this actor.
@see setAngularDamping() getLinearDamping()
virtual PxReal getAngularDamping() const = 0;
/** @name Velocity
\brief Lets you set the maximum angular velocity permitted for this actor.
For various internal computations, very quickly rotating actors introduce error
into the simulation, which leads to undesired results.
With this function, you can set the maximum angular velocity permitted for this rigid body.
Higher angular velocities are clamped to this value.
Note: The angular velocity is clamped to the set value <i>before</i> the solver, which means that
the limit may still be momentarily exceeded.
<b>Default:</b> 7.0
\param[in] maxAngVel Max allowable angular velocity for actor. <b>Range:</b> (0,inf)
@see getMaxAngularVelocity()
virtual void setMaxAngularVelocity(PxReal maxAngVel) = 0;
\brief Retrieves the maximum angular velocity permitted for this actor.
\return The maximum allowed angular velocity for this actor.
@see setMaxAngularVelocity
virtual PxReal getMaxAngularVelocity() const = 0;
/** @name Sleeping
\brief Returns true if this body is sleeping.
When an actor does not move for a period of time, it is no longer simulated in order to save time. This state
is called sleeping. However, because the object automatically wakes up when it is either touched by an awake object,
or one of its properties is changed by the user, the entire sleep mechanism should be transparent to the user.
If an actor is asleep after the call to PxScene::fetchResults() returns, it is guaranteed that the pose of the actor
was not changed. You can use this information to avoid updating the transforms of associated of dependent objects.
\return True if the actor is sleeping.
@see isSleeping() wakeUp() putToSleep() getSleepThreshold()
virtual bool isSleeping() const = 0;
\brief Sets the mass-normalized kinetic energy threshold below which an actor may go to sleep.
Actors whose kinetic energy divided by their mass is above this threshold will not be put to sleep.
<b>Default:</b> 0.05 * PxTolerancesScale::speed * PxTolerancesScale::speed
\param[in] threshold Energy below which an actor may go to sleep. <b>Range:</b> (0,inf]
@see isSleeping() getSleepThreshold() wakeUp() putToSleep() PxTolerancesScale
virtual void setSleepThreshold(PxReal threshold) = 0;
\brief Returns the mass-normalized kinetic energy below which an actor may go to sleep.
Actors whose kinetic energy divided by their mass is above this threshold will not be put to sleep.
\return The energy threshold for sleeping.
@see isSleeping() wakeUp() putToSleep() setSleepThreshold()
virtual PxReal getSleepThreshold() const = 0;
\brief Wakes up the actor if it is sleeping.
The wakeCounterValue determines how long until the body is put to sleep, a value of zero means
that the body is sleeping. wakeUp(0) is equivalent to PxRigidDynamic::putToSleep().
\param[in] wakeCounterValue New sleep counter value. <b>Range:</b> [0,inf]
@see isSleeping() putToSleep()
virtual void wakeUp(PxReal wakeCounterValue=PX_SLEEP_INTERVAL) = 0;
\brief Forces the actor to sleep.
The actor will stay asleep during the next simulation step if not touched by another non-sleeping actor.
\note This will set the velocity of the actor to 0.
@see isSleeping() wakeUp()
virtual void putToSleep() = 0;
\brief Sets the solver iteration counts for the body.
The solver iteration count determines how accurately joints and contacts are resolved.
If you are having trouble with jointed bodies oscillating and behaving erratically, then
setting a higher position iteration count may improve their stability.
If intersecting bodies are being depenetrated too violently, increase the number of velocity iterations.
<b>Default:</b> 4 position iterations, 1 velocity iteration
\param[in] minPositionIters Number of position iterations the solver should perform for this body. <b>Range:</b> [1,255]
\param[in] minVelocityIters Number of velocity iterations the solver should perform for this body. <b>Range:</b> [1,255]
@see getSolverIterationCounts()
virtual void setSolverIterationCounts(PxU32 minPositionIters, PxU32 minVelocityIters = 1) = 0;
\brief Retrieves the solver iteration counts.
@see setSolverIterationCounts()
virtual void getSolverIterationCounts(PxU32& minPositionIters, PxU32& minVelocityIters) const = 0;
\brief Retrieves the force threshold for contact reports.
The contact report threshold is a force threshold. If the force between
two actors exceeds this threshold for either of the two actors, a contact report
will be generated according to the contact report threshold flags provided by
the filter shader/callback.
See #PxPairFlag.
The threshold used for a collision between a dynamic actor and the static environment is
the threshold of the dynamic actor, and all contacts with static actors are summed to find
the total normal force.
<b>Default:</b> PX_MAX_F32
\return Force threshold for contact reports.
@see setContactReportThreshold PxPairFlag PxSimulationFilterShader PxSimulationFilterCallback
virtual PxReal getContactReportThreshold() const = 0;
\brief Sets the force threshold for contact reports.
See #getContactReportThreshold().
\param[in] threshold Force threshold for contact reports. <b>Range:</b> (0,inf)
@see getContactReportThreshold PxPairFlag
virtual void setContactReportThreshold(PxReal threshold) = 0;
\brief Raises or clears a particular dynamic rigid body flag.
See the list of flags #PxRigidDynamicFlag
<b>Default:</b> no flags are set
<b>Sleeping:</b> Does <b>NOT</b> wake the actor up automatically.
\param[in] flag The PxRigidDynamic flag to raise(set) or clear. See #PxRigidDynamicFlag.
\param[in] value The new boolean value for the flag.
@see PxRigidDynamicFlag getRigidDynamicFlags()
virtual void setRigidDynamicFlag(PxRigidDynamicFlag::Enum flag, bool value) = 0;
virtual void setRigidDynamicFlags(PxRigidDynamicFlags inFlags) = 0;
\brief Reads the PxRigidDynamic flags.
See the list of flags #PxRigidDynamicFlag
\return The values of the PxRigidDynamic flags.
@see PxRigidDynamicFlag setRigidDynamicFlag()
virtual PxRigidDynamicFlags getRigidDynamicFlags() const = 0;
virtual const char* getConcreteTypeName() const { return "PxRigidDynamic"; }
PxRigidDynamic(PxRefResolver& v) : PxRigidBody(v) {}
PX_INLINE PxRigidDynamic() : PxRigidBody() {}
virtual ~PxRigidDynamic() {}
virtual bool isKindOf(const char* name) const { return !strcmp("PxRigidDynamic", name) || PxRigidBody::isKindOf(name); }
PX_INLINE PxRigidDynamic* PxActor::isRigidDynamic() { return is<PxRigidDynamic>(); }
PX_INLINE const PxRigidDynamic* PxActor::isRigidDynamic() const { return is<PxRigidDynamic>(); }
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
} // namespace physx
/** @} */