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/** \addtogroup scenequery
@{ */
#include "PxPhysX.h"
#include "PxShape.h"
#include "PxBatchQueryDesc.h"
#include "PxSceneQueryReport.h"
#include "PxSceneQueryFiltering.h"
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
namespace physx
class PxBoxGeometry;
class PxSphereGeometry;
class PxSweepCache;
struct PxSceneQueryCache;
\brief Batched queries object. This is used to perform several queries at the same time.
@see PxSceneQueryManager
class PxBatchQuery
\brief Executes batched queries.
virtual void execute() = 0;
\brief Gets the prefilter shader in use for this scene query.
\return Prefilter shader.
@see PxBatchQueryDesc.preFilterShade PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader
virtual PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader getPreFilterShader() const = 0;
\brief Gets the postfilter shader in use for this scene query.
\return Postfilter shader.
@see PxBatchQueryDesc.preFilterShade PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader
virtual PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader getPostFilterShader() const = 0;
\brief Gets the shared global filter data in use for this scene query.
\return Shared filter data for filter shader.
@see getFilterShaderDataSize() PxBatchQueryDesc.filterShaderData PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader, PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader
virtual const void* getFilterShaderData() const = 0;
\brief Gets the size of the shared global filter data (#PxSceneDesc.filterShaderData)
\return Size of shared filter data [bytes].
@see getFilterShaderData() PxBatchQueryDesc.filterShaderDataSize PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader, PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader
virtual PxU32 getFilterShaderDataSize() const = 0;
\brief Retrieves the client specified with PxBatchQueryDesc::ownerClient at creation time.
It is not possible to change this value after creating the scene query.
@see PxBatchQueryDesc::ownerClient
virtual PxClientID getOwnerClient() const = 0;
\brief Releases PxBatchQuery from PxSceneQueryManager
@see PxSceneQueryManager
virtual void release() = 0;
\brief Returns whether any object of type objectsType is hit along the ray.
\note Make certain that the direction vector of the ray is normalized.
\note Shooting a ray from within an object leads to different results depending on the shape type. Please check the details in article SceneQuery. User can ignore such objects by using one of the provided filter mechanisms.
\param[in] origin Origin of the ray.
\param[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the ray.
\param[in] distance Length of the ray. Needs to be larger than 0.
\param[in] filterData filterData which is passed to the filer shader. See #PxSceneQueryFilterData #PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader, #PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader
\param[in] userData user can assign this to a value of his choice, usually to identify this particular query
\param[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Ray is tested against cached shape first. If no hit is found the ray gets queried against the scene.
Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit.
Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
@see PxSceneQueryFilterData PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader PxRaycastHit raycastSingle() raycastMultiple()
virtual void raycastAny( const PxVec3& origin, const PxVec3& unitDir, PxReal distance = PX_MAX_F32,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData& filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
void* userData = NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache* cache = NULL) const = 0;
\brief Returns the first object of type objectsType that is hit along the ray.
The world space intersection point, and the distance along the ray are also provided.
hintFlags is a combination of #PxSceneQueryFlag flags.
\note Make certain that the direction vector of the ray is normalized.
\note Shooting a ray from within an object leads to different results depending on the shape type. Please check the details in article SceneQuery. User can ignore such objects by using one of the provided filter mechanisms.
\param[in] origin Origin of the ray.
\param[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the ray.
\param[in] distance Length of the ray. Needs to be larger than 0.
\param[in] outputFlags Specifies which properties should be written to the hit information
\param[in] filterData filterData which is passed to the filer shader. See #PxSceneQueryFilterData #PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader, #PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader
\param[in] userData user can assign this to a value of his choice, usually to identify this particular query
\param[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Ray is tested against cached shape first then against the scene.
Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit.
Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
@see PxSceneQueryFilterData PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader PxRaycastHit raycastAny() raycastMultiple()
virtual void raycastSingle( const PxVec3& origin, const PxVec3& unitDir, PxReal distance = PX_MAX_F32,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData& filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
PxSceneQueryFlags outputFlags = PxSceneQueryFlag::eIMPACT|PxSceneQueryFlag::eNORMAL|PxSceneQueryFlag::eDISTANCE|PxSceneQueryFlag::eUV,
void* userData = NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache* cache = NULL) const = 0;
\brief Find all objects of type objectsType which a ray intersects.
hintFlags is a combination of #PxSceneQueryFlag flags.
\note Make certain that the direction vector of the ray is normalized.
\note Shooting a ray from within an object leads to different results depending on the shape type. Please check the details in article SceneQuery. User can ignore such objects by using one of the provided filter mechanisms.
\param[in] origin Origin of the ray.
\param[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the ray.
\param[in] distance Length of the ray. Needs to be larger than 0.
\param[in] outputFlags Specifies which properties should be written to the hit information
\param[in] filterData filterData which is passed to the filer shader. See #PxSceneQueryFilterData #PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader, #PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader
\param[in] userData user can assign this to a value of his choice, usually to identify this particular query
\param[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Ray is tested against cached shape first then against the scene.
Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit.
Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
@see PxSceneQueryFilterData PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader PxRaycastHit raycastAny() raycastSingle()
virtual void raycastMultiple( const PxVec3& origin, const PxVec3& unitDir, PxReal distance = PX_MAX_F32,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData& filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
PxSceneQueryFlags outputFlags = PxSceneQueryFlag::eIMPACT|PxSceneQueryFlag::eNORMAL|PxSceneQueryFlag::eDISTANCE|PxSceneQueryFlag::eUV,
void* userData = NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache* cache = NULL) const = 0;
\brief Test overlap between a geometry and objects in the scene. Returns all objects of type objectsType which overlap the world-space sphere
\note Filtering: Overlap tests do not distinguish between touching and blocking hit types (see #PxSceneQueryHitType). Both get written to the hit buffer.
\note PxSceneQueryFilterFlag::eMESH_MULTIPLE and PxSceneQueryFilterFlag::eBACKFACE have no effect in this case
\param[in] geometry Geometry of object to check for overlap (supported types are: box, sphere, capsule, convex).
\param[in] pose Pose of the object.
\param[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic. See #PxSceneQueryFilterData #PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader, #PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader
\param[in] userData user can assign this to a value of his choice, usually to identify this particular query
\param[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Ray is tested against cached shape first then against the scene.
Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit.
Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
\param[in] maxShapes user-defined limit on number of reported shapes (0 to report all shapes)
@see PxSceneQueryFlags PxSceneQueryFilterData PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader
virtual void overlapMultiple( const PxGeometry& geometry,
const PxTransform& pose,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData& filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
void* userData=NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache* cache = NULL,
PxU32 maxShapes=0) const = 0;
\brief Test returning, for a given geometry, any overlapping object in the scene. Returns any object of type objectsType which overlap the world-space sphere
\note Filtering: Overlap tests do not distinguish between touching and blocking hit types (see #PxSceneQueryHitType). Both get written to the hit buffer.
\note PxSceneQueryFilterFlag::eMESH_MULTIPLE and PxSceneQueryFilterFlag::eBACKFACE have no effect in this case
\param[in] geometry Geometry of object to check for overlap (supported types are: box, sphere, capsule, convex).
\param[in] pose Pose of the object.
\param[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic. See #PxSceneQueryFilterData #PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader, #PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader
\param[in] userData user can assign this to a value of his choice, usually to identify this particular query
\param[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Ray is tested against cached shape first then against the scene.
Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit.
Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
@see PxSceneQueryFlags PxSceneQueryFilterData PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader
PX_INLINE void overlapAny( const PxGeometry& geometry,
const PxTransform& pose,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData& filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
void* userData=NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache* cache = NULL )
{ overlapMultiple(geometry, pose, filterData, userData, cache,1); }
\brief Sweeps returning a single result.
Returns the first rigid actor that is hit along the ray. Data for a blocking hit will be returned as specified by the outputFlags field. Touching hits will be ignored.
\note If a shape from the scene is already overlapping with the query shape in its starting position, behavior is controlled by the PxSceneQueryFlag::eINITIAL_OVERLAP flag.
\param[in] geometry Geometry of object to sweep (supported types are: box, sphere, capsule, convex).
\param[in] pose Pose of the sweep object.
\param[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the sweep.
\param[in] distance Sweep distance. Needs to be larger than 0. Will be clamped to PX_MAX_SWEEP_DISTANCE.
\param[in] outputFlags Specifies which properties should be written to the hit information.
\param[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic.
\param[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Ray is tested against cached shape first then against the scene.
Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit.
Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
\param[in] userData user can assign this to a value of his choice, usually to identify this particular query
\param[in] inflation This parameter creates a skin around the swept geometry which increases its extents for sweeping. The sweep will register a hit as soon as the skin touches a shape, and will return the corresponding distance and normal.
@see PxSceneQueryFlags PxSceneQueryFilterData PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader PxSweepHit
virtual void sweepSingle( const PxGeometry& geometry, const PxTransform& pose, const PxVec3& unitDir, const PxReal distance,
PxSceneQueryFlags outputFlags = PxSceneQueryFlag::eIMPACT|PxSceneQueryFlag::eNORMAL|PxSceneQueryFlag::eDISTANCE|PxSceneQueryFlag::eUV,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData& filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
void* userData=NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache* cache = NULL, const PxReal inflation = 0.f) const = 0;
\brief Performs a linear sweep through space with a compound of geometry objects
\note Supported geometries are: PxBoxGeometry, PxSphereGeometry, PxCapsuleGeometry, PxConvexMeshGeometry.
\note If a shape from the scene is already overlapping with the query shape in its starting position, behavior is controlled by the PxSceneQueryFlag::eINITIAL_OVERLAP flag.
The function sweeps all specified geometry objects through space and reports any objects in the scene
which intersect. Apart from the number of objects intersected in this way, and the objects
intersected, information on the closest intersection is put in an #PxSweepHit structure which
is stored in the user allocated buffer in PxBatchQueryDesc . See #PxBatchQueryDesc.
\param[in] geometryList List of pointers to the geometry objects to sweep
\param[in] poseList The world pose for each geometry object
\param[in] filterDataList Filter data for each geometry object. NULL, if no filtering should be done
\param[in] geometryCount Number of geometry objects specified
\param[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the sweep.
\param[in] distance Sweep distance. Needs to be larger than 0. Will be clamped to PX_MAX_SWEEP_DISTANCE.
\param[in] filterFlags Filter logic settings. See #PxSceneQueryFilterFlag.
\param[in] outputFlags Allows the user to specify which field of #PxSweepHit they are interested in. See #PxSceneQueryFlag
\param[in] userData user can assign this to a value of his choice, usually to identify this particular query
\param[in] cache Sweep cache to use with the query
\param[in] inflation This parameter creates a skin around the swept geometry which increases its extents for sweeping. The sweep will register a hit as soon as the skin touches a shape, and will return the corresponding distance and normal.
@see PxSceneQueryFilterFlag PxFilterData PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader PxSceneQueryReport PxSweepHit linearCompoundGeometrySweepMultiple
virtual void linearCompoundGeometrySweepSingle( const PxGeometry** geometryList,
const PxTransform* poseList,
const PxFilterData* filterDataList,
PxU32 geometryCount,
const PxVec3& unitDir,
const PxReal distance,
PxSceneQueryFilterFlags filterFlags,
PxSceneQueryFlags outputFlags = PxSceneQueryFlag::eIMPACT|PxSceneQueryFlag::eNORMAL|PxSceneQueryFlag::eDISTANCE|PxSceneQueryFlag::eUV,
void* userData=NULL,
const PxSweepCache* cache = NULL, const PxReal inflation = 0.f) const = 0;
\brief Sweep returning multiple results.
Find all rigid actors that get hit along the sweep. Each result contains data as specified by the outputFlags field.
\note Touching hits are not ordered.
\note If a shape from the scene is already overlapping with the query shape in its starting position, behavior is controlled by the PxSceneQueryFlag::eINITIAL_OVERLAP flag.
\param[in] geometry Geometry of object to sweep (supported types are: box, sphere, capsule, convex).
\param[in] pose Pose of the sweep object.
\param[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the sweep.
\param[in] distance Sweep distance. Needs to be larger than 0. Will be clamped to PX_MAX_SWEEP_DISTANCE.
\param[in] outputFlags Specifies which properties should be written to the hit information.
\param[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic.
\param[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Ray is tested against cached shape first then against the scene.
Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit.
Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
\param[in] userData user can assign this to a value of his choice, usually to identify this particular query
\param[in] inflation This parameter creates a skin around the swept geometry which increases its extents for sweeping. The sweep will register a hit as soon as the skin touches a shape, and will return the corresponding distance and normal.
@see PxSceneQueryFlags PxSceneQueryFilterData PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader PxSweepHit
virtual void sweepMultiple( const PxGeometry& geometry, const PxTransform& pose, const PxVec3& unitDir, const PxReal distance,
PxSceneQueryFlags outputFlags = PxSceneQueryFlag::eIMPACT|PxSceneQueryFlag::eNORMAL|PxSceneQueryFlag::eDISTANCE|PxSceneQueryFlag::eUV,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData& filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
void* userData=NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache* cache = NULL, const PxReal inflation = 0.f) const = 0;
\brief Performs a linear sweep through space with a compound of geometry objects, returning all overlaps.
\note Supported geometries are: PxBoxGeometry, PxSphereGeometry, PxCapsuleGeometry, PxConvexMeshGeometry.
\note If a shape from the scene is already overlapping with the query shape in its starting position, behavior is controlled by the PxSceneQueryFlag::eINITIAL_OVERLAP flag.
The function sweeps all specified geometry objects through space and reports all objects in the scene
which intersect. Apart from the number of objects intersected in this way, and the objects
intersected, information on the closest intersection is put in an #PxSweepHit structure which
is stored in the user allocated buffer in PxBatchQueryDesc . See #PxBatchQueryDesc.
\param[in] geometryList List of pointers to the geometry objects to sweep
\param[in] poseList The world pose for each geometry object
\param[in] filterDataList Filter data for each geometry object. NULL, if no filtering should be done
\param[in] geometryCount Number of geometry objects specified
\param[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the sweep.
\param[in] distance Sweep distance. Needs to be larger than 0. Will be clamped to PX_MAX_SWEEP_DISTANCE.
\param[in] filterFlags Filter logic settings. See #PxSceneQueryFilterFlag.
\param[in] outputFlags Allows the user to specify which field of #PxSweepHit they are interested in. See #PxSceneQueryFlag
\param[in] userData user can assign this to a value of his choice, usually to identify this particular query
\param[in] cache Sweep cache to use with the query
\param[in] inflation This parameter creates a skin around the swept geometry which increases its extents for sweeping. The sweep will register a hit as soon as the skin touches a shape, and will return the corresponding distance and normal.
@see PxSceneQueryFilterFlag PxFilterData PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader PxSceneQueryReport PxSweepHit linearCompoundGeometrySweepSingle
virtual void linearCompoundGeometrySweepMultiple( const PxGeometry** geometryList,
const PxTransform* poseList,
const PxFilterData* filterDataList,
PxU32 geometryCount,
const PxVec3& unitDir,
const PxReal distance,
PxSceneQueryFilterFlags filterFlags,
PxSceneQueryFlags outputFlags = PxSceneQueryFlag::eIMPACT|PxSceneQueryFlag::eNORMAL|PxSceneQueryFlag::eDISTANCE|PxSceneQueryFlag::eUV,
void* userData=NULL,
const PxSweepCache* cache=NULL, const PxReal inflation=0.f) const = 0;
virtual ~PxBatchQuery(){}
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
} // namespace physx
/** @} */