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#include "stdneb.h"
#include "Atmosphere.h"
namespace Sky
__ImplementClass( Atmosphere, 'ATMO', Core::RefCounted);
: m_Options(Options()),
const float Atmosphere::_Scale(const float &cos, const float &uScaleDepth) const
float x = 1.0f - cos;
return uScaleDepth * Math::n_exp(-0.00287f + x*(0.459f + x*(3.83f + x*(-6.80f + x*5.25f))));
const Math::float3 Atmosphere::GetColorAt(const Math::float3 &Direction) const
if (Direction.y() < 0)
return Math::float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Parameters
float Scale = 1.0f / (m_Options.OuterRadius - m_Options.InnerRadius),
ScaleDepth = (m_Options.OuterRadius - m_Options.InnerRadius) / 2.0f,
ScaleOverScaleDepth = Scale / ScaleDepth,
Kr4PI = float(m_Options.RayleighMultiplier * 4.0f * PI),
KrESun = m_Options.RayleighMultiplier * m_Options.SunIntensity,
Km4PI = float(m_Options.MieMultiplier * 4.0f * PI),
KmESun = m_Options.MieMultiplier * m_Options.SunIntensity;
// --- Start vertex program simulation ---
Math::float3 uLightDir = - GetSunDirection(),
v3Pos = Direction,
uCameraPos = Math::float3(0.0f, m_Options.InnerRadius + (m_Options.OuterRadius - m_Options.InnerRadius) * m_Options.HeightPosition, 0.0f),
uInvWaveLength = Math::float3( 1.0f / Math::n_pow(m_Options.WaveLength.x(), 4.0f),
1.0f / Math::n_pow(m_Options.WaveLength.y(), 4.0f),
1.0f / Math::n_pow(m_Options.WaveLength.z(), 4.0f)
// Get the ray from the camera to the vertex, and it's length (far point)
v3Pos.y() += m_Options.InnerRadius;
Math::float3 v3Ray = v3Pos - uCameraPos;
float fFar = v3Ray.length();
v3Ray /= fFar;
// Calculate the ray's starting position, then calculate its scattering offset
Math::float3 v3Start = uCameraPos;
float fHeight = uCameraPos.y(),
fStartAngle = v3Ray.dotProduct(v3Start) / fHeight,
fDepth = Math::n_exp(ScaleOverScaleDepth * (m_Options.InnerRadius - uCameraPos.y())),
fStartOffset = fDepth * _Scale(fStartAngle, ScaleDepth);
// Init loop variables
float fSampleLength = fFar / static_cast<float> (m_Options.NumberOfSamples),
fScaledLength = fSampleLength * Scale,
fHeight_, fDepth_, fLightAngle, fCameraAngle, fScatter;
Math::float3 v3SampleRay = v3Ray * fSampleLength,
v3SamplePoint = v3Start + v3SampleRay * 0.5,
color, v3Attenuate;
// Loop the ray
for (IndexT i = 0; i<m_Options.NumberOfSamples; ++i)
fHeight_ = v3SamplePoint.length();
fDepth_ = Math::n_exp(ScaleOverScaleDepth * (m_Options.InnerRadius - fHeight_));
fLightAngle = uLightDir.dotProduct(v3SamplePoint) / fHeight_;
fCameraAngle = v3Ray.dotProduct(v3SamplePoint) / fHeight_;
fScatter = (fStartOffset + fDepth * (_Scale(fLightAngle, ScaleDepth) - _Scale(fCameraAngle, ScaleDepth)));
v3Attenuate = Math::float3(
Math::n_exp(-fScatter * (uInvWaveLength.x() * Kr4PI + Km4PI)),
Math::n_exp(-fScatter * (uInvWaveLength.y() * Kr4PI + Km4PI)),
Math::n_exp(-fScatter * (uInvWaveLength.z() * Kr4PI + Km4PI))
// Accumulate color
v3Attenuate *= (fDepth_ * fScaledLength);
color += v3Attenuate;
// Next sample point
v3SamplePoint += v3SampleRay;
// Outputs
Math::float3 oRayleighColor = color * (uInvWaveLength * KrESun),
oMieColor = color * KmESun,
oDirection = uCameraPos - v3Pos;
// --- End vertex program simulation ---
// --- Start fragment program simulation ---
float cos = uLightDir.dotProduct(oDirection) / oDirection.length(),
cos2 = cos*cos,
rayleighPhase = (float)0.75 * (1.0f + 0.5f*cos2),
g2 = m_Options.G * m_Options.G,
miePhase = 1.5f * ((1.0f - g2) / (2.0f + g2)) *
(1.0f + cos2) / Math::n_pow(1.0f + g2 - 2.0f * m_Options.G * cos, 1.5f);
Math::float3 oColor;
if (m_LigntingMode == LM_LDR)
oColor = Math::float3(
1 - Math::n_exp(-m_Options.Exposure * (rayleighPhase * oRayleighColor.x() + miePhase * oMieColor.x())),
1 - Math::n_exp(-m_Options.Exposure * (rayleighPhase * oRayleighColor.y() + miePhase * oMieColor.y())),
1 - Math::n_exp(-m_Options.Exposure * (rayleighPhase * oRayleighColor.z() + miePhase * oMieColor.z()))
oColor = rayleighPhase * oRayleighColor + miePhase * oMieColor;
// For night rendering
oColor += Math::n_clamp((1 - Math::n_max(oColor.x(), Math::n_max(oColor.y(), oColor.z())) * 10), 0.0f, 1.0f)
* (Math::float3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.1f))
* (2 - 0.75f * Math::n_clamp(-uLightDir.y(), 0.0f, 1.0f) * Math::n_pow(1 - Direction.y(), 3));
// --- End fragment program simulation ---
// Output color
return oColor;
const Math::float3 Atmosphere::GetSunDirection() const
// 24h day:
// 0______A(Sunrise)_______B(Sunset)______24
float y,
X = m_Options.Time.x(),
A = m_Options.Time.y(),
B = m_Options.Time.z(),
AB = A+24-B,
AB_ = B-A,
XB = X+24-B;
if (X<A || X>B)
if (X<A)
y = -XB / AB;
y = -(X-B) / AB;
if (y > -0.5f)
y *= 2;
y = -(1 + y) * 2.0f;
y = (X-A)/(B-A);
if (y < 0.5f)
y *= 2.0f;
y = (1 - y) * 2.0f;
Math::float2 East = m_Options.EastPosition;
East = Math::float2::normalize(East);
if (X > A && X < B)
if (X > (A + AB_/2))
East = -East;
if (X<A)
if (XB < (24-AB_)/2)
East = -East;
if ((X-B) < (24-AB_)/2)
East = -East;
float ydeg = (float)(PI/2.0f) * y,
sn = Math::n_sin(ydeg),
cs = Math::n_cos(ydeg);
Math::float3 SPos = Math::float3(East.x() * cs, sn, East.y() * cs);
return -SPos;