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@author Albert Semenov
@date 01/2008
This file is part of MyGUI.
MyGUI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MyGUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with MyGUI. If not, see <>.
#include "MyGUI_Prerequest.h"
#include "MyGUI_Widget.h"
#include "MyGUI_Any.h"
#include "MyGUI_EventPair.h"
#include "MyGUI_ControllerFadeAlpha.h"
#include "MyGUI_IItem.h"
#include "MyGUI_IItemContainer.h"
namespace MyGUI
typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate2<TabControl*, size_t> EventHandle_TabPtrSizeT;
class MYGUI_EXPORT TabControl :
public Widget,
public IItemContainer,
public MemberObsolete<TabControl>
// для уведобления об удалении
friend class TabItem;
struct TabItemInfo
TabItemInfo(int _width, const UString& _name, TabItem* _item, Any _data) :
int width;
UString name;
TabItem* item;
Any data;
typedef std::vector<TabItemInfo> VectorTabItemInfo;
//! @copydoc Widget::setPosition(const IntPoint& _value)
virtual void setPosition(const IntPoint& _value);
//! @copydoc Widget::setSize(const IntSize& _value)
virtual void setSize(const IntSize& _value);
//! @copydoc Widget::setCoord(const IntCoord& _value)
virtual void setCoord(const IntCoord& _value);
/** @copydoc Widget::setPosition(int _left, int _top) */
void setPosition(int _left, int _top);
/** @copydoc Widget::setSize(int _width, int _height) */
void setSize(int _width, int _height);
/** @copydoc Widget::setCoord(int _left, int _top, int _width, int _height) */
void setCoord(int _left, int _top, int _width, int _height);
// манипуляции айтемами
//! Get number of items
size_t getItemCount() const;
//! Insert an item into a array at a specified position
TabItem* insertItemAt(size_t _index, const UString& _name, Any _data = Any::Null);
//! Insert an item into a array
TabItem* insertItem(TabItem* _to, const UString& _name, Any _data = Any::Null);
//! Add an item to the end of a array
TabItem* addItem(const UString& _name, Any _data = Any::Null);
//! Remove item at a specified position
void removeItemAt(size_t _index);
//! Remove item
void removeItem(TabItem* _item);
//! Remove all items
void removeAllItems();
//! Get item from specified position
TabItem* getItemAt(size_t _index);
//! Get item index
size_t getItemIndex(TabItem* _item);
//! Search item, returns the position of the first occurrence in array or ITEM_NONE if item not found
size_t findItemIndex(TabItem* _item);
//! Search item, returns the position of the first occurrence in array or ITEM_NONE if item not found
size_t findItemIndexWith(const UString& _name);
//! Search item, returns the item of the first occurrence in array or nullptr if item not found
TabItem* findItemWith(const UString& _name);
void swapItems(size_t _index1, size_t _index2);
// манипуляции выделениями
//! Get index of selected item (ITEM_NONE if none selected)
size_t getIndexSelected() const;
//! Get selected item (nullptr if none selected)
TabItem* getItemSelected();
//! Select specified _index
void setIndexSelected(size_t _index);
//! Select item
void setItemSelected(TabItem* _item);
// манипуляции данными
//! Replace an item data at a specified position
void setItemDataAt(size_t _index, Any _data);
//! Replace an item data
void setItemData(TabItem* _item, Any _data);
//! Clear an item data at a specified position
void clearItemDataAt(size_t _index);
//! Clear an item data
void clearItemData(TabItem* _item);
//! Get item data from specified position
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType* getItemDataAt(size_t _index, bool _throw = true)
MYGUI_ASSERT_RANGE(_index, mItemsInfo.size(), "TabControl::getItemDataAt");
return mItemsInfo[_index].data.castType<ValueType>(_throw);
//! Get item data
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType* getItemData(TabItem* _item, bool _throw = true)
return getItemDataAt<ValueType>(getItemIndex(_item), _throw);
// манипуляции отображением
//! Replace an item name at a specified position
void setItemNameAt(size_t _index, const UString& _name);
//! Replace an item name
void setItemName(TabItem* _item, const UString& _name);
//! Get item name from specified position
const UString& getItemNameAt(size_t _index);
//! Get item name
const UString& getItemName(TabItem* _item);
// манипуляции выдимостью
//! Move all elements so specified becomes visible
void beginToItemAt(size_t _index);
//! Move all elements so specified becomes visible
void beginToItem(TabItem* _item);
//! Move all elements so first becomes visible
void beginToItemFirst();
//! Move all elements so last becomes visible
void beginToItemLast();
//! Move all elements so selected becomes visible
void beginToItemSelected();
// остальные манипуляции
//! Set button width at a specified position
void setButtonWidthAt(size_t _index, int _width = DEFAULT);
//! Set button width
void setButtonWidth(TabItem* _item, int _width = DEFAULT);
//! Get button width at a specified position
int getButtonWidthAt(size_t _index);
//! Get button width
int getButtonWidth(TabItem* _item);
/** Set default button width and disable autowidth mode */
void setButtonDefaultWidth(int _value);
/** Get default button width */
int getButtonDefaultWidth() const;
/** Enable or disable button auto width */
void setButtonAutoWidth(bool _value);
/** Get button auto width flag */
bool getButtonAutoWidth() const;
/** Enable or disable smooth sheets showing */
void setSmoothShow(bool _value);
/** Get smooth sheets showing flag */
bool getSmoothShow() const;
/** Event : Active TabControl sheet changed \n
signature : void method(MyGUI::TabControl* _sender, size_t _index)\n
@param _sender widget that called this event
@param _index Index of selected sheet
EventPair<EventHandle_WidgetSizeT, EventHandle_TabPtrSizeT>
// IItemContainer impl
virtual size_t _getItemCount();
virtual void _addItem(const MyGUI::UString& _name);
virtual void _removeItemAt(size_t _index);
virtual Widget* _getItemAt(size_t _index);
virtual void _setItemNameAt(size_t _index, const UString& _name);
virtual const UString& _getItemNameAt(size_t _index);
virtual void initialiseOverride();
virtual void shutdownOverride();
void updateBar();
void notifyPressedButtonEvent(MyGUI::Widget* _sender);
void notifyPressedBarButtonEvent(MyGUI::Widget* _sender);
int _getTextWidth(const UString& _text);
void _showItem(TabItem* _sheet, bool _show, bool _smooth);
void _createItemButton();
void _insertItem(size_t _index, const UString& _name, TabItem* _sheet, Any _data);
// вкладка при удалении уведомляет таб
void _notifyDeleteItem(TabItem* _item);
virtual void onWidgetCreated(Widget* _widget);
virtual void setPropertyOverride(const std::string& _key, const std::string& _value);
void actionWidgetHide(Widget* _widget);
ControllerFadeAlpha* createControllerFadeAlpha(float _alpha, float _coef, bool _enable);
Widget* _getWidgetTemplate();
Widget* _getWidgetBar();
Button* createButton();
void updateBarOld();
void updateBarNew();
int mOffsetTab; // смещение бара при показе кнопок
bool mButtonShow;
int mWidthBar; // ширина в которую помещаються все кнопки
std::vector<Button*> mItemButton; // список кнопок, не должно равно списку страниц
std::string mButtonSkinName;
std::string mEmptySkinName;
Widget* mWidgetBar;
Button* mButtonLeft;
Button* mButtonRight;
Widget* mButtonDecor;
VectorWidgetPtr mWidgetsPatch; // список виджетов которые нужно показать при показе кнопки
Widget* mEmptyBarWidget;
Widget* mItemTemplate;
// информация о вкладках
VectorTabItemInfo mItemsInfo;
size_t mStartIndex;
size_t mIndexSelect;
int mButtonDefaultWidth;
bool mSmoothShow;
bool mButtonAutoWidth;
// флаг, чтобы отсеч уведомления от вкладок, при общем шутдауне виджета
bool mShutdown;
Widget* mHeaderPlace;
Widget* mControls;
Widget* mEmpty;
} // namespace MyGUI
#endif // __MYGUI_TAB_CONTROL_H__