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#ifndef PX_D6JOINT_H
#define PX_D6JOINT_H
/** \addtogroup extensions
#include "extensions/PxJoint.h"
#include "extensions/PxJointLimit.h"
#include "foundation/PxFlags.h"
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
namespace physx
class PxD6Joint;
\brief Create a D6 joint.
\param[in] physics the physics SDK
\param[in] actor0 an actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
\param[in] localFrame0 the position and orientation of the joint relative to actor0
\param[in] actor1 an actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
\param[in] localFrame1 the position and orientation of the joint relative to actor1
@see PxD6Joint
PxD6Joint* PxD6JointCreate(PxPhysics& physics,
PxRigidActor* actor0, const PxTransform& localFrame0,
PxRigidActor* actor1, const PxTransform& localFrame1);
\brief Used to specify one of the degrees of freedom of a D6 joint.
@see PxD6Joint
struct PxD6Axis
enum Enum
eX = 0, //!< motion along the X axix
eY = 1, //!< motion along the Y axis
eZ = 2, //!< motion along the Z axis
eTWIST = 3, //!< motion around the X axis
eSWING1 = 4, //!< motion around the Y axis
eSWING2 = 5, //!< motion around the Z axis
eCOUNT = 6
\brief Used to specify the range of motions allowed for a degree of freedom in a D6 joint.
@see PxD6Joint
struct PxD6Motion
enum Enum
eLOCKED, //!< The DOF is locked, it does not allow relative motion.
eLIMITED, //!< The DOF is limited, it only allows motion within a specific range.
eFREE //!< The DOF is free and has its full range of motion.
\brief Used to specify which axes of a D6 joint are driven.
Each drive is an implicit force-limited damped spring:
force = spring * (target position - position) + damping * (targetVelocity - velocity)
Alternatively, the spring may be configured to generate a specified acceleration instead of a force.
A linear axis is affected by drive only if the corresponding drive flag is set. There are two possible models
for angular drive: swing/twist, which may be used to drive one or more angular degrees of freedom, or slerp,
which may only be used to drive all three angular degrees simultaneously.
@see PxD6Joint
struct PxD6Drive
enum Enum
eX = 0, //!< drive along the X-axis
eY = 1, //!< drive along the Y-axis
eZ = 2, //!< drive along the Z-axis
eSWING = 3, //!< drive of displacement from the X-axis
eTWIST = 4, //!< drive of the displacement around the X-axis
eSLERP = 5, //!< drive of all three angular degrees along a SLERP-path
eCOUNT = 6
\brief flags for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint
@see PxD6JointDrive PxD6Joint
struct PxD6JointDriveFlag
enum Enum
eACCELERATION = 1, //!< drive spring is for the acceleration at the joint (rather than the force)
typedef PxFlags<PxD6JointDriveFlag::Enum, PxU32> PxD6JointDriveFlags;
PX_FLAGS_OPERATORS(PxD6JointDriveFlag::Enum, PxU32);
\brief parameters for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint
@see PxD6Joint
class PxD6JointDrive
PxReal spring;
PxReal damping;
PxReal forceLimit;
PxD6JointDriveFlags flags;
// only needed for deprecated PxD6JointDesc
PX_DEPRECATED PxD6JointDrive(): spring(0), damping(0), forceLimit(PX_MAX_F32), flags(0) {}
PxD6JointDrive(PxReal driveSpring, PxReal driveDamping, PxReal _forceLimit, bool isAcceleration = false)
: spring(driveSpring)
, damping(driveDamping)
, forceLimit(_forceLimit)
, flags(isAcceleration?PxD6JointDriveFlag::eACCELERATION : 0)
\brief returns true if the drive is valid
bool isValid() const
return PxIsFinite(spring) &&
PxIsFinite(damping) &&
PxIsFinite(forceLimit) &&
spring >= 0 &&
damping >= 0;
\brief A D6 joint is a general constraint between two actors.
It allows the application to individually define the linear and rotational degrees of freedom,
and also to configure a variety of limits and driven degrees of freedom.
By default all degrees of freedom are locked. So to create a prismatic joint with free motion
along the x-axis:
joint->setMotion(PxD6Axis::eX, PxD6JointMotion::eFREE);
Or a Revolute joint with motion free allowed around the x-axis:
joint->setMotion(PxD6Axis::eTWIST, PxD6JointMotion::eFREE);
Degrees of freedom may also be set to limited instead of locked. There is a single limit value
for all linear degrees of freedom, which may act as a linear, circular, or spherical limit depending
on which degrees of freedom are limited.
If the twist degree of freedom is limited, is supports upper and lower limits. The two swing degrees
of freedom are limited with a cone limit.
@see PxD6JointCreate() PxJoint
class PxD6Joint: public PxJoint
static const PxJointType::Enum Type = PxJointType::eD6;
\brief Set the motion type around the specified axis.
Each axis may independently specify that the degree of freedom is locked (blocking relative movement
along or around this axis), limited by the corresponding limit, or free.
\param[in] axis the axis around which motion is specified
\param[in] type the motion type around the specified axis
<b>Default:</b> all degrees of freedom are locked
@see getMotion() PxD6Axis PxD6Motion
virtual void setMotion(PxD6Axis::Enum axis, PxD6Motion::Enum type) = 0;
\brief Get the motion type around the specified axis.
@see setMotion() PxD6Axis PxD6Motion
\param[in] axis the degree of freedom around which the motion type is specified
\return the motion type around the specified axis
virtual PxD6Motion::Enum getMotion(PxD6Axis::Enum axis) const = 0;
\brief Set the linear limit for the joint.
A single limit constraints all linear limited degrees of freedom, forming a linear, circular
or spherical constraint on motion depending on the number of limited degrees.
\param[in] limit the linear limit structure
@see getLinearLimit()
virtual void setLinearLimit(const PxJointLimit &limit) = 0;
\brief Get the linear limit for the joint.
\return the linear limit structure
@see setLinearLimit() PxJointLimit
virtual PxJointLimit getLinearLimit() const = 0;
\brief Set the twist limit for the joint.
The twist limit controls the range of motion around the twist axis.
The limit angle range is (-2*PI, 2*PI) and the extent of the limit must be strictly less than 2*PI
\param[in] limit the twist limit structure
@see getTwistLimit() PxJointLimitPair
virtual void setTwistLimit(const PxJointLimitPair &limit) = 0;
\brief Get the twist limit for the joint.
\return the twist limit structure
@see setTwistLimit() PxJointLimitPair
virtual PxJointLimitPair getTwistLimit() const = 0;
\brief Set the swing cone limit for the joint.
\brief The cone limit is used if either or both swing axes are limited. The extents are
symmetrical and measured in the frame of the parent. If only one swing degree of freedom
is limited, the corresponding value from the cone limit defines the limit range.
\param[in] limit the cone limit structure
@see getLimitCone() PxJointLimitCone
virtual void setSwingLimit(const PxJointLimitCone &limit) = 0;
\brief Get the cone limit for the joint.
\return the swing limit structure
@see setLimitCone() PxJointLimitCone
virtual PxJointLimitCone getSwingLimit() const = 0;
\brief Set the drive parameters for the specified drive type.
\param[in] index the type of drive being specified
\param[in] drive the drive parameters
@see getDrive() PxD6JointDrive
<b>Default</b> The default drive spring and damping values are zero, the force limit is zero, and no flags are set.
virtual void setDrive(PxD6Drive::Enum index, const PxD6JointDrive& drive) = 0;
\brief Get the drive parameters for the specified drive type.
\param[in] index the specified drive type
@see setDrive() PxD6JointDrive
virtual PxD6JointDrive getDrive(PxD6Drive::Enum index) const = 0;
\brief Set the drive goal pose
The goal is relative to the constraint frame of actor[0]
<b>Default</b> the identity transform
\param[in] pose The goal drive pose if positional drive is in use.
@see setDrivePosition()
virtual void setDrivePosition(const PxTransform& pose) = 0;
\brief Get the drive goal pose.
@see getDrivePosition()
virtual PxTransform getDrivePosition() const = 0;
\brief Set the target goal velocity for drive.
The velocity is measured in the constraint frame of actor[0]
\param[in] linear The goal velocity for linear drive
\param[in] angular The goal velocity for angular drive
@see getDriveVelocity()
virtual void setDriveVelocity(const PxVec3& linear,
const PxVec3& angular) = 0;
\brief Get the target goal velocity for joint drive.
\param[in] linear The goal velocity for linear drive
\param[in] angular The goal velocity for angular drive
@see setDriveVelocity()
virtual void getDriveVelocity(PxVec3& linear,
PxVec3& angular) const = 0;
\brief Set the linear tolerance threshold for projection. Projection is enabled if PxConstraintFlag::ePROJECTION
is set for the joint.
If the joint separates by more than this distance along its locked degrees of freedom, the solver
will move the bodies to close the distance.
Setting a very small tolerance may result in simulation jitter or other artifacts.
Sometimes it is not possible to project (for example when the joints form a cycle).
<b>Range:</b> [0,inf)<br>
<b>Default:</b> 1e10f
\param[in] tolerance the linear tolerance threshold
@see getProjectionLinearTolerance() PxJoint::setConstraintFlags() PxConstraintFlag::ePROJECTION
virtual void setProjectionLinearTolerance(PxReal tolerance) = 0;
\brief Get the linear tolerance threshold for projection.
\return the linear tolerance threshold
@see setProjectionLinearTolerance()
virtual PxReal getProjectionLinearTolerance() const = 0;
\brief Set the angular tolerance threshold for projection. Projection is enabled if
PxConstraintFlag::ePROJECTION is set for the joint.
If the joint deviates by more than this angle around its locked angular degrees of freedom,
the solver will move the bodies to close the angle.
Setting a very small tolerance may result in simulation jitter or other artifacts.
Sometimes it is not possible to project (for example when the joints form a cycle).
<b>Range:</b> [0,Pi] <br>
<b>Default:</b> Pi
\param[in] tolerance the angular tolerance threshold in radians
@see getProjectionAngularTolerance() PxJoint::setConstraintFlag() PxConstraintFlag::ePROJECTION
virtual void setProjectionAngularTolerance(PxReal tolerance) = 0;
\brief Get the angular tolerance threshold for projection.
\return tolerance the angular tolerance threshold in radians
@see setProjectionAngularTolerance()
virtual PxReal getProjectionAngularTolerance() const = 0;
virtual const char* getConcreteTypeName() const { return "PxD6Joint"; }
PxD6Joint(PxRefResolver& v) : PxJoint(v) {}
PxD6Joint() {}
virtual bool isKindOf(const char* name) const { return !strcmp("PxD6Joint", name) || PxJoint::isKindOf(name); }
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
} // namespace physx
/** @} */