added version 1.1.82

master 1.1.82
build 2023-05-22 13:30:29 +02:00
parent a7452ebca5
commit 051685fb69
2 changed files with 33 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "base",
"version": "1.1.82",
"version": "1.1.83",
"title": "Base Mod",
"author": "Factorio team",
"contact": "",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,35 @@
Version: 1.1.83
Date: ????
Version: 1.1.82
Date: ????
Date: 22. 05. 2023
- Disabled the Command+W keyboard shortcut for closing the game window on Macs. Command+Q will still quit the application. (
- On macOS, left and right variants of the Command and Option keys are differentiated when not bound as a modifier.
- Fixed a desync between ARM and x86 platforms when the pathfinder was overloaded. (
- Fixed a crash when trivial smoke was defined with bad movement speed values. (
- Fixed that startup color mod settings would appear as changeable during runtime.
- Fixed multiple forces being unable to order deconstruction of the same forceless entity. (
- Fixed deconstruction markers being visible to forces which did not order the deconstruction.
- Fixed inconsistent rounding in tooltips caused by floating-point inaccuracy. (
- Fixed that upgrading modules with fast-transfer could cause the returned modules to overlap with the inventory hand.
- Fixed not being able to type in textboxes on steam deck. (
- Fixed that dump-icon-sprites did not work correctly for icons using shift values. (
- Fixed ghosts could be removed even if they do not collide with built entity. (
- Fixed a crash when removing modded pipe-to-ground that connects to a shifted pipe-to-ground. (
- Fixed a crash when a mod sets a train's schedule while a temporary stop with no wait conditions is being removed.
- Fixed a crash when saving the game after a server disconnect with non-blocking saving enabled.
- Fixed that blueprints could have duplicate logistic filters. (
- Fixed that LocalisedString ignored 'correct' translation status of its parameters. (
- Fixed that some PNGs loaded darker than intended on Macs, affecting some mods.
- Fixed remapped modifier keys not registering properly in some environments. (
- Added optional surface parameter to LuaForce::rechart.
- Added LuaGuiElement::auto_toggle read/write.
- Added LuaGuiElement::toggled read/write.
- BoundingBox accepts orientation from lua.
Version: 1.1.81
Date: 19. 04. 2023
@ -31,6 +60,8 @@ Date: 30. 03. 2023
- Fixed that solar panels on multiple surfaces would all produce electricity based on a daytime of one of the surfaces when they were part of a single electric network with a script created wire between surfaces. (
- Fixed that loaders would spill their items when fast-replaced or upgraded.
- Fixed valid path searches failing because a previously failed path with a wider bounding box was cached. (
- Fixed the Lua event on_equipment_inserted would not be triggered by construction robots delivering the equipment item. (
- Fixed the Lua events on_equipment_inserted and on_player_placed_equipment would not be triggered by dropping items into entities (using the 'drop item' key), or fast-transfer. (
- Added LuaRendering::use_target_orientation for Sprite, Animation, and Polygon.
- Added on_gui_hover, on_gui_leave.