Converted pandas and commands sections to use tables for legibility. Fixed a typo in datetime description.

This commit is contained in:
Donne Martin 2015-04-04 08:17:13 -04:00
parent b23feee87d
commit a12fc148ad

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@ -43,27 +43,31 @@ IPython Notebooks demonstrating core Python functionality geared towards data an
| [data structures]( | Tuples, lists, dicts, sets. |
| [data structure utilities]( | Slice, range, xrange, bisect, sort, sorted, reversed, enumerate, zip, list comprehensions. |
| [functions]( | Functions as objects, lambda functions, closures, *args, **kwargs currying, generators, generator expressions, itertools. |
| [datetime]( | Basics of datetime, strftime, strptime, timedelta. |
| [datetime]( | Datetime, strftime, strptime, timedelta. |
| [unit tests]( | Nose unit tests. |
## pandas
IPython Notebooks demonstrating pandas functionality.
* [pandas](
* [pandas io](
* [pandas cleaning](
| Notebook | Description |
| [pandas]( | Software library written for data manipulation and analysis in Python. Offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series. |
| [pandas io]( | Input and output operations. |
| [pandas cleaning]( | Data wrangling operations. |
## commands
IPython Notebooks demonstrating various command lines for Linux, Git, etc.
* [linux](
* [anaconda](
* [ipython notebook](
* [git](
* [ruby](
* [jekyll](
| Notebook | Description |
| [linux]( | Unix-like and mostly POSIX-compliant computer operating system. |
| [anaconda]( | Distribution of the Python programming language for large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment. |
| [ipython notebook]( | Web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into a single document. |
| [git]( | Distributed revision control system with an emphasis on speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows. |
| [ruby]( | Used to interact with the AWS command line and for Jekyll, a blog framework that can be hosted on GitHub Pages. |
| [jekyll]( | Simple, blog-aware, static site generator for personal, project, or organization sites. Renders Markdown or Textile and Liquid templates, and produces a complete, static website ready to be served by Apache HTTP Server, Nginx or another web server. |
## matplotlib