Update codebeat badget and remove resident file

mbinary 2020-04-09 16:42:48 +08:00
parent 36ebaecf18
commit 985b29ce65
3 changed files with 1 additions and 200 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
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>Notes and codes for learning algorithm and data structures :smiley:

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@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
''' mbinary
# File : binaryHeap1.py
# Author: mbinary
# Mail: zhuheqin1@gmail.com
# Blog: https://mbinary.xyz
# Github: https://github.com/mbinary
# Created Time: 2019-04-16 09:41
# Description:
from functools import partial
class heap:
def __init__(self,lst,reverse = False):
self.data= heapify(lst,reverse)
self.cmp = partial(lambda i,j,r:cmp(self.data[i],self.data[j],r),r= reverse)
def getTop(self):
return self.data[0]
def __getitem__(self,idx):
return self.data[idx]
def __bool__(self):
return self.data != []
def popTop(self):
ret = self.data[0]
n = len(self.data)
cur = 1
while cur * 2<=n:
chd = cur-1
r_idx = cur*2
l_idx = r_idx-1
if r_idx==n:
self.data[chd] = self.data[l_idx]
j = l_idx if self.cmp(l_idx,r_idx)<0 else r_idx
self.data[chd] = self.data[j]
cur = j+1
self.data[cur-1] = self.data[-1]
return ret
def addNode(self,val):
self.data = one_heapify(len(self.data)-1)
def cmp(n1,n2,reverse=False):
fac = -1 if reverse else 1
if n1 < n2: return -fac
elif n1 > n2: return fac
return 0
def heapify(lst,reverse = False):
for i in range(len(lst)):
lst = one_heapify(lst,i,reverse)
return lst
def one_heapify(lst,cur,reverse = False):
cur +=1
while cur>1:
chd = cur-1
prt = cur//2-1
if cmp(lst[prt],lst[chd],reverse)<0:
lst[prt],lst[chd] = lst[chd], lst[prt]
cur = prt+1
return lst
def heapSort(lst,reverse = False):
lst = lst.copy()
hp = heap(lst,reverse)
ret = []
while hp:
return ret
if __name__ == '__main__':
from random import randint
n = randint(10,20)
lst = [randint(0,100) for i in range(n)]
print('random : ', lst)
print('small-heap: ', heapify(lst))
print('big-heap : ', heapify(lst,True))
print('ascend : ', heapSort(lst))
print('descend : ', heapSort(lst,True))

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@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
''' mbinary
# File : loserTree.py
# Author: mbinary
# Mail: zhuheqin1@gmail.com
# Blog: https://mbinary.xyz
# Github: https://github.com/mbinary
# Created Time: 2018-05-19 23:06
# Description:
from winnerTree import winnerTree
class loserTree:
'''if i<=lowExt p = (i+offset)//2
else p = (i+n-1-lowExt)//2
s is the num of the full subtree node
p is the index of tree
i is the index of players
offset is a num 2^k-1 just bigger than n
lowExt is the double node num of the lowest layer of the tree
def __init__(self,players,reverse=False):
self.tree = [0]*self.n
self.tree[0] = self.initTree(1)
def getNum(self):
while 2*i< self.n:i=i*2
if 2*i ==self. n:
self.s = 2*i-1
self.lowExt = (self.n-i)*2
self.s = i-1
self.offset = 2*i-1
def treeToArray(self,p):
return 2*p-self.offset if p>self.s else 2*p+self.lowExt-self.n+1
def arrayToTree(self,i):
return (i+self.offset)//2 if i<=self.lowExt else (i-self.lowExt+ self.n-1)//2
def win(self,a,b):
return a<b if self.reverse else a>b
def initTree(self,p):
if p>=self.n:
delta = p%2 #!!! good job notice delta mark the lchild or rchlid
return self.players[self.treeToArray(p//2)+delta]
l = self.initTree(2*p)
r = self.initTree(2*p+1)
if self.win(r,l):
self.tree[p] = l
self.dir = 'r'
return r
else :
self.tree[p] = r
self.dir = 'l'
return l
def getWinIdx(self,idx=1):
while 2*idx<self.n:
idx = 2*idx if self.tree[idx].dir == 'l' else idx*2+1
return self.treeToArray(idx)
def winner(self):
i = self.getWinIdx()
i = i+1 if self.players[i] !=self.tree[0] else i
return self.tree[0],i
def getOppo(self,i,x,p):
if 2*p<self.n:oppo=self.tree[2*p]
elif i<=self.lowExt:oppo=self.players[i-1+i%2*2]
lpl= self.players[2*p+self.lowExt-self.n+1]
oppo = lpl if lpl!=x else self.players[2*p+self.lowExt-self.n+2]
return oppo
def update(self,i,x):
''' i is 1-indexed which is the num of player
and x is the new val of the player '''
p = self.arrayToTree(i)
oppo =self.getOppo(i,x,p)
self.tree[p],winner = x , oppo if self.win(oppo,x) else oppo,x
while p:
l = self.tree[p*2]
r = None
if 2*p+1<self.n:r=self.tree[p*2+1] #notice this !!!
else:r = self.players[2*p+self.lowExt-self.n+1]
self.tree[p] = l if self.win(l,r) else r
# to do update-func the change of every node's dir and loser
if __name__ =='__main__':
s= [4,1,6,7,9,5234,0,2,7,4,123]
t = winnerTree(s)
for i in s:
[0, 4, 1, 6, 7, 9, 5234, 0, 2, 123] [0, 5234, 9, 5234, 6, 9, 5234, 123, 4]
5234 6
123 9
9 5
7 4
6 3
4 1
2 8
1 2
0 7
-1 1