
409 lines
12 KiB

* This file is part of Jdenticon for PHP.
* Copyright (c) 2018 Daniel Mester Pirttijärvi
* For full license information, please see the LICENSE file that was
* distributed with this source code.
namespace Jdenticon\Canvas;
use Jdenticon\Canvas\ColorUtils;
use Jdenticon\Canvas\CanvasState;
use Jdenticon\Canvas\Rasterization\EdgeTable;
use Jdenticon\Canvas\Rasterization\Edge;
use Jdenticon\Canvas\Matrix;
class CanvasContext
private $savedStates = array();
private $edges;
private $transform;
private $paths;
private $canvas;
* Creates a new canvas with the specified dimensions given in pixels.
* @param \Jdenticon\Canvas\Canvas $canvas The owner canvas.
* @param array $edges The owner canvas' edge buffer.
public function __construct($canvas, &$edges)
$this->edges = $edges;
$this->canvas = $canvas;
* Specifies the fill color that is used when the fill method is called. Allowed values are:
* - 32 bit integers on the format 0xRRGGBBAA
* - strings on the format #RGB
* - strings on the format #RRGGBB
* - strings on the format #RRGGBBAA
* @var integer|string
public $fillStyle = 0x000000ff;
* Saves the current state to the state stack.
public function save()
array_push($this->savedStates, array(
'transform' => $this->transform,
'fillStyle' => $this->fillStyle
* Restores the last saved state of the CanvasContext.
public function restore()
$state = array_pop($this->savedStates);
if ($state != NULL) {
$this->transform = $state['transform'];
$this->fillStyle = $state['fillStyle'];
* Resets the internal path buffer and begins a new path.
public function resetTransform()
$this->transform = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
* Multiplies the current transformation matrix with the specified values.
public function transform($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f)
if (gettype($a) != 'integer' ||
gettype($b) != 'integer' ||
gettype($c) != 'integer' ||
gettype($d) != 'integer' ||
gettype($e) != 'integer' ||
gettype($f) != 'integer'
) {
$this->transform = $this->transform->multiply($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f);
* Sets the transformation matrix to the specified matrix.
public function setTransform($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f)
if (gettype($a) != 'integer' ||
gettype($b) != 'integer' ||
gettype($c) != 'integer' ||
gettype($d) != 'integer' ||
gettype($e) != 'integer' ||
gettype($f) != 'integer'
) {
$this->transform = new Matrix($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f);
* Applies a translation transformation to the CanvasContext.
* @param float $x Distance to move in the horizontal direction in pixels.
* @param float $y Distance to move in the vertical direction in pixels.
public function translate($x, $y)
$this->transform = $this->transform->translate($x, $y);
* Applies a scale transformation to the CanvasContext.
* @param float $x Scale in the horizontal direction. 1 means no scale.
* @param float $y Scale in the vertical direction. 1 means no scale.
public function scale($x, $y)
$this->transform = $this->transform->scale($x, $y);
* Applies a rotation transformation to the canvas around its current origo.
* @param float $angle Angle in radians measured clockwise from the
* positive x axis.
public function rotate($angle)
$this->transform = $this->transform->rotate($angle);
* Removes all existing subpaths and begins a new path.
public function beginPath()
$this->paths = array();
* Starts a new subpath that begins in the same point as the start and end
* point of the previous one.
public function closePath()
$pathsCount = count($this->paths);
if ($pathsCount > 0) {
$path = $this->paths[$pathsCount - 1];
$pathCount = count($path);
if ($pathCount > 2) {
// Close path
if ($path[0] != $path[$pathCount - 2] ||
$path[1] != $path[$pathCount - 1]
) {
$path[] = $path[0];
$path[] = $path[1];
// Begin a new path
$this->paths[] = array($path[0], $path[1]);
* Begins a new subpath by moving the cursor to the specified position.
* @param float $x X coordinate.
* @param float $y Y coordinate.
public function moveTo($x, $y)
$p = $this->transform->multiplyPoint($x, $y);
$this->paths[] = array($p->x, $p->y);
* Inserts an edge between the last and specified position.
* @param float $x Target X coordinate.
* @param float $y Target Y coordinate.
* @public
public function lineTo($x, $y)
$pathsCount = count($this->paths);
if ($pathsCount == 0) {
$this->paths[] = array();
$p = $this->transform->multiplyPoint($x, $y);
$path = &$this->paths[$pathsCount - 1];
$path[] = $p->x;
$path[] = $p->y;
* Adds an arc to the current path.
* @param float $x X coordinate of the center of the arc.
* @param float $y Y coordinate of the center of the arc.
* @param float $radius Radius of the arc.
* @param float $startAngle The angle in radians at which the arc starts,
* measured clockwise from the positive x axis.
* @param float $endAngle The angle in radians at which the arc end,
* measured clockwise from the positive x axis.
* @param boolean $anticlockwise Specifies whether the arc will be drawn
* counter clockwise. Default is clockwise.
public function arc($x, $y, $radius, $startAngle, $endAngle, $anticlockwise)
$sectors = floor((M_PI * $radius * 2) / $TARGET_CHORD_LENGTH_PIXELS);
if ($sectors < 9) {
$sectors = 9;
$sectorAngle = M_PI * 2 / $sectors;
if ($startAngle == $endAngle) {
if ($anticlockwise) {
$sectorAngle = -$sectorAngle;
if ($startAngle - $endAngle >= M_PI * 2) {
$endAngle = $startAngle - M_PI * 2;
} else {
// Normalize end angle so that the sweep angle is in the range
// (0, -2PI]
$endAngle +=
M_PI * 2 * ceil(($startAngle - $endAngle) /
(M_PI * 2) - 1);
} else {
if ($endAngle - $startAngle >= M_PI * 2) {
$endAngle = $startAngle + M_PI * 2;
} else {
// Normalize end angle so that the sweep angle is in the range
// (0, 2PI]
$endAngle -=
M_PI * 2 * ceil(($endAngle - $startAngle) /
(M_PI * 2) - 1);
$sectors = ($endAngle - $startAngle) / $sectorAngle;
$angle = $startAngle;
for ($i = 0; $i < $sectors; $i++) {
$dx = cos($angle) * $radius;
$dy = sin($angle) * $radius;
$this->lineTo($x + $dx, $y + $dy);
$angle += $sectorAngle;
$dx = cos($endAngle) * $radius;
$dy = sin($endAngle) * $radius;
$this->lineTo($x + $dx, $y + $dy);
* Fills the specified rectangle with fully transparent black without
* affecting the current paths.
* @param float $x X coordinate of the left side of the rectangle.
* @param float $y Y coordinate of the top of the rectangle.
* @param float $width Width of the rectangle.
* @param float $height Height of the rectangle.
public function clearRect($x, $y, $width, $height)
$fullCanvas = false;
if (!$this->transform->hasSkewing()) {
// Check if the whole canvas is cleared
$topLeft = $this->transform->multiplyPoint($x, $y);
if ($topLeft->x <= 0 && $topLeft->y <= 0) {
$bottomRight = $this->transform->multiplyPoint(
$x + $width, $y + $height);
if ($bottomRight->x >= $this->canvas->width &&
$bottomRight->y >= $this->canvas->height
) {
$fullCanvas = true;
if ($fullCanvas) {
} else {
$x, $y, $width, $height);
* Fills the specified rectangle without affecting the current paths.
* @param float $x X coordinate of the left side of the rectangle.
* @param float $y Y coordinate of the top of the rectangle.
* @param float $width Width of the rectangle.
* @param float $height Height of the rectangle.
public function fillRect($x, $y, $width, $height)
$fillColor = ColorUtils::parse($this->fillStyle);
$this->_fillRect($fillColor, $x, $y, $width, $height);
private function _fillRect($fillColor, $x, $y, $width, $height)
$polygonId = $this->edges->getNextPolygonId();
$points = array(
$this->transform->multiplyPoint($x, $y),
$this->transform->multiplyPoint($x + $width, $y),
$this->transform->multiplyPoint($x + $width, $y + $height),
$this->transform->multiplyPoint($x, $y + $height),
$this->transform->multiplyPoint($x, $y)
$pointsCount = count($points);
for ($i = 1; $i < $pointsCount; $i++) {
$this->edges->add(new Edge(
$points[$i - 1]->x,
$points[$i - 1]->y,
* Fills the defined paths.
* @param string $windingRule The winding rule to be used for determining
* which areas are covered by the current path. Valid values are
* "evenodd" and "nonzero". Default is "nonzero".
public function fill($windingRule = "nonzero")
$polygonId = $this->edges->getNextPolygonId();
$fillColor = ColorUtils::parse($this->fillStyle);
foreach ($this->paths as $points) {
$pointsCount = count($points);
if ($pointsCount <= 2) {
// Nothing to fill
for ($i = 2; $i < $pointsCount; $i += 2) {
$this->edges->add(new Edge(
$points[$i - 2],
$points[$i - 1],
$points[$i + 1],
// Close path
if ($points[0] != $points[$pointsCount - 2] ||
$points[1] != $points[$pointsCount - 1]
) {
$this->edges->add(new Edge(
$points[$pointsCount - 2],
$points[$pointsCount - 1],