/** * PrivateBin * * a zero-knowledge paste bin * * @see {@link https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin} * @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE ({@link http://sebsauvage.net}) * @license {@link https://www.opensource.org/licenses/zlib-license.php The zlib/libpng License} * @version 1.1 * @name PrivateBin * @namespace */ /** global: Base64 */ /** global: FileReader */ /** global: RawDeflate */ /** global: history */ /** global: navigator */ /** global: prettyPrint */ /** global: prettyPrintOne */ /** global: showdown */ /** global: sjcl */ // Immediately start random number generator collector. sjcl.random.startCollectors(); jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) { 'use strict'; /** * static helper methods * * @param {object} window * @param {object} document * @class */ var helper = (function (window, document) { var me = {}; /** * character to HTML entity lookup table * * @see {@link https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/blob/master/mustache.js#L60} * @private * @enum {Object} * @readonly */ var entityMap = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', '/': '/', '`': '`', '=': '=' }; /** * cache for script location * * @private * @enum {string|null} */ var scriptLocation = null; /** * converts a duration (in seconds) into human friendly approximation * * @name helper.secondsToHuman * @function * @param {number} seconds * @return {Array} */ me.secondsToHuman = function(seconds) { var v; if (seconds < 60) { v = Math.floor(seconds); return [v, 'second']; } if (seconds < 60 * 60) { v = Math.floor(seconds / 60); return [v, 'minute']; } if (seconds < 60 * 60 * 24) { v = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60)); return [v, 'hour']; } // If less than 2 months, display in days: if (seconds < 60 * 60 * 24 * 60) { v = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60 * 24)); return [v, 'day']; } v = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60 * 24 * 30)); return [v, 'month']; }; /** * text range selection * * @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/985272/jquery-selecting-text-in-an-element-akin-to-highlighting-with-your-mouse} * @name helper.selectText * @function * @param {HTMLElement} element */ me.selectText = function(element) { var range, selection; // MS if (document.body.createTextRange) { range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(element); range.select(); } // all others else if (window.getSelection) { selection = window.getSelection(); range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } }; /** * set text of a jQuery element (required for IE), * * @name helper.setElementText * @function * @param {jQuery} $element - a jQuery element * @param {string} text - the text to enter */ me.setElementText = function($element, text) { // @TODO: Can we drop IE 10 support? This function looks crazy and checking oldienotice slows everything down… // I cannot really say, whether this IE10 method is XSS-safe… // For IE<10: Doesn't support white-space:pre-wrap; so we have to do this... if ($('#oldienotice').is(':visible')) { var html = me.htmlEntities(text).replace(/\n/ig, '\r\n
'); $element.html('
' + html + '
'); } // for other (sane) browsers: else { $element.text(text); } }; /** * convert URLs to clickable links. * URLs to handle: *
         *     magnet:?xt.1=urn:sha1:YNCKHTQCWBTRNJIV4WNAE52SJUQCZO5C&xt.2=urn:sha1:TXGCZQTH26NL6OUQAJJPFALHG2LTGBC7
         *     http://example.com:8800/zero/?6f09182b8ea51997#WtLEUO5Epj9UHAV9JFs+6pUQZp13TuspAUjnF+iM+dM=
         *     http://user:example.com@localhost:8800/zero/?6f09182b8ea51997#WtLEUO5Epj9UHAV9JFs+6pUQZp13TuspAUjnF+iM+dM=
* * @name helper.urls2links * @function * @param {Object} element - a jQuery DOM element */ me.urls2links = function(element) { var markup = '$1'; element.html( element.html().replace( /((http|https|ftp):\/\/[\w?=&.\/-;#@~%+-]+(?![\w\s?&.\/;#~%"=-]*>))/ig, markup ) ); element.html( element.html().replace( /((magnet):[\w?=&.\/-;#@~%+-]+)/ig, markup ) ); }; /** * minimal sprintf emulation for %s and %d formats * * @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/610406/javascript-equivalent-to-printf-string-format#4795914} * @name helper.sprintf * @function * @param {string} format * @param {...*} args - one or multiple parameters injected into format string * @return {string} */ me.sprintf = function() { var args = arguments; if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object') { args = arguments[0]; } var format = args[0], i = 1; return format.replace(/%((%)|s|d)/g, function (m) { // m is the matched format, e.g. %s, %d var val; if (m[2]) { val = m[2]; } else { val = args[i]; // A switch statement so that the formatter can be extended. switch (m) { case '%d': val = parseFloat(val); if (isNaN(val)) { val = 0; } break; default: // Default is %s } ++i; } return val; }); }; /** * get value of cookie, if it was set, empty string otherwise * * @see {@link http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp} * @name helper.getCookie * @function * @param {string} cname * @return {string} */ me.getCookie = function(cname) { var name = cname + '=', ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; ++i) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) === ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) === 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ''; }; /** * get the current script location (without search or hash part of the URL), * eg. http://example.com/path/?aaaa#bbbb --> http://example.com/path/ * * @name helper.scriptLocation * @function * @return {string} current script location */ me.scriptLocation = function() { // check for cached version if (scriptLocation !== null) { return scriptLocation; } scriptLocation = window.location.href.substring( 0, window.location.href.length - window.location.search.length - window.location.hash.length ); var hashIndex = scriptLocation.indexOf('?'); if (hashIndex !== -1) { scriptLocation = scriptLocation.substring(0, hashIndex); } return scriptLocation; }; /** * get the pastes unique identifier from the URL, * eg. http://example.com/path/?c05354954c49a487#c05354954c49a487 returns c05354954c49a487 * * @name helper.pasteId * @function * @return {string} unique identifier */ me.pasteId = function() { return window.location.search.substring(1); }; /** * return the deciphering key stored in anchor part of the URL * * @name helper.pageKey * @function * @return {string} key */ me.pageKey = function() { var key = window.location.hash.substring(1), i = key.indexOf('&'); // Some web 2.0 services and redirectors add data AFTER the anchor // (such as &utm_source=...). We will strip any additional data. if (i > -1) { key = key.substring(0, i); } return key; }; /** * convert all applicable characters to HTML entities * * @see {@link https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_(Cross_Site_Scripting)_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet#RULE_.231_-_HTML_Escape_Before_Inserting_Untrusted_Data_into_HTML_Element_Content} * @name helper.htmlEntities * @function * @param {string} str * @return {string} escaped HTML */ me.htmlEntities = function(str) { return String(str).replace( /[&<>"'`=\/]/g, function(s) { return entityMap[s]; }); }; return me; })(window, document); /** * internationalization methods * * @param {object} window * @param {object} document * @class */ var i18n = (function (window, document) { var me = {}; /** * supported languages, minus the built in 'en' * * @private * @prop {string[]} * @readonly */ var supportedLanguages = ['de', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'no', 'pl', 'oc', 'ru', 'sl', 'zh']; /** * built in language * * @private * @prop {string} */ var language = 'en'; /** * translation cache * * @private * @enum {Object} */ var translations = {}; /** * translate a string, alias for i18n.translate() * * @name i18n._ * @function * @param {string} messageId * @param {...*} args - one or multiple parameters injected into placeholders * @return {string} */ me._ = function() { return me.translate(arguments); }; /** * translate a string * * @name i18n.translate * @function * @param {string} messageId * @param {...*} args - one or multiple parameters injected into placeholders * @return {string} */ me.translate = function() { var args = arguments, messageId; if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object') { args = arguments[0]; } var usesPlurals = $.isArray(args[0]); if (usesPlurals) { // use the first plural form as messageId, otherwise the singular messageId = (args[0].length > 1 ? args[0][1] : args[0][0]); } else { messageId = args[0]; } if (messageId.length === 0) { return messageId; } if (!translations.hasOwnProperty(messageId)) { if (language !== 'en') { console.error( 'Missing ' + language + ' translation for: ' + messageId ); } translations[messageId] = args[0]; } if (usesPlurals && $.isArray(translations[messageId])) { var n = parseInt(args[1] || 1, 10), key = me.getPluralForm(n), maxKey = translations[messageId].length - 1; if (key > maxKey) { key = maxKey; } args[0] = translations[messageId][key]; args[1] = n; } else { args[0] = translations[messageId]; } return helper.sprintf(args); }; /** * per language functions to use to determine the plural form * * @see {@link http://localization-guide.readthedocs.org/en/latest/l10n/pluralforms.html} * @name i18n.getPluralForm * @function * @param {number} n * @return {number} array key */ me.getPluralForm = function(n) { switch (language) { case 'fr': case 'oc': case 'zh': return (n > 1 ? 1 : 0); case 'pl': return (n === 1 ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n %10 <=4 && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); case 'ru': return (n % 10 === 1 && n % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); case 'sl': return (n % 100 === 1 ? 1 : (n % 100 === 2 ? 2 : (n % 100 === 3 || n % 100 === 4 ? 3 : 0))); // de, en, es, it, no default: return (n !== 1 ? 1 : 0); } }; /** * load translations into cache, then trigger controller initialization * * @name i18n.loadTranslations * @function */ me.loadTranslations = function() { var newLanguage = helper.getCookie('lang'); // auto-select language based on browser settings if (newLanguage.length === 0) { newLanguage = (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage).substring(0, 2); } // if language is already used (e.g, default 'en'), skip update if (newLanguage === language) { return; } // if language is not supported, show error if (supportedLanguages.indexOf(newLanguage) === -1) { console.error('Language \'%s\' is not supported. Translation failed, fallback to English.', newLanguage); } // load strongs from JSON $.getJSON('i18n/' + newLanguage + '.json', function(data) { language = newLanguage; translations = data; }).fail(function (data, textStatus, errorMsg) { console.error('Language \'%s\' could not be loaded (%s: %s). Translation failed, fallback to English.', newLanguage, textStatus, errorMsg); }); }; return me; })(window, document); /** * handles everything related to en/decryption * * @class */ var cryptTool = (function () { var me = {}; /** * compress a message (deflate compression), returns base64 encoded data * * @name cryptToolcompress * @function * @private * @param {string} message * @return {string} base64 data */ function compress(message) { return Base64.toBase64( RawDeflate.deflate( Base64.utob(message) ) ); } /** * decompress a message compressed with cryptToolcompress() * * @name cryptTooldecompress * @function * @private * @param {string} data - base64 data * @return {string} message */ function decompress(data) { return Base64.btou( RawDeflate.inflate( Base64.fromBase64(data) ) ); } /** * compress, then encrypt message with given key and password * * @name cryptTool.cipher * @function * @param {string} key * @param {string} password * @param {string} message * @return {string} data - JSON with encrypted data */ me.cipher = function(key, password, message) { // Galois Counter Mode, keysize 256 bit, authentication tag 128 bit var options = { mode: 'gcm', ks: 256, ts: 128 }; if ((password || '').trim().length === 0) { return sjcl.encrypt(key, compress(message), options); } return sjcl.encrypt(key + sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(password)), compress(message), options); }; /** * decrypt message with key, then decompress * * @name cryptTool.decipher * @function * @param {string} key * @param {string} password * @param {string} data - JSON with encrypted data * @return {string} decrypted message */ me.decipher = function(key, password, data) { if (data !== undefined) { try { return decompress(sjcl.decrypt(key, data)); } catch(err) { try { return decompress(sjcl.decrypt(key + sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(password)), data)); } catch(e) { // ignore error, because ????? @TODO } } } return ''; }; /** * checks whether the crypt tool is ready. * * @name cryptTool.isReady * @function * @return {bool} */ me.isEntropyReady = function() { return sjcl.random.isReady(); }; /** * checks whether the crypt tool is ready. * * @name cryptTool.isReady * @function * @param {function} - the function to add */ me.addEntropySeedListener = function(func) { sjcl.random.addEventListener('seeded', func); }; /** * returns a random symmetric key * * @name cryptTool.getSymmetricKey * @function * @return {string} */ me.getSymmetricKey = function(func) { return sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(sjcl.random.randomWords(8, 0), 0); }; /** * initialize crypt tool * * @name cryptTool.init * @function */ me.init = function() { // will fail earlier as sjcl is already passed as a parameter // if (typeof sjcl !== 'object') { // alert.showError( // i18n._('The library %s is not available.', 'sjcl') + // i18n._('Messages cannot be decrypted or encrypted.') // ); // } }; return me; })(); /** * Data source (aka MVC) * * @param {object} window * @param {object} document * @class */ var modal = (function (window, document) { var me = {}; var $cipherData; /** * check if cipher data was supplied * * @name modal.getCipherData * @function * @return boolean */ me.hasCipherData = function() { return (me.getCipherData().length > 0); }; /** * returns the cipher data * * @name modal.getCipherData * @function * @return string */ me.getCipherData = function() { return $cipherData.text(); }; /** * returns the expiration set in the HTML * * @name modal.getExpirationDefault * @function * @return string * @TODO the template can be simplified as #pasteExpiration is no longer modified (only default value) */ me.getExpirationDefault = function() { return $('#pasteExpiration').val(); }; /** * returns the format set in the HTML * * @name modal.getFormatDefault * @function * @return string * @TODO the template can be simplified as #pasteFormatter is no longer modified (only default value) */ me.getFormatDefault = function() { return $('#pasteFormatter').val(); }; /** * init navigation manager * * preloads jQuery elements * * @name modal.init * @function */ me.init = function() { $cipherData = $('#cipherdata'); }; return me; })(window, document); /** * User interface manager * * @param {object} window * @param {object} document * @class */ var uiMan = (function (window, document) { var me = {}; // jQuery pre-loaded objects var $clearText, $clonedFile, $comments, $discussion, $image, $prettyMessage, $prettyPrint, $editorTabs, $remainingTime, $replyStatus; /** * handle history (pop) state changes * * currently this does only handle redirects to the home page. * * @name controller.historyChange * @function * @param {Event} event */ me.historyChange = function(event) { var currentLocation = helper.scriptLocation(); if (event.originalEvent.state === null && // no state object passed event.originalEvent.target.location.href === currentLocation && // target location is home page window.location.href === currentLocation // and we are not already on the home page ) { // redirect to home page window.location.href = currentLocation; } }; /** * reload the page * * This takes the user to the PrivateBin home page. * * @name controller.reloadPage * @function * @param {Event} event */ me.reloadPage = function(event) { window.location.href = helper.scriptLocation(); event.preventDefault(); }; /** * main UI manager * * @name controller.init * @function */ me.init = function() { // hide "no javascript" message $('#noscript').hide(); // bind events $('.reloadlink').click(me.reloadPage); $(window).on('popstate', me.historyChange); }; return me; })(window, document); /** * alert/notification manager * * @param {object} window * @param {object} document * @class */ var alert = (function (window, document) { var me = {}; var $attachment, $attachmentLink, $errorMessage, $clonedFile, $fileWrap, $status, $pasteSuccess, $shortenButton, $pasteUrl; /** * display a status message * * @name controller.showStatus * @function * @param {string} message - text to display * @param {boolean} [spin=false] - (optional) tell if the "spinning" animation should be displayed, defaults to false */ me.showStatus = function(message, spin) { // spin is ignored for now $status.text(message); }; /** * display a status message for replying to comments * * @name controller.showStatus * @function * @param {string} message - text to display * @param {boolean} [spin=false] - (optional) tell if the "spinning" animation should be displayed, defaults to false */ me.showReplyStatus = function(message, spin) { if (spin || false) { $replyalert.find('.spinner').removeClass('hidden') } $replyalert.text(message); }; /** * hides any status messages * * @name controller.hideMessages * @function */ me.hideMessages = function() { $status.html(' '); }; /** * display an error message * * @name alert.showError * @function * @param {string} message - text to display */ me.showError = function(message) { $errorMessage.removeClass('hidden'); $errorMessage.find(':last').text(message); }; /** * display an error message * * @name alert.showError * @function * @param {string} message - text to display */ me.showReplyError = function(message) { $replyalert.addClass('alert-danger'); $replyalert.addClass($errorMessage.attr('class')); // @TODO ???? $replyalert.text(message); }; /** * removes the existing attachment * * @name alert.removeAttachment * @function */ me.removeAttachment = function() { $clonedFile.addClass('hidden'); // removes the saved decrypted file data $attachmentLink.attr('href', ''); // the only way to deselect the file is to recreate the input // @TODO really? $fileWrap.html($fileWrap.html()); $fileWrap.removeClass('hidden'); }; /** * checks if there is an attachment * * @name alert.hasAttachment * @function */ me.hasAttachment = function() { return typeof $attachmentLink.attr('href') !== 'undefined' }; /** * return the attachment * * @name alert.getAttachment * @function * @returns {array} */ me.getAttachment = function() { return [ $attachmentLink.attr('href'), $attachmentLink.attr('download') ]; }; /** * forward to URL shortener * * @private * @function * @param {Event} event */ function sendToShortener(event) { window.location.href = $shortenButton.data('shortener') + encodeURIComponent($pasteUrl.attr('href')); } /** * reload the page * * This takes the user to the PrivateBin home page. * * @name controller.createPasteNotification * @function * @param {string} url * @param {string} deleteUrl */ me.createPasteNotification = function(url, deleteUrl) { $('#pastelink').find(':first').html( i18n._( 'Your paste is %s (Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)', url, url ) ); // save newly created element $pasteUrl = $('#pasteurl'); // and add click event $pasteUrl.click(pasteLinkClick); // shorten button $('#deletelink').html('' + i18n._('Delete data') + ''); // show result $pasteSuccess.removeClass('hidden'); // we pre-select the link so that the user only has to [Ctrl]+[c] the link helper.selectText($pasteUrl[0]); }; /** * Forces opening the paste if the link does not do this automatically. * * This is necessary as browsers will not reload the page when it is * already loaded (which is fake as it is set via history.pushState()). * * @name controller.pasteLinkClick * @function * @param {Event} event */ function pasteLinkClick(event) { // check if location is (already) shown in URL bar if (window.location.href === $pasteUrl.attr('href')) { // if so we need to load link by reloading the current site window.location.reload(true); } } /** * init status manager * * preloads jQuery elements * * @name alert.init * @function */ me.init = function() { // hide "no javascript" message $('#noscript').hide(); $shortenButton = $('#shortenbutton'); $attachment = $('#attachment'); $attachmentLink = $('#attachment a'); $clonedFile = $('#clonedfile'); $errorMessage = $('#errormessage'); $fileWrap = $('#filewrap'); $pasteSuccess = $('#pasteSuccess'); // $pasteUrl is saved in submitPasteUpload() if/after it is // actually created $status = $('#status'); // @TODO $replyStatus … // bind elements $shortenButton.click(sendToShortener); // display status returned by php code, if any (eg. paste was properly deleted) // @TODO remove this by handling errors in a different way if ($status.text().length > 0) { me.showStatus($status.text()); return; } // keep line height even if content empty $status.html(' '); // @TODO what? remove? // display error message from php code if ($errorMessage.text().length > 1) { me.showError($errorMessage.text()); } }; return me; })(window, document); /** * Passwort prompt * * @param {object} window * @param {object} document * @class */ var prompt = (function (window, document) { var me = {}; var $passwordModal, $passwordForm, $passwordDecrypt; /** * ask the user for the password and set it * * @name controller.requestPassword * @function */ me.requestPassword = function() { if ($passwordModal.length === 0) { // old method for page template var password = prompt(i18n._('Please enter the password for this paste:'), ''); if (password === null) { // @TODO when does this happen? throw 'password prompt canceled'; } if (password.length === 0) { // recursive… me.requestPassword(); } else { $passwordInput.val(password); me.displayMessages(); } } else { // new bootstrap method $passwordModal.modal(); } }; /** * decrypt using the password from the modal dialog * * @name controller.decryptPasswordModal * @function */ me.getPassword = function() { if ($passwordDecrypt.val().length === 0) { me.requestPassword(); } return $passwordDecrypt.val(); // $passwordInput.val($passwordDecrypt.val()); // me.displayMessages(); }; /** * submit a password in the modal dialog * * @name controller.submitPasswordModal * @function * @param {Event} event */ me.submitPasswordModal = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $passwordModal.modal('hide'); }; /** * init status manager * * preloads jQuery elements * * @name controller.init * @function */ me.init = function() { $passwordModal = $('#passwordmodal'); $passwordForm = $('#passwordform'); $passwordDecrypt = $('#passworddecrypt'); // bind events // focus password input when it is shown $passwordModal.on('shown.bs.modal', function () { $passwordDecrypt.focus(); }); // handle modal password request on decryption $passwordModal.on('hidden.bs.modal', me.decryptPasswordModal); $passwordForm.submit(me.submitPasswordModal); }; return me; })(window, document); /** * Manage paste/message input * * @param {object} window * @param {object} document * @class */ var editor = (function (window, document) { var me = {}; var $message, $messageEdit, $messagePreview, $editorTabs; var isPreview = false; /** * support input of tab character * * @name editor.supportTabs * @function * @param {Event} event * @TODO doc what is @this here? * @TODO replace this with $message ?? */ function supportTabs(event) { var keyCode = event.keyCode || event.which; // tab was pressed if (keyCode === 9) { // prevent the textarea to lose focus event.preventDefault(); // get caret position & selection var val = this.value, start = this.selectionStart, end = this.selectionEnd; // set textarea value to: text before caret + tab + text after caret this.value = val.substring(0, start) + '\t' + val.substring(end); // put caret at right position again this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1; } } /** * view the editor tab * * @name editor.viewEditor * @function * @param {Event} event - optional */ function viewEditor(event) { // toggle buttons $messageEdit.addClass('active'); $messagePreview.removeClass('active'); pasteViewer.hide(); // reshow input $message.removeClass('hidden'); me.focusInput(); // me.stateNewPaste(); // finish isPreview = false; // if (typeof event === 'undefined') { // event.preventDefault(); // } // @TODO confirm this is not needed } /** * view the preview tab * * @name editor.viewPreview * @function * @param {Event} event */ function viewPreview(event) { // toggle buttons $messageEdit.removeClass('active'); $messagePreview.addClass('active'); // hide input as now preview is shown $message.addClass('hidden'); // show preview $('#errormessage').find(':last') pasteViewer.setText($message.val()); pasteViewer.trigger(); // finish isPreview = true; // if (typeof event === 'undefined') { // event.preventDefault(); // } // @TODO confirm this is not needed } /** * get the state of the preview * * @name editor.isPreview * @function */ me.isPreview = function() { return isPreview; } /** * reset the editor view * * @name editor.resetInput * @function */ me.resetInput = function() { // go back to input if (isPreview) { viewEditor(); } // clear content $message.val(''); }; /** * shows the editor * * @name editor.show * @function */ me.show = function() { $message.removeClass('hidden'); $editorTabs.removeClass('hidden'); }; /** * hides the editor * * @name editor.reset * @function */ me.hide = function() { $message.addClass('hidden'); $editorTabs.addClass('hidden'); }; /** * focuses the message input * * @name editor.focusInput * @function */ me.focusInput = function() { $message.focus(); }; /** * returns the current text * * @name editor.getText * @function * @return {string} */ me.getText = function() { return $message.val() }; /** * init status manager * * preloads jQuery elements * * @name editor.init * @function */ me.init = function() { $message = $('#message'); $editorTabs = $('#editorTabs'); // bind events $message.keydown(supportTabs); // bind click events to tab switchers (a), but save parent of them // (li) $messageEdit = $('#messageedit').click(viewEditor).parent(); $messagePreview = $('#messagepreview').click(viewPreview).parent(); }; return me; })(window, document); /** * Parse and show paste. * * @param {object} window * @param {object} document * @class */ var pasteViewer = (function (window, document) { var me = {}; var $clearText, $comments, $discussion, $image, $placeholder, $prettyMessage, $prettyPrint, $remainingTime; var text, format = 'plaintext', isDisplayed = false, isChanged = true; // by default true as nothing was parsed yet /** * apply the set format on paste and displays it * * @name pasteViewer.parsePaste * @private * @function */ function parsePaste() { // skip parsing if no text is given if (text === '') { return; } // set text helper.setElementText($clearText, text); helper.setElementText($prettyPrint, text); switch (format) { case 'markdown': var converter = new showdown.Converter({ strikethrough: true, tables: true, tablesHeaderId: true }); $clearText.html( converter.makeHtml(text) ); // add table classes from bootstrap css $clearText.find('table').addClass('table-condensed table-bordered'); break; case 'syntaxhighlighting': // @TODO is this really needed or is "one" enough? if (typeof prettyPrint === 'function') { prettyPrint(); } $prettyPrint.html( prettyPrintOne( helper.htmlEntities(text), null, true ) ); // fall through, as the rest is the same default: // = 'plaintext' // convert URLs to clickable links helper.urls2links($clearText); helper.urls2links($prettyPrint); $prettyPrint.css('white-space', 'pre-wrap'); $prettyPrint.css('word-break', 'normal'); $prettyPrint.removeClass('prettyprint'); } } /** * displays the paste * * @name pasteViewer.show * @private * @function */ function showPaste() { // instead of "nothing" better display a placeholder if (text === '') { $placeholder.removeClass('hidden') return; } // otherwise hide the placeholder $placeholder.addClass('hidden') switch (format) { case 'markdown': $clearText.removeClass('hidden'); $prettyMessage.addClass('hidden'); break; default: $clearText.addClass('hidden'); $prettyMessage.removeClass('hidden'); break; } } /** * show decrypted text in the display area, including discussion (if open) * * @name pasteViewer.displayPaste * @function * @param {Object} [paste] - (optional) object including comments to display (items = array with keys ('data','meta')) */ me.displayPaste = function(paste) { paste = paste || $.parseJSON(modal.getCipherData()); var key = helper.pageKey(), password = $passwordInput.val(); if (!$prettyPrint.hasClass('prettyprinted')) { // Try to decrypt the paste. try { if (paste.attachment) { var attachment = cryptTool.decipher(key, password, paste.attachment); if (attachment.length === 0) { if (password.length === 0) { me.requestPassword(); return; } attachment = cryptTool.decipher(key, password, paste.attachment); } if (attachment.length === 0) { throw 'failed to decipher attachment'; } if (paste.attachmentname) { var attachmentname = cryptTool.decipher(key, password, paste.attachmentname); if (attachmentname.length > 0) { $attachmentLink.attr('download', attachmentname); } } $attachmentLink.attr('href', attachment); $attachment.removeClass('hidden'); // if the attachment is an image, display it var imagePrefix = 'data:image/'; if (attachment.substring(0, imagePrefix.length) === imagePrefix) { $image.html( $(document.createElement('img')) .attr('src', attachment) .attr('class', 'img-thumbnail') ); $image.removeClass('hidden'); } } var cleartext = cryptTool.decipher(key, password, paste.data); if (cleartext.length === 0 && password.length === 0 && !paste.attachment) { me.requestPassword(); return; } if (cleartext.length === 0 && !paste.attachment) { throw 'failed to decipher message'; } $passwordInput.val(password); if (cleartext.length > 0) { pasteViewer.setFormat(paste.meta.formatter); me.formatPaste(paste.meta.formatter, cleartext); } } catch(err) { me.stateOnlyNewPaste(); me.showError(i18n._('Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)')); return; } } // display paste expiration / for your eyes only if (paste.meta.expire_date) { var expiration = helper.secondsToHuman(paste.meta.remaining_time), expirationLabel = [ 'This document will expire in %d ' + expiration[1] + '.', 'This document will expire in %d ' + expiration[1] + 's.' ]; $remainingTime.find(':last').text(i18n._(expirationLabel, expiration[0])); $remainingTime.removeClass('foryoureyesonly') .removeClass('hidden'); } if (paste.meta.burnafterreading) { // unfortunately many web servers don't support DELETE (and PUT) out of the box $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: helper.scriptLocation() + '?' + helper.pasteId(), data: {deletetoken: 'burnafterreading'}, dataType: 'json', headers: headers }) .fail(function() { controller.showError(i18n._('Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.')); }); $remainingTime.find(':last').text(i18n._( 'FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don\'t close this window, this message can\'t be displayed again.' )); $remainingTime.addClass('foryoureyesonly') .removeClass('hidden'); // discourage cloning (as it can't really be prevented) $cloneButton.addClass('hidden'); } // if the discussion is opened on this paste, display it if (paste.meta.opendiscussion) { $comments.html(''); var $divComment; // iterate over comments for (var i = 0; i < paste.comments.length; ++i) { var $place = $comments, comment = paste.comments[i], commentText = cryptTool.decipher(key, password, comment.data), $parentComment = $('#comment_' + comment.parentid); $divComment = $('
' + '
' + '
' + '
'); var $divCommentData = $divComment.find('div.commentdata'); // if parent comment exists if ($parentComment.length) { // shift comment to the right $place = $parentComment; } $divComment.find('button').click({commentid: comment.id}, me.openReply); helper.setElementText($divCommentData, commentText); helper.urls2links($divCommentData); // try to get optional nickname var nick = cryptTool.decipher(key, password, comment.meta.nickname); if (nick.length > 0) { $divComment.find('span.nickname').text(nick); } else { divComment.find('span.nickname').html('' + i18n._('Anonymous') + ''); } $divComment.find('span.commentdate') .text(' (' + (new Date(comment.meta.postdate * 1000).toLocaleString()) + ')') .attr('title', 'CommentID: ' + comment.id); // if an avatar is available, display it if (comment.meta.vizhash) { $divComment.find('span.nickname') .before( ' ' ); } $place.append($divComment); } // add 'add new comment' area $divComment = $( '
' ); $divComment.find('button').click({commentid: helper.pasteId()}, me.openReply); $comments.append($divComment); $discussion.removeClass('hidden'); } }; /** * open the comment entry when clicking the "Reply" button of a comment * * @name pasteViewer.openReply * @function * @param {Event} event */ me.openReply = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // remove any other reply area $('div.reply').remove(); var source = $(event.target), commentid = event.data.commentid, hint = i18n._('Optional nickname...'), $reply = $('#replytemplate'); $reply.find('button').click( {parentid: commentid}, me.sendComment ); source.after($reply); $replyStatus = $('#replystatus'); // when ID --> put into HTML $('#replymessage').focus(); }; /** * sets the format in which the text is shown * * @name pasteViewer.setFormat * @function * @param {string} the the new format */ me.setFormat = function(newFormat) { if (format !== newFormat) { format = newFormat; isChanged = true; } }; /** * returns the current format * * @name pasteViewer.setFormat * @function * @return {string} */ me.getFormat = function() { return format; }; /** * sets the text to show * * @name editor.init * @function * @param {string} the text to show */ me.setText = function(newText) { if (text !== newText) { text = newText; isChanged = true; } }; /** * show/update the parsed text (preview) * * @name pasteViewer.trigger * @function */ me.trigger = function() { if (isChanged) { parsePaste(); isChanged = false; } if (!isDisplayed) { showPaste(); isDisplayed = true; } }; /** * hide parsed text (preview) * * @name pasteViewer.hide * @function */ me.hide = function() { if (!isDisplayed) { console.warn('pasteViewer was called to hide the parsed view, but it is already hidden.'); } $clearText.addClass('hidden'); $prettyMessage.addClass('hidden'); $placeholder.addClass('hidden'); isDisplayed = false; }; /** * init status manager * * preloads jQuery elements * * @name editor.init * @function */ me.init = function() { $clearText = $('#cleartext'); $comments = $('#comments'); $discussion = $('#discussion'); $image = $('#image'); $placeholder = $('#placeholder'); $prettyMessage = $('#prettymessage'); $prettyPrint = $('#prettyprint'); $remainingTime = $('#remainingtime'); // check requirements if (typeof prettyPrintOne !== 'function') { alert.showError( i18n._('The library %s is not available.', 'pretty print') + i18n._('This may cause display errors.') ); } if (typeof showdown !== 'object') { alert.showError( i18n._('The library %s is not available.', 'showdown') + i18n._('This may cause display errors.') ); } // get default option from template/HTML or fall back to set value format = modal.getFormatDefault() || format; }; return me; })(window, document); /** * Manage top (navigation) bar * * @param {object} window * @param {object} document * @name state * @class */ var topNav = (function (window, document) { var me = {}; var createButtonsDisplayed = false; var viewButtonsDisplayed = false; var $attach, $burnAfterReading, $burnAfterReadingOption, $cloneButton, $expiration, $fileRemoveButton, $formatter, $newButton, $openDiscussionOption, $openDiscussion, $password, $passwordInput, $rawTextButton, $sendButton, $loadingIndicator; var pasteExpiration = '1week'; /** * set the expiration on bootstrap templates in dropdown * * @name topNav.updateExpiration * @function * @param {Event} event */ function updateExpiration(event) { // get selected option var target = $(event.target); // update dropdown display and save new expiration time $('#pasteExpirationDisplay').text(target.text()); pasteExpiration = target.data('expiration'); event.preventDefault(); } /** * set the format on bootstrap templates in dropdown * * @name topNav.updateFormat * @function * @param {Event} event */ function updateFormat(event) { // get selected option var $target = $(event.target); // update dropdown display and save new format var newFormat = $target.data('format'); $('#pasteFormatterDisplay').text($target.text()); pasteViewer.setFormat(newFormat); // update preview if (editor.isPreview()) { pasteViewer.trigger(); } event.preventDefault(); } /** * when "burn after reading" is checked, disable discussion * * @name topNav.changeBurnAfterReading * @function */ function changeBurnAfterReading() { if ($burnAfterReading.is(':checked')) { $openDiscussionOption.addClass('buttondisabled'); $openDiscussion.prop('checked', false); // if button is actually disabled, force-enable it and uncheck other button $burnAfterReadingOption.removeClass('buttondisabled'); } else { $openDiscussionOption.removeClass('buttondisabled'); } } /** * when discussion is checked, disable "burn after reading" * * @name topNav.changeOpenDiscussion * @function */ function changeOpenDiscussion() { if ($openDiscussion.is(':checked')) { $burnAfterReadingOption.addClass('buttondisabled'); $burnAfterReading.prop('checked', false); // if button is actually disabled, force-enable it and uncheck other button $openDiscussionOption.removeClass('buttondisabled'); } else { $burnAfterReadingOption.removeClass('buttondisabled'); } } /** * return raw text * * @name topNav.rawText * @function * @param {Event} event */ function rawText(event) { var paste = pasteViewer.getFormat() === 'markdown' ? $prettyPrint.text() : $clearText.text(); history.pushState( null, document.title, helper.scriptLocation() + '?' + helper.pasteId() + '#' + helper.pageKey() ); // we use text/html instead of text/plain to avoid a bug when // reloading the raw text view (it reverts to type text/html) var newDoc = document.open('text/html', 'replace'); newDoc.write('
' + helper.htmlEntities(paste) + '
'); newDoc.close(); event.preventDefault(); } /** * set the language in a cookie and reload the page * * @name topNav.setLanguage * @function * @param {Event} event */ function setLanguage(event) { document.cookie = 'lang=' + $(event.target).data('lang'); me.reloadPage(event); } /** * Shows all elements belonging to viwing an existing pastes * * @name topNav.hideAllElem * @function */ me.showViewButtons = function() { if (viewButtonsDisplayed) { console.log('showViewButtons: view buttons are already displayed'); return; } $cloneButton.removeClass('hidden'); $rawTextButton.removeClass('hidden'); viewButtonsDisplayed = true; }; /** * Hides all elements belonging to existing pastes * * @name topNav.hideAllElem * @function */ me.hideViewButtons = function() { if (!viewButtonsDisplayed) { console.log('hideViewButtons: view buttons are already hidden'); return; } $cloneButton.addClass('hidden'); $rawTextButton.addClass('hidden'); viewButtonsDisplayed = false; }; /** * shows all elements needed when creating a new paste * * @name topNav.setLanguage * @function */ me.showCreateButtons = function() { if (createButtonsDisplayed) { console.log('showCreateButtons: create buttons are already displayed'); return; } $sendButton.removeClass('hidden'); $expiration.removeClass('hidden'); $formatter.removeClass('hidden'); $burnAfterReadingOption.removeClass('hidden'); $openDiscussionOption.removeClass('hidden'); $newButton.removeClass('hidden'); $password.removeClass('hidden'); $attach.removeClass('hidden'); // $clonedFile.removeClass('hidden'); // @TODO createButtonsDisplayed = true; }; /** * shows all elements needed when creating a new paste * * @name topNav.setLanguage * @function */ me.hideCreateButtons = function() { if (!createButtonsDisplayed) { console.log('hideCreateButtons: create buttons are already hidden'); return; } $sendButton.addClass('hidden'); $expiration.addClass('hidden'); $formatter.addClass('hidden'); $burnAfterReadingOption.addClass('hidden'); $openDiscussionOption.addClass('hidden'); $newButton.addClass('hidden'); $password.addClass('hidden'); $attach.addClass('hidden'); // $clonedFile.addClass('hidden'); // @TODO createButtonsDisplayed = false; }; /** * only shows the "new paste" button * * @name topNav.setLanguage * @function */ me.showNewPasteButton = function() { $newButton.addClass('hidden'); }; /** * shows a loading message, optionally with a percentage * * @name topNav.showLoading * @function * @param {string} message optional, default: 'Loading…' * @param {int} percentage optional, default: null */ me.showLoading = function(message, percentage) { // default message text if (typeof message === 'undefined') { message = i18n._('Loading…'); } console.log($loadingIndicator); // currently percentage parameter is ignored if (message !== null) { $loadingIndicator.find(':last').text(message); } $loadingIndicator.removeClass('hidden'); }; /** * hides the loading message * * @name topNav.hideLoading * @function */ me.hideLoading = function() { $loadingIndicator.addClass('hidden'); }; /** * collapses the navigation bar if nedded * * @name topNav.collapseBar * @function */ me.collapseBar = function() { var $bar = $('.navbar-toggle'); // check if bar is expanded if ($bar.hasClass('collapse in')) { // if so, toggle it $bar.click(); } }; /** * returns the currently set expiration time * * @name topNav.getExpiration * @function * @return {int} */ me.getExpiration = function() { return pasteExpiration; }; /** * returns the currently selected file(s) * * @name topNav.getFileList * @function * @return {FileList|null} */ me.getFileList = function() { var $file = $('#file'); // if no file given, return null if (!$file.length || !$file[0].files.length) { return null; } // @TODO is this really necessary if (!($file[0].files && $file[0].files[0])) { return null; } return $file[0].files; }; /** * returns the state of the burn after reading checkbox * * @name topNav.getExpiration * @function * @return {bool} */ me.getBurnAfterReading = function() { return $burnAfterReading.is(':checked'); }; /** * returns the state of the discussion checkbox * * @name topNav.getOpenDiscussion * @function * @return {bool} */ me.getOpenDiscussion = function() { return $openDiscussion.is(':checked'); }; /** * returns the entered password * * @name topNav.getPassword * @function * @return {string} */ me.getPassword = function() { return $passwordInput.val(); }; /** * init navigation manager * * preloads jQuery elements * * @name topNav.init * @function */ me.init = function() { $attach = $('#attach'); $burnAfterReading = $('#burnafterreading'); $burnAfterReadingOption = $('#burnafterreadingoption'); $cloneButton = $('#clonebutton'); $expiration = $('#expiration'); $fileRemoveButton = $('#fileremovebutton'); $formatter = $('#formatter'); $newButton = $('#newbutton'); $openDiscussionOption = $('#opendiscussionoption'); $openDiscussion = $('#opendiscussion'); $password = $('#password'); $passwordInput = $('#passwordinput'); $rawTextButton = $('#rawtextbutton'); $sendButton = $('#sendbutton'); $loadingIndicator = $('#loadingindicator'); // bootstrap template drop down $('#language ul.dropdown-menu li a').click(me.setLanguage); // page template drop down $('#language select option').click(me.setLanguage); // bind events $burnAfterReading.change(changeBurnAfterReading); $openDiscussionOption.change(changeOpenDiscussion); $newButton.click(controller.newPaste); $sendButton.click(controller.submitPaste); $cloneButton.click(controller.clonePaste); $rawTextButton.click(rawText); $fileRemoveButton.click(me.removeAttachment); // bootstrap template drop downs $('ul.dropdown-menu li a', $('#expiration').parent()).click(updateExpiration); $('ul.dropdown-menu li a', $('#formatter').parent()).click(updateFormat); // initiate default state of checkboxes changeBurnAfterReading(); changeOpenDiscussion(); // get default value from template or fall back to set value pasteExpiration = modal.getExpirationDefault() || pasteExpiration; }; return me; })(window, document); /** * Responsible for AJAX requests, transparently handles encryption… * * @name state * @class */ var uploader = (function () { var me = {}; var successFunc = null, failureFunc = null; var url = helper.scriptLocation(), data = {}, randomKey, password; // public variable ('constant') to prevent magic numbers me.error = { okay: 0, custom: 1, unknown: 2, serverError: 3 }; /** * ajaxHeaders to send in AJAX requests * * @private * @readonly * @enum {Object} */ var ajaxHeaders = {'X-Requested-With': 'JSONHttpRequest'}; /** * called after successful upload * * @function * @param {int} status * @param {int} data - optional */ function success(status, result) { // add useful data to result result.encryptionKey = randomKey; result.requestData = data; if (successFunc !== null) { successFunc(status, result); } } /** * called after a upload failure * * @name uploader.submitPasteUpload * @function * @param {int} status - internal code * @param {int} data - original error code */ function fail(status, result) { if (failureFunc !== null) { failureFunc(status, result); } } /** * actually uploads the data * * @name uploader.submitPasteUpload * @function */ me.trigger = function() { console.log(data); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: data, dataType: 'json', headers: ajaxHeaders, success: function(result) { if (result.status === 0) { success(0, result); } else if (result.status === 1) { fail(1, result); } else { fail(2, result); } } }) .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.error(textStatus, errorThrown); fail(3, jqXHR); }); }; /** * set success function * * @name uploader.setSuccess * @function * @param {function} func */ me.setSuccess = function(func) { successFunc = func; }; /** * set failure function * * @name uploader.setSuccess * @function * @param {function} func */ me.setFailure = function(func) { failureFunc = func; }; /** * prepares a new upload * * @name uploader.prepare * @function * @param {string} newPassword * @return {object} */ me.prepare = function(newPassword) { // set password password = newPassword; // entropy should already be checked // @TODO maybe move it here? // generate a new random key randomKey = cryptTool.getSymmetricKey(); // reset data data = {}; }; /** * encrypts and sets the data * * @name uploader.setData * @function * @param {string} index * @param {mixed} element */ me.setData = function(index, element) { data[index] = cryptTool.cipher(randomKey, password, element); }; /** * set the additional metadata to send unencrypted * * @name uploader.setUnencryptedData * @function * @param {string} index * @param {mixed} element */ me.setUnencryptedData = function(index, element) { data[index] = element; }; /** * set the additional metadata to send unencrypted passed at once * * @name uploader.setUnencryptedData * @function * @param {object} newData */ me.setUnencryptedBulkData = function(newData) { $.extend(data, newData); }; /** * init uploader * * @name uploader.init * @function */ me.init = function() { // nothing yet }; return me; })(); /** * PrivateBin logic * * @param {object} window * @param {object} document * @name controller * @class */ var controller = (function (window, document) { var me = {}; /** * called after successful upload * * @function * @param {int} status * @param {int} data */ function showCreatedPaste(status, data) { topNav.hideLoading(); console.log(data); var url = helper.scriptLocation() + '?' + data.id + '#' + data.encryptionKey, deleteUrl = helper.scriptLocation() + '?pasteid=' + data.id + '&deletetoken=' + data.deletetoken; alert.hideMessages(); // show notification alert.createPasteNotification(url, deleteUrl) // show new URL in browser bar history.pushState({type: 'newpaste'}, document.title, url); topNav.showViewButtons(); editor.hide(); // parse and show text // (preparation already done in me.submitPaste()) pasteViewer.trigger(); } /** * send a reply in a discussion * * @name controller.sendComment * @function * @param {Event} event */ me.sendComment = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $errorMessage.addClass('hidden'); // do not send if no data var replyMessage = $('#replymessage'); if (replyMessage.val().length === 0) { return; } me.showStatus(i18n._('Sending comment...'), true); var parentid = event.data.parentid, key = helper.pageKey(), cipherdata = cryptTool.cipher(key, $passwordInput.val(), replyMessage.val()), ciphernickname = '', nick = $('#nickname').val(); if (nick.length > 0) { ciphernickname = cryptTool.cipher(key, $passwordInput.val(), nick); } var dataToSend = { data: cipherdata, parentid: parentid, pasteid: helper.pasteId(), nickname: ciphernickname }; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: helper.scriptLocation(), data: dataToSend, dataType: 'json', headers: ajaxHeaders, success: function(data) { if (data.status === 0) { controller.showStatus(i18n._('Comment posted.')); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: helper.scriptLocation() + '?' + helper.pasteId(), dataType: 'json', headers: ajaxHeaders, success: function(data) { if (data.status === 0) { me.displayMessages(data); } else if (data.status === 1) { alert.showError(i18n._('Could not refresh display: %s', data.message)); } else { alert.showError(i18n._('Could not refresh display: %s', i18n._('unknown status'))); } } }) .fail(function() { controller.showError(i18n._('Could not refresh display: %s', i18n._('server error or not responding'))); }); } else if (data.status === 1) { controller.showError(i18n._('Could not post comment: %s', data.message)); } else { controller.showError(i18n._('Could not post comment: %s', i18n._('unknown status'))); } } }) .fail(function() { controller.showError(i18n._('Could not post comment: %s', i18n._('server error or not responding'))); }); }; /** * sends a new paste to server * * @name controller.submitPaste * @function */ me.submitPaste = function() { // UI loading state topNav.hideCreateButtons(); topNav.showLoading(i18n._('Sending paste...'), 0); topNav.collapseBar(); // get data var plainText = editor.getText(); // do not send if there is no data if (plainText.length === 0 && files === null) { // revert loading status… topNav.hideLoading(); topNav.showCreateButtons(); return; } topNav.showLoading(i18n._('Sending paste...'), 10); // check entropy if (!cryptTool.isEntropyReady()) { // display a message and wait alert.showStatus(i18n._('Please move your mouse for more entropy...')); cryptTool.addEntropySeedListener(function() { me.submitPaste(event); }); } // prepare uploader uploader.prepare(topNav.getPassword()); // encrypt cipher data uploader.setData('data', plainText); // encrypt attachments var files = topNav.getFileList(); if (files !== null) { var reader = new FileReader(); // closure to capture the file information reader.onload = (function(file) { return function(event) { uploader.setData('attachment', event.target.result); uploader.setData('attachmentname', file.name); }; })(files[0]); // actually read first file reader.readAsDataURL(files[0]); } else if (alert.hasAttachment()) { var attachment = alert.getAttachment(); uploader.setData('attachment', attachment[0]); uploader.setUnencryptedData('attachmentname', attachment[1]); // @TODO does not encrypt file name??! } // set success/fail functions uploader.setSuccess(showCreatedPaste); uploader.setFailure(function (status, data) { // revert loading status… topNav.hideLoading(); topNav.showCreateButtons(); // show error message switch (status) { case uploader.error['custom']: alert.showError(i18n._('Could not create paste: %s', data.message)); break; case uploader.error['unknown']: alert.showError(i18n._('Could not create paste: %s', i18n._('unknown status'))); break; case uploader.error['serverError']: alert.showError(i18n._('Could not create paste: %s', i18n._('server error or not responding'))); break; default: alert.showError(i18n._('Could not create paste: %s', i18n._('unknown error'))); break; } }); // fill it with unencrypted submitted options var format = pasteViewer.getFormat(); uploader.setUnencryptedBulkData({ expire: topNav.getExpiration(), formatter: format, burnafterreading: topNav.getBurnAfterReading() ? 1 : 0, opendiscussion: topNav.getOpenDiscussion() ? 1 : 0 }); // prepare PasteViewer for later preview pasteViewer.setText(plainText); pasteViewer.setFormat(format); // send data uploader.trigger(); }; /** * creates a new paste * * @name controller.newPaste * @function */ me.newPaste = function() { topNav.hideViewButtons(); topNav.showCreateButtons(); editor.resetInput(); editor.show(); editor.focusInput(); }; /** * clone the current paste * * @name controller.clonePaste * @function * @param {Event} event */ me.clonePaste = function(event) { me.stateNewPaste(); // erase the id and the key in url history.replaceState(null, document.title, helper.scriptLocation()); alert.hideMessages(); if ($attachmentLink.attr('href')) { $clonedFile.removeClass('hidden'); $fileWrap.addClass('hidden'); } $message.val( pasteViewer.getFormat() === 'markdown' ? $prettyPrint.val() : $clearText.val() ); $('.navbar-toggle').click(); event.preventDefault(); }; /** * application start * * @name controller.init * @function */ me.init = function() { // first load translations i18n.loadTranslations(); // initialize other modules/"classes" alert.init(); uploader.init(); modal.init(); cryptTool.init(); uiMan.init(); topNav.init(); editor.init(); pasteViewer.init(); prompt.init(); // display an existing paste if (modal.hasCipherData()) { // missing decryption key in URL? if (window.location.hash.length === 0) { alert.showError(i18n._('Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)')); return; } // show proper elements on screen // topNav.hideCreateButtons(); // they should not be visible in the first place topNav.showViewButtons(); me.displayMessages(); return; } // check requirements for upload if (typeof FileReader === 'undefined') { alert.showError(i18n._('Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.')); return; } // otherwise create a new paste me.newPaste(); }; return me; })(window, document); jQuery(document).ready(function() { /** * main application start, called when DOM is fully loaded and * runs controller initalization */ $(controller.init); }); return { helper: helper, i18n: i18n, cryptTool: cryptTool, topNav: topNav, alert: alert, uploader: uploader, controller: controller }; }(jQuery, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate);