It's apparently not enough to have in the Q/A, best is we have it here to.
The next step would be converting that into the same form like the QA template. After all, it may mostly just be copy paste as it is nearly identical but well…
Apparently GitHub now adds a security policy button by default (this is new, is not it?)?
Also they have a policy report form behind that button. So reports can apparently now be made online at GitHub? (IMHO that is fine, just need to be aware of that)
As such, IMHO two buttons would be confusing, so let's remove our custom one here?
Discussions apparently onyl support forms see,
so I quickly used ChatGPT to convert the Markdown file into the YAMl format
and after telling the format it seems to have done that in a good eay:
(maybe GitHub introduced that after end of 2021 hehe, so the LLM could not know that)