2021-05-29 04:39:50 +08:00
< ? php
use Google\Auth\HttpHandler\HttpHandlerFactory ;
use Google\Cloud\Core\Exception\BadRequestException ;
use Google\Cloud\Core\Exception\NotFoundException ;
use Google\Cloud\Storage\Bucket ;
use Google\Cloud\Storage\Connection\ConnectionInterface ;
use Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient ;
use Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageObject ;
use GuzzleHttp\Client ;
use PrivateBin\Data\GoogleCloudStorage ;
class GoogleCloudStorageTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
private static $_client ;
private static $_bucket ;
public static function setUpBeforeClass ()
$httpClient = new Client ( array ( 'debug' => false ));
$handler = HttpHandlerFactory :: build ( $httpClient );
$name = 'pb-' ;
$alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 29 ; ++ $i ) {
$name .= $alphabet [ rand ( 0 , strlen ( $alphabet ) - 1 )];
self :: $_client = new StorageClientStub ( array ());
self :: $_bucket = self :: $_client -> createBucket ( $name );
public function setUp ()
2021-06-05 11:38:05 +08:00
ini_set ( 'error_log' , stream_get_meta_data ( tmpfile ())[ 'uri' ]);
2021-05-29 04:39:50 +08:00
$this -> _model = GoogleCloudStorage :: getInstance ( array (
'bucket' => self :: $_bucket -> name (),
'prefix' => 'pastes' ,
'client' => self :: $_client , ));
public function tearDown ()
foreach ( self :: $_bucket -> objects () as $object ) {
$object -> delete ();
public static function tearDownAfterClass ()
self :: $_bucket -> delete ();
public function testFileBasedDataStoreWorks ()
$this -> _model -> delete ( Helper :: getPasteId ());
// storing pastes
$paste = Helper :: getPaste ( 2 , array ( 'expire_date' => 1344803344 ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> exists ( Helper :: getPasteId ()), 'paste does not yet exist' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> _model -> create ( Helper :: getPasteId (), $paste ), 'store new paste' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> _model -> exists ( Helper :: getPasteId ()), 'paste exists after storing it' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> create ( Helper :: getPasteId (), $paste ), 'unable to store the same paste twice' );
$this -> assertEquals ( $paste , $this -> _model -> read ( Helper :: getPasteId ()));
// storing comments
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> existsComment ( Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getCommentId ()), 'comment does not yet exist' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> _model -> createComment ( Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getCommentId (), Helper :: getComment ()), 'store comment' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> _model -> existsComment ( Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getCommentId ()), 'comment exists after storing it' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> createComment ( Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getCommentId (), Helper :: getComment ()), 'unable to store the same comment twice' );
$comment = Helper :: getComment ();
$comment [ 'id' ] = Helper :: getCommentId ();
$comment [ 'parentid' ] = Helper :: getPasteId ();
$this -> assertEquals (
array ( $comment [ 'meta' ][ 'created' ] => $comment ),
$this -> _model -> readComments ( Helper :: getPasteId ())
// deleting pastes
$this -> _model -> delete ( Helper :: getPasteId ());
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> exists ( Helper :: getPasteId ()), 'paste successfully deleted' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> existsComment ( Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getCommentId ()), 'comment was deleted with paste' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> read ( Helper :: getPasteId ()), 'paste can no longer be found' );
* pastes a - g are expired and should get deleted , x never expires and y - z expire in an hour
public function testPurge ()
$expired = Helper :: getPaste ( 2 , array ( 'expire_date' => 1344803344 ));
$paste = Helper :: getPaste ( 2 , array ( 'expire_date' => time () + 3600 ));
$keys = array ( 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' , 'e' , 'f' , 'g' , 'x' , 'y' , 'z' );
$ids = array ();
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
$ids [ $key ] = hash ( 'fnv164' , $key );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> exists ( $ids [ $key ]), " paste $key does not yet exist " );
if ( in_array ( $key , array ( 'x' , 'y' , 'z' ))) {
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> _model -> create ( $ids [ $key ], $paste ), " store $key paste " );
} elseif ( $key === 'x' ) {
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> _model -> create ( $ids [ $key ], Helper :: getPaste ()), " store $key paste " );
} else {
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> _model -> create ( $ids [ $key ], $expired ), " store $key paste " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> _model -> exists ( $ids [ $key ]), " paste $key exists after storing it " );
$this -> _model -> purge ( 10 );
foreach ( $ids as $key => $id ) {
if ( in_array ( $key , array ( 'x' , 'y' , 'z' ))) {
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> _model -> exists ( $id ), " paste $key exists after purge " );
$this -> _model -> delete ( $id );
} else {
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> exists ( $id ), " paste $key was purged " );
public function testErrorDetection ()
$this -> _model -> delete ( Helper :: getPasteId ());
$paste = Helper :: getPaste ( 2 , array ( 'expire' => " Invalid UTF-8 sequence: \xB1 \x31 " ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> exists ( Helper :: getPasteId ()), 'paste does not yet exist' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> create ( Helper :: getPasteId (), $paste ), 'unable to store broken paste' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> exists ( Helper :: getPasteId ()), 'paste does still not exist' );
public function testCommentErrorDetection ()
$this -> _model -> delete ( Helper :: getPasteId ());
$comment = Helper :: getComment ( 1 , array ( 'nickname' => " Invalid UTF-8 sequence: \xB1 \x31 " ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> exists ( Helper :: getPasteId ()), 'paste does not yet exist' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> _model -> create ( Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getPaste ()), 'store new paste' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> _model -> exists ( Helper :: getPasteId ()), 'paste exists after storing it' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> existsComment ( Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getCommentId ()), 'comment does not yet exist' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> createComment ( Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getCommentId (), $comment ), 'unable to store broken comment' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> existsComment ( Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getPasteId (), Helper :: getCommentId ()), 'comment does still not exist' );
2021-06-07 15:11:24 +08:00
* @ throws Exception
public function testKeyValueStore ()
$salt = bin2hex ( random_bytes ( 256 ));
2021-06-11 03:39:15 +08:00
$this -> _model -> setValue ( $salt , 'salt' , '' );
$storedSalt = $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'salt' , '' );
2021-06-07 15:11:24 +08:00
$this -> assertEquals ( $salt , $storedSalt );
2021-06-10 04:27:34 +08:00
$this -> _model -> purgeValues ( 'salt' , time () + 60 );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'salt' , 'master' ));
2021-06-07 15:11:24 +08:00
$client = hash_hmac ( 'sha512' , '' , $salt );
$expire = time ();
$this -> _model -> setValue ( $expire , 'traffic_limiter' , $client );
$storedExpired = $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'traffic_limiter' , $client );
$this -> assertEquals ( $expire , $storedExpired );
2021-06-10 04:27:34 +08:00
$this -> assertEquals ( $expire , $storedExpired );
$this -> _model -> purgeValues ( 'traffic_limiter' , time () - 60 );
$this -> assertEquals ( $storedExpired , $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'traffic_limiter' , $client ));
$this -> _model -> purgeValues ( 'traffic_limiter' , time () + 60 );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'traffic_limiter' , $client ));
2021-06-07 15:11:24 +08:00
$purgeAt = $expire + ( 15 * 60 );
2021-06-11 03:39:15 +08:00
$this -> _model -> setValue ( $purgeAt , 'purge_limiter' , '' );
$storedPurgedAt = $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'purge_limiter' , '' );
2021-06-07 15:11:24 +08:00
$this -> assertEquals ( $purgeAt , $storedPurgedAt );
2021-06-10 04:27:34 +08:00
$this -> _model -> purgeValues ( 'purge_limiter' , time () + 60 );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'purge_limiter' , 'at' ));
2021-06-07 15:11:24 +08:00
2021-06-11 03:39:15 +08:00
* @ throws Exception
public function testKeyValuePurgeTrafficLimiter ()
$salt = bin2hex ( random_bytes ( 256 ));
$client = hash_hmac ( 'sha512' , '' , $salt );
$expire = time ();
$this -> _model -> setValue ( $expire , 'traffic_limiter' , $client );
$storedExpired = $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'traffic_limiter' , $client );
$this -> assertEquals ( $expire , $storedExpired );
$this -> _model -> purgeValues ( 'traffic_limiter' , time () - 60 );
$this -> assertEquals ( $storedExpired , $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'traffic_limiter' , $client ));
$this -> _model -> purgeValues ( 'traffic_limiter' , time () + 60 );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'traffic_limiter' , $client ));
public function testKeyValuePurgeTrafficLimiterWithKey ()
$salt = bin2hex ( random_bytes ( 256 ));
$client = hash_hmac ( 'sha512' , '' , $salt );
$expire = time ();
$this -> _model -> setValue ( $expire , 'traffic_limiter' , $client );
$storedExpired = $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'traffic_limiter' , $client );
$this -> assertEquals ( $expire , $storedExpired );
$this -> _model -> purgeValues ( 'traffic_limiter' , time () - 60 );
$this -> assertEquals ( $storedExpired , $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'traffic_limiter' , $client ));
$this -> _model -> purgeValues ( 'traffic_limiter' , time () + 60 );
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> _model -> getValue ( 'traffic_limiter' , $client ));
2021-05-29 04:39:50 +08:00
* Class StorageClientStub provides a limited stub for performing the unit test
class StorageClientStub extends StorageClient
private $_config = null ;
private $_connection = null ;
private $_buckets = array ();
public function __construct ( array $config = array ())
$this -> _config = $config ;
$this -> _connection = new ConnectionInterfaceStub ();
public function bucket ( $name , $userProject = false )
if ( ! key_exists ( $name , $this -> _buckets )) {
$b = new BucketStub ( $this -> _connection , $name , array (), $this );
$this -> _buckets [ $name ] = $b ;
return $this -> _buckets [ $name ];
* @ throws \Google\Cloud\Core\Exception\NotFoundException
public function deleteBucket ( $name )
if ( key_exists ( $name , $this -> _buckets )) {
unset ( $this -> _buckets [ $name ]);
} else {
throw new NotFoundException ();
public function buckets ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function registerStreamWrapper ( $protocol = null )
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function unregisterStreamWrapper ( $protocol = null )
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function signedUrlUploader ( $uri , $data , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function timestamp ( \DateTimeInterface $timestamp , $nanoSeconds = null )
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function getServiceAccount ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function hmacKeys ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function hmacKey ( $accessId , $projectId = null , array $metadata = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function createHmacKey ( $serviceAccountEmail , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function createBucket ( $name , array $options = array ())
if ( key_exists ( $name , $this -> _buckets )) {
throw new BadRequestException ( 'already exists' );
$b = new BucketStub ( $this -> _connection , $name , array (), $this );
$this -> _buckets [ $name ] = $b ;
return $b ;
* Class BucketStub stubs a GCS bucket .
class BucketStub extends Bucket
public $_objects ;
private $_name ;
private $_info ;
private $_connection ;
private $_client ;
public function __construct ( ConnectionInterface $connection , $name , array $info = array (), $client = null )
$this -> _name = $name ;
$this -> _info = $info ;
$this -> _connection = $connection ;
$this -> _objects = array ();
$this -> _client = $client ;
public function acl ()
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function defaultAcl ()
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function exists ()
return true ;
public function upload ( $data , array $options = array ())
if ( ! is_string ( $data ) || ! key_exists ( 'name' , $options )) {
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
$name = $options [ 'name' ];
$generation = '1' ;
$o = new StorageObjectStub ( $this -> _connection , $name , $this , $generation , $options );
$this -> _objects [ $options [ 'name' ]] = $o ;
$o -> setData ( $data );
public function uploadAsync ( $data , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function getResumableUploader ( $data , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function getStreamableUploader ( $data , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function object ( $name , array $options = array ())
if ( key_exists ( $name , $this -> _objects )) {
return $this -> _objects [ $name ];
} else {
return new StorageObjectStub ( $this -> _connection , $name , $this , null , $options );
public function objects ( array $options = array ())
$prefix = key_exists ( 'prefix' , $options ) ? $options [ 'prefix' ] : '' ;
return new CallbackFilterIterator (
new ArrayIterator ( $this -> _objects ),
function ( $current , $key , $iterator ) use ( $prefix ) {
return substr ( $key , 0 , strlen ( $prefix )) == $prefix ;
public function createNotification ( $topic , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function notification ( $id )
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function notifications ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function delete ( array $options = array ())
$this -> _client -> deleteBucket ( $this -> _name );
public function update ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function compose ( array $sourceObjects , $name , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function info ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function reload ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function name ()
return $this -> _name ;
public static function lifecycle ( array $lifecycle = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function currentLifecycle ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function isWritable ( $file = null )
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function iam ()
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function lockRetentionPolicy ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function signedUrl ( $expires , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function generateSignedPostPolicyV4 ( $objectName , $expires , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
* Class StorageObjectStub stubs a GCS storage object .
class StorageObjectStub extends StorageObject
private $_name ;
private $_data ;
private $_info ;
private $_bucket ;
private $_generation ;
private $_exists = false ;
private $_connection ;
public function __construct ( ConnectionInterface $connection , $name , $bucket , $generation = null , array $info = array (), $encryptionKey = null , $encryptionKeySHA256 = null )
2021-06-10 04:27:34 +08:00
$this -> _name = $name ;
$this -> _bucket = $bucket ;
$this -> _generation = $generation ;
$this -> _info = $info ;
$this -> _connection = $connection ;
$timeCreated = new Datetime ();
$this -> _info [ 'metadata' ][ 'timeCreated' ] = $timeCreated -> format ( GoogleCloudStorage :: DATETIME_FORMAT );
2021-05-29 04:39:50 +08:00
public function acl ()
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function exists ( array $options = array ())
return key_exists ( $this -> _name , $this -> _bucket -> _objects );
* @ throws NotFoundException
public function delete ( array $options = array ())
if ( key_exists ( $this -> _name , $this -> _bucket -> _objects )) {
unset ( $this -> _bucket -> _objects [ $this -> _name ]);
} else {
throw new NotFoundException ( 'key ' . $this -> _name . ' not found.' );
* @ throws NotFoundException
public function update ( array $metadata , array $options = array ())
if ( ! $this -> _exists ) {
throw new NotFoundException ( 'key ' . $this -> _name . ' not found.' );
$this -> _info = $metadata ;
public function copy ( $destination , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function rewrite ( $destination , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function rename ( $name , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
* @ throws NotFoundException
public function downloadAsString ( array $options = array ())
if ( ! $this -> _exists ) {
throw new NotFoundException ( 'key ' . $this -> _name . ' not found.' );
return $this -> _data ;
public function downloadToFile ( $path , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function downloadAsStream ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function downloadAsStreamAsync ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function signedUrl ( $expires , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function signedUploadUrl ( $expires , array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function beginSignedUploadSession ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function info ( array $options = array ())
return key_exists ( 'metadata' , $this -> _info ) ? $this -> _info [ 'metadata' ] : array ();
public function reload ( array $options = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function name ()
return $this -> _name ;
public function identity ()
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function gcsUri ()
return sprintf (
'gs://%s/%s' ,
$this -> _bucket -> name (),
$this -> _name
public function setData ( $data )
$this -> _data = $data ;
$this -> _exists = true ;
* Class ConnectionInterfaceStub required for the stubs .
class ConnectionInterfaceStub implements ConnectionInterface
public function deleteAcl ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function getAcl ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function listAcl ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function insertAcl ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function patchAcl ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function deleteBucket ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function getBucket ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function listBuckets ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function insertBucket ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function getBucketIamPolicy ( array $args )
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function setBucketIamPolicy ( array $args )
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function testBucketIamPermissions ( array $args )
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function patchBucket ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function deleteObject ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function copyObject ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function rewriteObject ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function composeObject ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function getObject ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function listObjects ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function patchObject ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function downloadObject ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function insertObject ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function getNotification ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function deleteNotification ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function insertNotification ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function listNotifications ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function getServiceAccount ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function lockRetentionPolicy ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function createHmacKey ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function deleteHmacKey ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function getHmacKey ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function updateHmacKey ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );
public function listHmacKeys ( array $args = array ())
throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'not supported by this stub' );