print("File Share Server") print("Author: Github/Kiritow") local component=require("component") local shell=require("shell") require("libevent") local args,opts=shell.parse(...) local argc=#args local function cmd(cmdstr,infostr) local old=component.gpu.setForeground(0xFFFF00) print(cmdstr) component.gpu.setForeground(0x0000FF) print(infostr) component.gpu.setForeground(old) end local function err(info) local old=component.gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000) print(infostr) component.gpu.setForeground(old) end if(argc<1) then print("Usage:") cmd("fss [] [-d]", "Share a directory on specific port. Default port is 21. If with -d option, fss will run background.") cmd("fss -s []", "Stop background fss on specific port.") return end local op_stop=false local op_daemon=false for k in pairs(opts) do if(k=="s") then op_stop=true elseif(k=="d") then op_daemon=true end end if(op_stop) then local port=21 if(argc>0) then port=tonumber(args[1]) end if(not component.modem.isOpen(port)) then err("Service is not running on port " .. port) return end local bus=CreateEventBus() local done=false bus:listen("fss_stopped") PushEvent("fss_stop") local e=bus:next() bus:close() print("Service stopped.") return end -- Server Program local dir=args[1] local port=21 if(argc>1) then port=tonumber(args[2]) end local bus=CreateEventBus() bus:listen("modem_message") bus:listen("fss_stop") bus:listen("interrupted") local modem=component.modem if(not then err("Failed to start service at port " .. port) return end print("File Share Server started successfully.") local xprint=io.write while true do local e=bus:next() if(e.event=="modem_message" and e.port==port and[1]=="fs_req") then local[2] local realfile=dir .. "/" .. filename xprint("Requesting file: ",realfile," ") local,"rb") if(f==nil) then print("[Not Found]") modem.send(e.senderAddress,22,"fs_ans_err") else local content=f:read("*a") f:close() modem.send(e.senderAddress,22,"fs_ans_ok",content) print("[Sent]") end elseif(e.event=="fss_stop" or e.event=="interrupted") then break end end modem.close(port) bus:close() PushEvent("fss_stopped") print("File Share Server stopped.")