-- Smart Storage -- Author: Kiritow local component=require('component') local sides=require('sides') local term=require('term') local shell=require('shell') require('libevent') local version_tag="Smart Storage v0.5.5" print(version_tag) print("Checking hardware...") local modem=component.modem local gpu=component.gpu if(not modem or not gpu) then print("This program need GPU and Modem Component to run.") return end print("Reading config...") print("Checking robot...") local robotAddr='' modem.open(1001) -- Computer --1000--> robot, robot --1001--> Computer modem.broadcast(1000,"find_crafting_robot") while true do local e=WaitEvent("modem_message") if(e.port==1001 and e.data[1]=="crafting_robot_response") then print("Found crafting robot: " .. e.senderAddress) robotAddr=e.senderAddress break end end print("Prepare to start...") local function status(msg) local w,h=gpu.getResolution() gpu.fill(1,h,w,1,' ') gpu.set(1,h,"Status: " .. msg) end local function do_reform() local total=0 local all_sides={sides.north,sides.south,sides.west,sides.east} for addr in pairs(component.list("transposer")) do local this_trans=component.proxy(addr) for idx,this_side in ipairs(all_sides) do if(this_trans.getInventoryName(this_side)) then while true do local done=this_trans.transferItem(sides.up,this_side) if(done<1) then break end total=total+this_trans.transferItem(sides.up,this_side) end status("[Working] " .. total .. " items moved.") end end end end local function getItemXID(name,label) return name .. ';' .. label end local function full_scan() local all_sides = {sides.up,sides.north,sides.south,sides.west,sides.east} local result={} local slot_used=0 local slot_total=0 local count_transposer=0 local count_box=0 for addr in pairs(component.list("transposer")) do local this_trans=component.proxy(addr) for idx,this_side in ipairs(all_sides) do local this_box=this_trans.getAllStacks(this_side) if(this_box~=nil) then local this_slot_id=0 while true do local this_slot=this_box() if(this_slot==nil) then break end this_slot_id=this_slot_id+1 slot_total=slot_total+1 if(this_slot.size) then slot_used=slot_used+1 local xid=getItemXID(this_slot.name,this_slot.label) if(not result[xid]) then result[xid]={ name=this_slot.name, label=this_slot.label, total=0, position={} } end table.insert(result[xid].position,{addr=addr,side=this_side,slot=this_slot_id,size=this_slot.size}) result[xid].total=result[xid].total+this_slot.size end end count_box=count_box+1 status("[Working] Scanned transposer: " .. count_transposer .. " box: " .. count_box) end end count_transposer=count_transposer+1 status("[Working] Scanned transposer: " .. count_transposer .. " box: " .. count_box) end status("[Done] Scanned transposer: " .. count_transposer .. " box: " .. count_box) result["slot_used"]=slot_used result["slot_total"]=slot_total return result end local function GetDisplayTable(result) local keys={} for k,v in pairs(result) do if(k~="slot_used" and k~="slot_total") then table.insert(keys,k) end end table.sort(keys) return keys end --[[ Display Design 1: Smart Storage (version info etc.) 2: ------------ (window title here) ------------ 3 ~ h-3: Content displayed here h-2: ---------- (page info here) --------------- h-1: Buttons h: Status bar --]] local function display_single(tb_data,tb_display,which_one,display_at) local w,h=gpu.getResolution() gpu.fill(1,display_at,w,1,' ') local this_table=tb_data[tb_display[which_one]] gpu.set(1,display_at,this_table.name .. " -- " .. this_table.label .. " (" .. this_table.total .. ")") end local function display(tb_data,tb_display,begin_at,filter) local w,h=gpu.getResolution() gpu.fill(1,1,w,h-1,' ') -- Status bar is not cleared gpu.set(1,1,version_tag) gpu.fill(1,2,w,1,'-') gpu.fill(1,h-2,w,1,'-') gpu.set(1,h-1," ") local count_shown=0 for i=begin_at,#tb_display,1 do local this_table=tb_data[tb_display[i]] if(filter==nil or string.len(filter)<1) then local old=gpu.setForeground(0xFFFF00) gpu.set(1,i-begin_at+3,this_table.name .. " -- " .. this_table.label .. " (" .. this_table.total .. ")") gpu.setForeground(old) elseif(string.find(this_table.name,filter)~=nil) then gpu.set(1,i-begin_at+3,this_table.name .. " -- " .. this_table.label .. " (" .. this_table.total .. ")") end count_shown=count_shown+1 if(i-begin_at+3>=h-3) then break end end gpu.set(4,2," Viewing " .. begin_at .. "~" .. begin_at+count_shown .. " of " .. #tb_display .. " ") gpu.set(4,h-2," Space used: " .. math.floor(tb_data.slot_used/tb_data.slot_total*1000)/10 .. "% (" .. tb_data.slot_used .. "/" .. tb_data.slot_total ..") ") end term.clear() print("Smart Storage System Starting...") status("Scanning...") local result=full_scan() local tb_display=GetDisplayTable(result) local begin_at_old=1 local begin_at=1 local item_filter='' local need_refresh=true while true do if(need_refresh) then display(result,tb_display,begin_at,item_filter) need_refresh=false end local e=WaitMultipleEvent("interrupted","scroll","touch","key_down") if(e.event=="interrupted") then break elseif(e.event=="key_down") then local w,h=gpu.getResolution() if(e.code==201) then -- PageUp if(begin_at>1) then begin_at=begin_at-(h-5) if(begin_at<1) then begin_at=1 end need_refresh=true end elseif(e.code==209) then -- PageDown if(begin_at+h-5<#tb_display) then begin_at=begin_at+h-5 need_refresh=true end end elseif(e.event=="scroll") then -- Scroll Down = -1. Scroll Up = 1 if(e.direction<0) then if(begin_at<#tb_display) then begin_at=begin_at+1 need_refresh=true end else if(begin_at>1) then begin_at=begin_at-1 need_refresh=true end end elseif(e.event=='touch') then local w,h=gpu.getResolution() if(e.y==h-1) then if(e.x<=string.len("")) then status("Rescanning...") result=full_scan() tb_display=GetDisplayTable(result) begin_at=1 need_refresh=true elseif(e.x<=string.len(" ")) then status("Reforming...") do_reform() result=full_scan() tb_display=GetDisplayTable(result) begin_at=1 need_refresh=true elseif(e.x<=string.len(" ")) then term.setCursor(1,h-1) term.clearLine() io.write("Filter: ") item_filter=io.read() if(item_filter~=nil and string.len(item_filter)>0) then begin_at_old=begin_at begin_at=1 else begin_at=begin_at_old end need_refresh=true elseif(e.x<=string.len(" ")) then item_filter='' begin_at=begin_at_old need_refresh=true end elseif(e.y>=3 and e.y<=h-3) then if(begin_at+e.y-3<=#tb_display) then need_refresh=true local this_table=result[tb_display[begin_at+e.y-3]] term.setCursor(1,h-1) term.clearLine() io.write('[' .. this_table.name .. " -- " .. this_table.label .. "]. How many? (" .. this_table.total .. "): ") local n=io.read('n') if(not n or n>this_table.total) then status("Invalid input.") else status("Transfer begins.") local fetched=0 for idx,this_info in ipairs(this_table.position) do local this_trans=component.proxy(this_info.addr) local need=0 if(this_info.size>n-fetched) then need=n-fetched else need=this_info.size end local done=this_trans.transferItem(this_info.side,sides.down,need,this_info.slot) fetched=fetched+done this_info.size=this_info.size-done this_table.total=this_table.total-done if(fetched>=n) then break end status("" .. fetched .. " of " .. n .. " items transferred.") end -- Update storage info local idx=1 while(idx<=#this_table.position) do if(this_table.position[idx].size<=0) then table.remove(this_table.position,idx) result.slot_used=result.slot_used-1 else idx=idx+1 end end if(this_table.total<1) then result[tb_display[begin_at+e.y-3]]=nil -- Remove this type table.remove(tb_display,begin_at+e.y-3) if(begin_at>1) then begin_at=begin_at-1 end end status("" .. n .. " items transferred") end end end end end term.clear()