print("File Share Client") print("Author: Github/Kiritow") local component=require("component") local shell=require("shell") require("libevent") local args,opts=shell.parse(...) local argc=#args local function cmd(cmdstr,infostr) local old=component.gpu.setForeground(0xFFFF00) print(cmdstr) component.gpu.setForeground(0x0000FF) print(infostr) component.gpu.setForeground(old) end local function err(info) local old=component.gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000) print(infostr) component.gpu.setForeground(old) end if(argc<3) then print("Usage:") cmd("fsc []", "Download file from server. Default port is 21.") return end local filename=args[1] local localfile=args[2] local server=args[3] local port=21 if(argc>3) then port=tonumber(args[4]) end local modem=component.modem if(modem==nil) then err("This program need a modem card to run.") return end local bus=CreateEventBus() bus:listen("interrupted") bus:listen("modem_message") if(not then err("Failed to open data receive port.") bus:close() return end print("Connecting to " .. server .. " at port " .. port) print("Press Ctrl+C will stop this process") modem.send(server,port,"fs_req",filename) local e=bus:next() if(e.event=="modem_message") then if([1]=="fs_ans_err") then err("Server encounter errors will process the request.") elseif([1]=="fs_ans_ok") then print("Writing data to " .. localfile) local,"wb") f:write([2]) f:close() end elseif(e.event=="interrupted") then print("Transmission cancelled.") else print("Event: ",e.event) end bus:close() modem.close(22)