local component=require("component") require("libevent") require("util") --- Auto Configure local network_card = proxy("modem") local function checkDevice() print("Checking Devices...") local function doCheckDevice(device) if(device==nil) then error("Some device is nil. Please double check your configure.") end end doCheckDevice(network_card) print("Device check pass.") end local idt={} local function getNextID() local nextid=1 for k,v in pairs(idt) do if(v>nextid) then nextid=v+1 end end return nextid end local function main() checkDevice() network_card.open(10010) print("Center Started. Press Ctrl+C to stop.") while true do local e=WaitEvent() if(e~=nil) then if(e.event=="modem_message" and e.data[1]=="TSCM") then if(e.data[2]=="req") then if(e.data[3]=="store") then local id=getNextID() network_card.send(e.senderAddress,10011,"TSCM","ack","pass",id) print("NextID: ",id) end end elseif(e.event=="interrupted") then break end end end network_card.close(10010) end print("Transport System Center Started.") print("Author: Kiritow") main() print("Transport System Center Stopped.")