import os import sys import abc import math import yaml import torch from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter from .option import default_hparas from utils.util import human_format, Timer from utils.load_yaml import HpsYaml class BaseSolver(): ''' Prototype Solver for all kinds of tasks Arguments config - yaml-styled config paras - argparse outcome mode - "train"/"test" ''' def __init__(self, config, paras, mode="train"): # General Settings self.config = config # load from yaml file self.paras = paras # command line args self.mode = mode # 'train' or 'test' for k, v in default_hparas.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self.device = torch.device('cuda') if self.paras.gpu and torch.cuda.is_available() \ else torch.device('cpu') # Name experiment self.exp_name = if self.exp_name is None: if 'exp_name' in self.config: self.exp_name = self.config.exp_name else: # By default, exp is named after config file self.exp_name = paras.config.split('/')[-1].replace('.yaml', '') if mode == 'train': self.exp_name += '_seed{}'.format(paras.seed) if mode == 'train': # Filepath setup os.makedirs(paras.ckpdir, exist_ok=True) self.ckpdir = os.path.join(paras.ckpdir, self.exp_name) os.makedirs(self.ckpdir, exist_ok=True) # Logger settings self.logdir = os.path.join(paras.logdir, self.exp_name) self.log = SummaryWriter( self.logdir, flush_secs=self.TB_FLUSH_FREQ) self.timer = Timer() # Hyper-parameters self.step = 0 self.valid_step = config.hparas.valid_step self.max_step = config.hparas.max_step self.verbose('Exp. name : {}'.format(self.exp_name)) self.verbose('Loading data... large corpus may took a while.') # elif mode == 'test': # # Output path # os.makedirs(paras.outdir, exist_ok=True) # self.ckpdir = os.path.join(paras.outdir, self.exp_name) # Load training config to get acoustic feat and build model # self.src_config = HpsYaml(config.src.config) # self.paras.load = config.src.ckpt # self.verbose('Evaluating result of tr. config @ {}'.format( # config.src.config)) def backward(self, loss): ''' Standard backward step with self.timer and debugger Arguments loss - the loss to perform loss.backward() ''' self.timer.set() loss.backward() grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( self.model.parameters(), self.GRAD_CLIP) if math.isnan(grad_norm): self.verbose('Error : grad norm is NaN @ step '+str(self.step)) else: self.optimizer.step() self.timer.cnt('bw') return grad_norm def load_ckpt(self): ''' Load ckpt if --load option is specified ''' print(self.paras) if self.paras.load is not None: if self.paras.warm_start: self.verbose(f"Warm starting model from checkpoint {self.paras.load}.") ckpt = torch.load( self.paras.load, map_location=self.device if self.mode == 'train' else 'cpu') model_dict = ckpt['model'] if "ignore_layers" in self.config.model and len(self.config.model.ignore_layers) > 0: model_dict = {k:v for k, v in model_dict.items() if k not in self.config.model.ignore_layers} dummy_dict = self.model.state_dict() dummy_dict.update(model_dict) model_dict = dummy_dict self.model.load_state_dict(model_dict) else: # Load weights ckpt = torch.load( self.paras.load, map_location=self.device if self.mode == 'train' else 'cpu') self.model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model']) # Load task-dependent items if self.mode == 'train': self.step = ckpt['global_step'] self.optimizer.load_opt_state_dict(ckpt['optimizer']) self.verbose('Load ckpt from {}, restarting at step {}'.format( self.paras.load, self.step)) else: for k, v in ckpt.items(): if type(v) is float: metric, score = k, v self.model.eval() self.verbose('Evaluation target = {} (recorded {} = {:.2f} %)'.format( self.paras.load, metric, score)) def verbose(self, msg): ''' Verbose function for print information to stdout''' if self.paras.verbose: if type(msg) == list: for m in msg: print('[INFO]', m.ljust(100)) else: print('[INFO]', msg.ljust(100)) def progress(self, msg): ''' Verbose function for updating progress on stdout (do not include newline) ''' if self.paras.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\033[K") # Clear line print('[{}] {}'.format(human_format(self.step), msg), end='\r') def write_log(self, log_name, log_dict): ''' Write log to TensorBoard log_name - Name of tensorboard variable log_value - / Value of variable (e.g. dict of losses), passed if value = None ''' if type(log_dict) is dict: log_dict = {key: val for key, val in log_dict.items() if ( val is not None and not math.isnan(val))} if log_dict is None: pass elif len(log_dict) > 0: if 'align' in log_name or 'spec' in log_name: img, form = log_dict self.log.add_image( log_name, img, global_step=self.step, dataformats=form) elif 'text' in log_name or 'hyp' in log_name: self.log.add_text(log_name, log_dict, self.step) else: self.log.add_scalars(log_name, log_dict, self.step) def save_checkpoint(self, f_name, metric, score, show_msg=True): '''' Ckpt saver f_name - the name of ckpt file (w/o prefix) to store, overwrite if existed score - The value of metric used to evaluate model ''' ckpt_path = os.path.join(self.ckpdir, f_name) full_dict = { "model": self.model.state_dict(), "optimizer": self.optimizer.get_opt_state_dict(), "global_step": self.step, metric: score }, ckpt_path) if show_msg: self.verbose("Saved checkpoint (step = {}, {} = {:.2f}) and status @ {}". format(human_format(self.step), metric, score, ckpt_path)) # ----------------------------------- Abtract Methods ------------------------------------------ # @abc.abstractmethod def load_data(self): ''' Called by main to load all data After this call, data related attributes should be setup (e.g. self.tr_set, self.dev_set) No return value ''' raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def set_model(self): ''' Called by main to set models After this call, model related attributes should be setup (e.g. self.l2_loss) The followings MUST be setup - self.model (torch.nn.Module) - self.optimizer (src.Optimizer), init. w/ self.optimizer = src.Optimizer(self.model.parameters(),**self.config['hparas']) Loading pre-trained model should also be performed here No return value ''' raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def exec(self): ''' Called by main to execute training/inference ''' raise NotImplementedError