#include "Window.h" #include "_caster.h" #include "begin_code.h" //private void Window::_set(SDL_Window* p) { _wnd.reset(p,SDL_DestroyWindow); } //private void Window::_clear() { _wnd.reset(); } //private SDL_Window* Window::_get() const { return _wnd.get(); } Window::Window(std::string Title, int Width, int Height, std::initializer_list WindowFlags, int WindowPositionX, int WindowPositionY) { /// Calculate Window Flags Uint32 windowFlag=0; for(auto v:WindowFlags) { windowFlag|=_internal::getSDLWindowFlagsFromWindowType(v); } SDL_Window* temp = SDL_CreateWindow(Title.c_str(), WindowPositionX, WindowPositionY, Width, Height, windowFlag); if (temp == NULL) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } _set(temp); } Rect Window::getSize() const { int w, h; SDL_GetWindowSize(_get(), &w, &h); return Rect(0, 0, w, h); } void Window::setSize(const Rect& sizeRect) { setSize(sizeRect.w, sizeRect.h); } void Window::setSize(int w, int h) { SDL_SetWindowSize(_get(), w, h); } Point Window::getPosition() const { int x, y; SDL_GetWindowPosition(_get(), &x, &y); return Point(x, y); } void Window::setPosition(int x, int y) { SDL_SetWindowPosition(_get(), x, y); } void Window::setPosition(const Point& point) { SDL_SetWindowPosition(_get(), point.x, point.y); } void Window::setTitle(const std::string& Title) { SDL_SetWindowTitle(_get(), Title.c_str()); } std::string Window::getTitle() const { return std::string(SDL_GetWindowTitle(_get())); } void Window::setGrab(bool isGrab) { SDL_SetWindowGrab(_get(),isGrab?SDL_TRUE:SDL_FALSE); } bool Window::getGrab() const { return (SDL_GetWindowGrab(_get())==SDL_TRUE)?true:false; } #if _MINIENGINE_SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,5) int Window::setOpacity(float opacity) { return SDL_SetWindowOpacity(_get(),opacity); } float Window::getOpacity() const { float op=-1; SDL_GetWindowOpacity(_get(),&op); return op; } #endif /// End of SDL2 2.0.5 Require. /// FIXME: Not Implemented. void Window::setResizable(bool resizable) { //SDL_SetWindowResizable(_get(), resizable?SDL_TRUE:SDL_FALSE); } void Window::show() { SDL_ShowWindow(_get()); } void Window::hide() { SDL_HideWindow(_get()); } void Window::raise() { SDL_RaiseWindow(_get()); } void Window::minimize() { SDL_MinimizeWindow(_get()); } void Window::maximize() { SDL_MaximizeWindow(_get()); } void Window::restore() { SDL_RestoreWindow(_get()); } _DECL_DEPRECATED Surface Window::getSurface() { SDL_Surface* temp = SDL_GetWindowSurface(_get()); Surface s; /// Don't Free This Surface s._set_no_delete(temp); return s; } void Window::release() { _clear(); } int Window::showSimpleMessageBox(MessageBoxType type,const std::string& Title,const std::string& Message) const { Uint32 flags=0; switch(type) { case MessageBoxType::Error: flags=SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR; break; case MessageBoxType::Information: flags=SDL_MESSAGEBOX_INFORMATION; break; case MessageBoxType::Warning: flags=SDL_MESSAGEBOX_WARNING; break; } return SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(flags,Title.c_str(),Message.c_str(),_get()); } int Window::showMessageBox(const WindowMessageBox& box) const { SDL_MessageBoxData mboxdata; mboxdata.title=box.title.c_str(); mboxdata.message=box.text.c_str(); mboxdata.window=_get(); mboxdata.colorScheme=nullptr; mboxdata.numbuttons=box.getButtonNum(); SDL_MessageBoxButtonData* pButtonArr=(SDL_MessageBoxButtonData*)malloc(sizeof(SDL_MessageBoxButtonData)*(mboxdata.numbuttons)); if(pButtonArr==nullptr) { /// Failed to malloc return -2; } for(int i=0; i=1) { /// If any button is clicked, call the callback function associated with it. if(box.getButtonConst(clickret-1).callback) { box.getButtonConst(clickret-1).callback(); } } else { /// ... else, call the default callback if(box.defaultcallback) box.defaultcallback(); } } /// Free allocated memory free(pButtonArr); return ret; } bool Window::isScreenKeyboardShown() { return SDL_IsScreenKeyboardShown(_get())==SDL_TRUE; } #include "end_code.h"