#include "MiniEngine.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER /// Visual Studio #define _MINIENGINE_HAS_UNISTD 0 #else #define _MINIENGINE_HAS_UNISTD 1 #include #endif #include "rapidxml/rapidxml.hpp" #include "rapidxml/rapidxml_print.hpp" #include "rapidxml/rapidxml_utils.hpp" namespace MiniEngine { Rect::Rect(int X, int Y, int W, int H) { x = X; y = Y; w = W; h = H; } Rect::Rect(SDL_Rect rect) { x=rect.x; y=rect.y; w=rect.w; h=rect.h; } Rect::Rect() { x = y = w = h = 0; } SDL_Rect Rect::toSDLRect() { SDL_Rect r; r.x = x; r.y = y; r.w = w; r.h = h; return r; } Point::Point(int X, int Y) { x = X; y = Y; } Point::Point() { x = y = 0; } SDL_Point Point::toSDLPoint() { SDL_Point p; p.x = x; p.y = y; return p; } bool Point::inRect(Rect rect) { auto p = toSDLPoint(); auto r = rect.toSDLRect(); return SDL_PointInRect(&p, &r); } ColorMode::ColorMode(int R, int G, int B) { r = R; g = G; b = B; } ColorMode::ColorMode() { r = g = b = 0; } RGBA::RGBA(int R, int G, int B, int A) { r = R; g = G; b = B; a = A; } RGBA::RGBA(ColorMode mode, int A) { r = mode.r; g = mode.g; b = mode.b; a = A; } RGBA::RGBA() { r = g = b = a = 0; } SDL_Color RGBA::toSDLColor() { SDL_Color c; c.r = r; c.g = g; c.b = b; c.a = a; return c; } ColorMode RGBA::toColorMode() { return ColorMode(r, g, b); } void ErrorViewer::fetch() { str = SDL_GetError(); } std::string ErrorViewer::getError() { return str; } const char * ErrorViewer::what() const throw() { return str.c_str(); } Texture::Texture() { updateInfo(); } Rect Texture::getSize() { return rect; } int Texture::getw() { return rect.w; } int Texture::geth() { return rect.h; } bool Texture::isReady() { return (text.get() != nullptr); } int Texture::setBlendMode(BlendMode mode) { return SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(text.get(), static_cast(mode)); } BlendMode Texture::getBlendMode() { SDL_BlendMode temp; SDL_GetTextureBlendMode(text.get(), &temp); return static_cast(temp); } /// Alpha: 0: Transparent 255: opaque int Texture::setAlphaMode(int alpha) { Uint8 temp = std::max(std::min(alpha, 255), 0); return SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(text.get(), temp); } int Texture::getAlphaMode() { Uint8 temp; SDL_GetTextureAlphaMod(text.get(), &temp); return temp; } ColorMode Texture::getColorMode() { ColorMode pack; Uint8 r, g, b; SDL_GetTextureColorMod(text.get(), &r, &g, &b); pack.r = r; pack.g = g; pack.b = b; return pack; } int Texture::setColorMode(ColorMode mode) { return SDL_SetTextureColorMod(text.get(), mode.r, mode.g, mode.b); } RGBA Texture::getRGBA() { return RGBA(getColorMode(), getAlphaMode()); } void Texture::setRGBA(RGBA pack) { setColorMode(pack.toColorMode()); setAlphaMode(pack.a); } /// updateInfo() must be called after Texture is changed. void Texture::updateInfo() { if(text.get()==nullptr) { rect.x=rect.y=rect.w=rect.h=0; } SDL_QueryTexture(text.get(), NULL, NULL, &rect.w, &rect.h); rect.x = rect.y = 0; } int Renderer::setColor(RGBA pack) { return SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rnd.lock().get(), pack.r, pack.g, pack.b, pack.a); } RGBA Renderer::getColor() { Uint8 r, g, b, a; SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(rnd.lock().get(), &r, &g, &b, &a); RGBA pack(r, g, b, a); return pack; } int Renderer::setBlendMode(BlendMode mode) { return SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(rnd.lock().get(), static_cast(mode)); } BlendMode Renderer::getBlendMode() { SDL_BlendMode temp; SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode(rnd.lock().get(), &temp); return static_cast(temp); } int Renderer::setTarget(Texture & t) { return SDL_SetRenderTarget(rnd.lock().get(), t.text.get()); } int Renderer::setTarget() { return SDL_SetRenderTarget(rnd.lock().get(), nullptr); } int Renderer::fillRect(Rect rect) { auto inr = rect.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderFillRect(rnd.lock().get(), &inr); } int Renderer::drawRect(Rect rect) { auto inr = rect.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderDrawRect(rnd.lock().get(), &inr); } int Renderer::drawPoint(Point p) { return SDL_RenderDrawPoint(rnd.lock().get(),p.x,p.y); } int Renderer::drawLine(Point a,Point b) { return SDL_RenderDrawLine(rnd.lock().get(),a.x,a.y,b.x,b.y); } int Renderer::clear() { return SDL_RenderClear(rnd.lock().get()); } void Renderer::update() { SDL_RenderPresent(rnd.lock().get()); } int Renderer::copy(Texture t, Rect src, Rect dst) { SDL_Rect s = src.toSDLRect(); SDL_Rect d = dst.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderCopy(rnd.lock().get(), t.text.get(), &s, &d); } int Renderer::copyTo(Texture t, Rect dst) { SDL_Rect d = dst.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderCopy(rnd.lock().get(), t.text.get(), NULL, &d); } int Renderer::copyTo(Texture t, Point lupoint) { return copyTo(t, Rect(lupoint.x, lupoint.y, t.getw(), t.geth())); } int Renderer::copyFill(Texture t, Rect src) { SDL_Rect s = src.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderCopy(rnd.lock().get(), t.text.get(), &s, NULL); } int Renderer::copyFullFill(Texture t) { return SDL_RenderCopy(rnd.lock().get(), t.text.get(), NULL, NULL); } int Renderer::supercopy(Texture t,bool srcfull,Rect src,bool dstfull,Rect dst,double angle,bool haspoint,Point center,FlipMode mode) { SDL_Rect R1,R2; SDL_Point P; SDL_Rect* pR1=nullptr; SDL_Rect* pR2=nullptr; SDL_Point* pPoint=nullptr; SDL_RendererFlip flip; if(srcfull) { R1=src.toSDLRect(); pR1=&R1; } if(dstfull) { R2=dst.toSDLRect(); pR2=&R2; } if(haspoint) { P=center.toSDLPoint(); pPoint=&P; } switch(mode) { case FlipMode::None: flip=SDL_FLIP_NONE; break; case FlipMode::Horizontal: flip=SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL; break; case FlipMode::Vertical: flip=SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL; break; } return SDL_RenderCopyEx(rnd.lock().get(),t.text.get(),pR1,pR2,angle,pPoint,flip); } Surface Renderer::loadSurface(std::string FileName) throw(ErrorViewer) { Surface surf; SDL_Surface* temp = IMG_Load(FileName.c_str()); if (temp == nullptr) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } surf.surf.reset(temp, SDL_FreeSurface); return surf; } Texture Renderer::render(Surface surf) throw(ErrorViewer) { Texture t; SDL_Texture* temp = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(rnd.lock().get(), surf.surf.get()); if (temp == nullptr) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } t.text.reset(temp, SDL_DestroyTexture); t.updateInfo(); return t; } Texture Renderer::loadTexture(std::string FileName) throw(ErrorViewer) { Texture t; SDL_Texture* temp = IMG_LoadTexture(rnd.lock().get(), FileName.c_str()); if (temp == nullptr) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } t.text.reset(temp, SDL_DestroyTexture); t.updateInfo(); return t; } Texture Renderer::createTexture(int Width, int Height) throw(ErrorViewer) { SDL_Texture* temp = SDL_CreateTexture(rnd.lock().get(), SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, Width, Height); if (temp == NULL) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } Texture t; t.text.reset(temp, SDL_DestroyTexture); t.updateInfo(); return t; } int Renderer::setViewport(Rect viewPort) { SDL_Rect rect=viewPort.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderSetViewport(rnd.lock().get(),&rect); } int Renderer::setViewport() { return SDL_RenderSetViewport(rnd.lock().get(),NULL); } Rect Renderer::getViewport() { SDL_Rect rect; SDL_RenderGetViewport(rnd.lock().get(),&rect); return Rect(rect); } int Renderer::setClipRect(Rect cliparea) { SDL_Rect rect=cliparea.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderSetClipRect(rnd.lock().get(),&rect); } Rect Renderer::getClipRect() { SDL_Rect rect; SDL_RenderGetClipRect(rnd.lock().get(),&rect); return Rect(rect); } /* bool Renderer::isClipEnabled() { return SDL_RenderIsClipEnabled(rnd.lock().get())==SDL_TRUE; } */ void Renderer::disableClip() { SDL_RenderSetClipRect(rnd.lock().get(),NULL); } bool Renderer::isReady() { return !rnd.expired(); } Window::Window(std::string Title, int Width, int Height, std::initializer_list RendererFlags) throw(ErrorViewer) { SDL_Window* temp = SDL_CreateWindow(Title.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, Width, Height, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN); if (temp == NULL) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } wnd.reset(temp, SDL_DestroyWindow); setRenderer(RendererFlags); } Renderer Window::getRenderer() const { return winrnd; } void Window::setRenderer(std::initializer_list RendererFlags) { Uint32 flag = 0; for (auto v : RendererFlags) { flag |= _render_caster(v); } _setRenderer_Real(flag); } Rect Window::getSize() { int w, h; SDL_GetWindowSize(wnd.get(), &w, &h); return Rect(0, 0, w, h); } void Window::setSize(Rect sizeRect) { setSize(sizeRect.w, sizeRect.h); } void Window::setSize(int w, int h) { SDL_SetWindowSize(wnd.get(), w, h); } Rect Window::getPosition() { int x, y; SDL_GetWindowPosition(wnd.get(), &x, &y); return Rect(x, y, 0, 0); } void Window::setPosition(int x, int y) { SDL_SetWindowPosition(wnd.get(), x, y); } /// FIXME: Use class Point or class Rect ? void Window::setPosition(Point point) { SDL_SetWindowPosition(wnd.get(), point.x, point.y); } void Window::setTitle(std::string Title) { SDL_SetWindowTitle(wnd.get(), Title.c_str()); } std::string Window::getTitle() { return std::string(SDL_GetWindowTitle(wnd.get())); } void Window::setResizable(bool resizable) { //SDL_SetWindowResizable(wnd.get(), static_cast(resizable)); } void Window::show() { SDL_ShowWindow(wnd.get()); } void Window::hide() { SDL_HideWindow(wnd.get()); } void Window::raise() { SDL_RaiseWindow(wnd.get()); } void Window::minimize() { SDL_MinimizeWindow(wnd.get()); } void Window::maximize() { SDL_MaximizeWindow(wnd.get()); } void Window::restore() { SDL_RestoreWindow(wnd.get()); } _DECL_DEPRECATED Surface Window::getSurface() { SDL_Surface* temp = SDL_GetWindowSurface(wnd.get()); Surface s; /// Don't Free This Surface s.surf.reset(temp, [](SDL_Surface*) {}); return s; } Uint32 Window::_render_caster(RendererType Type) { switch(Type) { case RendererType::Accelerated: return SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED; case RendererType::PresentSync: return SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC; case RendererType::Software: return SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE; case RendererType::TargetTexture: return SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE; } /// If an error occurs, return 0 by default. return 0; } void Window::_setRenderer_Real(Uint32 flags) { rnd.reset(); rnd.reset(SDL_CreateRenderer(wnd.get(), -1, flags), SDL_DestroyRenderer); winrnd.rnd=rnd; } int Window::showSimpleMessageBox(MessageBoxType type,std::string Title,std::string Message) { Uint32 flags=0; switch(type) { case MessageBoxType::Error: flags=SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR; break; case MessageBoxType::Information: flags=SDL_MESSAGEBOX_INFORMATION; break; case MessageBoxType::Warning: flags=SDL_MESSAGEBOX_WARNING; break; } return SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(flags,Title.c_str(),Message.c_str(),wnd.get()); } Font::Font(std::string FontFileName, int size) throw(ErrorViewer) { if (use(FontFileName, size) != 0) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } } int Font::use(std::string FontFileName, int size) { TTF_Font* temp = TTF_OpenFont(FontFileName.c_str(), size); if (temp == NULL) return -1; font.reset(temp, TTF_CloseFont); return 0; } bool Font::isReady() { return (font.get() != nullptr); } void Font::_real_setFontStyle(int Style) { TTF_SetFontStyle(font.get(),Style); } int Font::_style_caster(Style style) { switch(style) { case Style::Bold: return TTF_STYLE_BOLD; case Style::Italic: return TTF_STYLE_ITALIC; case Style::Normal: return TTF_STYLE_NORMAL; case Style::StrikeThrough: return TTF_STYLE_STRIKETHROUGH; case Style::UnderLine: return TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE; } /// If an error occurs, return 0 instead of -1. return 0; } Texture Font::renderText(Renderer rnd, std::string Text, RGBA fg) { Surface surf; surf.surf.reset(TTF_RenderText_Blended(font.get(), Text.c_str(), fg.toSDLColor()), SDL_FreeSurface); return rnd.render(surf); } Texture Font::renderTextWrapped(Renderer rnd, std::string Text, RGBA fg, int WrapLength) { Surface surf; surf.surf.reset(TTF_RenderText_Blended_Wrapped(font.get(), Text.c_str(), fg.toSDLColor(), WrapLength), SDL_FreeSurface); return rnd.render(surf); } Texture Font::renderTextShaded(Renderer rnd, std::string Text, RGBA fg, RGBA bg) { Surface surf; surf.surf.reset(TTF_RenderText_Shaded(font.get(), Text.c_str(), fg.toSDLColor(), bg.toSDLColor()), SDL_FreeSurface); return rnd.render(surf); } Texture Font::renderTextSolid(Renderer rnd, std::string Text, RGBA fg) { Surface surf; surf.surf.reset(TTF_RenderText_Solid(font.get(), Text.c_str(), fg.toSDLColor()), SDL_FreeSurface); return rnd.render(surf); } Texture Font::renderUTF8(Renderer rnd, std::string Text, RGBA fg) { Surface surf; surf.surf.reset(TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font.get(), Text.c_str(), fg.toSDLColor()), SDL_FreeSurface); return rnd.render(surf); } Texture Font::renderUTF8Wrapped(Renderer rnd, std::string Text, RGBA fg, int WrapLength) { Surface surf; surf.surf.reset(TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended_Wrapped(font.get(), Text.c_str(), fg.toSDLColor(), WrapLength), SDL_FreeSurface); return rnd.render(surf); } Texture Font::renderUTF8Shaded(Renderer rnd, std::string Text, RGBA fg, RGBA bg) { Surface surf; surf.surf.reset(TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded(font.get(), Text.c_str(), fg.toSDLColor(), bg.toSDLColor()), SDL_FreeSurface); return rnd.render(surf); } Texture Font::renderUTF8Solid(Renderer rnd, std::string Text, RGBA fg) { Surface surf; surf.surf.reset(TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid(font.get(), Text.c_str(), fg.toSDLColor()), SDL_FreeSurface); return rnd.render(surf); } void LogSystem::d(const char* fmt,...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,fmt); SDL_LogMessageV(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION,SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,fmt,ap); va_end(ap); } void LogSystem::v(const char* fmt,...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,fmt); SDL_LogMessageV(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION,SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_VERBOSE,fmt,ap); va_end(ap); } void LogSystem::e(const char* fmt,...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,fmt); SDL_LogMessageV(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION,SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR,fmt,ap); va_end(ap); } void LogSystem::i(const char* fmt,...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,fmt); SDL_LogMessageV(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION,SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_INFO,fmt,ap); va_end(ap); } void LogSystem::w(const char* fmt,...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,fmt); SDL_LogMessageV(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION,SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,fmt,ap); va_end(ap); } void LogSystem::critical(const char* fmt,...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,fmt); SDL_LogMessageV(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION,SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_CRITICAL,fmt,ap); va_end(ap); } int SDLSystem::SDLInit() { return SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); } void SDLSystem::SDLQuit() { SDL_Quit(); } int SDLSystem::IMGInit() { return IMG_Init(IMG_INIT_JPG | IMG_INIT_PNG); } void SDLSystem::IMGQuit() { IMG_Quit(); } int SDLSystem::TTFInit() { return TTF_Init(); } void SDLSystem::TTFQuit() { TTF_Quit(); } int SDLSystem::MixInit() { return Mix_Init(MIX_INIT_MP3); } void SDLSystem::MixQuit() { Mix_Quit(); } void SDLSystem::Init() { SDLInit(); IMGInit(); TTFInit(); MixInit(); } void SDLSystem::Quit() { MixQuit(); TTFQuit(); IMGQuit(); SDLQuit(); } void SDLSystem::Delay(int ms) { SDL_Delay(ms); } PowerState SDLSystem::GetPowerState() { SDL_PowerState ret=SDL_GetPowerInfo(NULL,NULL); switch(ret) { case SDL_POWERSTATE_ON_BATTERY: return PowerState::OnBattery; case SDL_POWERSTATE_NO_BATTERY: return PowerState::NoBattery; case SDL_POWERSTATE_CHARGING: return PowerState::Charging; case SDL_POWERSTATE_CHARGED: return PowerState::Charged; case SDL_POWERSTATE_UNKNOWN: default: return PowerState::Unknown; } } Platform SDLSystem::GetPlatform() { std::string s(SDL_GetPlatform()); if(s=="Windows") { return Platform::Windows; } else if(s=="Mac OS X") { return Platform::MacOS; } else if(s=="Linux") { return Platform::Linux; } else if(s=="iOS") { return Platform::iOS; } else if(s=="Android") { return Platform::Android; } else { return Platform::Unknown; } } void SDLSystem::StartTextInput() { SDL_StartTextInput(); } void SDLSystem::StopTextInput() { SDL_StopTextInput(); } Timer::Timer() { _enabled=false; _detached=false; id=-1; } Timer::Timer(SDL_TimerCallback callback,Uint32 interval,void* param) : Timer() { _callback=callback; _interval=interval; _param=param; } int Timer::enable() { if(_enabled) { return -1; } else { id=SDL_AddTimer(_interval,_callback,_param); if(id<0) return -2; _enabled=true; return 0; } } int Timer::disable() { if(_enabled) { SDL_RemoveTimer(id); _enabled=false; id=-1; return 0; } else { return -1; } } void Timer::detach() { _detached=true; } Timer::~Timer() { if(!_detached) { disable(); } } AudioPlayer::AudioPlayer() { if (!_sysAudioCounter) { _sysAudio = new _Audio; } ++_sysAudioCounter; } AudioPlayer::~AudioPlayer() { --_sysAudioCounter; if (!_sysAudioCounter) { delete _sysAudio; } } AudioPlayer::_Audio::_Audio() { Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 1024); } AudioPlayer::_Audio::~_Audio() { Mix_CloseAudio(); } Music MusicPlayer::loadMusic(std::string Filename) throw(ErrorViewer) { Mix_Music* temp = Mix_LoadMUS(Filename.c_str()); if (temp == nullptr) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } Music m; m.music.reset(temp, Mix_FreeMusic); return m; } int MusicPlayer::play(Music music, int loops) { m = music; return Mix_PlayMusic(m.music.get(), loops); } void MusicPlayer::pause() { Mix_PauseMusic(); } void MusicPlayer::resume() { Mix_ResumeMusic(); } void MusicPlayer::rewind() { Mix_RewindMusic(); } int MusicPlayer::stop() { return Mix_HaltMusic(); } int MusicPlayer::fadeIn(int loops, int ms) { return Mix_FadeInMusic(m.music.get(), loops, ms); } int MusicPlayer::fadeOut(int ms) { return Mix_FadeOutMusic(ms); } bool MusicPlayer::isPlaying() { return Mix_PlayingMusic(); } bool MusicPlayer::isPaused() { return Mix_PausedMusic(); } int MusicPlayer::isFading() { switch (Mix_FadingMusic()) { case MIX_NO_FADING: return 0; case MIX_FADING_IN: return 1; case MIX_FADING_OUT: return 2; default: return -1; } } SoundPlayer::SoundPlayer(int Channels) { Mix_AllocateChannels(Channels); } Sound SoundPlayer::loadSound(std::string Filename) throw(ErrorViewer) { Mix_Chunk* temp = Mix_LoadWAV(Filename.c_str()); if (temp == NULL) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } Sound s; s.sound.reset(temp, Mix_FreeChunk); return s; } ChannelID SoundPlayer::playSound(Sound sound, int loops) throw(ErrorViewer) { ChannelID id; if (-1 == (id = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sound.sound.get(), loops))) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } return id; } ChannelID SoundPlayer::fadein(Sound sound, int loops, int ms) throw(ErrorViewer) { ChannelID id; if (-1 == (id = Mix_FadeInChannel(-1, sound.sound.get(), loops, ms))) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } return id; } int SoundPlayer::fadeout(ChannelID id, int ms) { return Mix_FadeOutChannel(id, ms); } void SoundPlayer::pause(ChannelID id) { Mix_Pause(id); } void SoundPlayer::resume(ChannelID id) { Mix_Resume(id); } int SoundPlayer::stop(ChannelID id) { return Mix_HaltChannel(id); } AudioPlayer::_Audio* AudioPlayer::_sysAudio = nullptr; int AudioPlayer::_sysAudioCounter = 0; struct StringEngine::impl { rapidxml::xml_document<> doc; rapidxml::xml_node<>* root; bool status; }; StringEngine::StringEngine(std::string StringFile,std::string LanguageTag) { pimpl=new impl; pimpl->status=false; std::ifstream ifs(StringFile); if(!ifs) return; rapidxml::file<> strFile(ifs); pimpl->doc.parse<0>(strFile.data()); pimpl->root=pimpl->doc.first_node(LanguageTag.c_str()); if(pimpl->root==nullptr) return; pimpl->status=true; } bool StringEngine::ready() { return pimpl->status; } int StringEngine::useLanaguage(std::string LanguageTag) { pimpl->root=pimpl->doc.first_node(LanguageTag.c_str()); if(pimpl->root==nullptr) { pimpl->status=false; return -1; } else { pimpl->status=true; return 0; } } std::string StringEngine::getString(std::string Tag) { if(!ready()) return ""; char* context=pimpl->root->first_node(Tag.c_str())->value(); if(context==nullptr) return ""; else return std::string(context); } StringEngine::~StringEngine() { delete pimpl; } }/// End of namespace MiniEngine /// The Following Functions are not avaliable in Visual Studio #if (_MINIENGINE_HAS_UNISTD == 1) bool isexist(std::string Path) { return access(Path.c_str(),F_OK)==0; } bool canread(std::string Path) { return access(Path.c_str(),R_OK)==0; } bool canwrite(std::string Path) { return access(Path.c_str(),W_OK)==0; } bool canexecute(std::string Path) { return access(Path.c_str(),X_OK)==0; } #else /// _MINIENGINE_HAS_UNISTD == 0 /// File Functions will be implied in platform specific source file. #endif int _miniengine_argc; char** _miniengine_argv; /// Default Setup Code int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { _miniengine_argc=argc; _miniengine_argv=argv; MiniEngine::SDLSystem::Init(); int ret = AppMain(); MiniEngine::SDLSystem::Quit(); return ret; }