#include #undef main #include #include #include #include #include namespace MiniEngine { class Rect { public: int x, y, w, h; Rect(int X, int Y, int W, int H) { x = X; y = Y; w = W; h = H; } Rect() { x = y = w = h = 0; } SDL_Rect toSDLRect() { SDL_Rect r; r.x = x; r.y = y; r.w = w; r.h = h; return r; } }; class Point { public: int x,y; Point(int X,int Y) { x=X; y=Y; } Point() { x=y=0; } SDL_Point toSDLPoint() { SDL_Point p; p.x=x; p.y=y; return p; } bool inRect(Rect rect) { auto p=toSDLPoint(); auto r=rect.toSDLRect(); return SDL_PointInRect(&p,&r); } }; class RGBA { public: int r, g, b, a; RGBA(int R, int G, int B, int A) { r = R; g = G; b = B; a = A; } RGBA() { r = g = b = a = 0; } SDL_Color toSDLColor() { SDL_Color c; c.r = r; c.g = g; c.b = b; c.a = a; return c; } }; class NonCopyable { protected: NonCopyable() = default; ~NonCopyable() = default; NonCopyable(const NonCopyable&) = delete; NonCopyable& operator = (const NonCopyable&) = delete; }; /// Forward Declaration class Window; class Renderer; class ErrorViewer : public std::exception { public: void fetch() { str = SDL_GetError(); } std::string getError() { return str; } const char* what() const throw() override { return str.c_str(); } private: std::string str; }; class Surface { public: ~Surface() { } protected: Surface() = default; private: std::shared_ptr surf; friend class Renderer; friend class Font; }; class Texture { public: ~Texture() { } Rect getSize() { return rect; } int getw() { return rect.w; } int geth() { return rect.h; } protected: Texture() { } void updateInfo() { SDL_QueryTexture(text.get(), NULL, NULL, &rect.w, &rect.h); rect.x = rect.y = 0; } private: std::shared_ptr text; Rect rect; friend class Renderer; }; class Renderer { public: enum class Type { Software=SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE, Accelerated=SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED, PresentSync=SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC, TargetTexture=SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE }; int setColor(RGBA pack) { return SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rnd.get(), pack.r, pack.g, pack.b, pack.a); } RGBA getColor() { Uint8 r, g, b, a; SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(rnd.get(), &r, &g, &b, &a); RGBA pack(r, g, b, a); return pack; } int fillRect(Rect rect) { auto inr = rect.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderFillRect(rnd.get(), &inr); } int drawRect(Rect rect) { auto inr = rect.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderDrawRect(rnd.get(), &inr); } int clear() { return SDL_RenderClear(rnd.get()); } void update() { SDL_RenderPresent(rnd.get()); } int copy(Texture t, Rect src, Rect dst) { SDL_Rect s = src.toSDLRect(); SDL_Rect d = dst.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderCopy(rnd.get(), t.text.get(), &s, &d); } int copyTo(Texture t, Rect dst) { SDL_Rect d = dst.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderCopy(rnd.get(), t.text.get(), NULL, &d); } int copyFill(Texture t, Rect src) { SDL_Rect s = src.toSDLRect(); return SDL_RenderCopy(rnd.get(), t.text.get(), &s, NULL); } int copyFullFill(Texture t) { return SDL_RenderCopy(rnd.get(), t.text.get(), NULL, NULL); } Surface loadSurface(std::string FileName) throw(ErrorViewer) { Surface surf; SDL_Surface* temp = IMG_Load(FileName.c_str()); if (temp == nullptr) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } surf.surf.reset(temp, SDL_FreeSurface); return surf; } Texture render(Surface surf) throw (ErrorViewer) { Texture t; SDL_Texture* temp = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(rnd.get(), surf.surf.get()); if (temp == nullptr) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } t.text.reset(temp, SDL_DestroyTexture); t.updateInfo(); return t; } Texture loadTexture(std::string FileName) throw(ErrorViewer) { Texture t; SDL_Texture* temp = IMG_LoadTexture(rnd.get(), FileName.c_str()); if (temp == nullptr) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } t.text.reset(temp, SDL_DestroyTexture); t.updateInfo(); return t; } protected: Renderer() { /// This function is called by Window ONLY. } private: std::shared_ptr rnd; friend class Window; }; class Window { public: Window(std::string Title, int Width, int Height) throw(ErrorViewer) { SDL_Window* temp = SDL_CreateWindow(Title.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, Width, Height, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN); if (temp == NULL) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } wnd.reset(temp, SDL_DestroyWindow); setRenderer(Renderer::Type::Accelerated,Renderer::Type::TargetTexture); } Renderer getRenderer() const { return winrnd; } /// TODO: Unfinished. void setRenderer(Renderer::Type a,Renderer::Type b) { _setRenderer_Real(static_cast(a)|static_cast(b)); } Rect getSize() { int w, h; SDL_GetWindowSize(wnd.get(), &w, &h); Rect rect(0, 0, w, h); return rect; } void setSize(Rect sizeRect) { setSize(sizeRect.w, sizeRect.h); } void setSize(int w, int h) { SDL_SetWindowSize(wnd.get(),w,h); } void setTitle(std::string Title) { } private: void _setRenderer_Real(Uint32 flags) { winrnd.rnd.reset(SDL_CreateRenderer(wnd.get(), -1, flags),SDL_DestroyRenderer); } std::shared_ptr wnd; Renderer winrnd; }; class Font { public: Font() { } Font(std::string FontFileName, int size) throw(ErrorViewer) { if (use(FontFileName, size) != 0) { ErrorViewer e; e.fetch(); throw e; } } int use(std::string FontFileName, int size) { TTF_Font* temp = TTF_OpenFont(FontFileName.c_str(), size); if (temp == NULL) return -1; font.reset(temp, TTF_CloseFont); return 0; } Texture renderText(Renderer rnd, std::string Text, RGBA fg) { Surface surf; surf.surf.reset(TTF_RenderText_Blended(font.get(), Text.c_str(), fg.toSDLColor())); Texture t = rnd.render(surf); return t; } Texture renderUTF8(Renderer rnd, std::string Text, RGBA fg) { Surface surf; surf.surf.reset(TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font.get(), Text.c_str(), fg.toSDLColor())); Texture t = rnd.render(surf); return t; } private: std::shared_ptr font; }; class SDLSystem { public: static int SDLInit() { return SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); } static void SDLQuit() { SDL_Quit(); } static int IMGInit() { return IMG_Init(IMG_INIT_JPG | IMG_INIT_PNG); } static void IMGQuit() { IMG_Quit(); } static int TTFInit() { return TTF_Init(); } static void TTFQuit() { TTF_Quit(); } static int MixInit() { return Mix_Init(MIX_INIT_MP3); } static void MixQuit() { Mix_Quit(); } static void Init() { SDLInit(); IMGInit(); TTFInit(); MixInit(); } static void Quit() { MixQuit(); TTFQuit(); IMGQuit(); SDLQuit(); } static void Delay(int ms) { SDL_Delay(ms); } }; }/// End of namespace MiniEngine namespace App { int main(int argc,char* argv[]); }/// End of namespace App /// Default Setup Code int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { MiniEngine::SDLSystem::Init(); int ret=App::main(argc,argv); MiniEngine::SDLSystem::Quit(); return ret; }