<p align="center"> <img src="logo.png"> </p> <p align="center"> Modern phishing tool with advanced functionality </p> <p align="center"> NOW WE HAVE ADDED KEYLOGGER WITH THE PHISHING PAGES // VICTIM DEVICE INFO ALSO AVAILABLE </p> ### DEVELOPERS:- 1) UNDEADSEC (https://github.com/UndeadSec) 2) USAMA ABDUL SATTAR (https://github.com/usama7628674) 3) ANONUD4Y (https://github.com/An0nUD4Y) 4) Artur Tretiak (https://github.com/sTiKyt) 5) Micrafast (https://github.com/Micrafast) 6) ___________ (WAITING FOR YOU) ## CREDIT:- * Usama ( A Most active Developer) * Anonud4y ( I can't remember if i have done Anything ) * Artur ( Guy Who recustomized everything ) * UNDEADSEC (For His wonderful repo socialfish which motivated us a lot) * TheLinuxChoice ( For The ideas from his repo Shellphish ) ### TESTED ON FOLLOWING:- * **Kali Linux - Rolling Edition** * **Parrot OS - Rolling Edition** * **Linux Mint - 18.3 Sylvia** * **Ubuntu - 16.04.3 LTS** * **MacOS High Sierra** * **Arch Linux** * **Manjaro XFCE Edition 17.1.12** * **Black Arch** ### PREREQUISITES ( Please verify if you have installed ) * Python 3 * Wget from Python * PHP * sudo ### WHAT'S NEW FEATURES **1) LIVE ATTACK** - Now you will have live information about the victims such as : IP ADDRESS, Geolocation, ISP, Country, & many more. **2) COMPATIBILITY** - All the sites are mobile compatible. **3) KEYLOGGER** - Now you will also have the ability to capture all the keystokes of victim. **(CURRENTLY):- This feature is added on instagram web page and github, to less the possibility of slow functioning of generated link) **HOW TO ADD IT MANUALLY ? -- You can add this manually by putting the codes on index page.(put these code at anywhere inside the index page // but not between any other script codes) ``` <script src="keylogger.js"></script> <script src="keylogger.php"></script> ``` ### CLONE ``` git clone https://github.com/DarkSecDevelopers/HiddenEye.git ``` ## FOR FURTHER INSTALLATION PROCEDURE - (CHECK INSTRUCTIONS) ## AVAILABLE PAGES **+ Facebook:** - Traditional Facebook login page. - Advanced Poll Method. - Fake Security login with Facebook Page. - Facebook messenger login page. **+ Google:** - Traditional Google login page. - Advanced Poll Method. **+ LinkedIn:** - Traditional LinkedIn login page. **+ Github:** - Traditional Github login page. **+ Stackoverflow:** - Traditional Stackoverflow login page. **+ Wordpress:** - Similar Wordpress login page. **+ Twitter:** - Traditional Twitter login page. **+ Instagram:** - Traditional Instagram login page. - Instagram Autoliker Phishing Page. ### NEW PAGES <p align="center"> **1) FACEBOOK PHISHING:** - Traditional Facebook login page. - Advanced Poll Method. - Fake Security login with Facebook Page. - Facebook messenger login page. **2) INSTAGRAM PHISHING:** - Traditional Login Page - Fake instagram Autoliker Page **3) SNAPCHAT PHISHING:** - Traditional Snapchat Login Page **4) YAHOO PHISHING:** - Traditional Yahoo Login Page **5) TWITCH PHISHING:** - Traditional Twitch Login Page [ Login With Facebook Also Available ] **6) MICROSOFT PHISHING:** - Traditional Microsoft-Live Web Login Page **7) STEAM PHISHING:** - Traditional Steam Web Login Page **8) VK PHISHING:** - Traditional VK Web Login Page - Advanced Poll Method **9) ICLOUD PHISHING:** - Traditional iCloud Web Login Page </p> ### SCREENSHOT  ## DISCLAIMER <p align="center"> TO BE USED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY </p> The use of the HiddenEye is COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY of the END-USER. Developers assume NO liability and are NOT responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. Please read [LICENSE](LICENSE).