Modern Phishing Tool With Advanced Functionality
PHISHING | KEYLOGGER | INFORMATION_COLLECTOR | ALL_IN_ONE_TOOL | SOCIALENGINEERING [![Codacy Badge](https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/cd8aa9a99b5b4afd84e19a98b7b30211)](https://app.codacy.com/app/DarkSecDevelopers/HiddenEye?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=DarkSecDevelopers/HiddenEye&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade_Dashboard) [![Open Source Love](https://badges.frapsoft.com/os/v3/open-source.svg?v=102)](https://github.com/darksecdevelopers) [![GitHub version](https://d25lcipzij17d.cloudfront.net/badge.svg?id=gh&type=6&v=0.2.7&x2=0)](https://github.com/DarkSecDevelopers/HiddenEye/releases)
[![Made By Hipsters](https://forthebadge.com/images/badges/built-by-hipsters.svg)]() 1) ANONUD4Y (https://github.com/An0nUD4Y) 2) USAMA ABDUL SATTAR (https://github.com/usama7628674) 3) sTiKyt (https://github.com/sTiKyt) 4) UNDEADSEC (https://github.com/UndeadSec) 5) Micrafast (https://github.com/Micrafast) 6) ___________ (WAITING FOR YOU) ### SCREENSHOT (Android-Userland) ![Shot](https://github.com/DarkSecDevelopers/HiddenEye/blob/master/Screenshot.png) ## CREDIT:- * Anonud4y ( I don't remember if i have done Anything ) * Usama ( A Most active Developer) * sTiKyt ( Guy Who recustomized everything ) * UNDEADSEC (For His wonderful repo socialfish which motivated us a lot) * TheLinuxChoice ( https://github.com/thelinuxchoice) ( For His Tools Phishing Pages ) ### TESTED ON FOLLOWING:- * **Kali Linux - Rolling Edition** * **Parrot OS - Rolling Edition** * **Linux Mint - 18.3 Sylvia** * **Ubuntu - 16.04.3 LTS** * **MacOS High Sierra** * **Arch Linux** * **Manjaro XFCE Edition 17.1.12** * **Black Arch** * **Userland app (For Android Users)** ### PREREQUISITES ( Please verify if you have installed ) * Python 3 * Wget from Python * PHP * sudo ### WHAT'S NEW FEATURES **1) LIVE ATTACK** - Now you will have live information about the victims such as : IP ADDRESS, Geolocation, ISP, Country, & many more. **2) COMPATIBILITY** - All the sites are mobile compatible. **3) KEYLOGGER** - Now you will also have the ability to capture all the keystokes of victim. - You can now Deploy Keyloggers With (Y/N) option. - Major issues fixed. **4) Android Users** - We care about Android Users, so you have to download an app(Userland) if you want to use it on android.click the image to download itTo read more how to set up userland app read here
**5) NEW LOOK PROVIDED** - NOW FOCUS EASILY ON TASKS... **6) SERVEO URL TYPE SELECTION AVAILABLE NOW** - Major issues with serveo is fixed. - Now You can choose out of CUSTOM URL and RANDOM URL. **7) LARGE COLLECTION OF PHISHING PAGES ADDED** - Pages are taken from various tool including ShellPhish , Blackeye , SocialFish . ## FOR FURTHER INSTALLATION PROCEDURE - [(CHECK INSTRUCTIONS)](https://github.com/DarkSecDevelopers/HiddenEye/blob/master/instructions.md) ## AVAILABLE PAGES **1) Facebook:** - Traditional Facebook login page. - Advanced Poll Method. - Fake Security login with Facebook Page. - Facebook messenger login page. **2) Google:** - Traditional Google login page. - Advanced Poll Method. - New Google Page. **3) LinkedIn:** - Traditional LinkedIn login page. **4) Github:** - Traditional Github login page. **5) Stackoverflow:** - Traditional Stackoverflow login page. **6) Wordpress:** - Similar Wordpress login page. **7) Twitter:** - Traditional Twitter login page. **8) Instagram:** - Traditional Instagram login page. - Instagram Autoliker Phishing Page. - Instagram Profile Scenario Advanced attack. - Instagram Badge Verify Attack *[New]* - Instagram AutoFollower Phishing Page by (https://github.com/thelinuxchoice) **9) SNAPCHAT PHISHING:** - Traditional Snapchat Login Page **10) YAHOO PHISHING:** - Traditional Yahoo Login Page **11) TWITCH PHISHING:** - Traditional Twitch Login Page [ Login With Facebook Also Available ] **12) MICROSOFT PHISHING:** - Traditional Microsoft-Live Web Login Page **13) STEAM PHISHING:** - Traditional Steam Web Login Page **14) VK PHISHING:** - Traditional VK Web Login Page - Advanced Poll Method **15) ICLOUD PHISHING:** - Traditional iCloud Web Login Page **16) GitLab PHISHING:** - Traditional GitLab Login Page **17) NetFlix PHISHING:** - Traditional Netflix Login Page **18) Origin PHISHING:** - Traditional Origin Login Page **19) Pinterest PHISHING:** - Traditional Pinterest Login Page **20) Protonmail PHISHING:** - Traditional Protonmail Login Page **21) Spotify PHISHING:** - Traditional Spotify Login Page **22) Quora PHISHING:** - Traditional Quora Login Page **23) PornHub PHISHING:** - Traditional PornHub Login Page **24) Adobe PHISHING:** - Traditional Adobe Login Page **25) Badoo PHISHING:** - Traditional Badoo Login Page **26) CryptoCurrency PHISHING:** - Traditional CryptoCurrency Login Page **27) DevianArt PHISHING:** - Traditional DevianArt Login Page **28) DropBox PHISHING:** - Traditional DropBox Login Page **29) eBay PHISHING:** - Traditional eBay Login Page **30) MySpace PHISHING:** - Traditional Myspace Login Page **31) PayPal PHISHING:** - Traditional PayPal Login Page **32) Shopify PHISHING:** - Traditional Shopify Login Page **33) Verizon PHISHING:** - Traditional Verizon Login Page **34) Yandex PHISHING:** - Traditional Yandex Login PageTO BE USED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY
The use of the HiddenEye is COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY of the END-USER. Developers assume NO liability and are NOT responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. Please read [LICENSE](LICENSE).