import atexit import logging import os import shlex import subprocess import sys import threading import time import yaml from future.standard_library import install_aliases from pyngrok import conf from pyngrok.exception import PyngrokNgrokError, PyngrokSecurityError from pyngrok.installer import validate_config install_aliases() from urllib.request import urlopen, Request try: from http import HTTPStatus as StatusCodes except ImportError: # pragma: no cover try: from http import client as StatusCodes except ImportError: import httplib as StatusCodes __author__ = "Alex Laird" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2020, Alex Laird" __version__ = "4.1.9" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _current_processes = {} class NgrokProcess: """ An object containing information about the :code:`ngrok` process. :var proc: The child process that is running :code:`ngrok`. :vartype proc: subprocess.Popen :var pyngrok_config: The :code:`pyngrok` configuration to use with :code:`ngrok`. :vartype pyngrok_config: PyngrokConfig :var api_url: The API URL for the :code:`ngrok` web interface. :vartype api_url: str :var logs: A list of the most recent logs from :code:`ngrok`, limited in size to :code:`max_logs`. :vartype logs: list[NgrokLog] :var startup_error: If :code:`ngrok` startup fails, this will be the log of the failure. :vartype startup_error: str """ def __init__(self, proc, pyngrok_config): self.proc = proc self.pyngrok_config = pyngrok_config self.api_url = None self.logs = [] self.startup_error = None self._tunnel_started = False self._client_connected = False self._monitor_thread = None def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.api_url) def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return "NgrokProcess: \"{}\"".format(self.api_url) @staticmethod def _line_has_error(log): return log.lvl in ["ERROR", "CRITICAL"] def _log_startup_line(self, line): """ Parse the given startup log line and use it to manage the startup state of the :code:`ngrok` process. :param line: The line to be parsed and logged. :type line: str :return: The parsed log. :rtype: NgrokLog """ log = self._log_line(line) if log is None: return elif self._line_has_error(log): self.startup_error = log.err else: # Log `ngrok` startup states as they come in if "starting web service" in log.msg and log.addr is not None: self.api_url = "http://{}".format(log.addr) elif "tunnel session started" in log.msg: self._tunnel_started = True elif "client session established" in log.msg: self._client_connected = True return log def _log_line(self, line): """ Parse, log, and emit (if :code:`log_event_callback` in :class:`~pyngrok.conf.PyngrokConfig` is registered) the given log line. :param line: The line to be processed. :type line: str :return: The parsed log. :rtype: NgrokLog """ log = NgrokLog(line) if log.line == "": return None logger.log(getattr(logging, log.lvl), line) self.logs.append(log) if len(self.logs) > self.pyngrok_config.max_logs: self.logs.pop(0) if self.pyngrok_config.log_event_callback is not None: self.pyngrok_config.log_event_callback(log) return log def healthy(self): """ Check whether the :code:`ngrok` process has finished starting up and is in a running, healthy state. :return: :code:`True` if the :code:`ngrok` process is started, running, and healthy, :code:`False` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if self.api_url is None or \ not self._tunnel_started or not self._client_connected: return False if not self.api_url.lower().startswith("http"): raise PyngrokSecurityError("URL must start with \"http\": {}".format(self.api_url)) # Ensure the process is available for requests before registering it as healthy request = Request("{}/api/tunnels".format(self.api_url)) response = urlopen(request) if response.getcode() != StatusCodes.OK: return False return self.proc.poll() is None and \ self.startup_error is None def _monitor_process(self): thread = threading.current_thread() thread.alive = True while thread.alive and self.proc.poll() is None: self._log_line(self.proc.stdout.readline()) self._monitor_thread = None def start_monitor_thread(self): """ Start a thread that will monitor the :code:`ngrok` process and its logs until it completes. If a monitor thread is already running, nothing will be done. """ if self._monitor_thread is None: self._monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._monitor_process) self._monitor_thread.daemon = True self._monitor_thread.start() def stop_monitor_thread(self): """ Set the monitor thread to stop monitoring the :code:`ngrok` process after the next log event. This will not necessarily terminate the thread immediately, as the thread may currently be idle, rather it sets a flag on the thread telling it to terminate the next time it wakes up. This has no impact on the :code:`ngrok` process itself, only :code:`pyngrok`'s monitor of the process and its logs. """ if self._monitor_thread is not None: self._monitor_thread.alive = False class NgrokLog: """ An object containing a parsed log from the :code:`ngrok` process. :var line: The raw, unparsed log line. :vartype line: str :var t: The log's ISO 8601 timestamp. :vartype t: str :var lvl: The log's level. :vartype lvl: str :var msg: The log's message. :vartype msg: str :var err: The log's error, if applicable. :vartype err: str :var addr: The URL, if :code:`obj` is "web". :vartype addr: str """ def __init__(self, line): self.line = line.strip() self.t = None self.lvl = "NOTSET" self.msg = None self.err = None self.addr = None for i in shlex.split(self.line): if "=" not in i: continue key, value = i.split("=", 1) if key == "lvl": if not value: value = self.lvl value = value.upper() if value == "CRIT": value = "CRITICAL" elif value in ["ERR", "EROR"]: value = "ERROR" elif value == "WARN": value = "WARNING" if not hasattr(logging, value): value = self.lvl setattr(self, key, value) def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.t, self.lvl, self.msg) def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover attrs = [attr for attr in dir(self) if not attr.startswith("_") and getattr(self, attr) is not None] attrs.remove("line") return " ".join("{}=\"{}\"".format(attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in attrs) def set_auth_token(pyngrok_config, token): """ Set the :code:`ngrok` auth token in the config file, enabling authenticated features (for instance, more concurrent tunnels, custom subdomains, etc.). :param pyngrok_config: The :code:`pyngrok` configuration to use when interacting with the :code:`ngrok` binary. :type pyngrok_config: PyngrokConfig :param token: The auth token to set. :type token: str """ start = [pyngrok_config.ngrok_path, "authtoken", token, "--log=stdout"] if pyngrok_config.config_path: start.append("--config={}".format(pyngrok_config.config_path)) result = subprocess.check_output(start) if "Authtoken saved" not in str(result): raise PyngrokNgrokError("An error occurred when saving the auth token: {}".format(result)) def get_process(pyngrok_config): """ Retrieve the current :code:`ngrok` process for the given config's :code:`ngrok_path`. If :code:`ngrok` is not running, calling this method will first start a process with :class:`~pyngrok.conf.PyngrokConfig`. :param pyngrok_config: The :code:`pyngrok` configuration to use when interacting with the :code:`ngrok` binary. :type pyngrok_config: PyngrokConfig :return: The :code:`ngrok` process. :rtype: NgrokProcess """ if pyngrok_config.ngrok_path in _current_processes: # Ensure the process is still running and hasn't been killed externally if _current_processes[pyngrok_config.ngrok_path].proc.poll() is None: return _current_processes[pyngrok_config.ngrok_path] else: _current_processes.pop(pyngrok_config.ngrok_path, None) return _start_process(pyngrok_config) def run_process(ngrok_path, args): """ Start a blocking :code:`ngrok` process with the given args. :param ngrok_path: The path to the :code:`ngrok` binary. :type ngrok_path: str :param args: The args to pass to :code:`ngrok`. :type args: list[str] """ _ensure_path_ready(ngrok_path) start = [ngrok_path] + args def kill_process(ngrok_path): """ Terminate the :code:`ngrok` processes, if running, for the given path. This method will not block, it will just issue a kill request. :param ngrok_path: The path to the :code:`ngrok` binary. :type ngrok_path: str """ if ngrok_path in _current_processes: ngrok_process = _current_processes[ngrok_path]"Killing ngrok process: {}".format( try: ngrok_process.proc.kill() ngrok_process.proc.wait() except OSError as e: # If the process was already killed, nothing to do but cleanup state if e.errno != 3: raise e _current_processes.pop(ngrok_path, None) else: logger.debug("\"ngrok_path\" {} is not running a process".format(ngrok_path)) def _ensure_path_ready(ngrok_path): """ Ensure the binary for :code:`ngrok` at the given path is ready to be started, raise a relevant exception if not. :param ngrok_path: The path to the :code:`ngrok` binary. """ if not os.path.exists(ngrok_path): raise PyngrokNgrokError( "ngrok binary was not found. Be sure to call \"ngrok.ensure_ngrok_installed()\" first for " "\"ngrok_path\": {}".format(ngrok_path)) if ngrok_path in _current_processes: raise PyngrokNgrokError("ngrok is already running for the \"ngrok_path\": {}".format(ngrok_path)) def _validate_config(config_path): with open(config_path, "r") as config_file: config = yaml.safe_load(config_file) if config is not None: validate_config(config) def _terminate_process(process): if process is None: return try: process.terminate() except OSError: logger.debug("ngrok process already terminated: {}".format( def _start_process(pyngrok_config): """ Start a :code:`ngrok` process with no tunnels. This will start the :code:`ngrok` web interface, against which HTTP requests can be made to create, interact with, and destroy tunnels. :param pyngrok_config: The :code:`pyngrok` configuration to use when interacting with the :code:`ngrok` binary. :type pyngrok_config: PyngrokConfig :return: The :code:`ngrok` process. :rtype: NgrokProcess """ _ensure_path_ready(pyngrok_config.ngrok_path) if pyngrok_config.config_path is not None: _validate_config(pyngrok_config.config_path) else: _validate_config(conf.DEFAULT_NGROK_CONFIG_PATH) start = [pyngrok_config.ngrok_path, "start", "--none", "--log=stdout"] if pyngrok_config.config_path:"Starting ngrok with config file: {}".format(pyngrok_config.config_path)) start.append("--config={}".format(pyngrok_config.config_path)) if pyngrok_config.auth_token:"Overriding default auth token") start.append("--authtoken={}".format(pyngrok_config.auth_token)) if pyngrok_config.region:"Starting ngrok in region: {}".format(pyngrok_config.region)) start.append("--region={}".format(pyngrok_config.region)) popen_kwargs = {"stdout": subprocess.PIPE, "universal_newlines": True} if sys.version_info.major >= 3 and == "posix": popen_kwargs.update(start_new_session=pyngrok_config.start_new_session) elif pyngrok_config.start_new_session: logger.warning("Ignoring start_new_session=True, which requires Python 3 and POSIX") proc = subprocess.Popen(start, **popen_kwargs) atexit.register(_terminate_process, proc)"ngrok process starting: {}".format( ngrok_process = NgrokProcess(proc, pyngrok_config) _current_processes[pyngrok_config.ngrok_path] = ngrok_process timeout = time.time() + pyngrok_config.startup_timeout while time.time() < timeout: line = proc.stdout.readline() ngrok_process._log_startup_line(line) if ngrok_process.healthy():"ngrok process has started: {}".format(ngrok_process.api_url)) if pyngrok_config.monitor_thread: ngrok_process.start_monitor_thread() break elif ngrok_process.startup_error is not None or \ ngrok_process.proc.poll() is not None: break if not ngrok_process.healthy(): # If the process did not come up in a healthy state, clean up the state kill_process(pyngrok_config.ngrok_path) if ngrok_process.startup_error is not None: raise PyngrokNgrokError("The ngrok process errored on start: {}.".format(ngrok_process.startup_error), ngrok_process.logs, ngrok_process.startup_error) else: raise PyngrokNgrokError("The ngrok process was unable to start.", ngrok_process.logs) return ngrok_process