Modern Phishing Tool With Advanced Functionality




The use of the HiddenEye & its resources/phishing-pages is **COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY of the END-USER**. Developers assume NO liability and are NOT responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. Also we inform you that some of your your actions may be **ILLEGAL** and you **CAN NOT** use this software to test person or company without **WRITTEN PERMISSION** from them. # DEVELOPERS & CONTRIBUTORS 1) ANONUD4Y ( 2) USAMA ABDUL SATTAR ( 3) sTiKyt ( 4) UNDEADSEC ( 5) Micrafast ( 6) Moltivie ( 7) endbehavi0r ( 8) ___________ (WAITING FOR YOU) # AVAILABLE TUNNELLING OPTIONS** 0) LOCALHOST 1) LOCALXPOSE ( 2) SERVEO ( 3) NGROK ( 4) LOCALTUNNEL (Package Version) ( 5) LOCALTUNNEL (Binary Version) ( 6) OPENPORT ( 7) PAGEKITE ( # SCREENSHOT (Android-Userland) ![Shot]( ## CREDIT:- * Anonud4y ( I don't remember if i have done Anything ) * Usama ( A Most active Developer) * sTiKyt ( Guy Who recustomized everything ) * UNDEADSEC (For their wonderful repo socialfish which motivated us a lot) * TheLinuxChoice ( For His Tools Phishing Pages ) * Thewhiteh4t (For Nearyou & Gdrive Location Templates) ### TESTED ON FOLLOWING:- * **Kali Linux - Rolling Edition** * **Parrot OS - Rolling Edition** * **Linux Mint - 18.3 Sylvia** * **Ubuntu - 16.04.3 LTS** * **MacOS High Sierra** * **Arch Linux** * **Manjaro XFCE Edition 17.1.12** * **Black Arch** * **Userland App (For Android Users)** * **Termux App (For Android Users)** ### PREREQUISITES ( Please verify if you have installed ) * Python 3 * PHP * sudo # FOUND A BUG ? / HAVE ANY ISSUE ? :- (Read This) * Check closed & solved issues/bugs before opening new. * Make sure your issue is related to the codes and resources of this repository. * Its your responsibility to response on your opened issues. * If we don't found user response on his/her issue in the particular time interval , Then we have to close that issue. * Do Not Spam or Advertise & Respect Everyone. ### WHAT'S NEW FEATURES **1) LIVE ATTACK** - Now you will have live information about the victims such as : IP ADDRESS, Geolocation, ISP, Country, & many more. **2) COMPATIBILITY** - All the sites are mobile compatible. **3) KEYLOGGER** - Now you will also have the ability to capture all the keystokes of victim. - You can now Deploy Keyloggers With (Y/N) option. - Major issues fixed. **4) ANDROID SUPPORT** - We care about Android Users, So now we have came with two ways to run HiddenEye in Android Devices. **(A) UserLand App** - You Have to Download UserLand App. [Click Here]( To Download it. - To read more how to set up userland app Read HERE

**(B) Termux App** - You Have to Download Termux App. [Click Here]( To Download it. - For Further instruction [Check Instructions]( - Termux Users Clone With This Command , Unless Errors may occur during Running. ``` git clone -b Termux-Support-Branch ``` **5) NEW LOOK PROVIDED** - NOW FOCUS EASILY ON TASKS... - CUSTOMIZE APP WITH YOUR OWN THEMES **6) SERVEO URL TYPE SELECTION AVAILABLE NOW** - Major issues with serveo is fixed. - Now You can choose out of CUSTOM URL and RANDOM URL. **7) LARGE COLLECTION OF PHISHING PAGES ADDED** - Pages are taken from various tool including ShellPhish , Blackeye , SocialFish . **8) CAPTURED DATA BACKUP** - Backup of Data can be Found At (Server/CapturedData). **9) EMAIL SUPPORT ADDED** - Captured Data can be Easily send to Any Email Address (Using Gmail SMTP). - It Require User's Gmail Username And Password. - GMAIL 2FA SHOULD BE DISABLED IN ORDER TO USE GMAIL SMTP. - LESS SECURED APPS SHOULD BE TURNED ON ( **10) CUSTOM TEMPLATES ADDED** - Two Extra Custom Templates Added. - Now Create Your Templates. - Check Instructions At ( Webpages/CUSTOM/manual.txt ) **11) TOOLS ADDED** **A) LOCATION (Accurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering) (Taken From** - NEAR YOU (By @thewhiteh4t ) - GDRIVE (By @thewhiteh4t) ## [Check This]( Demonstration video to know How (Location) Social-Engineering-Tool Works. ## FOR FURTHER INSTALLATION PROCEDURE - [(CHECK INSTRUCTIONS)](

Ascii error fix

`dpkg-reconfigure locales` `Then select: "All locales" Then select "en_US.UTF-8"` `After that reboot your machine. Then open terminal and run the command: "locale"` `There you will see "en_US.UTF-8" which is the default language. Instead of POSIX.`