import subprocess import ctypes from os import system, getuid, path from time import sleep import requests from platform import system as systemos, architecture from subprocess import check_output from Defs.Languages import * RED, GREEN, DEFAULT = '\033[91m', '\033[1;32m', '\033[0m' installGetText() languageSelector() def checkConnection(host=''): # Connection check system('clear') try: req = requests.get(host, timeout=10) if req.status_code == 200: print("{0}HURRAY!! Internet is available.. We can Continue{1}".format( GREEN, DEFAULT)) print("\n\n{0}Wait! Checking for Neccesary Packages{1}...\n ".format( GREEN, DEFAULT)) return True except: return False if checkConnection() == False: print('''{1} _ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0}[{1}!{0}]{1} ^Network error^. Verify your Internet connection.\n '''.format(RED, DEFAULT)) exit() def checkPHP(): # PHP installation Check if 256 != system('which php > /dev/null'): # Checking if user have PHP print(" {2}* {0}PHP INSTALLATION FOUND".format(MAIN2, MAIN4, MAIN0)) else: print("{0}**{2} PHP NOT FOUND\n {0}** {2} Installing PHP... ".format(MAIN2, MAIN4, MAIN0)) system('apt-get install php > /dev/null') def checkNgrok(): # Ngrok check if path.isfile('Server/ngrok') == False: # Is Ngrok downloaded? print('[*] Ngrok Not Found !!') print('[*] Downloading Ngrok...') if 'Android' in str(check_output(('uname', '-a'))) or 'arm' in str(check_output(('uname', '-a'))): filename = '' else: ostype = systemos().lower() if architecture()[0] == '64bit': filename = 'ngrok-stable-{0}'.format(ostype) else: filename = 'ngrok-stable-{0}'.format(ostype) url = '' + filename req = requests.get(url) with open(filename, "wb") as file_obj: file_obj.write(req.content) system('unzip ' + filename) system('mv ngrok Server/ngrok') system('rm ' + filename) system('clear') def checkOpenport(): # Openport Check if 256 == system('which openport > /dev/null'): print('[*] Openport not Installed !!') print("[*] Installing Openport...") if 'Android' in str(check_output(('uname', '-a'))) or 'arm' in str(check_output(('uname', '-a'))): filename = 'arm/latest.deb' else: ostype = systemos().lower() if architecture()[0] == '64bit': filename = 'debian64/latest.deb'.format(ostype) else: filename = 'debian32/latest.deb'.format(ostype) url = '' + filename req = requests.get(url) filename2 = 'openport.deb' with open(filename2, "wb") as file_obj: file_obj.write(req.content) system('chmod 777 openport* && dpkg -i openport* > /dev/null && rm openport.deb && clear') checkOpenportinstall() def checkOpenportinstall(): # Check If installed properly if 256 == system('which openport > /dev/null'): print('[*] Openport not Installed correctly, Try installing it manually !!') print('[*] Check Here ...') input('/n Press Enter To Continue') else: print('[*] Openport Installation Success !!') sleep(1) def checkPagekite(): # Check Pagekite if path.isfile('Server/') == False: print('[*] Pagekite Not Found !!') print('[*] Downloading Pagekite...') url = '' req = requests.get(url) filename = '' with open(filename, "wb") as file_obj: file_obj.write(req.content) system('chmod 777 && mv Server/') print('\n[*] Pagekite install Success !!') print('\n[!] Remember: Pagekite Supports only Python2, Not Supports Python3') print('[!] So Make Sure You Have installed Python2 as well, if Wants To use Pagekite Tunnel.') system('cd Server && chmod 777 * -R') input('\n Press Enter To Continue') def checkLocalxpose(): # Localxpose check if path.isfile('Server/loclx') == False: # Is Localxpose downloaded? print('[*] Localxpose Not Found !!') print('[*] Downloading Localxpose...') if 'Android' in str(check_output(('uname', '-a'))) or 'arm' in str(check_output(('uname', '-a'))): filename = '' else: ostype = systemos().lower() if architecture()[0] == '64bit': filename = ''.format(ostype) else: filename = ''.format(ostype) url = ''+filename req = requests.get(url) with open("", "wb") as file_obj: file_obj.write(req.content) system('unzip && rm') system('mv loclx-linux-* loclx && mv loclx Server/') system('clear') def checkbinaryLT(): # LocalTunnel Binary File check. if path.isfile('Server/lt') == False: # Is LocalTunnel downloaded? print('[*] LocalTunnel Binary File Not Found !!') print('[*] Downloading LocalTunnel...') url = "" req = requests.get(url) with open("", "wb") as file_obj: file_obj.write(req.content) system("unzip && rm") system("mv lt* lt && mv lt Server/lt ") system('clear') def checkLT(): # Ask to install npm,node.js,localtunnel(packages). if 256 == system('which lt > /dev/null'): system('clear') print("{0}[{1}?{0}] Do You Want To Install LOCALTUNNEL(Tunneling Service) Packages.\n{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} May take time , Skip if not wants to use LocalTunnel(Package Version).".format(RED, GREEN, DEFAULT)) choice = input( " \n({1}Y{2}/{2}(N)>> {2}".format(RED, GREEN, DEFAULT)).upper() if choice == 'Y': system('clear') installLT() elif choice == 'N': print("\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{0} You can not use LocalTunnel(Package Version).\n{0}[{1}!{0}]{0} But still You Can Use LocalTunnel(Binary Version).\n\n\n".format( RED, GREEN, DEFAULT)) input('Press Enter To Continue') system('clear') else: return checkLT() else: print("[*] LocalTunnel Packages Found !!") sleep(2) system('clear') def installLT(): # Localtunnel check print('[*] Installing LocalTunnel...') if 'Android' in str(check_output(('uname', '-a'))) or 'arm' in str(check_output(('uname', '-a'))): system("apt-get -y update;apt -y install nodejs npm;npm cache clean -f;npm i -g n;n stable;npm i -g localtunnel-termux;clear") checkagainLT() else: system("apt-get -y update;apt -y install nodejs npm;npm cache clean -f;npm i -g n;n stable;npm i -g localtunnel;clear") checkagainLT() def checkagainLT(): # Check if Localtunnel installed correctly or not. if 256 == system('which lt > /dev/null'): system('clear') print('{1}[ERROR]: LocalTunnel packages haven\'t been installed correctly...{0}'.format( DEFAULT, RED)) print('') input('[^] Press Enter To Go Back To installation..') checkLT() else: print('{1}[SUCCESS] LocalTunnel Installed.{0}'.format(DEFAULT, GREEN)) sleep(2) def checkPermissions(): if systemos() != "Windows": if getuid() == 0: print("{0}Permissions granted!".format(GREEN)) else: print( "{0}Permissions denied! Please run as '{1}sudo{0}'".format(RED, GREEN)) exit() else: print("{0}Windows system not yet compatible. Make sure you're using a *Unix OS.{1}".format(RED, DEFAULT)) exit()