# Run HiddenEye in Docker Compose ![docker](https://img.shields.io/badge/Docker-v19.03.12-blue?style=plastic&logo=docker) ![dockercompose](https://img.shields.io/badge/Docker_Compose-v1.25.4-orange?style=plastic&logo=docker) ![Maintainer](https://img.shields.io/badge/Maintainer-Equinockx-success?style=plastic&logo=terraform) # Runnin within container ![running](https://github.com/MoisesTapia/HiddenEye/blob/Docker/Docker/images/start.png) ![link](https://github.com/MoisesTapia/HiddenEye/blob/Docker/Docker/images/URL.png) # Requeriments - [X] Docker - [X] docker-compose # Usage Mode Clone the repo from Github ```bash git clone https://github.com/DarkSecDevelopers/HiddenEye cd HiddenEye/Docker ``` Run docker-compose ```bash docker-compose up --build -d ``` *_Don't need redirecciones of ports 'cause the container is exposed to internet_*
Verify of the container is running with: ```bash docker-compose ps ``` ![ps](https://github.com/MoisesTapia/HiddenEye/blob/Docker/Docker/images/ps.png) Executing HiddenEye inside of container ```bash docker-compose exec hidden python3 HiddenEye.py ``` ![exec](https://github.com/MoisesTapia/HiddenEye/blob/Docker/Docker/images/executing.png) # Persist Data When we make or buils the service with `docker-compose up --build -d` this persist the data templates in the same folder `WebTemplate`. If you add the new Template in `WbeTemplate` this will be reflected in the container and you can use it. To add WebTemplate you juste need add them in this folder and done - [X] `equinockx~/Webtemplate$ cp * Docker/Webtemplate` - [X] WebTemplate # First Start the services ```bash docker-compose up --build -d ``` # Down the container ```bash docker-compose down ``` # Stop the services ```bash docker-compose stop ``` # Start the services With this command docker-compose will initialize the service stopped ```bash docker-compose start ```