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LI.TwitterTADependencies = {
// for IE7/8 in remote nav - eval() does not properly reference LI in the window
// scope, when this code is executed while the "sandbox" is still open - which
// happens because remote-nav has to gather the li-control scripts. While we have
// a black-list for not initializing the controls via the sandbox, we don't have
// a good way of preventing this code from being added to the eval() string and t
// then evaluated later.
// since this ONLY affects UniversalSearch and Typeahead2 - doing a 'reverse' reference
// here is ugly, but by far the simplest and least intrusive solution - otherwise
// remote-nav would have to introspect the script contents and the selectively
// purge that based on some regEx. also gross.
window.LI.TypeaheadDataSourceUrls = LI.TypeaheadDataSourceUrls;
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LI.i18n.register( 'unableToProcessRequest', 'We were unable to handle your request. Please try again.' );
LI.Controls.addControl('control-http-12257-exec-5440787-2', 'FrontierAJAXForm',
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/* extlib: _login */
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showErrorOnLoad: false,
errorOnLoadMessage: 'There’ s already a LinkedIn account associated with this email address.',
resetPasswordURL: '\/uas\/request-password-reset?session_redirect=& trk=signin_fpwd',
passwordReminderMessage: 'Need a password reminder?',
domainSuggestion: ''
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//NOTE: This function is using deprecated webtracker service call in network trunk.
// However, replacing it to a new mobtrack service is strongly recommended. Please refer go/mobtrack for detail information.
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