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S h o w T o p i c > . a d , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " h t t p : / / p u b a d s . g . d o u b l e c l i c k . n e t / " ] , : r o o t . G B 3 L - Q E D G Y . G B 3 L - Q E D F - > . G B 3 L - Q E D E - , : r o o t # m a i n _ c o l > # c e n t e r _ c o l d i v [ s t y l e = " f o n t - s i z e : 1 4 p x ; m a r g i n : 0 4 p x ; p a d d i n g : 1 p x 5 p x ; b a c k g r o u n d : # f f f 7 e d " ] , : r o o t d i v [ c l a s s * = " - s t o r y B o d y A d - " ] , : r o o t # c e n t e r _ c o l > # m a i n > . d f r d > . m n r - c > . c . _ o c . _ z s , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " h t t p : / / u l . t o / r e f / " ] , : r o o t # \ 5 f _ n q _ _ h h [ s t y l e = " d i s p l a y : b l o c k ! i m p o r t a n t " ] , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " h t t p : / / c d n . a d s t r a c t . c o m / " ] , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " / / t r a c k i n g . c o n t e n t - r e c o m m e n d a t i o n . n e t / " ] [ h r e f * = " / s p o n s o r e d / c l i c k . h t m l ? 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A F F _ I D = " ] , : r o o t a [ o n m o u s e d o w n ^ = " t h i s . h r e f = ' h t t p : / / s t a f f p i c k s . o u t b r a i n . c o m / n e t w o r k / r e d i r ? " ] [ t a r g e t = " _ b l a n k " ] , : r o o t # c e n t e r _ c o l > # r e s u l t S t a t s + d i v + # r e s + # t a d s , : r o o t d i v [ i d ^ = " c r t - " ] [ s t y l e ] , : r o o t d i v [ c l a s s ^ = " A d _ _ c o n t a i n e r " ] , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " h t t p : / / c e n t e r t r u s t . x y z / " ] , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " h t t p : / / g 1 . v . f w m r m . n e t / a d / " ] , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " h t t p : / / w w w . f b o o k s l u t s . c o m / " ] , : r o o t # c e n t e r _ c o l > # r e s u l t S t a t s + d i v [ s t y l e = " b o r d e r : 1 p x s o l i d # d e d e d e ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 1 1 p x ; p a d d i n g : 5 p x 7 p x 5 p x 6 p x " ] , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " h t t p : / / a d s . i n t e g r a l - m a r k e t i n g . c o m / " ] , : r o o t d i v [ i d ^ = " a d v a d s _ " ] , : r o o t a [ d a t a - o b t r a c k ^ = " h t t p : / / p a i d . o u t b r a i n . c o m / n e t w o r k / r e d i r ? " ] , : r o o t . _ _ y _ i n n e r > . _ _ y _ i t e m , : r o o t d i v [ i d ^ = " a d s 3 0 0 _ 1 0 0 - w i d g e t " ] , : r o o t # c e n t e r _ c o l > # t a w > # t v c a p > . r s c o n t a i n e r , : r o o t # c e n t e r _ c o l > d i v [ s t y l e = " f o n t - s i z e : 1 4 p x ; m a r g i n - r i g h t : 0 ; m i n - h e i g h t : 5 p x " ] > d i v [ s t y l e = " f o n t - s i z e : 1 4 p x ; m a r g i n : 0 4 p x ; p a d d i n g : 1 p x 5 p x ; b a c k g r o u n d : # f f f 8 e 7 " ] , : r o o t d i v [ i d ^ = " M a r k e t G i d " ] , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " h t t p s : / / w w w . f i n a n c e a d s . n e t / t c . p h p ? " ] , : r o o t # c n t # c e n t e r _ c o l > # r e s > # t o p s t u f f > . t s , : r o o t # c o n t e n t > # c e n t e r > . d o s e > . d o s e s i n g l e , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " h t t p : / / w w w . t e x t - l i n k - a d s . c o m / " ] , : r o o t # c o n t e n t > # r i g h t > . d o s e > . d o s e s i n g l e , : r o o t # f l o w p l a y e r > d i v [ s t y l e = " p o s i t i o n : a b s o l u t e ; w i d t h : 3 0 0 p x ; h e i g h t : 2 7 5 p x ; l e f t : 2 2 2 . 5 p x ; t o p : 8 5 p x ; z - i n d e x : 9 9 9 ; " ] , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " h t t p : / / a d s . b e t f a i r . c o m / r e d i r e c t . a s p x ? " ] , : r o o t # f l o w p l a y e r > d i v [ s t y l e = " z - i n d e x : 2 0 8 ; p o s i t i o n : a b s o l u t e ; w i d t h : 3 0 0 p x ; h e i g h t : 2 7 5 p x ; l e f t : 2 2 2 . 5 p x ; t o p : 8 5 p x ; " ] , : r o o t a [ h r e f * = " e m p r e s t i m o . e u " ] , : r o o t # h e a d e r + # c o n t e n t > # l e f t > # r l b l o c k _ l e f t , : r o o t . _ _ z i n i t . _ _ y _ i t e m , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " / / 4 0 c e e x l n 7 9 2 9 . c o m / " ] , : r o o t # m b E n d [ c e l l s p a c i n g = " 0 " ] [ c e l l p a d d i n g = " 0 " ] , : r o o t a [ h r e f ^ = " h t t p : / / b a n n e r s . v i c t o r . c o m / p r o c e s s i n g / " ] , : r o o t # m n # c e n t e r _ c o l > d i v > h
2018-07-12 19:58:13 +08:00
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