import numpy as np import copy from facelib import FaceType from core.interact import interact as io class MergerConfig(object): TYPE_NONE = 0 TYPE_MASKED = 1 TYPE_FACE_AVATAR = 2 #### TYPE_IMAGE = 3 TYPE_IMAGE_WITH_LANDMARKS = 4 def __init__(self, type=0, sharpen_mode=0, blursharpen_amount=0, **kwargs ): self.type = type self.sharpen_dict = {0:"None", 1:'box', 2:'gaussian'} #default changeable params self.sharpen_mode = sharpen_mode self.blursharpen_amount = blursharpen_amount def copy(self): return copy.copy(self) #overridable def ask_settings(self): s = """Choose sharpen mode: \n""" for key in self.sharpen_dict.keys(): s += f"""({key}) {self.sharpen_dict[key]}\n""" io.log_info(s) self.sharpen_mode = io.input_int ("", 0, valid_list=self.sharpen_dict.keys(), help_message="Enhance details by applying sharpen filter.") if self.sharpen_mode != 0: self.blursharpen_amount = np.clip ( io.input_int ("Choose blur/sharpen amount", 0, add_info="-100..100"), -100, 100 ) def toggle_sharpen_mode(self): a = list( self.sharpen_dict.keys() ) self.sharpen_mode = a[ (a.index(self.sharpen_mode)+1) % len(a) ] def add_blursharpen_amount(self, diff): self.blursharpen_amount = np.clip ( self.blursharpen_amount+diff, -100, 100) #overridable def get_config(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d.pop('type') return d #overridable def __eq__(self, other): #check equality of changeable params if isinstance(other, MergerConfig): return self.sharpen_mode == other.sharpen_mode and \ self.blursharpen_amount == other.blursharpen_amount return False #overridable def to_string(self, filename): r = "" r += f"sharpen_mode : {self.sharpen_dict[self.sharpen_mode]}\n" r += f"blursharpen_amount : {self.blursharpen_amount}\n" return r mode_dict = {0:'original', 1:'overlay', 2:'hist-match', 3:'seamless', 4:'seamless-hist-match', 5:'raw-rgb', 6:'raw-predict'} mode_str_dict = { mode_dict[key] : key for key in mode_dict.keys() } mask_mode_dict = {0:'full', 1:'dst', 2:'learned-prd', 3:'learned-dst', 4:'learned-prd*learned-dst', 5:'learned-prd+learned-dst', 6:'XSeg-prd', 7:'XSeg-dst', 8:'XSeg-prd*XSeg-dst', 9:'learned-prd*learned-dst*XSeg-prd*XSeg-dst' } ctm_dict = { 0: "None", 1:"rct", 2:"lct", 3:"mkl", 4:"mkl-m", 5:"idt", 6:"idt-m", 7:"sot-m", 8:"mix-m" } ctm_str_dict = {None:0, "rct":1, "lct":2, "mkl":3, "mkl-m":4, "idt":5, "idt-m":6, "sot-m":7, "mix-m":8 } class MergerConfigMasked(MergerConfig): def __init__(self, face_type=FaceType.FULL, default_mode = 'overlay', mode='overlay', masked_hist_match=True, hist_match_threshold = 238, mask_mode = 4, erode_mask_modifier = 0, blur_mask_modifier = 0, motion_blur_power = 0, output_face_scale = 0, super_resolution_power = 0, color_transfer_mode = ctm_str_dict['rct'], image_denoise_power = 0, bicubic_degrade_power = 0, color_degrade_power = 0, **kwargs ): super().__init__(type=MergerConfig.TYPE_MASKED, **kwargs) self.face_type = face_type if self.face_type not in [FaceType.HALF, FaceType.MID_FULL, FaceType.FULL, FaceType.WHOLE_FACE, FaceType.HEAD ]: raise ValueError("MergerConfigMasked does not support this type of face.") self.default_mode = default_mode #default changeable params if mode not in mode_str_dict: mode = mode_dict[1] self.mode = mode self.masked_hist_match = masked_hist_match self.hist_match_threshold = hist_match_threshold self.mask_mode = mask_mode self.erode_mask_modifier = erode_mask_modifier self.blur_mask_modifier = blur_mask_modifier self.motion_blur_power = motion_blur_power self.output_face_scale = output_face_scale self.super_resolution_power = super_resolution_power self.color_transfer_mode = color_transfer_mode self.image_denoise_power = image_denoise_power self.bicubic_degrade_power = bicubic_degrade_power self.color_degrade_power = color_degrade_power def copy(self): return copy.copy(self) def set_mode (self, mode): self.mode = mode_dict.get (mode, self.default_mode) def toggle_masked_hist_match(self): if self.mode == 'hist-match': self.masked_hist_match = not self.masked_hist_match def add_hist_match_threshold(self, diff): if self.mode == 'hist-match' or self.mode == 'seamless-hist-match': self.hist_match_threshold = np.clip ( self.hist_match_threshold+diff , 0, 255) def toggle_mask_mode(self): a = list( mask_mode_dict.keys() ) self.mask_mode = a[ (a.index(self.mask_mode)+1) % len(a) ] def add_erode_mask_modifier(self, diff): self.erode_mask_modifier = np.clip ( self.erode_mask_modifier+diff , -400, 400) def add_blur_mask_modifier(self, diff): self.blur_mask_modifier = np.clip ( self.blur_mask_modifier+diff , 0, 400) def add_motion_blur_power(self, diff): self.motion_blur_power = np.clip ( self.motion_blur_power+diff, 0, 100) def add_output_face_scale(self, diff): self.output_face_scale = np.clip ( self.output_face_scale+diff , -50, 50) def toggle_color_transfer_mode(self): self.color_transfer_mode = (self.color_transfer_mode+1) % ( max(ctm_dict.keys())+1 ) def add_super_resolution_power(self, diff): self.super_resolution_power = np.clip ( self.super_resolution_power+diff , 0, 100) def add_color_degrade_power(self, diff): self.color_degrade_power = np.clip ( self.color_degrade_power+diff , 0, 100) def add_image_denoise_power(self, diff): self.image_denoise_power = np.clip ( self.image_denoise_power+diff, 0, 500) def add_bicubic_degrade_power(self, diff): self.bicubic_degrade_power = np.clip ( self.bicubic_degrade_power+diff, 0, 100) def ask_settings(self): s = """Choose mode: \n""" for key in mode_dict.keys(): s += f"""({key}) {mode_dict[key]}\n""" io.log_info(s) mode = io.input_int ("", mode_str_dict.get(self.default_mode, 1) ) self.mode = mode_dict.get (mode, self.default_mode ) if 'raw' not in self.mode: if self.mode == 'hist-match': self.masked_hist_match = io.input_bool("Masked hist match?", True) if self.mode == 'hist-match' or self.mode == 'seamless-hist-match': self.hist_match_threshold = np.clip ( io.input_int("Hist match threshold", 255, add_info="0..255"), 0, 255) s = """Choose mask mode: \n""" for key in mask_mode_dict.keys(): s += f"""({key}) {mask_mode_dict[key]}\n""" io.log_info(s) self.mask_mode = io.input_int ("", 1, valid_list=mask_mode_dict.keys() ) if 'raw' not in self.mode: self.erode_mask_modifier = np.clip ( io.input_int ("Choose erode mask modifier", 0, add_info="-400..400"), -400, 400) self.blur_mask_modifier = np.clip ( io.input_int ("Choose blur mask modifier", 0, add_info="0..400"), 0, 400) self.motion_blur_power = np.clip ( io.input_int ("Choose motion blur power", 0, add_info="0..100"), 0, 100) self.output_face_scale = np.clip (io.input_int ("Choose output face scale modifier", 0, add_info="-50..50" ), -50, 50) if 'raw' not in self.mode: self.color_transfer_mode = io.input_str ( "Color transfer to predicted face", None, valid_list=list(ctm_str_dict.keys())[1:] ) self.color_transfer_mode = ctm_str_dict[self.color_transfer_mode] super().ask_settings() self.super_resolution_power = np.clip ( io.input_int ("Choose super resolution power", 0, add_info="0..100", help_message="Enhance details by applying superresolution network."), 0, 100) if 'raw' not in self.mode: self.image_denoise_power = np.clip ( io.input_int ("Choose image degrade by denoise power", 0, add_info="0..500"), 0, 500) self.bicubic_degrade_power = np.clip ( io.input_int ("Choose image degrade by bicubic rescale power", 0, add_info="0..100"), 0, 100) self.color_degrade_power = np.clip ( io.input_int ("Degrade color power of final image", 0, add_info="0..100"), 0, 100) io.log_info ("") def __eq__(self, other): #check equality of changeable params if isinstance(other, MergerConfigMasked): return super().__eq__(other) and \ self.mode == other.mode and \ self.masked_hist_match == other.masked_hist_match and \ self.hist_match_threshold == other.hist_match_threshold and \ self.mask_mode == other.mask_mode and \ self.erode_mask_modifier == other.erode_mask_modifier and \ self.blur_mask_modifier == other.blur_mask_modifier and \ self.motion_blur_power == other.motion_blur_power and \ self.output_face_scale == other.output_face_scale and \ self.color_transfer_mode == other.color_transfer_mode and \ self.super_resolution_power == other.super_resolution_power and \ self.image_denoise_power == other.image_denoise_power and \ self.bicubic_degrade_power == other.bicubic_degrade_power and \ self.color_degrade_power == other.color_degrade_power return False def to_string(self, filename): r = ( f"""MergerConfig {filename}:\n""" f"""Mode: {self.mode}\n""" ) if self.mode == 'hist-match': r += f"""masked_hist_match: {self.masked_hist_match}\n""" if self.mode == 'hist-match' or self.mode == 'seamless-hist-match': r += f"""hist_match_threshold: {self.hist_match_threshold}\n""" r += f"""mask_mode: { mask_mode_dict[self.mask_mode] }\n""" if 'raw' not in self.mode: r += (f"""erode_mask_modifier: {self.erode_mask_modifier}\n""" f"""blur_mask_modifier: {self.blur_mask_modifier}\n""" f"""motion_blur_power: {self.motion_blur_power}\n""") r += f"""output_face_scale: {self.output_face_scale}\n""" if 'raw' not in self.mode: r += f"""color_transfer_mode: {ctm_dict[self.color_transfer_mode]}\n""" r += super().to_string(filename) r += f"""super_resolution_power: {self.super_resolution_power}\n""" if 'raw' not in self.mode: r += (f"""image_denoise_power: {self.image_denoise_power}\n""" f"""bicubic_degrade_power: {self.bicubic_degrade_power}\n""" f"""color_degrade_power: {self.color_degrade_power}\n""") r += "================" return r class MergerConfigFaceAvatar(MergerConfig): def __init__(self, temporal_face_count=0, add_source_image=False): super().__init__(type=MergerConfig.TYPE_FACE_AVATAR) self.temporal_face_count = temporal_face_count #changeable params self.add_source_image = add_source_image def copy(self): return copy.copy(self) #override def ask_settings(self): self.add_source_image = io.input_bool("Add source image?", False, help_message="Add source image for comparison.") super().ask_settings() def toggle_add_source_image(self): self.add_source_image = not self.add_source_image #override def __eq__(self, other): #check equality of changeable params if isinstance(other, MergerConfigFaceAvatar): return super().__eq__(other) and \ self.add_source_image == other.add_source_image return False #override def to_string(self, filename): return (f"MergerConfig {filename}:\n" f"add_source_image : {self.add_source_image}\n") + \ super().to_string(filename) + "================"