tools and library rules

in philosophy
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Bjarne Stroustrup 2017-02-07 18:05:54 -05:00
parent f2dfcfc438
commit 87bb531080

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# <a name="main"></a>C++ Core Guidelines
February 1, 2017
February 7, 2017
@ -360,6 +360,8 @@ Philosophy rules summary:
* [P.9: Don't waste time or space](#Rp-waste)
* [P.10: Prefer immutable data to mutable data](#Rp-mutable)
* [P.11: Encapsulate messy constructs, rather than spreading through the code](#Rp-library)
* [P.12: Use supporting tools as appropriate](#Rp-tools)
* [P.13: Use support libraries as appropriate](#Rp-lib)
Philosophical rules are generally not mechanically checkable.
However, individual rules reflecting these philosophical themes are.
@ -1021,6 +1023,66 @@ This is a variant of the [subset of superset principle](#R0) that underlies thes
* Look for "messy code" such as complex pointer manipulation and casting outside the implementation of abstractions.
### <a name="Rp-tools"></a>P.12: Use supporting tools as appropriate
##### Reason
There are many things that are done better "by machine".
Computers don't tire or get bored by repettitive tasks.
We typically have better things to do than to repeatedly do routine tasks.
##### Example
Run a static analyser to verify that your code follows the guidelines you want it to follow.
##### Note
* [Static analysis tools](???)
* [Concurrency tools](#Rconst-tools)
* [Testing tools](???)
There are many other kinds of tools, such as source code depositories, build tools, etc. but these are beyond the scope of these guidelines.
###### Note
Be careful not to become dependent on over-elaborate or over-specialized tool chains.
Those can make your otherwise portable code non-portable.
### <a name="Rp-lib"></a>P.13: Use support libraries as appropriate
##### Reason
If a well-designed, well-documented, and well-supported library exists for a given domain,
using it saves time and effort; its quality and documentation are likely to be greater than what you could do if the majority of your
time must be spent on an implementation.
The cost (time. effort, money) of a library can be shared over many users.
A widely used library is more likely to be kept up-to-date and ported to new systems than an individual application.
Knowledge of a widely-used library can save time on other/future projects.
##### Example
Unless you are an expert in sorting algorithms and have plenty of time, this is more likely to be correct and to tun faster
that anything you write for a specific application.
You need a reason not to use the standard library (or whatever foundational libraries your application uses) rather than a reason to use it.
##### Note
By default use
* The [ISO C++ standard library](#S-stdlib)
* The [Guidelines Support Library](#S-gsl)
##### Note
If no well-designed, well-documented, and well-supported library exists for an important domain,
maybe you should design and implement it.
# <a name="S-interfaces"></a>I: Interfaces
An interface is a contract between two parts of a program. Precisely stating what is expected of a supplier of a service and a user of that service is essential.
@ -11526,6 +11588,7 @@ Concurrency and parallelism rule summary:
* [CP.3: Minimize explicit sharing of writable data](#Rconc-data)
* [CP.4: Think in terms of tasks, rather than threads](#Rconc-task)
* [CP.8: Don't try to use `volatile` for synchronization](#Rconc-volatile)
* [CP.9: Whenever feasible use tools to validate your concurrent code](#Rconc-tools)
See also:
@ -11787,6 +11850,44 @@ Use a `mutex` for more complicated examples.
[(rare) proper uses of `volatile`](#Rconc-volatile2)
### <a name="Rconc-tols"></a>CP.9: Whenever feasible use tools to validate your concurrent code
Experience shows that concurrent code is exceptionally hard to get right
and that compile-time checking, run-time checks, and testing are less effective at finding concurrency errors
than they areat finding errors in sequential code.
Subtle concurrency errors can have dramatically bad effects, including memory corruption and deadlocks.
##### Example
##### Note
Thread safety is challenging, often getting the better of experienced programmers: tooling is an important strategy to mitigate those risks.
There are many tools "out there", both commercial and open-source tools, both research and production tools.
Unfortunately people's needs and constraints differ so dramatically that we cannot make specific recommendations,
but we can mention:
* Static enforcement tools: both [clang](
and some older versions of [GCC](
have some support for static annotation of thread safety properties.
Consistent use of this technique turns many classes of thread-safety errors into compile-time errors.
The annotations are generally local (marking a particular member variable as guarded by a particular mutex),
and are usually easy to learn. However, as with many static tools, it can often present false negatives;
cases that should have been caught but were allowed.
* dynamic enforcement tools: Clang's [Thread Sanitizer]( (aka TSAN)
is a powerful example of dynamic tools: it changes the build and execution of your program to add bookkeeping on memory access,
absolutely identifying data races in a given execution of your binary.
The cost for this is both memory (5-10x in most cases) and CPU slowdown (2-20x).
Dynamic tools like this are best when applied to integration tests, canary pushes, or unittests that operate on multiple threads.
Workload matters: When TSAN identifies a problem, it is effectively always an actual data race,
but it can only identify races seen in a given execution.
##### Enforcement
It is up to an application builder to choose which support tools are valuable for a particular applications.
## <a name="SScp-con"></a>CP.con: Concurrency
This section focuses on relatively ad-hoc uses of multiple threads communicating through shared data.