banning exception specifications

a bit more abut exceptions; the beginnings of I/O
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Bjarne Stroustrup 2017-04-24 17:41:18 -04:00
parent 1e38eb8ae7
commit 4f9a6c89be

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@ -13614,6 +13614,9 @@ Error-handling rule summary:
* [E.27: If you can't throw exceptions, use error codes systematically](#Re-no-throw-codes)
* [E.28: Avoid error handling based on global state (e.g. `errno`)](#Re-no-throw)
* [E.30: Don't use exception specifications](#Re-specifications)
* [E.31: Properly order your `catch`-clauses](#Re_catch)
### <a name="Re-design"></a>E.1: Develop an error-handling strategy early in a design
##### Reason
@ -13918,9 +13921,16 @@ Many standard library functions are `noexcept` including all the standard librar
// ... do something ...
The `noexcept` here states that I am not willing or able to handle the situation where I cannot construct the local `vector`. That is, I consider memory exhaustion a serious design error (on par with hardware failures) so that I'm willing to crash the program if it happens.
The `noexcept` here states that I am not willing or able to handle the situation where I cannot construct the local `vector`.
That is, I consider memory exhaustion a serious design error (on par with hardware failures) so that I'm willing to crash the program if it happens.
**See also**: [discussion](#Sd-noexcept).
##### Note
Do not use traditional [exception-specifications](#Re-specifications).
##### See also
### <a name="Re-never-throw"></a>E.13: Never throw while being the direct owner of an object
@ -13956,7 +13966,11 @@ Another solution (often better) would be to use a local variable to eliminate ex
// ...
**See also**: ???resource rule ???
##### Note
If you have local "things" that requires cleanup, but is not represented by an object with a destructor, such cleanup must
also be done before a `throw`.
Sometimes, [`finally()`](#Re-finally) can make such unsystematic cleanup a bit more manageable.
### <a name="Re-exception-types"></a>E.14: Use purpose-designed user-defined types as exceptions (not built-in types)
@ -14487,6 +14501,79 @@ C-style error handling is based on the global variable `errno`, so it is essenti
### <a name="Re-specifications"></a>E.30: Don't use exception specifications
##### Reason
Exception specifications make error handling brittle, impose a run-time cost, and have been deprecated from the C++ standard.
##### Example
int use(int arg)
// ...
auto x = f(arg);
// ...
if 'f()' throws an exception different from `X` and `Y` the unexpected handler is invoked, which by default terminates.
That's OK, but say that we have checked that this cannot happen and `f` is changed to throw a new exception `Z`,
we now have a crash on our hands unless we change `use()` (and re-test everything).
The snag is that `f()` may be in a library we do not control and the new exception is not anything that `use()` can do
anything about or is in any way interested in.
We can change `use()` to pass `Z` through, but now `use()`'s callers probably needs to be modified.
This quickly becomes unmanageable.
Alternatively, we can add a `try`-`catch` to `use()` to map `Z` into an acceptable excption.
This too, quickly becomes unmanageable.
Note that changes to the set of exceptions often happens at the lowest level of a system
(e.g., because of changes to a network library or some middleware), so changes "bubble up" through long call chains.
In a large code base, this could mean that nobody could update to a new version of a library until the last user was modified.
If `use()` is part of a library, it may not be possible to update it bacause a change could affect unknow clients.
The policy of letting exceptions propogate until they reach a function that potentially can handle it has proven itself over the years.
##### Note
No. This would not be any better had exception specifications been statically enforced.
For example, see [Stroustrup94](#Stroustrup94).
##### Note
If no exception may be throwh, use [`noexcept`(#Re-noexcept)]
##### Enforcement
Flag every exception specification.
### <a name="Re_catch"></a>E.31: Properly order your `catch`-clauses
##### Reason
`catch`-clauses are evaluated in the order they appear and one clause can hide another.
##### Example
void f()
// ...
try {
// ...
catch (Base& b) { /* ... */ }
catch (Derived& d) { /* ... */ }
catch (...) { /* ... */ }
catch (std::exception& e){ /* ... */ }
If `Derived`is derived from `Base` the `Derived`-handler will never be invoked.
The "catch everything" handler ensured that the `std::exception`-handler will never be invoked.
##### Enforcement
Flag all "hiding handlers".
# <a name="S-const"></a>Con: Constants and Immutability
You can't have a race condition on a constant.
@ -17275,6 +17362,7 @@ Standard-library rule summary:
* [SL.1: Use libraries wherever possible](#Rsl-lib)
* [SL.2: Prefer the standard library to other libraries](#Rsl-sl)
* [SL.3: Do not add non-standard entities to namespace `std`](#sl-std)
* ???
### <a name="Rsl-lib"></a>SL.1: Use libraries wherever possible
@ -17293,6 +17381,23 @@ Help other people when you make improvements.
More people know the standard library.
It is more likely to be stable, well-maintained, and widely available than your own code or most other libraries.
### <a name="sl-std"></a>SL.3: Do not add non-standard entities to namespace `std`
##### Reason
Adding to `std` may change the meaning of otherwise standards conforming code.
Additions to `std` may clash with furture versions of the standard.
##### Example
##### Enforcement
Possible, but messy and likely to cause problems with platforms.
## <a name="SS-con"></a>SL.con: Containers
@ -17474,7 +17579,7 @@ those sequences are allocated and stored.
##### Note
`std::string_view` (C++17) is read only.
##### Enforcement
@ -17637,24 +17742,58 @@ Iostream rule summary:
* [ Use character-level input only when you have to](#Rio-low)
* [ When reading, always consider ill-formed input](#Rio-validate)
* [???](#???)
* [ Prefer iostreams for I/O](#Rio-streams)
* [ Unless you use `printf`-family functions call `ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false)`](#Rio-sync)
* [ Avoid `endl`](#Rio-endl)
* [???](#???)
### <a name="Rio-low"></a> Use character-level input only when you have to
##### Reason
Unless you genuinely just deal with individual characters, using character-level input leads to the user code performing potentially error-prone
and potentially inefficient compusition ot tokens out of characters.
##### Example
??? compose a number ???
### <a name="Rio-validate"></a> When reading, always consider ill-formed input
### <a name="Rio-streams"></a> Prefer `iostream`s for I/O
##### Reason
`iosteam`s are safe, flexible, and extensible.
##### Example
??? complex I/O ???
##### Exception
??? performance ???
##### Discussion: `iostream`s vs. the `printf()` family
It is often (and often correctly) pointed out that the `printf()` family has two advantages compared to `iostream`s:
flexibility of formatting and performance.
This has to be weighed against `iostream`s advantages of extensibility to handle user-defined types, resilient against security violations,
implicit memory management, and `locale` handling.
If you need I/O performance, you can almost always do better than `printf()`.
### <a name="Rio-sync"></a> Unless you use `printf`-family functions call `ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false)`
##### Reason
Synchronizing `iostreams` with `printf-style` I/O can be costly.
`cin` and `cout` are by default synchronized with `printf`.
##### Example
@ -20500,6 +20639,8 @@ Alternatively, we will decide that no change is needed and delete the entry.
\[Meyers15]: S. Meyers. Effective Modern C++ (O'Reilly, 2015).
* <a name="Murray93"></a>
\[Murray93]: R. Murray. C++ Strategies and Tactics (Addison-Wesley, 1993).
* <a name="Stroustrup94"></a>
\[Stroustrup94]: B. Stroustrup. The Design and Evolution of C++ (Addison-Wesley, 1994).
* <a name="Stroustrup00"></a>
\[Stroustrup00]: B. Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language (Special 3rdEdition) (Addison-Wesley, 2000).
* <a name="Stroustrup05"></a>