2016-04-09 10:54:33 +02:00
# This Makefile is supposed to run on the Travis CI server and also locally
# it assumes the nodejs package managaer npm is installed
# make magic not needed
MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules
BUILD_DIR = build
SOURCEFILE = CppCoreGuidelines.md
.PHONY : default
default : all
.PHONY : all
all : \
c h e c k - m a r k d o w n \
2016-04-17 18:55:21 +02:00
c h e c k - r e f e r e n c e s \
2016-04-18 20:42:52 +02:00
c h e c k - n o t a b s \
2016-05-13 23:14:52 +09:00
h u n s p e l l - c h e c k \
2016-04-24 22:19:50 +02:00
c p p l i n t - a l l \
2016-04-18 20:42:52 +02:00
c h e c k - b a d c h a r s
2016-04-09 10:54:33 +02:00
mkdir -p $( BUILD_DIR)
#### clean: remove all files generated by the productive rules
.PHONY : clean
clean :
rm -rf $( BUILD_DIR)
#### distclean: remove all helper executables that may be downloaded by the Makefile
.PHONY : distclean
distclean :
rm -rf ./nodejs/node_modules
#### check markdown
## run remark markdown checker based on configuration in .remarkrc
.PHONY : check -markdown
check-markdown : nodejs /node_modules /remark nodejs /remark /.remarkrc $( SOURCEPATH ) $( BUILD_DIR ) Makefile
## run remark, paste output to temporary file
cd nodejs; ./node_modules/.bin/remark ../$( SOURCEPATH) --no-color -q --config-path ./remark/.remarkrc 1> ../$( BUILD_DIR) /$( SOURCEFILE) .fixed --frail
## show a diff with changes remark suggests
.PHONY : show -diff
show-diff : nodejs /node_modules /remark nodejs /remark /.remarkrc $( SOURCEPATH ) $( BUILD_DIR ) Makefile
cd nodejs; ./node_modules/.bin/remark ../$( SOURCEPATH) --no-color -q --config-path ./remark/.remarkrc 1> ../$( BUILD_DIR) /$( SOURCEFILE) .fixed
## compare temporary file to original, error and fail with message if differences exist
diff $( SOURCEPATH) $( BUILD_DIR) /$( SOURCEFILE) .fixed -u3 || \
( echo "Error: remark found bad markdown syntax, see output above" && false )
.PHONY : check -references
check-references : $( SOURCEPATH ) $( BUILD_DIR ) Makefile
## check references unique
2016-04-11 14:30:37 -07:00
rm -f $( BUILD_DIR) /$( SOURCEFILE) .uniq
2016-04-09 10:54:33 +02:00
grep -oP '(?<=<a name=")[^\"]+' $( SOURCEPATH) | uniq -d > $( BUILD_DIR) /$( SOURCEFILE) .uniq
## check if output has data
if [ -s "build/CppCoreGuidelines.md.uniq" ] ; then echo 'Found duplicate anchors:' ; cat $( BUILD_DIR) /$( SOURCEFILE) .uniq; false; fi
2016-04-17 18:55:21 +02:00
.PHONY : check -notabs
check-notabs : $( SOURCEPATH ) $( BUILD_DIR ) Makefile
# find lines with tabs
# old file still might be around
rm -f $( BUILD_DIR) /CppCoreGuidelines.md.tabs
# print file, add line numbers, remove tabs from nl tool, grep for remaining tabs, replace with stars
cat ../CppCoreGuidelines.md | nl -ba | sed -s 's/\(^[^\t]*\)\t/\1--/g' | grep -P '\t' | sed -s 's/\t/\*\*\*\*/g' > $( BUILD_DIR) /CppCoreGuidelines.md.tabs
if [ -s $( BUILD_DIR) /CppCoreGuidelines.md.tabs ] ; then echo 'Warning: Tabs found:' ; cat $( BUILD_DIR) /CppCoreGuidelines.md.tabs; false; fi ;
2016-04-09 10:54:33 +02:00
2016-04-18 20:42:52 +02:00
.PHONY : check -badchars
check-badchars : $( SOURCEPATH ) $( BUILD_DIR ) Makefile
# find lines with tabs
# old file still might be around
rm -f $( BUILD_DIR) /CppCoreGuidelines.md.badchars
# print file, add line numbers, grep for bad chars
cat ../CppCoreGuidelines.md | nl -ba | grep -P '’ |‘ |”|“|¸ |– |…|¦' > $( BUILD_DIR) /CppCoreGuidelines.md.badchars || true
2016-04-24 22:25:05 +02:00
if [ -s $( BUILD_DIR) /CppCoreGuidelines.md.badchars ] ; then echo 'Warning: Undesired chars (–’‘“”¸…¦) found, use straight quotes instead:' ; cat $( BUILD_DIR) /CppCoreGuidelines.md.badchars; false; fi ;
2016-04-18 20:42:52 +02:00
2016-04-24 22:19:50 +02:00
2016-05-13 23:14:52 +09:00
.PHONY : hunspell -check
hunspell-check : $( BUILD_DIR ) /plain -nohtml .txt
hunspell -p hunspell/isocpp.dic -u < build/plain-nohtml.txt > $( BUILD_DIR) /hunspell-report.txt
if [ -s $( BUILD_DIR) /hunspell-report.txt ] ; then echo 'Warning: Spellcheck failed, fix words or add to dictionary:' ; cat $( BUILD_DIR) /hunspell-report.txt; false; fi ;
# only list words that are not in dict
# to include all add them to bottom of hunspell/isocpp.dict, and run
# cat hunspell/isocpp.dic | sort | uniq > hunspell/isocpp.dic2; mv hunspell/isocpp.dic2 hunspell/isocpp.dic
.PHONY : hunspell -list
hunspell-list : $( BUILD_DIR ) /plain .txt
hunspell -p hunspell/isocpp.dic -l < build/plain-nohtml.txt
2016-04-24 22:19:50 +02:00
#### Cpplint
.PHONY : cpplint -all
cpplint-all : $( BUILD_DIR ) /codeblocks $( BUILD_DIR ) /Makefile python /Makefile .in
cd $( BUILD_DIR) /codeblocks; $( MAKE) cpplint-all -k
#### generic makefile for sourceblocks (need to be evaluated after c++ file generation)
$(BUILD_DIR)/Makefile : python /Makefile .in
cp python/Makefile.in $( BUILD_DIR) /codeblocks/Makefile
#### split md file into plain text and code
$(BUILD_DIR)/codeblocks : splitfile
$(BUILD_DIR)/plain.txt : splitfile
2016-05-13 23:14:52 +09:00
$(BUILD_DIR)/plain-nohtml.txt : $( BUILD_DIR ) /plain .txt
sed 's;<a \(name\|href\)=".*</a>;;g' $( BUILD_DIR) /plain.txt > $( BUILD_DIR) /plain-nohtml.txt
2016-04-24 22:19:50 +02:00
.PHONY : splitfile
splitfile : $( SOURCEPATH ) ./python /md -split .py
python ./python/md-split.py $( SOURCEPATH) $( BUILD_DIR) /plain.txt $( BUILD_DIR) /codeblocks
2016-04-09 10:54:33 +02:00
#### install npm modules
# install/update npm dependencies defined in file package.json
# requires npm (nodejs package manager)
nodejs/node_modules/% : nodejs /package .json
@cd nodejs; npm install