
-- Single line comment
(* Here is
a block
comment *)


"foo \"bar\" baz"


a ≠ b
12 + 2 * 5
"DUMPtruck" is equal to "dumptruck"
"zebra" comes after "aardvark"
{ "this", "is", 2, "cool" } starts with "this"
{ "is", 2} is contained by { "this", "is", 2, "cool" }
set docRef to a reference to the first document

Classes and units

tell application "Finder"
text 1 thru 5 of "Bring me the mouse."
set averageTemp to 63 as degrees Fahrenheit
set circleArea to (pi * 7 * 7) as square yards

Known failures

There are certain edge cases where Prism will fail. There are always such cases in every regex-based syntax highlighter. However, Prism dares to be open and honest about them. If a failure is listed here, it doesn’t mean it will never be fixed. This is more of a “known bugs” list, just with a certain type of bug.

Comments only support one level of nesting

(* Nested block
	(* comments
		(* on more than
		2 levels *)
	are *)
not supported *)