<h2>Comments</h2> <pre><code># Single line comment -- Single line comment // Single line comment /* Multi-line comment */</code></pre> <h2>Strings</h2> <pre><code>"foo \"bar\" baz" 'foo \'bar\' baz' "Multi-line strings are supported" 'Multi-line strings are supported'</code></pre> <h2>Variables</h2> <pre><code>SET @variable = 1; SET @$_ = 2; SET @"quoted-variable" = 3; SET @'quoted-variable' = 3; SET @`quoted-variable` = 3;</code></pre> <h2>Operators</h2> <pre><code>SELECT 1 && 1; SELECT 1 OR NULL; SELECT 5 & 2*3; SELECT 2 BETWEEN 1 AND 3;</code></pre> <h2>Functions and keywords</h2> <pre><code>SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt, MAX(t.pos) AS max_pos FROM `my_table` LEFT JOIN `other_table` AS t WHERE `somecol` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY t.other_col DESC</code></pre>