
# Foobar
/* Foo
bar */

Strings and interpolation

'foo \'bar\' baz'
"$foo \"bar\" ${baz}"

@(FOOBAR) # Unquoted heredoc string
Foo bar baz

@("BARBAZ"/$L) # Quoted heredoc string
	$foo bar ${baz}

Regular expressions

if $host =~ /^www(\d+)\./ {}
$foo = /foo
	bar # Extended regexes can include comments




require apache
[1,20,3].filter |$value| { $value < 10 }

All-in-one example

file {'ntp.conf':
  path    => '/etc/ntp.conf',
  ensure  => file,
  content => template('ntp/ntp.conf'),
  owner   => 'root',
  mode    => '0644',
package {'ntp':
  ensure => installed,
  before => File['ntp.conf'],
service {'ntpd':
  ensure    => running,
  subscribe => File['ntp.conf'],
Package['ntp'] -> File['ntp.conf'] ~> Service['ntpd']

$package_list = ['ntp', 'apache2', 'vim-nox', 'wget']
$myhash = { key => { subkey => 'b' }}

include ntp
require ntp
class {'ntp':}

define apache::vhost ($port, $docroot, $servername = $title, $vhost_name = '*') {
  include apache
  include apache::params
  $vhost_dir = $apache::params::vhost_dir
  file { "${vhost_dir}/${servername}.conf":
      content => template('apache/vhost-default.conf.erb'),
      owner   => 'www',
      group   => 'www',
      mode    => '644',
      require => Package['httpd'],
      notify  => Service['httpd'],

apache::vhost {'homepages':
  port    => 8081,
  docroot => '/var/www-testhost',

node '' {
  include common
  include apache
  include squid
node /^www\d+$/ {
  include common

# comment
/* comment */

if $is_virtual {
  warning( 'Tried to include class ntp on virtual machine; this node may be misclassified.' )
elsif $operatingsystem == 'Darwin' {
  warning( 'This NTP module does not yet work on our Mac laptops.' )
else {
  include ntp

if $hostname =~ /^www(\d+)\./ {
  notify { "Welcome web server $1": }

case $operatingsystem {
  'Solaris':          { include role::solaris }
  'RedHat', 'CentOS': { include role::redhat  }
  /^(Debian|Ubuntu)$/:{ include role::debian  }
  default:            { include role::generic }
$rootgroup = $osfamily ? {
    'Solaris'          => 'wheel',
    /(Darwin|FreeBSD)/ => 'wheel',
    default            => 'root',

User <| groups == 'admin' |>
Concat::Fragment <<| tag == "bacula-storage-dir-${bacula_director}" |>>

Exec <| title == 'update_migrations' |> {
  environment => 'RUBYLIB=/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/',

@user {'deploy':
  uid     => 2004,
  comment => 'Deployment User',
  group   => www-data,
  groups  => ["enterprise"],
  tag     => [deploy, web],

@@nagios_service { "check_zfs${hostname}":
  use                 => 'generic-service',
  host_name           => "$fqdn",
  check_command       => 'check_nrpe_1arg!check_zfs',
  service_description => "check_zfs${hostname}",
  target              => '/etc/nagios3/conf.d/nagios_service.cfg',
  notify              => Service[$nagios::params::nagios_service],

Known failures

There are certain edge cases where Prism will fail. There are always such cases in every regex-based syntax highlighter. However, Prism dares to be open and honest about them. If a failure is listed here, it doesn’t mean it will never be fixed. This is more of a “known bugs” list, just with a certain type of bug.

More than one level of nested braces inside interpolation

"Foobar ${foo({
    bar => {baz => 42}
    baz => 42
})} <- broken"