Thomas Hounsell 7ab6fc81a4 Add stats page
Revisit this code later, because it sucks balls.
2015-01-07 11:27:24 +00:00

79 lines
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@model BuildFeed.Models.ViewModel.StatsPage
ViewBag.Title = "Statistics | BuildFeed";
<h4>New additions to BuildFeed over the previous year</h4>
<canvas id="stats-addition" width="960" height="320"></canvas>
<h4>Builds compiled each quarter</h4>
<canvas id="stats-compiled" width="960" height="320"></canvas>
<h4>Recorded builds in each lab</h4>
<p>Only labs with more than 10 recorded builds are included.</p>
<canvas id="stats-labs" width="960" height="320"></canvas>
@section scripts
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Scripts/Chart.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () { = true; = false;
Chart.defaults.Line.scaleShowGridLines = false;
var additionData = {
labels: [ @Html.Raw(string.Join(", ", Model.AdditionsByMonth.Select(m => m.Month % 4 != 1 ? "\"\"" : string.Format("\"Week {0}, {1}\"", m.Month, m.Year)).ToArray())) ],
datasets: [
label: "Additions to BuildFeed",
fillColor: "#008cba",
strokeColor: "#00526e",
pointColor: "#00526e",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
data: [ @string.Join(", ", Model.AdditionsByMonth.Select(m => m.Count.ToString()).ToArray())]
var additionChart = new Chart(document.getElementById("stats-addition").getContext("2d")).Line(additionData, {});
var compiledData = {
labels: [ @Html.Raw(string.Join(", ", Model.CompilesByMonth.Select(m => string.Format("\"{0} {1}\"", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.GetMonthName(m.Month), m.Year)).ToArray())) ],
datasets: [
label: "Builds compiled",
fillColor: "#008cba",
strokeColor: "#00526e",
pointColor: "#00526e",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
data: [ @string.Join(", ", Model.CompilesByMonth.Select(m => m.Count.ToString()).ToArray())]
var compiledChart = new Chart(document.getElementById("stats-compiled").getContext("2d")).Line(compiledData, {});
var labData = {
labels: [ @Html.Raw(string.Join(", ", Model.BuildsByLab.Select(l => string.Format("\"{0}\"", l.Item1))))],
datasets: [
label: "Labs",
fillColor: "#008cba",
strokeColor: "#00526e",
pointColor: "#00526e",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
data: [ @string.Join(", ", Model.BuildsByLab.Select(l => l.Item2.ToString()))]
var labChart = new Chart(document.getElementById("stats-labs").getContext("2d")).Bar(labData, {});