text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 BuildFeed is ran and maintained by a group of enthusiasts. Microsoft are not involved in the site in any way. We've certainly had no formal complaint from Microsoft about the site, even though we are certain they are aware of the site. That said, Microsoft obviously wish to keep private information private, and so we've had sources shut down by them in the past, and I'm sure they will in the future. Nice try, Dona, but I'm not falling for this one. What I can say is this. BuildFeed makes as certain as is possible that all builds posted on the site are correct and legitimate. We have a number of different sources, to make verification more reliable and to give us some redundancy should Microsoft shut down one of our sources. There's a number of ways. You can discuss the builds in the disqus comments system on each build page. You can also contribute to the site's development by reporting bugs or making pull requests on our GitHub. Lastly, you can help translate BuildFeed into your native language through our Translation portal. Who runs BuildFeed? Is this an official Microsoft site? How does BuildFeed get its data exactly? How can I get involved? Add builds Builds Add multiple builds below by typing the full build string out each on one line. All builds added via this page will have a Source Type of "Private Leak". Send notifications These builds have been added successfully. Add build Add bulk Admin Blog Change password Contribute on {0} Credits Developed by {0} Error Something's broke. Maybe it's because you did something weird. Probably because I did something weird. If you keep getting this error, submit a bug report via {0}. Log in Log out Language Theme RSS feeds Sitemap Dark Light Winter | Page {0} Toggle navigation Twitter Thank you for registering to {0}. Please verify your email address by clicking the link below, or by copying and pasting it into your browser. {1} If you did not register to {0}, you can ignore this email. Thanks, The {0} Team. {0}: Please verify your email address About About {0} Builds from {0} Comments Current HoloLens Current Canary Current Insider Current Release Current Xbox Delete Details Edit Edit build Editor actions See the full Windows build listing... {0}: The Windows build tracker {0} build list Latest builds Listing Find more builds from {0} Find more builds sourced from {0} Find more builds compiled in {0} No lab string {0} builds Private Public Quick-paste Return to build listing Return to build overview Share Today Discover about Windows Build {0}, from {1} and compiled on {2}. Discover about Windows Build {0}, from {1}. BuildFeed tracks Windows builds throughout the development process. Check out all the known builds to come out of the Windows development lab {0} through BuildFeed, a collaborative Windows build list. View a list of all Windows builds compiled in {0}, and watch how Windows developed steadily over time, through the collaborative build list, BuildFeed. Time created Build number Build time External link Lab string Leak or release date Major version Minor version Time modified Build revision Source details Source type App package Build tools Documentation Public leak Logging Private leak Public release Update (GDR) Update (LDR) A new build has been added to {0}! Build Search BuildFeed No results found Lab Search query Source Search Type to search... Version Year Every account is validated by an administrator, so be patient and check again later Additions to BuildFeed Builds compiled Change your password Confirm new password Confirm password Email address A validation link has been sent to your email address. Please click the link in the email to verify the account. Please verify your email address Enter current password Enter new password Enter password An error occurred when attempting to change your password. A user account with this email address already exists. A user account with this user name already exists. The password you have entered is invalid. An unknown error has occurred. Highest version Labs Log in Password Recently added Recently compiled Recently leaked Register Remember me Thank you for registering Username Please check the validation link in your email and try again. We were unable to validate your account. You will now be able to log in using your username and password. You have successfully validated your account. Week