# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import uuid from wgop_common import load_config, SimpleLogger logger = SimpleLogger() def write_tunnel_config(mode, listen_addr, remote_addr, password): filename = "{}.conf".format(uuid.uuid4()) with open("local/tunnel/{}".format(filename), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(''' -{} -l {} -r {} -k {} --raw-mode faketcp --fix-gro -a '''.format(mode, listen_addr, remote_addr, password)) return filename tmux_path = os.getenv("TMUX_PATH") config = load_config() if not config: logger.error("No valid config found.") exit(1) if "version" not in config or int(config["version"]) < 1: logger.warn("[WARN] Legacy version of config found. This may cause issues.") op_mode = config["mode"] udp_clients = config["udp2raw"]["client"] udp_servers = config["udp2raw"]["server"] logger.info("Generating WireGuard config...") with open("local/{}.conf".format(config["interface"]), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('''[Interface] Address = {} PrivateKey = {} ListenPort = {} MTU = {} '''.format(config["ip"], config["prikey"], config["listen"], config["mtu"])) # Generate PostUp f.write('''PostUp={} new-session -s tunnel -d 'watch -n 1 --color WG_COLOR_MODE=always wg' PostUp=sysctl net.core.default_qdisc=fq PostUp=sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr '''.format(tmux_path)) if op_mode in ("s", "m"): f.write("PostUp=sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1\n") current_dir = os.getcwd() bin_tunnel = os.path.join(current_dir, "bin", "udp2raw_amd64") bin_speeder = os.path.join(current_dir, "bin", "speederv2_amd64") bin_demuxer = os.path.join(current_dir, "bin", "w2u") cache_nb_config = [] cache_config = [] for client_info in udp_clients: speeder_info = client_info["speeder"] balancer_info = client_info["demuxer"] if balancer_info: # ... => Balancer => Tunnels cache_nb_config.append("PostUp={} new-window -t tunnel -d '{} -f {} -l {} -t {} -s {}'".format(tmux_path, bin_demuxer, config["listen"], balancer_info["port"], client_info["port"], balancer_info["size"])) if speeder_info: if balancer_info: # WG => Speeder => Balancer => Tunnels cache_config.append("PostUp={} new-window -t tunnel -d '{} -c -l127.0.0.1:{} -r{} -f{} --mode 0'".format(tmux_path, bin_speeder, speeder_info["port"], balancer_info["port"], speeder_info["ratio"])) else: # WG => Speeder => Tunnel cache_config.append("PostUp={} new-window -t tunnel -d '{} -c -l127.0.0.1:{} -r{} -f{} --mode 0'".format(tmux_path, bin_speeder, speeder_info["port"], client_info["port"], speeder_info["ratio"])) if balancer_info: # Generate multiple tunnels for offset in range(balancer_info["size"]): config_filename = write_tunnel_config("c", "{}".format(client_info["port"] + offset), client_info["remote"], client_info["password"]) filepath = os.path.join(current_dir, "local", "tunnel", config_filename) cache_config.append("PostUp={} new-window -t tunnel -d '{} --conf-file {}'".format(tmux_path, bin_tunnel, filepath)) else: config_filename = write_tunnel_config("c", "{}".format(client_info["port"]), client_info["remote"], client_info["password"]) filepath = os.path.join(current_dir, "local", "tunnel", config_filename) cache_config.append("PostUp={} new-window -t tunnel -d '{} --conf-file {}'".format(tmux_path, bin_tunnel, filepath)) for server_info in udp_servers: speeder_info = client_info["speeder"] if speeder_info: # RawTunnel => Speeder => WG speeder = server_info["speeder"] cache_config.append("PostUp={} new-window -t tunnel -d '{} -s -l127.0.0.1:{} -r{} -f{} --mode 0'".format(tmux_path, bin_speeder, speeder["port"], config["listen"], speeder["ratio"])) config_filename = write_tunnel_config("s", "{}".format(server_info["port"]), "{}".format(speeder["port"]), server_info["password"]) filepath = os.path.join(current_dir, "local", "tunnel", config_filename) cache_config.append("PostUp={} new-window -t tunnel -d '{} --conf-file {}'".format(tmux_path, bin_tunnel, filepath)) else: # RawTunnel => WG config_filename = write_tunnel_config("s", "{}".format(server_info["port"]), "{}".format(config["listen"]), server_info["password"]) filepath = os.path.join(current_dir, "local", "tunnel", config_filename) cache_config.append("PostUp={} new-window -t tunnel -d '{} --conf-file {}'".format(tmux_path, bin_tunnel, filepath)) # Add sleep interval if cache_config: for i in range(len(cache_config) - 1): cache_config[i] = "{}; sleep 2".format(cache_config[i]) cache_config.append("") f.write('\n'.join(cache_config)) if cache_nb_config: cache_nb_config.append("") f.write('\n'.join(cache_nb_config)) # Generate PostDown f.write("PostDown={} kill-session -t tunnel\n".format(tmux_path)) for peer_info in config["peers"]: f.write(''' [Peer] PublicKey = {} AllowedIPs = {} '''.format(peer_info["pubkey"], peer_info["allowed"])) if peer_info["endpoint"]: client_info = udp_clients[int(peer_info["endpoint"]) - 1] speeder_info = client_info["speeder"] balancer_info = client_info["demuxer"] if speeder_info: # WG => Speeder => ... f.write("Endpoint ={}\n".format(speeder_info["port"])) elif balancer_info: # WG => Balancer => ... f.write("Endpoint ={}\n".format(balancer_info["port"])) else: # WG => ... f.write("Endpoint ={}\n".format(client_info["port"])) if peer_info["keepalive"]: f.write("PersistentKeepalive = {}\n".format(peer_info["keepalive"])) os.system("chmod 600 local/{}.conf".format(config["interface"])) logger.info("Generating start script...") with open("start.sh", "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('''#!/bin/bash set -e sudo cp local/{}.conf /etc/wireguard/ sudo wg-quick up {} sudo tmux attach-session -t tunnel '''.format(config["interface"], config["interface"])) logger.info("Generating stop script...") with open("stop.sh", "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('''#!/bin/bash set -x sudo wg-quick down {} '''.format(config["interface"])) logger.info("Generating restart script...") with open("restart.sh", "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('''#!/bin/bash set -x ./stop.sh ./start.sh ''') logger.info("Generate reload script...") with open("reload.sh", "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('''#!/bin/bash set -x sudo cp local/{}.conf /etc/wireguard/ sudo -- bash -c "wg syncconf {} <(wg-quick strip {})" '''.format(config["interface"], config["interface"], config["interface"])) for peer_info in config["peers"]: f.write("sudo ip -4 route add {} dev {}\n".format(peer_info["allowed"], config["interface"])) logger.info('''[Done] Config generated. Before you run start.sh, besure to: 1. Disable SSH Server password login. 2. Enable UFW (or any other firewall) Safety First. ''')