/** Mother Fuck to the one who made this problem!!!! Mother Fuck to the one who made this problem!!!! Mother Fuck to the one who made this problem!!!! Mother Fuck to the one who made this problem!!!! Mother Fuck to the one who made this problem!!!! Mother Fuck to the one who made this problem!!!! Mother Fuck to the one who made this problem!!!! Mother Fuck to the one who made this problem!!!! Mother Fuck to the one who made this problem!!!! Mother Fuck to the one who made this problem!!!! */ /// I am a DOG ~ #include #include using namespace std; #define A1 int #define A2 n #define A3 string #define A4 a #define A5 b #define A6 cin #define A7 cout #define A8(x) while(x--) A1 main() { A1 A2; A3 A4,A5; A6>>A2; A8(A2) { A6>>A4>>A5; A7<<(A1)A4.find(A5)<